2021-03-23 18:38:24 +01:00

584 lines
21 KiB

* TransferCurrenciesCorrections.php
* Copyright (c) 2020
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Console\Commands\Upgrade;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalCLIRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Log;
* Class TransferCurrenciesCorrections
class TransferCurrenciesCorrections extends Command
public const CONFIG_NAME = '480_transfer_currencies';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Updates transfer currency information.';
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'firefly-iii:transfer-currencies {--F|force : Force the execution of this command.}';
private array $accountCurrencies;
private AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepos;
private JournalCLIRepositoryInterface $cliRepos;
private int $count;
private ?Account $destinationAccount;
private ?TransactionCurrency $destinationCurrency;
private ?Transaction $destinationTransaction;
private ?Account $sourceAccount;
private ?TransactionCurrency $sourceCurrency;
private ?Transaction $sourceTransaction;
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle(): int
$start = microtime(true);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->isExecuted() && true !== $this->option('force')) {
$this->warn('This command has already been executed.');
return 0;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if (0 === $this->count) {
$message = 'All transfers have correct currency information.';
if (0 !== $this->count) {
$message = sprintf('Verified currency information of %d transfer(s).', $this->count);
$end = round(microtime(true) - $start, 2);
$this->info(sprintf('Verified and fixed currency information for transfers in %s seconds.', $end));
return 0;
* Laravel will execute ALL __construct() methods for ALL commands whenever a SINGLE command is
* executed. This leads to noticeable slow-downs and class calls. To prevent this, this method should
* be called from the handle method instead of using the constructor to initialize the command.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function stupidLaravel(): void
$this->count = 0;
$this->accountRepos = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
$this->cliRepos = app(JournalCLIRepositoryInterface::class);
$this->accountCurrencies = [];
* Reset all the class fields for the current transfer.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function resetInformation(): void
$this->sourceTransaction = null;
$this->sourceAccount = null;
$this->sourceCurrency = null;
$this->destinationTransaction = null;
$this->destinationAccount = null;
$this->destinationCurrency = null;
* @return bool
private function isExecuted(): bool
$configVar = app('fireflyconfig')->get(self::CONFIG_NAME, false);
if (null !== $configVar) {
return (bool)$configVar->data;
return false; // @codeCoverageIgnore
* This routine verifies that transfers have the correct currency settings for the accounts they are linked to.
* For transfers, this is can be a destructive routine since we FORCE them into a currency setting whether they
* like it or not. Previous routines MUST have set the currency setting for both accounts for this to work.
* Both source and destination must match the respective currency preference. So FF3 must verify ALL
* transactions.
private function startUpdateRoutine(): void
$set = $this->cliRepos->getAllJournals([TransactionType::TRANSFER]);
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
foreach ($set as $journal) {
* @param TransactionJournal $transfer
private function updateTransferCurrency(TransactionJournal $transfer): void
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->isSplitJournal($transfer)) {
$this->line(sprintf(sprintf('Transaction journal #%d is a split journal. Cannot continue.', $transfer->id)));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// unexpectedly, either one is null:
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->isEmptyTransactions()) {
$this->error(sprintf('Source or destination information for transaction journal #%d is null. Cannot fix this one.', $transfer->id));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// both accounts must have currency preference:
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->isNoCurrencyPresent()) {
sprintf('Source or destination accounts for transaction journal #%d have no currency information. Cannot fix this one.', $transfer->id)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// fix source transaction having no currency.
// fix source transaction having bad currency.
// fix destination transaction having no currency.
// fix destination transaction having bad currency.
// remove foreign currency information if not necessary.
// correct foreign currency info if necessary.
// restore missing foreign currency amount.
// fix journal itself:
* Is this a split transaction journal?
* @param TransactionJournal $transfer
* @return bool
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function isSplitJournal(TransactionJournal $transfer): bool
return $transfer->transactions->count() > 2;
* Extract source transaction, source account + source account currency from the journal.
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function getSourceInformation(TransactionJournal $journal): void
$this->sourceTransaction = $this->getSourceTransaction($journal);
$this->sourceAccount = null === $this->sourceTransaction ? null : $this->sourceTransaction->account;
$this->sourceCurrency = null === $this->sourceAccount ? null : $this->getCurrency($this->sourceAccount);
* @param TransactionJournal $transfer
* @return Transaction|null
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function getSourceTransaction(TransactionJournal $transfer): ?Transaction
return $transfer->transactions()->where('amount', '<', 0)->first();
* @param Account $account
* @return TransactionCurrency|null
private function getCurrency(Account $account): ?TransactionCurrency
$accountId = $account->id;
if (array_key_exists($accountId, $this->accountCurrencies) && 0 === $this->accountCurrencies[$accountId]) {
return null; // @codeCoverageIgnore
if (array_key_exists($accountId, $this->accountCurrencies) && $this->accountCurrencies[$accountId] instanceof TransactionCurrency) {
return $this->accountCurrencies[$accountId]; // @codeCoverageIgnore
$currency = $this->accountRepos->getAccountCurrency($account);
if (null === $currency) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$this->accountCurrencies[$accountId] = 0;
return null;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$this->accountCurrencies[$accountId] = $currency;
return $currency;
* Extract destination transaction, destination account + destination account currency from the journal.
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function getDestinationInformation(TransactionJournal $journal): void
$this->destinationTransaction = $this->getDestinationTransaction($journal);
$this->destinationAccount = null === $this->destinationTransaction ? null : $this->destinationTransaction->account;
$this->destinationCurrency = null === $this->destinationAccount ? null : $this->getCurrency($this->destinationAccount);
* @param TransactionJournal $transfer
* @return Transaction|null
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function getDestinationTransaction(TransactionJournal $transfer): ?Transaction
return $transfer->transactions()->where('amount', '>', 0)->first();
* Is either the source or destination transaction NULL?
* @return bool
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function isEmptyTransactions(): bool
return null === $this->sourceTransaction || null === $this->destinationTransaction
|| null === $this->sourceAccount
|| null === $this->destinationAccount;
* @return bool
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function isNoCurrencyPresent(): bool
// source account must have a currency preference.
if (null === $this->sourceCurrency) {
$message = sprintf('Account #%d ("%s") must have currency preference but has none.', $this->sourceAccount->id, $this->sourceAccount->name);
return true;
// destination account must have a currency preference.
if (null === $this->destinationCurrency) {
$message = sprintf(
'Account #%d ("%s") must have currency preference but has none.',
return true;
return false;
* The source transaction must have a currency. If not, it will be added by
* taking it from the source account's preference.
private function fixSourceNoCurrency(): void
if (null === $this->sourceTransaction->transaction_currency_id && null !== $this->sourceCurrency) {
= (int)$this->sourceCurrency->id;
$message = sprintf(
'Transaction #%d has no currency setting, now set to %s.',
* The source transaction must have the correct currency. If not, it will be set by
* taking it from the source account's preference.
private function fixSourceUnmatchedCurrency(): void
if (null !== $this->sourceCurrency
&& null === $this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount
&& (int)$this->sourceTransaction->transaction_currency_id !== (int)$this->sourceCurrency->id
) {
$message = sprintf(
'Transaction #%d has a currency setting #%d that should be #%d. Amount remains %s, currency is changed.',
$this->sourceTransaction->transaction_currency_id = (int)$this->sourceCurrency->id;
* The destination transaction must have a currency. If not, it will be added by
* taking it from the destination account's preference.
private function fixDestNoCurrency(): void
if (null === $this->destinationTransaction->transaction_currency_id && null !== $this->destinationCurrency) {
= (int)$this->destinationCurrency->id;
$message = sprintf(
'Transaction #%d has no currency setting, now set to %s.',
* The destination transaction must have the correct currency. If not, it will be set by
* taking it from the destination account's preference.
private function fixDestinationUnmatchedCurrency(): void
if (null !== $this->destinationCurrency
&& null === $this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount
&& (int)$this->destinationTransaction->transaction_currency_id !== (int)$this->destinationCurrency->id
) {
$message = sprintf(
'Transaction #%d has a currency setting #%d that should be #%d. Amount remains %s, currency is changed.',
$this->destinationTransaction->transaction_currency_id = (int)$this->destinationCurrency->id;
* If the destination account currency is the same as the source currency,
* both foreign_amount and foreign_currency_id fields must be NULL
* for both transactions (because foreign currency info would not make sense)
private function fixInvalidForeignCurrency(): void
if ((int)$this->destinationCurrency->id === (int)$this->sourceCurrency->id) {
// update both transactions to match:
$this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount = null;
$this->sourceTransaction->foreign_currency_id = null;
$this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount = null;
$this->destinationTransaction->foreign_currency_id = null;
'Currency for account "%s" is %s, and currency for account "%s" is also
%s, so transactions #%d and #%d has been verified to be to %s exclusively.',
* If destination account currency is different from source account currency,
* then both transactions must get the source account's currency as normal currency
* and the opposing account's currency as foreign currency.
private function fixMismatchedForeignCurrency(): void
if ((int)$this->sourceCurrency->id !== (int)$this->destinationCurrency->id) {
$this->sourceTransaction->transaction_currency_id = $this->sourceCurrency->id;
$this->sourceTransaction->foreign_currency_id = $this->destinationCurrency->id;
$this->destinationTransaction->transaction_currency_id = $this->sourceCurrency->id;
$this->destinationTransaction->foreign_currency_id = $this->destinationCurrency->id;
Log::debug(sprintf('Verified foreign currency ID of transaction #%d and #%d', $this->sourceTransaction->id, $this->destinationTransaction->id));
* If the foreign amount of the source transaction is null, but that of the other isn't, use this piece of code
* to restore it.
private function fixSourceNullForeignAmount(): void
if (null === $this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount && null !== $this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount) {
$this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount = bcmul((string)$this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount, '-1');
'Restored foreign amount of source transaction #%d to %s',
* If the foreign amount of the destination transaction is null, but that of the other isn't, use this piece of code
* to restore it.
private function fixDestNullForeignAmount(): void
if (null === $this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount && null !== $this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount) {
$this->destinationTransaction->foreign_amount = bcmul((string)$this->sourceTransaction->foreign_amount, '-1');
'Restored foreign amount of destination transaction #%d to %s',
* This method makes sure that the transaction journal uses the currency given in the source transaction.
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
private function fixTransactionJournalCurrency(TransactionJournal $journal): void
if ((int)$journal->transaction_currency_id !== (int)$this->sourceCurrency->id) {
$oldCurrencyCode = $journal->transactionCurrency->code ?? '(nothing)';
$journal->transaction_currency_id = $this->sourceCurrency->id;
$message = sprintf(
'Transfer #%d ("%s") has been updated to use %s instead of %s.',
private function markAsExecuted(): void
app('fireflyconfig')->set(self::CONFIG_NAME, true);