2022-03-29 15:10:05 +02:00

370 lines
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* AccountUpdateService.php
* Copyright (c) 2019
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Services\Internal\Update;
use FireflyIII\Events\UpdatedAccount;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\Location;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Services\Internal\Support\AccountServiceTrait;
use FireflyIII\User;
use Log;
* Class AccountUpdateService
* See reference nr. 90
class AccountUpdateService
use AccountServiceTrait;
protected AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository;
protected array $validAssetFields;
protected array $validCCFields;
protected array $validFields;
private array $canHaveOpeningBalance;
private array $canHaveVirtual;
private User $user;
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->canHaveVirtual = config('firefly.can_have_virtual_amounts');
$this->canHaveOpeningBalance = config('firefly.can_have_opening_balance');
$this->validAssetFields = config('firefly.valid_asset_fields');
$this->validCCFields = config('firefly.valid_cc_fields');
$this->validFields = config('firefly.valid_account_fields');
$this->accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
* @param User $user
public function setUser(User $user): void
$this->user = $user;
* Update account data.
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
* @return Account
* @throws FireflyException
public function update(Account $account, array $data): Account
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in %s', __METHOD__));
$this->user = $account->user;
$account = $this->updateAccount($account, $data);
$account = $this->updateAccountOrder($account, $data);
// find currency, or use default currency instead.
if (array_key_exists('currency_id', $data) || array_key_exists('currency_code', $data)) {
$currency = $this->getCurrency((int) ($data['currency_id'] ?? null), (string) ($data['currency_code'] ?? null));
unset($data['currency_code'], $data['currency_id']);
$data['currency_id'] = $currency->id;
// update all meta data:
$this->updateMetaData($account, $data);
// update, delete or create location:
$this->updateLocation($account, $data);
// update opening balance.
$this->updateOpeningBalance($account, $data);
// update opening balance.
$this->updateCreditLiability($account, $data);
// update note:
if (array_key_exists('notes', $data) && null !== $data['notes']) {
$this->updateNote($account, (string) $data['notes']);
// update preferences if inactive:
event(new UpdatedAccount($account));
return $account;
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
* @return Account
private function updateAccount(Account $account, array $data): Account
// update the account itself:
if (array_key_exists('name', $data)) {
$account->name = $data['name'];
if (array_key_exists('active', $data)) {
$account->active = $data['active'];
if (array_key_exists('iban', $data)) {
$account->iban = app('steam')->filterSpaces((string) $data['iban']);
// set liability, but account must already be a liability.
//$liabilityType = $data['liability_type'] ?? '';
if ($this->isLiability($account) && array_key_exists('liability_type', $data)) {
$type = $this->getAccountType($data['liability_type']);
$account->account_type_id = $type->id;
// set liability, alternative method used in v1 layout:
if ($this->isLiability($account) && array_key_exists('account_type_id', $data)) {
$type = AccountType::find((int) $data['account_type_id']);
if (null !== $type && in_array($type->type, config('firefly.valid_liabilities'), true)) {
$account->account_type_id = $type->id;
// update virtual balance (could be set to zero if empty string).
if (array_key_exists('virtual_balance', $data) && null !== $data['virtual_balance']) {
$account->virtual_balance = '' === trim($data['virtual_balance']) ? '0' : $data['virtual_balance'];
return $account;
* @param Account $account
* @return bool
private function isLiability(Account $account): bool
$type = $account->accountType->type;
return in_array($type, [AccountType::DEBT, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::MORTGAGE], true);
* @param string $type
* @return AccountType
private function getAccountType(string $type): AccountType
return AccountType::whereType(ucfirst($type))->first();
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
* @return Account
public function updateAccountOrder(Account $account, array $data): Account
// skip if no order info
if (!array_key_exists('order', $data) || $data['order'] === $account->order) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Account order will not be touched because its not set or already at %d.', $account->order));
return $account;
// skip if not of orderable type.
$type = $account->accountType->type;
if (!in_array($type, [AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::MORTGAGE, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT], true)) {
Log::debug('Will not change order of this account.');
return $account;
// get account type ID's because a join and an update is hard:
$oldOrder = (int) $account->order;
$newOrder = $data['order'];
Log::debug(sprintf('Order is set to be updated from %s to %s', $oldOrder, $newOrder));
$list = $this->getTypeIds([AccountType::MORTGAGE, AccountType::LOAN, AccountType::DEBT]);
if ($type === AccountType::ASSET) {
$list = $this->getTypeIds([AccountType::ASSET]);
if ($newOrder > $oldOrder) {
$this->user->accounts()->where('accounts.order', '<=', $newOrder)->where('accounts.order', '>', $oldOrder)
->where('', '!=', $account->id)
->whereIn('accounts.account_type_id', $list)
$account->order = $newOrder;
Log::debug(sprintf('Order of account #%d ("%s") is now %d', $account->id, $account->name, $newOrder));
return $account;
$this->user->accounts()->where('accounts.order', '>=', $newOrder)->where('accounts.order', '<', $oldOrder)
->where('', '!=', $account->id)
->whereIn('accounts.account_type_id', $list)
$account->order = $newOrder;
Log::debug(sprintf('Order of account #%d ("%s") is now %d', $account->id, $account->name, $newOrder));
return $account;
private function getTypeIds(array $array): array
$return = [];
/** @var string $type */
foreach ($array as $type) {
/** @var AccountType $type */
$type = AccountType::whereType($type)->first();
$return[] = (int) $type->id;
return $return;
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
private function updateLocation(Account $account, array $data): void
$updateLocation = $data['update_location'] ?? false;
// location must be updated?
if (true === $updateLocation) {
// if all set to NULL, delete
if (null === $data['latitude'] && null === $data['longitude'] && null === $data['zoom_level']) {
// otherwise, update or create.
if (!(null === $data['latitude'] && null === $data['longitude'] && null === $data['zoom_level'])) {
$location = $this->accountRepository->getLocation($account);
if (null === $location) {
$location = new Location;
$location->latitude = $data['latitude'] ?? config('firefly.default_location.latitude');
$location->longitude = $data['longitude'] ?? config('firefly.default_location.longitude');
$location->zoom_level = $data['zoom_level'] ?? config('firefly.default_location.zoom_level');
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
* @throws FireflyException
private function updateOpeningBalance(Account $account, array $data): void
// has valid initial balance (IB) data?
$type = $account->accountType;
if (in_array($type->type, $this->canHaveOpeningBalance, true)) {
// check if is submitted as empty, that makes it valid:
if ($this->validOBData($data) && !$this->isEmptyOBData($data)) {
$openingBalance = $data['opening_balance'];
$openingBalanceDate = $data['opening_balance_date'];
$this->updateOBGroupV2($account, $openingBalance, $openingBalanceDate);
if (!$this->validOBData($data) && $this->isEmptyOBData($data)) {
* @param Account $account
* @param array $data
* @throws FireflyException
private function updateCreditLiability(Account $account, array $data): void
$type = $account->accountType;
$valid = config('firefly.valid_liabilities');
if (in_array($type->type, $valid, true)) {
$direction = array_key_exists('liability_direction', $data) ? $data['liability_direction'] : 'empty';
// check if is submitted as empty, that makes it valid:
if ($this->validOBData($data) && !$this->isEmptyOBData($data)) {
$openingBalance = $data['opening_balance'];
$openingBalanceDate = $data['opening_balance_date'];
if ('credit' === $direction) {
$this->updateCreditTransaction($account, $openingBalance, $openingBalanceDate);
if (!$this->validOBData($data) && $this->isEmptyOBData($data)) {
if ($this->validOBData($data) && !$this->isEmptyOBData($data) && 'credit' !== $direction) {
* @param Account $account
* @throws FireflyException
private function updatePreferences(Account $account): void
if (true === $account->active) {
$preference = app('preferences')->getForUser($account->user, 'frontpageAccounts');
if (null === $preference) {
$array = $preference->data;
Log::debug('Old array is: ', $array);
Log::debug(sprintf('Must remove : %d', $account->id));
$removeAccountId = (int) $account->id;
$new = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ((int) $value !== $removeAccountId) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Will include: %d', $value));
$new[] = (int) $value;
Log::debug('Final new array is', $new);
app('preferences')->setForUser($account->user, 'frontpageAccounts', $new);