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* demo.php
* Copyright (c) 2016 thegrumpydictator@gmail.com
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
* See the LICENSE file for details.
return [
'no_demo_text' => 'Sorry, there is no extra demo-explanation text for <abbr title=":route">this page</abbr>.',
'see_help_icon' => 'However, the <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i>-icon in the top right corner may tell you more.',
'index' => 'Dobrodošli v <strong>Firefly III</strong>! Na tej strani boste dobili hiter pregled nad vašimi financami. Za več informacij preverite račune → <a href=":asset">premoženjski računi</a> in seveda <a href=":budgets">budžet</a> in <a href=":reports">poročila</a>. Ali pa se samo malo razglejte naokoli in videli boste, kje boste končali.',
'accounts-index' => 'Premoženjski računi so vaši osebni bančni računi. Konti stroškov so računi na katere zapravljate vaš denar, kot npr. trgovine in prijatelji.
Konti prihodkov so računi iz katerih dobivate denar, kot npr. vaš delodajalec, država in drugi viri vaših prihodkov. Na tej strani lahko račune urejate ali jih odstranite.',
'budgets-index' => 'Na tej strani najdete pregled nad vašimi budžeti. Zgornji kazalec prikazuje vsoto ki je na razpolago za ta budžet. To lahko nastavljate za katerokoli obdobje, tako da kliknete na vsoto na desni. Vsota, ki ste jo dejansko porabili je prikazana na spodnjem kazalcu. Spodaj so prikazani vaši stroški razporejeni po budžetih.',
'reports-index-start' => 'Firefly III supports four types of reports. Read about them by clicking on the <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i>-icon in the top right corner.',
'reports-index-examples' => 'Be sure to check out these examples: <a href=":one">a monthly financial overview</a>, <a href=":two">a yearly financial overview</a> and <a href=":three">a budget overview</a>.',
'currencies-index' => 'Firefly III supports multiple currencies. Although it defaults to the Euro it can be set to the US Dollar and many other currencies. As you can see a small selection of currencies has been included but you can add your own if you wish to. Changing the default currency will not change the currency of existing transactions however: Firefly III supports the use of multiple currencies at the same time.',
'transactions-index' => 'These expenses, deposits and transfers are not particularly imaginative. They have been generated automatically.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'As you can see, there are three piggy banks. Use the plus and minus buttons to influence the amount of money in each piggy bank. Click the name of the piggy bank to see the administration for each piggy bank.',
'import-index' => 'Of course, any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III ',
'import-configure-security' => 'Because of security concerns, your upload has been replaced with a local file.',
'import-configure-configuration' => 'The configuration you see below is correct for the local file.',
]; |