Firefly III: a personal finances manager
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2020-01-18 06:09:52 +01:00
.deploy/heroku Update analytics code. 2020-01-17 04:30:44 +01:00
.github Update analytics code. 2020-01-17 04:30:44 +01:00
app Update analytics code. 2020-01-17 04:30:44 +01:00
bootstrap Update copyright of Firefly III to the GNU Affero General Public License as suggested by @nxxxse in . This applies to all code in this commit from this moment onwards. 2019-10-02 06:38:00 +02:00
config Update translations, fix version. 2020-01-17 20:44:54 +01:00
database 2020-01-13 16:55:41 +01:00
public Update some code for the new release. 2020-01-18 06:09:52 +01:00
resources Update some code for the new release. 2020-01-18 06:09:52 +01:00
routes Make sure login form shows errors again. 2020-01-01 15:34:38 +01:00
storage Fix for 2018-11-16 15:26:37 +01:00
tests Update analytics code. 2020-01-17 04:30:44 +01:00
.env.example Update analytics code. 2020-01-17 04:30:44 +01:00
.gitattributes First step towards Laravel 5.5 2017-09-09 21:57:24 +02:00
.gitignore Ignore dev file. 2020-01-03 11:30:41 +01:00
.htaccess Add warning message to index. 2018-01-06 10:25:21 +01:00
.scrutinizer.yml Update .scrutinizer.yml 2018-01-19 08:23:31 +01:00
app.json Fixed locales lang error on Heroku build platform 2018-10-09 17:38:23 +02:00
artisan First step towards Laravel 5.5 2017-09-09 21:57:24 +02:00 Update translations, fix version. 2020-01-17 20:44:54 +01:00
composer.json Update JS packages. Remove debug bar. 2020-01-04 07:43:44 +01:00
composer.lock Update some code for the new release. 2020-01-18 06:09:52 +01:00
COPYING More fixes for 2019-10-03 20:19:29 +02:00
crowdin.yml Refactor script locations to clear up root directory. 2019-02-20 07:04:24 +01:00
index.php Fix root copyright notices, after a tip from @GaryQ [skip ci] 2020-01-03 06:27:46 +01:00
LICENSE Update copyright of Firefly III to the GNU Affero General Public License as suggested by @nxxxse in . This applies to all code in this commit from this moment onwards. 2019-10-02 06:45:10 +02:00
nginx_app.conf Update some code for Heroku. 2018-08-01 07:24:19 +02:00
package.json Update JS packages. Remove debug bar. 2020-01-04 07:43:44 +01:00
phpunit.coverage.specific.xml Fix root copyright notices, after a tip from @GaryQ [skip ci] 2020-01-03 06:27:46 +01:00
phpunit.coverage.xml Fix root copyright notices, after a tip from @GaryQ [skip ci] 2020-01-03 06:27:46 +01:00
phpunit.xml Fix root copyright notices, after a tip from @GaryQ [skip ci] 2020-01-03 06:27:46 +01:00
Procfile Configure nginx [skip ci] 2017-04-27 02:49:06 +02:00 Update readme. 2020-01-11 05:10:24 +01:00
server.php Fix root copyright notices, after a tip from @GaryQ [skip ci] 2020-01-03 06:27:46 +01:00
webpack.mix.js First steps for 2020-01-04 07:24:43 +01:00
yarn.lock Update some code for the new release. 2020-01-18 06:09:52 +01:00

Firefly III logo

Firefly III

Packagist License Donate using Paypal Donate using Patreon Donate using GitHub


"Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. Firefly III supports the use of budgets, categories and tags. It can import data from external sources and it has many neat financial reports available. Here are some screenshots:

The index of Firefly III The account overview of Firefly III

Overview of all budgets Overview of a category


Personal financial management is pretty difficult, and everybody has their own approach to it. Some people make budgets, other people limit their cashflow by throwing away their credit cards, others try to increase their current cashflow. There are tons of ways to save and earn money. Firefly III works on the principle that if you know where your money is going, you can stop it from going there.

By keeping track of your expenses and your income you can budget accordingly and save money. Stop living from paycheck to paycheck but give yourself the financial wiggle room you need.

You can read more about this in the official documentation.


Firefly III is pretty feature packed. Some important stuff first:

  • It is completely self-hosted and isolated, and will never contact external servers until you explicitly tell it to.
  • It features a REST JSON API that covers almost every part of Firefly III.
  • There are many translations available.
  • All pages feature help texts and support popups.

The most exciting features are:

Then the things that make you go "yeah OK, makes sense".

And the things you would hope for but not expect:

  • 2 factor authentication for extra security 🔒
  • Supports any currency you want, including crypto currencies such as ₿itcoin and Ξthereum
  • There is a Docker image and an Heroku script.
  • Lots of help text in case you don't get it.

And to organise everything:

  • Clear views that should show you how you're doing
  • Easy navigation through your records
  • Browse back and forth to see previous months or even years
  • Lots of charts because we all love them
  • If you feel youre missing something you can just ask me and Ill add it!

But there are also things it can't do or won't do:

  • Not counting the import features enabled through Salt Edge, Firefly III won't be able to import from <YOUR BANK HERE>. I just don't have the resources to build connectors for <YOUR BANK HERE>. The API allows you to build your own connector though.
  • Firefly III is multi-user, but you won't be able to share an administration with multiple users.
  • You won't be able to track stocks or trading portfolio's with Firefly III.
  • Firefly III won't give you predictions or projections regarding your financial future.

Who is it for?

This application is for people who want to track their finances, keep an eye on their money without having to upload their financial records to the cloud. You're a bit tech-savvy, you like open source software and you don't mind tinkering with (self-hosted) servers.

Get started

There are many ways to run Firefly III

  1. There is a demo site with an example financial administration already present.
  2. You can install it on your server.
  3. You can run it using Docker.
  4. You can deploy to Heroku.
  5. You can install it using Softaculous. These guys even have made [another demo site]( /apps/others/Firefly_III)!
  6. You can install it using AMPPS.

Update your instance

Make sure you check for updates regularly. Your Firefly III instance will ask you to do this. Upgrade instructions can be found in the official documentation.


Your help is always welcome! Feel free to open issues, ask questions, talk about it and discuss this tool. I've created several social media accounts and I invite you to follow them, tweet at them and post to them. There's reddit and Twitter.

Of course, there are some contributing guidelines and a code of conduct, which I invite you to check out.

I can always use your help squashing bugs, thinking about new features or translating Firefly III into other languages.

For all other contributions, see below.

The goal

Firefly III should give you insight into and control over your finances. Money should be useful, not scary. You should be able to see where it is going, to feel your expenses and to... wow, I'm going overboard with this aren't I?

But you get the idea: this is your money. These are your expenses. Stop them from controlling you. I built this tool because I started to dislike money. Having it, not having, paying bills with it, etc. But no more. I want to feel "safe", whatever my balance is. And I hope this tool can help. I know it helps me.


You can contact me at, you may open an issue or contact me through the various social media pages there are: reddit and Twitter.

Over time, many people have contributed to Firefly III.

Other stuff


Several users have built pretty awesome stuff around the Firefly III API. Check out these tools:

Want to be in this list? Let me know!


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This work is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.


If you like Firefly III and if it helps you save lots of money, why not send me a dime for every dollar saved!

OK that was a joke. You can donate using PayPal or Patreon.

I am very proud to be a part of the GitHub Sponsors Program. Use their program if you can; they'll double your donation!

Thank you for considering donating to Firefly III!


If you are looking for alternatives, check out Kickball's Awesome-Selfhosted list which features not only Firefly III but also many other noteworthy alternatives.


I like badges!

Travis branch Scrutinizer Coveralls github branch Requires PHP7.3