2015-03-28 06:48:38 +01:00

86 lines
2.1 KiB

* Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2015-03-08 at 20:05:14.
class HomeControllerTest extends TestCase
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
public function setUp()
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
public function tearDown()
* @covers FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\HomeController::dateRange
public function testDateRangeWarning()
$start = '2014-03-01';
$end = '2015-03-31';
$this->call('POST', '/daterange', ['end' => $end, 'start' => $start,'_token' => 'replaceme']);
* @covers FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\HomeController::dateRange
public function testDateRange()
$start = '2015-03-01';
$end = '2015-03-31';
$this->call('POST', '/daterange', ['end' => $end, 'start' => $start,'_token' => 'replaceme']);
* @covers FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\HomeController::index
public function testIndexLoggedIn()
$response = $this->call('GET', '/');
* @covers FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\HomeController::index
public function testIndexNoLogin()
$response = $this->call('GET', '/');