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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
103 lines
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103 lines
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"firefly": {
"welcome_back": "Jak to jde?",
"flash_error": "Chyba!",
"flash_success": "\u00dasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b dokon\u010deno!",
"close": "Zav\u0159\u00edt",
"split_transaction_title": "Popis roz\u00fa\u010dtov\u00e1n\u00ed",
"errors_submission": "There was something wrong with your submission. Please check out the errors below.",
"split": "Rozd\u011blit",
"single_split": "Split",
"transaction_stored_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Transaction #{ID} (\"{title}\")<\/a> has been stored.",
"transaction_updated_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Transaction #{ID}<\/a> has been updated.",
"transaction_new_stored_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Transaction #{ID}<\/a> has been stored.",
"transaction_journal_information": "Informace o transakci",
"no_budget_pointer": "You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href=\"budgets\">budgets<\/a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.",
"no_bill_pointer": "You seem to have no bills yet. You should create some on the <a href=\"bills\">bills<\/a>-page. Bills can help you keep track of expenses.",
"source_account": "Zdrojov\u00fd \u00fa\u010det",
"hidden_fields_preferences": "You can enable more transaction options in your <a href=\"preferences\">preferences<\/a>.",
"destination_account": "C\u00edlov\u00fd \u00fa\u010det",
"add_another_split": "P\u0159idat dal\u0161\u00ed roz\u00fa\u010dtov\u00e1n\u00ed",
"submission": "Submission",
"create_another": "After storing, return here to create another one.",
"reset_after": "Reset form after submission",
"submit": "Odeslat",
"amount": "\u010c\u00e1stka",
"date": "Datum",
"tags": "\u0160t\u00edtky",
"no_budget": "(\u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd rozpo\u010det)",
"no_bill": "(no bill)",
"category": "Kategorie",
"attachments": "P\u0159\u00edlohy",
"notes": "Pozn\u00e1mky",
"external_uri": "External URI",
"update_transaction": "Update transaction",
"after_update_create_another": "After updating, return here to continue editing.",
"store_as_new": "Store as a new transaction instead of updating.",
"split_title_help": "Pokud vytvo\u0159\u00edte roz\u00fa\u010dtov\u00e1n\u00ed, je t\u0159eba, aby zde byl celkov\u00fd popis pro v\u0161echna roz\u00fa\u010dtov\u00e1n\u00ed dan\u00e9 transakce.",
"none_in_select_list": "(\u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9)",
"no_piggy_bank": "(\u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 pokladni\u010dka)",
"description": "Popis",
"split_transaction_title_help": "If you create a split transaction, there must be a global description for all splits of the transaction.",
"destination_account_reconciliation": "You can't edit the destination account of a reconciliation transaction.",
"source_account_reconciliation": "You can't edit the source account of a reconciliation transaction.",
"budget": "Rozpo\u010det",
"bill": "\u00da\u010det",
"you_create_withdrawal": "You're creating a withdrawal.",
"you_create_transfer": "You're creating a transfer.",
"you_create_deposit": "You're creating a deposit.",
"edit": "Upravit",
"delete": "Odstranit",
"name": "N\u00e1zev",
"profile_whoops": "Whoops!",
"profile_something_wrong": "Something went wrong!",
"profile_try_again": "Something went wrong. Please try again.",
"profile_oauth_clients": "OAuth Clients",
"profile_oauth_no_clients": "You have not created any OAuth clients.",
"profile_oauth_clients_header": "Clients",
"profile_oauth_client_id": "Client ID",
"profile_oauth_client_name": "Name",
"profile_oauth_client_secret": "Secret",
"profile_oauth_create_new_client": "Create New Client",
"profile_oauth_create_client": "Create Client",
"profile_oauth_edit_client": "Edit Client",
"profile_oauth_name_help": "Something your users will recognize and trust.",
"profile_oauth_redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"profile_oauth_redirect_url_help": "Your application's authorization callback URL.",
"profile_authorized_apps": "Authorized applications",
"profile_authorized_clients": "Authorized clients",
"profile_scopes": "Scopes",
"profile_revoke": "Revoke",
"profile_personal_access_tokens": "Personal Access Tokens",
"profile_personal_access_token": "Personal Access Token",
"profile_personal_access_token_explanation": "Here is your new personal access token. This is the only time it will be shown so don't lose it! You may now use this token to make API requests.",
"profile_no_personal_access_token": "You have not created any personal access tokens.",
"profile_create_new_token": "Create new token",
"profile_create_token": "Create token",
"profile_create": "Create",
"profile_save_changes": "Save changes",
"default_group_title_name": "(ungrouped)",
"piggy_bank": "Pokladni\u010dka",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_title": "Client Secret",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don't lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidential",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"form": {
"interest_date": "\u00darokov\u00e9 datum",
"book_date": "Datum rezervace",
"process_date": "Datum zpracov\u00e1n\u00ed",
"due_date": "Datum splatnosti",
"foreign_amount": "\u010c\u00e1stka v ciz\u00ed m\u011bn\u011b",
"payment_date": "Datum zaplacen\u00ed",
"invoice_date": "Datum vystaven\u00ed",
"internal_reference": "Intern\u00ed reference"
"config": {
"html_language": "cs"
} |