2020-02-22 11:05:16 +01:00

658 lines
25 KiB

* AccountValidator.php
* Copyright (c) 2019
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Validation;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\User;
use Log;
* Class AccountValidator
class AccountValidator
/** @var bool */
public $createMode;
/** @var string */
public $destError;
/** @var Account */
public $destination;
/** @var Account */
public $source;
/** @var string */
public $sourceError;
/** @var AccountRepositoryInterface */
private $accountRepository;
/** @var array */
private $combinations;
/** @var string */
private $transactionType;
/** @var User */
private $user;
* AccountValidator constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->createMode = false;
$this->destError = 'No error yet.';
$this->sourceError = 'No error yet.';
$this->combinations = config('firefly.source_dests');
/** @var AccountRepositoryInterface accountRepository */
$this->accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
if ('testing' === config('app.env')) {
Log::warning(sprintf('%s should not be instantiated in the TEST environment!', get_class($this)));
* @param string $transactionType
public function setTransactionType(string $transactionType): void
Log::debug(sprintf('Transaction type for validator is now %s', ucfirst($transactionType)));
$this->transactionType = ucfirst($transactionType);
* @param User $user
public function setUser(User $user): void
$this->user = $user;
* @param int|null $destinationId
* @param $destinationName
* @return bool
public function validateDestination(?int $destinationId, $destinationName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in AccountValidator::validateDestination(%d, "%s")', $destinationId, $destinationName));
if (null === $this->source) {
Log::error('Source is NULL, always FALSE.');
$this->destError = 'No source account validation has taken place yet. Please do this first or overrule the object.';
return false;
switch ($this->transactionType) {
$this->destError = sprintf('AccountValidator::validateDestination cannot handle "%s", so it will always return false.', $this->transactionType);
Log::error(sprintf('AccountValidator::validateDestination cannot handle "%s", so it will always return false.', $this->transactionType));
$result = false;
case TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL:
$result = $this->validateWithdrawalDestination($destinationId, $destinationName);
case TransactionType::DEPOSIT:
$result = $this->validateDepositDestination($destinationId, $destinationName);
case TransactionType::TRANSFER:
$result = $this->validateTransferDestination($destinationId, $destinationName);
case TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE:
$result = $this->validateOBDestination($destinationId, $destinationName);
case TransactionType::RECONCILIATION:
$result = $this->validateReconciliationDestination($destinationId);
return $result;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
public function validateSource(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in AccountValidator::validateSource(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
switch ($this->transactionType) {
$result = false;
$this->sourceError = 'Firefly III cannot validate the account information you submitted.';
Log::error(sprintf('AccountValidator::validateSource cannot handle "%s", so it will always return false.', $this->transactionType));
case TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL:
$result = $this->validateWithdrawalSource($accountId, $accountName);
case TransactionType::DEPOSIT:
$result = $this->validateDepositSource($accountId, $accountName);
case TransactionType::TRANSFER:
$result = $this->validateTransferSource($accountId, $accountName);
case TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE:
$result = $this->validateOBSource($accountId, $accountName);
case TransactionType::RECONCILIATION:
Log::debug('Calling validateReconciliationSource');
$result = $this->validateReconciliationSource($accountId);
return $result;
* @param string $accountType
* @return bool
private function canCreateType(string $accountType): bool
$canCreate = [AccountType::EXPENSE, AccountType::REVENUE, AccountType::INITIAL_BALANCE];
if (in_array($accountType, $canCreate, true)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param array $accountTypes
* @return bool
private function canCreateTypes(array $accountTypes): bool
Log::debug('Can we create any of these types?', $accountTypes);
/** @var string $accountType */
foreach ($accountTypes as $accountType) {
if ($this->canCreateType($accountType)) {
Log::debug(sprintf('YES, we can create a %s', $accountType));
return true;
Log::debug('NO, we cant create any of those.');
return false;
* @param array $validTypes
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return Account|null
private function findExistingAccount(array $validTypes, int $accountId, string $accountName): ?Account
// find by ID
if ($accountId > 0) {
$first = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
if ((null !== $first) && in_array($first->accountType->type, $validTypes, true)) {
return $first;
// find by name:
if ('' !== $accountName) {
return $this->accountRepository->findByName($accountName, $validTypes);
return null;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateDepositDestination(?int $accountId, $accountName): bool
$result = null;
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateDepositDestination(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = $this->combinations[$this->transactionType][$this->source->accountType->type] ?? [];
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL we return false,
// because the destination of a deposit can't be created.
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.deposit_dest_need_data');
Log::error('Both values are NULL, cant create deposit destination.');
$result = false;
// if the account can be created anyway we don't need to search.
if (null === $result && true === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
Log::debug('Can create some of these types, so return true.');
$result = true;
if (null === $result) {
// otherwise try to find the account:
$search = $this->findExistingAccount($validTypes, (int)$accountId, (string)$accountName);
if (null === $search) {
Log::debug('findExistingAccount() returned NULL, so the result is false.');
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.deposit_dest_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
$result = false;
if (null !== $search) {
Log::debug(sprintf('findExistingAccount() returned #%d ("%s"), so the result is true.', $search->id, $search->name));
$this->destination = $search;
$result = true;
$result = $result ?? false;
Log::debug(sprintf('validateDepositDestination(%d, "%s") will return %s', $accountId, $accountName, var_export($result, true)));
return $result;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateDepositSource(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateDepositSource(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
$result = null;
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = array_keys($this->combinations[$this->transactionType]);
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL return false,
// because the source of a deposit can't be created.
// (this never happens).
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.deposit_source_need_data');
$result = false;
// if the user submits an ID only but that ID is not of the correct type,
// return false.
if (null !== $accountId && null === $accountName) {
$search = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
if (null !== $search && !in_array($search->accountType->type, $validTypes, true)) {
Log::debug(sprintf('User submitted only an ID (#%d), which is a "%s", so this is not a valid source.', $accountId, $search->accountType->type));
$result = false;
// if the account can be created anyway we don't need to search.
if (null === $result && true === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
$result = true;
// set the source to be a (dummy) revenue account.
$account = new Account;
$accountType = AccountType::whereType(AccountType::REVENUE)->first();
$account->accountType = $accountType;
$this->source = $account;
$result = $result ?? false;
// don't expect to end up here:
return $result;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateOBDestination(?int $accountId, $accountName): bool
$result = null;
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateOBDestination(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = $this->combinations[$this->transactionType][$this->source->accountType->type] ?? [];
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL we return false,
// because the destination of a deposit can't be created.
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.ob_dest_need_data');
Log::error('Both values are NULL, cant create OB destination.');
$result = false;
// if the account can be created anyway we don't need to search.
if (null === $result && true === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
Log::debug('Can create some of these types, so return true.');
$result = true;
if (null === $result) {
// otherwise try to find the account:
$search = $this->findExistingAccount($validTypes, (int)$accountId, (string)$accountName);
if (null === $search) {
Log::debug('findExistingAccount() returned NULL, so the result is false.', $validTypes);
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.ob_dest_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
$result = false;
if (null !== $search) {
Log::debug(sprintf('findExistingAccount() returned #%d ("%s"), so the result is true.', $search->id, $search->name));
$this->destination = $search;
$result = true;
$result = $result ?? false;
Log::debug(sprintf('validateOBDestination(%d, "%s") will return %s', $accountId, $accountName, var_export($result, true)));
return $result;
* Source of an opening balance can either be an asset account
* or an "initial balance account". The latter can be created.
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateOBSource(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateOBSource(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
Log::debug(sprintf('The account name is null: %s', var_export(null === $accountName, true)));
$result = null;
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = array_keys($this->combinations[$this->transactionType]);
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL return false,
// because the source of a deposit can't be created.
// (this never happens).
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.ob_source_need_data');
$result = false;
// if the user submits an ID only but that ID is not of the correct type,
// return false.
if (null !== $accountId && null === $accountName) {
Log::debug('Source ID is not null, but name is null.');
$search = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
// the source resulted in an account, but it's not of a valid type.
if (null !== $search && !in_array($search->accountType->type, $validTypes, true)) {
$message = sprintf('User submitted only an ID (#%d), which is a "%s", so this is not a valid source.', $accountId, $search->accountType->type);
$this->sourceError = $message;
$result = false;
// the source resulted in an account, AND it's of a valid type.
if (null !== $search && in_array($search->accountType->type, $validTypes, true)) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Found account of correct type: #%d, "%s"', $search->id, $search->name));
$this->source = $search;
$result = true;
// if the account can be created anyway we don't need to search.
if (null === $result && true === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
Log::debug('Result is still null.');
$result = true;
// set the source to be a (dummy) initial balance account.
$account = new Account;
$accountType = AccountType::whereType(AccountType::INITIAL_BALANCE)->first();
$account->accountType = $accountType;
$this->source = $account;
$result = $result ?? false;
return $result;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @return bool
private function validateReconciliationDestination(?int $accountId): bool
Log::debug('Now in validateReconciliationDestination');
if (null === $accountId) {
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
$result = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
if (null === $result) {
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.deposit_dest_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => '']);
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
// $types depends on type of source:
$types = [AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT, AccountType::MORTGAGE];
// if source is reconciliation, destination can't be.
if (null !== $this->source && AccountType::RECONCILIATION === $this->source->accountType->type) {
$types = [AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT, AccountType::MORTGAGE];
// if source is not reconciliation, destination MUST be.
if (null !== $this->source
&& in_array(
$this->source->accountType->type, [AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT, AccountType::MORTGAGE], true
)) {
$types = [AccountType::RECONCILIATION];
if (in_array($result->accountType->type, $types, true)) {
$this->destination = $result;
Log::debug('Return TRUE');
return true;
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.deposit_dest_wrong_type');
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @return bool
private function validateReconciliationSource(?int $accountId): bool
Log::debug('In validateReconciliationSource');
if (null === $accountId) {
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
$result = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
$types = [AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT, AccountType::MORTGAGE, AccountType::RECONCILIATION];
if (null === $result) {
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
if (in_array($result->accountType->type, $types, true)) {
$this->source = $result;
Log::debug('Return TRUE');
return true;
Log::debug('Return FALSE');
return false;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateTransferDestination(?int $accountId, $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateTransferDestination(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = $this->combinations[$this->transactionType][$this->source->accountType->type] ?? [];
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL we return false,
// because the destination of a transfer can't be created.
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.transfer_dest_need_data');
Log::error('Both values are NULL, cant create transfer destination.');
return false;
// otherwise try to find the account:
$search = $this->findExistingAccount($validTypes, (int)$accountId, (string)$accountName);
if (null === $search) {
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.transfer_dest_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
return false;
$this->destination = $search;
// must not be the same as the source account
if (null !== $this->source && $this->source->id === $this->destination->id) {
$this->sourceError = 'Source and destination are the same.';
$this->destError = 'Source and destination are the same.';
return false;
return true;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateTransferSource(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateTransferSource(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = array_keys($this->combinations[$this->transactionType]);
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL we return false,
// because the source of a withdrawal can't be created.
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.transfer_source_need_data');
Log::warning('Not a valid source, need more data.');
return false;
// otherwise try to find the account:
$search = $this->findExistingAccount($validTypes, (int)$accountId, (string)$accountName);
if (null === $search) {
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.transfer_source_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
Log::warning('Not a valid source, cant find it.', $validTypes);
return false;
$this->source = $search;
Log::debug('Valid source!');
return true;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateWithdrawalDestination(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateWithdrawalDestination(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = $this->combinations[$this->transactionType][$this->source->accountType->type] ?? [];
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL return false,
// because the destination of a withdrawal can never be created automatically.
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.withdrawal_dest_need_data');
return false;
// if there's an ID it must be of the "validTypes".
if (null !== $accountId && 0 !== $accountId) {
$found = $this->accountRepository->findNull($accountId);
if (null !== $found) {
$type = $found->accountType->type;
if (in_array($type, $validTypes, true)) {
return true;
$this->destError = (string)trans('validation.withdrawal_dest_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
return false;
// if the account can be created anyway don't need to search.
if (true === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
return true;
// don't expect to end up here:
return false;
* @param int|null $accountId
* @param string|null $accountName
* @return bool
private function validateWithdrawalSource(?int $accountId, ?string $accountName): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in validateWithdrawalSource(%d, "%s")', $accountId, $accountName));
// source can be any of the following types.
$validTypes = array_keys($this->combinations[$this->transactionType]);
if (null === $accountId && null === $accountName && false === $this->canCreateTypes($validTypes)) {
// if both values are NULL we return false,
// because the source of a withdrawal can't be created.
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.withdrawal_source_need_data');
Log::warning('Not a valid source. Need more data.');
return false;
// otherwise try to find the account:
$search = $this->findExistingAccount($validTypes, (int)$accountId, (string)$accountName);
if (null === $search) {
$this->sourceError = (string)trans('validation.withdrawal_source_bad_data', ['id' => $accountId, 'name' => $accountName]);
Log::warning('Not a valid source. Cant find it.', $validTypes);
return false;
$this->source = $search;
Log::debug('Valid source account!');
return true;