2015-12-24 09:50:28 +01:00

323 lines
11 KiB

namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Chart;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\LimitRepetition;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\BudgetRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Support\CacheProperties;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Navigation;
use Preferences;
use Response;
use Session;
* Class BudgetController
* @package FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Chart
class BudgetController extends Controller
/** @var \FireflyIII\Generator\Chart\Budget\BudgetChartGenerator */
protected $generator;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function __construct()
// create chart generator:
$this->generator = app('FireflyIII\Generator\Chart\Budget\BudgetChartGenerator');
* @param BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param $report_type
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Collection $budgets
public function multiYear(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, $report_type, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts, Collection $budgets)
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
return Response::json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
* budget
* year:
* spent: x
* budgeted: x
* year
* spent: x
* budgeted: x
$entries = new Collection;
// go by budget, not by year.
foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
$entry = ['name' => '', 'spent' => [], 'budgeted' => []];
$currentStart = clone $start;
while ($currentStart < $end) {
// fix the date:
$currentEnd = clone $currentStart;
// get data:
if (is_null($budget->id)) {
$name = trans('firefly.noBudget');
$sum = $repository->getWithoutBudgetSum($currentStart, $currentEnd);
$budgeted = 0;
} else {
$name = $budget->name;
$sum = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $currentStart, $currentEnd, $accounts);
$budgeted = $repository->getBudgetLimitRepetitions($budget, $currentStart, $currentEnd)->sum('amount');
// save to array:
$year = $currentStart->year;
$entry['name'] = $name;
$entry['spent'][$year] = ($sum * -1);
$entry['budgeted'][$year] = $budgeted;
// jump to next year.
$currentStart = clone $currentEnd;
// generate chart with data:
$data = $this->generator->multiYear($entries);
return Response::json($data);
* @param BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param Budget $budget
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function budget(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository, Budget $budget)
// dates and times
$first = $repository->getFirstBudgetLimitDate($budget);
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$last = Session::get('end', new Carbon);
$final = clone $last;
$last = Navigation::endOfX($last, $range, $final);
$accounts = $accountRepository->getAccounts(['Default account', 'Asset account', 'Cash account']);
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
return Response::json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
$entries = new Collection;
while ($first < $last) {
$end = Navigation::addPeriod($first, $range, 0);
$chartDate = clone $end;
$spent = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $first, $end, $accounts) * -1;
$entries->push([$chartDate, $spent]);
$first = Navigation::addPeriod($first, $range, 0);
$data = $this->generator->budget($entries);
return Response::json($data);
* Shows the amount left in a specific budget limit.
* @param BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param Budget $budget
* @param LimitRepetition $repetition
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function budgetLimit(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, Budget $budget, LimitRepetition $repetition)
$start = clone $repetition->startdate;
$end = $repetition->enddate;
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
return Response::json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
$entries = new Collection;
$amount = $repetition->amount;
while ($start <= $end) {
* Sum of expenses on this day:
$sum = $repository->expensesOnDay($budget, $start);
$amount = bcadd($amount, $sum);
$entries->push([clone $start, $amount]);
$data = $this->generator->budgetLimit($entries);
return Response::json($data);
* Shows a budget list with spent/left/overspent.
* @param BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function frontpage(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository)
$budgets = $repository->getBudgets();
$start = Session::get('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
$end = Session::get('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$allEntries = new Collection;
$accounts = $accountRepository->getAccounts(['Default account', 'Asset account', 'Cash account']);
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
return Response::json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @var Budget $budget */
foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
$repetitions = $repository->getBudgetLimitRepetitions($budget, $start, $end);
if ($repetitions->count() == 0) {
$expenses = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $start, $end, $accounts) * -1;
$allEntries->push([$budget->name, 0, 0, $expenses, 0, 0]);
/** @var LimitRepetition $repetition */
foreach ($repetitions as $repetition) {
$expenses = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $repetition->startdate, $repetition->enddate, $accounts) * -1;
// $left can be less than zero.
// $overspent can be more than zero ( = overspending)
$left = max(bcsub($repetition->amount, $expenses), 0); // limited at zero.
$overspent = max(bcsub($expenses, $repetition->amount), 0); // limited at zero.
$name = $budget->name;
// $spent is maxed to the repetition amount:
$spent = $expenses > $repetition->amount ? $repetition->amount : $expenses;
$allEntries->push([$name, $left, $spent, $overspent, $repetition->amount, $expenses]);
$noBudgetExpenses = $repository->getWithoutBudgetSum($start, $end) * -1;
$allEntries->push([trans('firefly.noBudget'), 0, 0, $noBudgetExpenses, 0, 0]);
$data = $this->generator->frontpage($allEntries);
return Response::json($data);
* Show a yearly overview for a budget.
* @param BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param $year
* @param bool $shared
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function year(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, $report_type, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts)
$allBudgets = $repository->getBudgets();
$budgets = new Collection;
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
return Response::json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// filter empty budgets:
foreach ($allBudgets as $budget) {
$spent = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $start, $end, $accounts);
if ($spent != 0) {
$entries = new Collection;
while ($start < $end) {
// month is the current end of the period:
$month = clone $start;
$row = [clone $start];
// each budget, fill the row:
foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
$spent = $repository->balanceInPeriodForList($budget, $start, $month, $accounts);
$row[] = $spent * -1;
$data = $this->generator->year($budgets, $entries);
return Response::json($data);