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391 lines
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* BillTransformer.php
* Copyright (c) 2019 james@firefly-iii.org
* This file is part of Firefly III (https://github.com/firefly-iii).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace FireflyIII\Transformers\V2;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use FireflyIII\Models\Bill;
use FireflyIII\Models\Note;
use FireflyIII\Models\ObjectGroup;
use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Support\Http\Api\ExchangeRateConverter;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
* Class BillTransformer
class BillTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
private ExchangeRateConverter $converter;
private array $currencies;
private TransactionCurrency $default;
private array $groups;
private array $notes;
private array $paidDates;
* @inheritDoc
public function collectMetaData(Collection $objects): void
$currencies = [];
$bills = [];
$this->notes = [];
$this->groups = [];
$this->paidDates = [];
// start with currencies:
/** @var Bill $object */
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$id = (int)$object->transaction_currency_id;
$bills[] = (int)$object->id;
$currencies[$id] = $currencies[$id] ?? TransactionCurrency::find($id);
$this->currencies = $currencies;
// continue with notes
$notes = Note::whereNoteableType(Bill::class)->whereIn('noteable_id', array_keys($bills))->get();
/** @var Note $note */
foreach ($notes as $note) {
$id = (int)$note->noteable_id;
$this->notes[$id] = $note;
// grab object groups:
$set = DB::table('object_groupables')
->leftJoin('object_groups', 'object_groups.id', '=', 'object_groupables.object_group_id')
->where('object_groupables.object_groupable_type', Bill::class)
->get(['object_groupables.*', 'object_groups.title', 'object_groups.order']);
/** @var ObjectGroup $entry */
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$billId = (int)$entry->object_groupable_id;
$id = (int)$entry->object_group_id;
$order = (int)$entry->order;
$this->groups[$billId] = [
'object_group_id' => $id,
'object_group_title' => $entry->title,
'object_group_order' => $order,
$this->default = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
$this->converter = new ExchangeRateConverter();
// grab all paid dates:
if (null !== $this->parameters->get('start') && null !== $this->parameters->get('end')) {
$journals = TransactionJournal::whereIn('bill_id', $bills)
->where('date', '>=', $this->parameters->get('start'))
->where('date', '<=', $this->parameters->get('end'))
->get(['transaction_journals.id', 'transaction_journals.transaction_group_id', 'transaction_journals.date', 'transaction_journals.bill_id']);
$journalIds = $journals->pluck('id')->toArray();
// grab transactions for amount:
$set = Transaction::whereIn('transaction_journal_id', $journalIds)
->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
->get(['transactions.id', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', 'transactions.amount', 'transactions.foreign_amount', 'transactions.transaction_currency_id', 'transactions.foreign_currency_id']);
// convert to array for easy finding:
$transactions = [];
/** @var Transaction $transaction */
foreach ($set as $transaction) {
$journalId = (int)$transaction->transaction_journal_id;
$transactions[$journalId] = $transaction->toArray();
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Processing journal #%d', $journal->id));
$transaction = $transactions[(int)$journal->id] ?? [];
$billId = (int)$journal->bill_id;
$currencyId = (int)($transaction['transaction_currency_id'] ?? 0);
$currencies[$currencyId] = $currencies[$currencyId] ?? TransactionCurrency::find($currencyId);
// foreign currency
$foreignCurrencyId = null;
$foreignCurrencyCode = null;
$foreignCurrencyName = null;
$foreignCurrencySymbol = null;
$foreignCurrencyDp = null;
app('log')->debug('Foreign currency is NULL');
if (null !== $transaction['foreign_currency_id']) {
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Foreign currency is #%d', $transaction['foreign_currency_id']));
$foreignCurrencyId = (int)$transaction['foreign_currency_id'];
$currencies[$foreignCurrencyId] = $currencies[$foreignCurrencyId] ?? TransactionCurrency::find($foreignCurrencyId);
$foreignCurrencyCode = $currencies[$foreignCurrencyId]->code;
$foreignCurrencyName = $currencies[$foreignCurrencyId]->name;
$foreignCurrencySymbol = $currencies[$foreignCurrencyId]->symbol;
$foreignCurrencyDp = (int)$currencies[$foreignCurrencyId]->decimal_places;
$this->paidDates[$billId][] = [
'transaction_group_id' => (string)$journal->id,
'transaction_journal_id' => (string)$journal->transaction_group_id,
'date' => $journal->date->toAtomString(),
'currency_id' => (int)$currencies[$currencyId]->id,
'currency_code' => $currencies[$currencyId]->code,
'currency_name' => $currencies[$currencyId]->name,
'currency_symbol' => $currencies[$currencyId]->symbol,
'currency_decimal_places' => (int)$currencies[$currencyId]->decimal_places,
'native_currency_id' => (int)$currencies[$currencyId]->id,
'native_currency_code' => $currencies[$currencyId]->code,
'native_currency_symbol' => $currencies[$currencyId]->symbol,
'native_currency_decimal_places' => (int)$currencies[$currencyId]->decimal_places,
'foreign_currency_id' => $foreignCurrencyId,
'foreign_currency_code' => $foreignCurrencyCode,
'foreign_currency_name' => $foreignCurrencyName,
'foreign_currency_symbol' => $foreignCurrencySymbol,
'foreign_currency_decimal_places' => $foreignCurrencyDp,
'amount' => $transaction['amount'],
'foreign_amount' => $transaction['foreign_amount'],
'native_amount' => $this->converter->convert($currencies[$currencyId], $this->default, $journal->date, $transaction['amount']),
'foreign_native_amount' => '' === (string)$transaction['foreign_amount'] ? null : $this->converter->convert(
* Transform the bill.
* @param Bill $bill
* @return array
public function transform(Bill $bill): array
$paidData = $this->paidDates[(int)$bill->id] ?? [];
$nextExpectedMatch = $this->nextExpectedMatch($bill, $this->paidDates[(int)$bill->id] ?? []);
$payDates = $this->payDates($bill);
$currency = $this->currencies[(int)$bill->transaction_currency_id];
$group = $this->groups[(int)$bill->id] ?? null;
// date for currency conversion
/** @var Carbon|null $startParam */
$startParam = $this->parameters->get('start');
/** @var Carbon|null $date */
$date = null === $startParam ? today() : clone $startParam;
$nextExpectedMatchDiff = $this->getNextExpectedMatchDiff($nextExpectedMatch, $payDates);
return [
'id' => (int)$bill->id,
'created_at' => $bill->created_at->toAtomString(),
'updated_at' => $bill->updated_at->toAtomString(),
'name' => $bill->name,
'amount_min' => app('steam')->bcround($bill->amount_min, $currency->decimal_places),
'amount_max' => app('steam')->bcround($bill->amount_max, $currency->decimal_places),
'native_amount_min' => $this->converter->convert($currency, $this->default, $date, $bill->amount_min),
'native_amount_max' => $this->converter->convert($currency, $this->default, $date, $bill->amount_max),
'currency_id' => (string)$bill->transaction_currency_id,
'currency_code' => $currency->code,
'currency_name' => $currency->name,
'currency_symbol' => $currency->symbol,
'currency_decimal_places' => (int)$currency->decimal_places,
'native_currency_id' => $this->default->id,
'native_currency_code' => $this->default->code,
'native_currency_name' => $this->default->name,
'native_currency_symbol' => $this->default->symbol,
'native_currency_decimal_places' => (int)$this->default->decimal_places,
'date' => $bill->date->toAtomString(),
'end_date' => $bill->end_date?->toAtomString(),
'extension_date' => $bill->extension_date?->toAtomString(),
'repeat_freq' => $bill->repeat_freq,
'skip' => (int)$bill->skip,
'active' => $bill->active,
'order' => (int)$bill->order,
'notes' => $this->notes[(int)$bill->id] ?? null,
'object_group_id' => $group ? $group['object_group_id'] : null,
'object_group_order' => $group ? $group['object_group_order'] : null,
'object_group_title' => $group ? $group['object_group_title'] : null,
'next_expected_match' => $nextExpectedMatch->toAtomString(),
'next_expected_match_diff' => $nextExpectedMatchDiff,
'pay_dates' => $payDates,
'paid_dates' => $paidData,
'links' => [
'rel' => 'self',
'uri' => sprintf('/bills/%d', $bill->id),
* Get the data the bill was paid and predict the next expected match.
* @param Bill $bill
* @param array $dates
* @return Carbon
protected function nextExpectedMatch(Bill $bill, array $dates): Carbon
// 2023-07-1 sub one day from the start date to fix a possible bug (see #7704)
// 2023-07-18 this particular date is used to search for the last paid date.
// 2023-07-18 the cloned $searchDate is used to grab the correct transactions.
/** @var Carbon|null $startParam */
$startParam = $this->parameters->get('start');
/** @var Carbon|null $start */
$start = null === $startParam ? today() : clone $startParam;
$lastPaidDate = $this->lastPaidDate($dates, $start);
$nextMatch = clone $bill->date;
while ($nextMatch < $lastPaidDate) {
* As long as this date is smaller than the last time the bill was paid, keep jumping ahead.
* For example: 1 jan, 1 feb, etc.
$nextMatch = app('navigation')->addPeriod($nextMatch, $bill->repeat_freq, $bill->skip);
if ($nextMatch->isSameDay($lastPaidDate)) {
* Add another period because it's the same day as the last paid date.
$nextMatch = app('navigation')->addPeriod($nextMatch, $bill->repeat_freq, $bill->skip);
return $nextMatch;
* Returns the latest date in the set, or start when set is empty.
* @param array $dates
* @param Carbon $default
* @return Carbon
protected function lastPaidDate(array $dates, Carbon $default): Carbon
if (0 === count($dates)) {
return $default;
$latest = $dates[0]['date'];
/** @var array $row */
foreach ($dates as $row) {
$carbon = new Carbon($row['date']);
if ($carbon->gte($latest)) {
$latest = $row['date'];
return new Carbon($latest);
* @param Bill $bill
* @return array
protected function payDates(Bill $bill): array
//app('log')->debug(sprintf('Now in payDates() for bill #%d', $bill->id));
if (null === $this->parameters->get('start') || null === $this->parameters->get('end')) {
//app('log')->debug('No start or end date, give empty array.');
return [];
$set = new Collection();
$currentStart = clone $this->parameters->get('start');
// 2023-06-23 subDay to fix 7655
$loop = 0;
while ($currentStart <= $this->parameters->get('end')) {
$nextExpectedMatch = $this->nextDateMatch($bill, $currentStart);
// If nextExpectedMatch is after end, we continue:
if ($nextExpectedMatch > $this->parameters->get('end')) {
// add to set
$set->push(clone $nextExpectedMatch);
$currentStart = clone $nextExpectedMatch;
if ($loop > 4) {
$simple = $set->map(
static function (Carbon $date) {
return $date->toAtomString();
return $simple->toArray();
* Given a bill and a date, this method will tell you at which moment this bill expects its next
* transaction. Whether or not it is there already, is not relevant.
* TODO this method is bad compared to the v1 one.
* @param Bill $bill
* @param Carbon $date
* @return Carbon
protected function nextDateMatch(Bill $bill, Carbon $date): Carbon
//app('log')->debug(sprintf('Now in nextDateMatch(%d, %s)', $bill->id, $date->format('Y-m-d')));
$start = clone $bill->date;
//app('log')->debug(sprintf('Bill start date is %s', $start->format('Y-m-d')));
while ($start < $date) {
$start = app('navigation')->addPeriod($start, $bill->repeat_freq, $bill->skip);
//app('log')->debug(sprintf('End of loop, bill start date is now %s', $start->format('Y-m-d')));
return $start;
* @param Carbon $next
* @param array $dates
* @return string
private function getNextExpectedMatchDiff(Carbon $next, array $dates): string
if ($next->isToday()) {
return trans('firefly.today');
$current = $dates[0] ?? null;
if (null === $current) {
return trans('firefly.not_expected_period');
$carbon = new Carbon($current);
return $carbon->diffForHumans(today(config('app.timezone')), CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW);