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use Firefly\Helper\Migration\MigrationHelperInterface as MHI;
class MigrationController extends BaseController
protected $migration;
public function __construct(MHI $migration)
$this->migration = $migration;
public function index()
return View::make('migrate.index');
public function postIndex()
if (Input::hasFile('exportFile')) {
// get content:
$file = Input::file('exportFile');
$path = $file->getRealPath();
if (!$this->migration->validFile()) {
return View::make('error')->with('message', 'Invalid JSON content.');
// then, start migrating!
// // map old and new id's.
// $map = [
// 'accounts' => [],
// 'beneficiaries' => [],
// ];
// // get the account types we need
// $beneficiaryAT = AccountType::where('description', 'Beneficiary account')->first();
// // save all accounts:
// foreach ($JSON->accounts as $entry) {
// // create account:
// if ($entry->openingbalance == 0) {
// $account = $this->accounts->store(['name' => $entry->name]);
// } else {
// $account = $this->accounts->storeWithInitialBalance(
// ['name' => $entry->name],
// new Carbon($entry->openingbalancedate),
// floatval($entry->openingbalance)
// );
// }
// $map['accounts'][$entry->id] = $account->id;
// }
// unset($entry);
// // save all components:
// foreach ($JSON->components as $entry) {
// switch ($entry->type->type) {
// case 'beneficiary':
// // create new account for beneficiary:
// $account = $this->accounts->store(['name' => $entry->name]);
// $map['beneficiaries'][$entry->id] = $account;
// break;
// case 'category':
// // create new component for category:
//// $account = $this->accounts->store(['name' => $entry->name]);
//// $map['beneficiaries'][$entry->id] = $account;
// break;
// }
// }
// unset($JSON->accounts);
// var_dump($JSON);
// var_dump($map);
// exit;
// }
return View::make('error')->with('message', 'No file found.');
public function index()
// check if database connection is present.
$configValue = Config::get('database.connections.old-firefly');
if (is_null($configValue)) {
return View::make('migrate.index');
// try to connect to it:
$error = '';
try {
DB::connection('old-firefly')->select('SELECT * from `users`;');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
return View::make('migrate.index')->with('error', $error);
return Redirect::route('migrate.upload');
public function selectUser()
$oldUsers = [];
try {
$oldUsers = DB::connection('old-firefly')->select('SELECT * from `users`;');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
return View::make('migrate.index')->with('error', $error);
return View::make('migrate.select-user')->with('oldUsers', $oldUsers);
public function postSelectUser()
$userID = Input::get('user');
$count = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('users')->where('id', $userID)->count();
if ($count == 1) {
return Redirect::route('migrate.migrate', $userID);
} else {
return View::make('error')->with('message', 'No such user!');
public function migrate($userID)
// import the data.
$user = Auth::user();
$previousUser = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('users')->where('id', $userID)->first();
// current user already migrated?
if ($user->migrated) {
return View::make('error')->with('message', 'This user has already been migrated.');
// a map to keep the connections intact:
$map = [
'accounts' => [],
'beneficiaries' => [],
'categories' => [],
'budgets' => [],
// messages to show in result screen:
$messages = [];
// grab account types:
$defaultAT = AccountType::where('description', 'Default account')->first();
$initialBalanceAT = AccountType::where('description', 'Initial balance account')->first();
$beneficiaryAT = AccountType::where('description', 'Beneficiary account')->first();
// grab transaction types:
$initialBalanceTT = TransactionType::where('type', 'Opening balance')->first();
$depositTT = TransactionType::where('type', 'Deposit')->first();
$withdrawalTT = TransactionType::where('type', 'Withdrawal')->first();
$transferTT = TransactionType::where('type', 'Transfer')->first();
// grab currency:
$currency = TransactionCurrency::where('code', 'EUR')->first();
// grab component types:
$categoryType = ComponentType::where('type', 'category')->first();
$budgetType = ComponentType::where('type', 'budget')->first();
// create a special cash account for this user:
$cashAccount = new Account;
$cashAccount->name = 'Cash account';
$cashAccount->active = true;
$messages[] = 'Created "cash" account.';
// get the old accounts:
$accounts = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('accounts')->where('user_id', $previousUser->id)->get();
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
// already had one?
$existing = Account::where('name', $account->name)->where('account_type_id', $defaultAT->id)->where(
'user_id', $previousUser->id
if (!is_null($existing)) {
$map['accounts'][$account->id] = $existing;
$messages[] = 'Skipped creating account ' . $account->name . ' because it already exists.';
// create account:
$current = new Account;
$current->name = $account->name;
$current->active = true;
// map and information
$map['accounts'][$account->id] = $current;
$messages[] = 'Account "' . $current->name . '" recreated.';
// recreate opening balance, if relevant:
if (floatval($account->openingbalance) != 0) {
// now create another account, and create the first transfer indicating
$initial = new Account;
$initial->name = $account->name . ' initial balance';
$initial->active = 1;
// create a journal, and two transfers:
$journal = new TransactionJournal;
$journal->description = $account->name . ' opening balance';
$journal->date = $account->openingbalancedate;
// coming from a virtual account is:
$credit = new Transaction;
$credit->description = null;
$credit->amount = $account->openingbalance;
// transfer into this new account
$debet = new Transaction;
$debet->description = null;
$debet->amount = $account->openingbalance * -1;
= 'Saved initial balance for ' . $current->name . ' (' . mf($account->openingbalance, true) . ')';
unset($initial, $journal, $credit, $debet);
// save all old components
$components = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('components')->leftJoin(
'types', 'types.id', '=', 'components.type_id'
)->where('user_id', $previousUser->id)->get(['components.*', 'types.type']);
foreach ($components as $component) {
$id = $component->id;
switch ($component->type) {
case 'beneficiary':
if (!isset($map['beneficiaries'][$id])) {
// if it exists, skip:
$existing = Account::where('name', $component->name)->where('user_id', $user->id)->where(
'account_type_id', $beneficiaryAT->id
if (!is_null($existing)) {
$map['beneficiaries'][$id] = $existing;
= 'Skipped creating beneficiary "' . $component->name . '" because it already exists.';
// new account for this beneficiary
$beneficiary = new Account;
$beneficiary->name = $component->name;
$beneficiary->active = 1;
$map['beneficiaries'][$id] = $beneficiary;
$messages[] = 'Recreated beneficiary "' . $beneficiary->name . '".';
case 'category':
// if it exists, skip:
$existing = Component::where('name', $component->name)->where('user_id', $user->id)->where(
'component_type_id', $categoryType->id
if (!is_null($existing)) {
$map['categories'][$id] = $existing;
$messages[] = 'Skipped creating category "' . $component->name . '" because it already exists.';
// new component for this category:
$category = new Component;
$category->name = $component->name;
$map['categories'][$id] = $category;
$messages[] = 'Recreated category "' . $category->name . '".';
case 'budget':
// if it exists, skip:
$existing = Component::where('name', $component->name)->where('user_id', $user->id)->where(
'component_type_id', $budgetType->id
if (!is_null($existing)) {
$map['budgets'][$id] = $existing;
$messages[] = 'Skipped creating budget "' . $component->name . '" because it already exists.';
// new component for this budget:
$budget = new Component;
$budget->name = $component->name;
$map['budgets'][$id] = $budget;
$messages[] = 'Recreated budget "' . $budget->name . '".';
// grab all old transactions:
$transactions = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('transactions')->where('user_id', $user->id)->orderBy(
foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
$accountID = $transaction->account_id;
// grab the components for this transaction
$components = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('component_transaction')
->leftJoin('components', 'components.id', '=', 'component_transaction.component_id')
->leftJoin('types', 'types.id', '=', 'components.type_id')
->where('transaction_id', $transaction->id)
->get(['components.id', 'types.type']);
$beneficiary = null;
$budget = null;
$category = null;
// loop components, get the right id's:
foreach ($components as $component) {
$id = $component->id;
switch ($component->type) {
case 'beneficiary':
$beneficiary = $map['beneficiaries'][$id];
case 'budget':
$budget = $map['budgets'][$id];
case 'category':
$category = $map['categories'][$id];
// get a fall back for empty beneficiaries:
if (is_null($beneficiary)) {
$beneficiary = $cashAccount;
// create the transaction journal:
$journal = new TransactionJournal;
if ($transaction->amount < 0) {
} else {
$journal->description = $transaction->description;
$journal->date = $transaction->date;
// create two transactions:
if ($transaction->amount < 0) {
// credit the beneficiary
$credit = new Transaction;
$credit->description = null;
$credit->amount = floatval($transaction->amount) * -1;
// add budget / category:
if (!is_null($budget)) {
if (!is_null($category)) {
// debet ourselves:
$debet = new Transaction;
$debet->description = null;
$debet->amount = floatval($transaction->amount);
if (!is_null($budget)) {
if (!is_null($category)) {
= 'Recreated expense "' . $transaction->description . '" (' . mf($transaction->amount, true) . ')';
} else {
$credit = new Transaction;
$credit->description = null;
$credit->amount = floatval($transaction->amount);
if (!is_null($budget)) {
if (!is_null($category)) {
// from whoever!
$debet = new Transaction;
$debet->description = null;
$debet->amount = floatval($transaction->amount) * -1;
if (!is_null($budget)) {
if (!is_null($category)) {
= 'Recreated income "' . $transaction->description . '" (' . mf($transaction->amount, true) . ')';
// recreate the transfers:
$transfers = DB::connection('old-firefly')->table('transfers')->where('user_id', $user->id)->get();
foreach ($transfers as $transfer) {
// if it exists already, we don't need to recreate it:
$existingJournal = TransactionJournal::where('description', $transfer->description)->where(
'date', $transfer->date
)->where('transaction_type_id', $transferTT->id)->first();
if (!is_null($existingJournal)) {
// grab transaction from journal to make sure:
$firstTransaction = $existingJournal->transactions()->first();
if ($firstTransaction->amount == $transfer->amount
|| $firstTransaction->amount == $transfer->amount * -1
) {
// probably the same:
$messages[] = 'Skipped transfer "' . $transfer->description . '" because it already exists.';
unset($existingJournal, $firstTransaction);
$fromID = $transfer->accountfrom_id;
$toID = $transfer->accountto_id;
// create a journak:
$journal = new TransactionJournal;
$journal->description = $transfer->description;
$journal->date = $transfer->date;
// from account (debet) to another account (credit)
$debet = new Transaction;
$debet->description = null;
$debet->amount = floatval($transfer->amount * -1);
// to another account!
$credit = new Transaction;
$credit->description = null;
$credit->amount = floatval($transfer->amount);
$messages[] = 'Recreated transfer "' . $transfer->description . '" (' . mf($transfer->amount) . ')';
$user->migrated = true;
return View::make('migrate.result')->with('messages', $messages);
} |