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* UpgradeDatabase.php
* Copyright (c) 2017 thegrumpydictator@gmail.com
* This file is part of Firefly III.
* Firefly III is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Firefly III is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Firefly III. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace FireflyIII\Console\Commands;
use DB;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountMeta;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\BudgetLimit;
use FireflyIII\Models\LimitRepetition;
use FireflyIII\Models\Note;
use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournalMeta;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Currency\CurrencyRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Database\QueryException;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
use Preferences;
use Schema;
* Class UpgradeDatabase
* Upgrade user database.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects) // it just touches a lot of things.
* @package FireflyIII\Console\Commands
class UpgradeDatabase extends Command
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Will run various commands to update database records.';
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'firefly:upgrade-database';
* Create a new command instance.
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$this->line('Updating currency information..');
$this->line('Done updating currency information..');
$this->info('Firefly III database is up to date.');
* Migrate budget repetitions to new format where the end date is in the budget limit as well,
* making the limit_repetition table obsolete.
public function migrateRepetitions(): void
$set = BudgetLimit::whereNull('end_date')->get();
/** @var BudgetLimit $budgetLimit */
foreach ($set as $budgetLimit) {
/** @var LimitRepetition $repetition */
$repetition = $budgetLimit->limitrepetitions()->first();
if (!is_null($repetition)) {
$budgetLimit->end_date = $repetition->enddate;
$this->line(sprintf('Updated budget limit #%d', $budgetLimit->id));
* This method gives all transactions which are part of a split journal (so more than 2) a sort of "order" so they are easier
* to easier to match to their counterpart. When a journal is split, it has two or three transactions: -3, -4 and -5 for example.
* In the database this is reflected as 6 transactions: -3/+3, -4/+4, -5/+5.
* When either of these are the same amount, FF3 can't keep them apart: +3/-3, +3/-3, +3/-3. This happens more often than you would
* think. So each set gets a number (1,2,3) to keep them apart.
public function setTransactionIdentifier(): void
// if table does not exist, return false
if (!Schema::hasTable('transaction_journals')) {
$subQuery = TransactionJournal::leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
->select(['transaction_journals.id', DB::raw('COUNT(transactions.id) AS t_count')]);
$result = DB::table(DB::raw('(' . $subQuery->toSql() . ') AS derived'))
->where('t_count', '>', 2)
->select(['id', 't_count']);
$journalIds = array_unique($result->pluck('id')->toArray());
foreach ($journalIds as $journalId) {
* Each (asset) account must have a reference to a preferred currency. If the account does not have one, it's forced upon the account.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity) // it's seven but it can't really be helped.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
public function updateAccountCurrencies(): void
$accounts = Account::leftJoin('account_types', 'account_types.id', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')
->whereIn('account_types.type', [AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET])->get(['accounts.*']);
function (Account $account) {
// get users preference, fall back to system pref.
$defaultCurrencyCode = Preferences::getForUser($account->user, 'currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'))->data;
$defaultCurrency = TransactionCurrency::where('code', $defaultCurrencyCode)->first();
$accountCurrency = intval($account->getMeta('currency_id'));
$openingBalance = $account->getOpeningBalance();
$obCurrency = intval($openingBalance->transaction_currency_id);
// both 0? set to default currency:
if ($accountCurrency === 0 && $obCurrency === 0) {
AccountMeta::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'currency_id', 'data' => $defaultCurrency->id]);
$this->line(sprintf('Account #%d ("%s") now has a currency setting (%s).', $account->id, $account->name, $defaultCurrencyCode));
return true;
// account is set to 0, opening balance is not?
if ($accountCurrency === 0 && $obCurrency > 0) {
AccountMeta::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'name' => 'currency_id', 'data' => $obCurrency]);
$this->line(sprintf('Account #%d ("%s") now has a currency setting (%s).', $account->id, $account->name, $defaultCurrencyCode));
return true;
// do not match and opening balance id is not null.
if ($accountCurrency !== $obCurrency && $openingBalance->id > 0) {
// update opening balance:
$openingBalance->transaction_currency_id = $accountCurrency;
$this->line(sprintf('Account #%d ("%s") now has a correct currency for opening balance.', $account->id, $account->name));
return true;
return true;
* This routine verifies that withdrawals, deposits and opening balances have the correct currency settings for
* the accounts they are linked to.
* Both source and destination must match the respective currency preference of the related asset account.
* So FF3 must verify all transactions.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
public function updateOtherCurrencies(): void
/** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
$set = TransactionJournal
::leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
->whereIn('transaction_types.type', [TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::DEPOSIT, TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE])
function (TransactionJournal $journal) use ($repository) {
// get the transaction with the asset account in it:
/** @var Transaction $transaction */
$transaction = $journal->transactions()
->leftJoin('accounts', 'accounts.id', '=', 'transactions.account_id')
->leftJoin('account_types', 'account_types.id', '=', 'accounts.account_type_id')
->whereIn('account_types.type', [AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET])->first(['transactions.*']);
if (is_null($transaction)) {
/** @var Account $account */
$account = $transaction->account;
$currency = $repository->find(intval($account->getMeta('currency_id')));
$transactions = $journal->transactions()->get();
function (Transaction $transaction) use ($currency) {
if (is_null($transaction->transaction_currency_id)) {
$transaction->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
// when mismatch in transaction:
if ($transaction->transaction_currency_id !== $currency->id) {
$transaction->foreign_currency_id = $transaction->transaction_currency_id;
$transaction->foreign_amount = $transaction->amount;
$transaction->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
// also update the journal, of course:
$journal->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
* This routine verifies that transfers have the correct currency settings for the accounts they are linked to.
* For transfers, this is can be a destructive routine since we FORCE them into a currency setting whether they
* like it or not. Previous routines MUST have set the currency setting for both accounts for this to work.
* A transfer always has the
* Both source and destination must match the respective currency preference. So FF3 must verify ALL
* transactions.
public function updateTransferCurrencies()
$set = TransactionJournal
::leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::TRANSFER)
function (TransactionJournal $transfer) {
// select all "source" transactions:
/** @var Collection $transactions */
$transactions = $transfer->transactions()->where('amount', '<', 0)->get();
function (Transaction $transaction) {
* Move all the journal_meta notes to their note object counter parts.
private function migrateNotes(): void
$set = TransactionJournalMeta::whereName('notes')->get();
/** @var TransactionJournalMeta $meta */
foreach ($set as $meta) {
$journal = $meta->transactionJournal;
$note = $journal->notes()->first();
if (is_null($note)) {
$note = new Note;
$note->text = $meta->data;
Log::debug(sprintf('Migrated meta note #%d to Note #%d', $meta->id, $note->id));
* This method makes sure that the transaction journal uses the currency given in the transaction.
* @param Transaction $transaction
private function updateJournalCurrency(Transaction $transaction): void
/** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
$currency = $repository->find(intval($transaction->account->getMeta('currency_id')));
$journal = $transaction->transactionJournal;
if (!(intval($currency->id) === intval($journal->transaction_currency_id))) {
'Transfer #%d ("%s") has been updated to use %s instead of %s.', $journal->id, $journal->description, $currency->code,
$journal->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
* grab all positive transactiosn from this journal that are not deleted. for each one, grab the negative opposing one
* which has 0 as an identifier and give it the same identifier.
* @param int $journalId
private function updateJournalidentifiers(int $journalId): void
$identifier = 0;
$processed = [];
$transactions = Transaction::where('transaction_journal_id', $journalId)->where('amount', '>', 0)->get();
/** @var Transaction $transaction */
foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
// find opposing:
$amount = bcmul(strval($transaction->amount), '-1');
try {
/** @var Transaction $opposing */
$opposing = Transaction::where('transaction_journal_id', $journalId)
->where('amount', $amount)->where('identifier', '=', 0)
->whereNotIn('id', $processed)
} catch (QueryException $e) {
$this->error('Firefly III could not find the "identifier" field in the "transactions" table.');
$this->error(sprintf('This field is required for Firefly III version %s to run.', config('firefly.version')));
$this->error('Please run "php artisan migrate" to add this field to the table.');
$this->info('Then, run "php artisan firefly:upgrade-database" to try again.');
if (!is_null($opposing)) {
// give both a new identifier:
$transaction->identifier = $identifier;
$opposing->identifier = $identifier;
$processed[] = $transaction->id;
$processed[] = $opposing->id;
* This method makes sure that the tranaction uses the same currency as the source account does.
* If not, the currency is updated to include a reference to its original currency as the "foreign" currency.
* The transaction that is sent to this function MUST be the source transaction (amount negative).
* Method is long and complex bit I'm taking it for granted.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* @param Transaction $transaction
private function updateTransactionCurrency(Transaction $transaction): void
/** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
$currency = $repository->find(intval($transaction->account->getMeta('currency_id')));
// has no currency ID? Must have, so fill in using account preference:
if (is_null($transaction->transaction_currency_id)) {
$transaction->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
Log::debug(sprintf('Transaction #%d has no currency setting, now set to %s', $transaction->id, $currency->code));
// does not match the source account (see above)? Can be fixed
// when mismatch in transaction and NO foreign amount is set:
if ($transaction->transaction_currency_id !== $currency->id && is_null($transaction->foreign_amount)) {
'Transaction #%d has a currency setting (#%d) that should be #%d. Amount remains %s, currency is changed.', $transaction->id,
$transaction->transaction_currency_id, $currency->id, $transaction->amount
$transaction->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
// grab opposing transaction:
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
$journal = $transaction->transactionJournal;
/** @var Transaction $opposing */
$opposing = $journal->transactions()->where('amount', '>', 0)->where('identifier', $transaction->identifier)->first();
$opposingCurrency = $repository->find(intval($opposing->account->getMeta('currency_id')));
if (is_null($opposingCurrency->id)) {
Log::error(sprintf('Account #%d ("%s") must have currency preference but has none.', $opposing->account->id, $opposing->account->name));
// if the destination account currency is the same, both foreign_amount and foreign_currency_id must be NULL for both transactions:
if ($opposingCurrency->id === $currency->id) {
// update both transactions to match:
$transaction->foreign_amount = null;
$transaction->foreign_currency_id = null;
$opposing->foreign_amount = null;
$opposing->foreign_currency_id = null;
$opposing->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;
Log::debug(sprintf('Cleaned up transaction #%d and #%d', $transaction->id, $opposing->id));
// if destination account currency is different, both transactions must have this currency as foreign currency id.
if ($opposingCurrency->id !== $currency->id) {
$transaction->foreign_currency_id = $opposingCurrency->id;
$opposing->foreign_currency_id = $opposingCurrency->id;
Log::debug(sprintf('Verified foreign currency ID of transaction #%d and #%d', $transaction->id, $opposing->id));
// if foreign amount of one is null and the other is not, use this to restore:
if (is_null($transaction->foreign_amount) && !is_null($opposing->foreign_amount)) {
$transaction->foreign_amount = bcmul(strval($opposing->foreign_amount), '-1');
Log::debug(sprintf('Restored foreign amount of transaction (1) #%d to %s', $transaction->id, $transaction->foreign_amount));
// if foreign amount of one is null and the other is not, use this to restore (other way around)
if (is_null($opposing->foreign_amount) && !is_null($transaction->foreign_amount)) {
$opposing->foreign_amount = bcmul(strval($transaction->foreign_amount), '-1');
Log::debug(sprintf('Restored foreign amount of transaction (2) #%d to %s', $opposing->id, $opposing->foreign_amount));
// when both are zero, try to grab it from journal:
if (is_null($opposing->foreign_amount) && is_null($transaction->foreign_amount)) {
$foreignAmount = $journal->getMeta('foreign_amount');
if (is_null($foreignAmount)) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Journal #%d has missing foreign currency data, forced to do 1:1 conversion :(.', $transaction->transaction_journal_id));
$transaction->foreign_amount = bcmul(strval($transaction->amount), '-1');
$opposing->foreign_amount = bcmul(strval($opposing->amount), '-1');
$foreignPositive = app('steam')->positive(strval($foreignAmount));
'Journal #%d has missing foreign currency info, try to restore from meta-data ("%s").', $transaction->transaction_journal_id, $foreignAmount
$transaction->foreign_amount = bcmul($foreignPositive, '-1');
$opposing->foreign_amount = $foreignPositive;