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* BillController.php
* Copyright (c) 2019 james@firefly-iii.org
* This file is part of Firefly III (https://github.com/firefly-iii).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Attachments\AttachmentHelperInterface;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\GroupCollectorInterface;
use FireflyIII\Http\Requests\BillFormRequest;
use FireflyIII\Models\Attachment;
use FireflyIII\Models\Bill;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Bill\BillRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\TransactionRules\TransactionMatcher;
use FireflyIII\Transformers\AttachmentTransformer;
use FireflyIII\Transformers\BillTransformer;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Redirector;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use League\Fractal\Manager;
use League\Fractal\Resource\Item;
use League\Fractal\Serializer\DataArraySerializer;
use Log;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
* Class BillController.
class BillController extends Controller
/** @var AttachmentHelperInterface Helper for attachments. */
private $attachments;
/** @var BillRepositoryInterface Bill repository */
private $billRepository;
* BillController constructor.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function __construct()
app('view')->share('showBudget', true);
function ($request, $next) {
app('view')->share('title', (string) trans('firefly.bills'));
app('view')->share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-calendar-o');
$this->attachments = app(AttachmentHelperInterface::class);
$this->billRepository = app(BillRepositoryInterface::class);
return $next($request);
* Create a new bill.
* @param Request $request
* @return Factory|View
public function create(Request $request)
$periods = [];
/** @var array $billPeriods */
$billPeriods = config('firefly.bill_periods');
foreach ($billPeriods as $current) {
$periods[$current] = strtolower((string) trans('firefly.repeat_freq_' . $current));
$subTitle = (string) trans('firefly.create_new_bill');
$defaultCurrency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another").
if (true !== session('bills.create.fromStore')) {
return view('bills.create', compact('periods', 'subTitle', 'defaultCurrency'));
* Delete a bill.
* @param Bill $bill
* @return Factory|View
public function delete(Bill $bill)
// put previous url in session
$subTitle = (string) trans('firefly.delete_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]);
return view('bills.delete', compact('bill', 'subTitle'));
* Destroy a bill.
* @param Request $request
* @param Bill $bill
* @return RedirectResponse|Redirector
public function destroy(Request $request, Bill $bill)
$name = $bill->name;
$request->session()->flash('success', (string) trans('firefly.deleted_bill', ['name' => $name]));
return redirect($this->getPreviousUri('bills.delete.uri'));
* Edit a bill.
* @param Request $request
* @param Bill $bill
* @return Factory|View
public function edit(Request $request, Bill $bill)
$periods = [];
/** @var array $billPeriods */
$billPeriods = config('firefly.bill_periods');
foreach ($billPeriods as $current) {
$periods[$current] = (string) trans('firefly.' . $current);
$subTitle = (string) trans('firefly.edit_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]);
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit").
if (true !== session('bills.edit.fromUpdate')) {
$currency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
$bill->amount_min = round((float) $bill->amount_min, $currency->decimal_places);
$bill->amount_max = round((float) $bill->amount_max, $currency->decimal_places);
$rules = $this->billRepository->getRulesForBill($bill);
$defaultCurrency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
// code to handle active-checkboxes
$hasOldInput = null !== $request->old('_token');
$preFilled = [
'notes' => $this->billRepository->getNoteText($bill),
'transaction_currency_id' => $bill->transaction_currency_id,
'active' => $hasOldInput ? (bool) $request->old('active') : $bill->active,
$request->session()->flash('preFilled', $preFilled);
return view('bills.edit', compact('subTitle', 'periods', 'rules', 'bill', 'defaultCurrency', 'preFilled'));
* Show all bills.
* @return Factory|View
public function index()
$start = session('start');
$end = session('end');
$unfiltered = $this->billRepository->getBills();
$defaultCurrency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
$parameters = new ParameterBag();
$parameters->set('start', $start);
$parameters->set('end', $end);
/** @var BillTransformer $transformer */
$transformer = app(BillTransformer::class);
/** @var Collection $bills */
$bills = $unfiltered->map(
function (Bill $bill) use ($transformer, $defaultCurrency) {
$return = $transformer->transform($bill);
$currency = $bill->transactionCurrency ?? $defaultCurrency;
$return['currency_id'] = $currency->id;
$return['currency_name'] = $currency->name;
$return['currency_symbol'] = $currency->symbol;
$return['currency_code'] = $currency->code;
$return['currency_decimal_places'] = $currency->decimal_places;
$return['attachments'] = $this->billRepository->getAttachments($bill);
return $return;
// add info about rules:
$rules = $this->billRepository->getRulesForBills($unfiltered);
$bills = $bills->map(
static function (array $bill) use ($rules) {
$bill['rules'] = $rules[$bill['id']] ?? [];
return $bill;
// summarise per currency:
$sums = $this->getSums($bills);
return view('bills.index', compact('bills', 'sums'));
* Rescan bills for transactions.
* @param Request $request
* @param Bill $bill
* @throws FireflyException
* @return RedirectResponse|Redirector
public function rescan(Request $request, Bill $bill)
$total = 0;
if (false === $bill->active) {
$request->session()->flash('warning', (string) trans('firefly.cannot_scan_inactive_bill'));
return redirect(route('bills.show', [$bill->id]));
$set = new Collection;
if (true === $bill->active) {
$set = $this->billRepository->getRulesForBill($bill);
$total = 0;
if (0 === $set->count()) {
$request->session()->flash('error', (string) trans('firefly.no_rules_for_bill'));
return redirect(route('bills.show', [$bill->id]));
// unlink all journals:
foreach ($set as $rule) {
// simply fire off all rules?
/** @var TransactionMatcher $matcher */
$matcher = app(TransactionMatcher::class);
$matcher->setSearchLimit(100000); // large upper limit
$matcher->setTriggeredLimit(100000); // large upper limit
$matchingTransactions = $matcher->findTransactionsByRule();
$total += count($matchingTransactions);
$this->billRepository->linkCollectionToBill($bill, $matchingTransactions);
$request->session()->flash('success', (string) trans_choice('firefly.rescanned_bill', $total));
return redirect(route('bills.show', [$bill->id]));
* Show a bill.
* @param Request $request
* @param Bill $bill
* @return Factory|View
public function show(Request $request, Bill $bill)
// add info about rules:
$rules = $this->billRepository->getRulesForBill($bill);
$subTitle = $bill->name;
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = session('start');
/** @var Carbon $end */
$end = session('end');
$year = $start->year;
$page = (int) $request->get('page');
$pageSize = (int) app('preferences')->get('listPageSize', 50)->data;
$yearAverage = $this->billRepository->getYearAverage($bill, $start);
$overallAverage = $this->billRepository->getOverallAverage($bill);
$manager = new Manager();
$manager->setSerializer(new DataArraySerializer());
$manager->parseIncludes(['attachments', 'notes']);
// Make a resource out of the data and
$parameters = new ParameterBag();
$parameters->set('start', $start);
$parameters->set('end', $end);
/** @var BillTransformer $transformer */
$transformer = app(BillTransformer::class);
$resource = new Item($bill, $transformer, 'bill');
$object = $manager->createData($resource)->toArray();
$object['data']['currency'] = $bill->transactionCurrency;
/** @var GroupCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(GroupCollectorInterface::class);
$groups = $collector->getPaginatedGroups();
$groups->setPath(route('bills.show', [$bill->id]));
// transform any attachments as well.
$collection = $this->billRepository->getAttachments($bill);
$attachments = new Collection;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($collection->count() > 0) {
/** @var AttachmentTransformer $transformer */
$transformer = app(AttachmentTransformer::class);
$attachments = $collection->each(
static function (Attachment $attachment) use ($transformer) {
return $transformer->transform($attachment);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return view('bills.show', compact('attachments', 'groups', 'rules', 'yearAverage', 'overallAverage', 'year', 'object', 'bill', 'subTitle'));
* Store a new bill.
* @param BillFormRequest $request
* @return RedirectResponse
public function store(BillFormRequest $request): RedirectResponse
$billData = $request->getBillData();
$billData['active'] = true;
try {
$bill = $this->billRepository->store($billData);
} catch (FireflyException $e) {
$request->session()->flash('error', (string) trans('firefly.bill_store_error'));
return redirect(route('bills.create'))->withInput();
$request->session()->flash('success', (string) trans('firefly.stored_new_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]));
/** @var array $files */
$files = $request->hasFile('attachments') ? $request->file('attachments') : null;
if (null !== $files && !auth()->user()->hasRole('demo')) {
$this->attachments->saveAttachmentsForModel($bill, $files);
if (null !== $files && auth()->user()->hasRole('demo')) {
if (count($this->attachments->getMessages()->get('attachments')) > 0) {
$request->session()->flash('info', $this->attachments->getMessages()->get('attachments')); // @codeCoverageIgnore
return redirect(route('rules.create-from-bill', [$bill->id]));
* Update a bill.
* @param BillFormRequest $request
* @param Bill $bill
* @return RedirectResponse
public function update(BillFormRequest $request, Bill $bill): RedirectResponse
$billData = $request->getBillData();
$bill = $this->billRepository->update($bill, $billData);
$request->session()->flash('success', (string) trans('firefly.updated_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]));
/** @var array $files */
$files = $request->hasFile('attachments') ? $request->file('attachments') : null;
if (null !== $files && !auth()->user()->hasRole('demo')) {
$this->attachments->saveAttachmentsForModel($bill, $files);
if (null !== $files && auth()->user()->hasRole('demo')) {
// flash messages
if (count($this->attachments->getMessages()->get('attachments')) > 0) {
$request->session()->flash('info', $this->attachments->getMessages()->get('attachments')); // @codeCoverageIgnore
$redirect = redirect($this->getPreviousUri('bills.edit.uri'));
if (1 === (int) $request->get('return_to_edit')) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$request->session()->put('bills.edit.fromUpdate', true);
$redirect = redirect(route('bills.edit', [$bill->id]))->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $redirect;
* @param Collection $bills
* @return array
private function getSums(Collection $bills): array
$sums = [];
/** @var array $bill */
foreach ($bills as $bill) {
if (false === $bill['active']) {
if (0 === count($bill['pay_dates'])) {
/** @var TransactionCurrency $currency */
$currencyId = $bill['currency_id'];
$sums[$currencyId] = $sums[$currencyId] ?? [
'currency_id' => $currencyId,
'currency_code' => $bill['currency_code'],
'currency_name' => $bill['currency_name'],
'currency_symbol' => $bill['currency_symbol'],
'currency_decimal_places' => $bill['currency_decimal_places'],
'avg' => '0',
$avg = bcdiv(bcadd((string) $bill['amount_min'], (string) $bill['amount_max']), '2');
$avg = bcmul($avg, (string) count($bill['pay_dates']));
$sums[$currencyId]['avg'] = bcadd($sums[$currencyId]['avg'], $avg);
return $sums;