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* BudgetController.php
* Copyright (C) 2016 thegrumpydictator@gmail.com
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
* See the LICENSE file for details.
namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers;
use Amount;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Exception;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\JournalCollectorInterface;
use FireflyIII\Http\Requests\BudgetFormRequest;
use FireflyIII\Http\Requests\BudgetIncomeRequest;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\BudgetLimit;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\BudgetRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Support\CacheProperties;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
use Navigation;
use Preferences;
use Response;
use Session;
use View;
* Class BudgetController
* @package FireflyIII\Http\Controllers
class BudgetController extends Controller
/** @var BudgetRepositoryInterface */
private $repository;
public function __construct()
View::share('hideBudgets', true);
function ($request, $next) {
View::share('title', trans('firefly.budgets'));
View::share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-tasks');
$this->repository = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class);
return $next($request);
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function amount(Request $request, Budget $budget)
$amount = intval($request->get('amount'));
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
/** @var Carbon $end */
$end = session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$budgetLimit = $this->repository->updateLimitAmount($budget, $start, $end, $amount);
if ($amount === 0) {
$budgetLimit = null;
return Response::json(['name' => $budget->name, 'limit' => $budgetLimit ? $budgetLimit->id : 0, 'amount' => $amount]);
* @param Request $request
* @return View
public function create(Request $request)
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another").
if (session('budgets.create.fromStore') !== true) {
$request->session()->flash('gaEventCategory', 'budgets');
$request->session()->flash('gaEventAction', 'create');
$subTitle = (string)trans('firefly.create_new_budget');
return view('budgets.create', compact('subTitle'));
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return View
public function delete(Request $request, Budget $budget)
$subTitle = trans('firefly.delete_budget', ['name' => $budget->name]);
// put previous url in session
$request->session()->flash('gaEventCategory', 'budgets');
$request->session()->flash('gaEventAction', 'delete');
return view('budgets.delete', compact('budget', 'subTitle'));
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
public function destroy(Request $request, Budget $budget)
$name = $budget->name;
$request->session()->flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.deleted_budget', ['name' => e($name)])));
return redirect($this->getPreviousUri('budgets.delete.uri'));
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return View
public function edit(Request $request, Budget $budget)
$subTitle = trans('firefly.edit_budget', ['name' => $budget->name]);
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit").
if (session('budgets.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) {
$request->session()->flash('gaEventCategory', 'budgets');
$request->session()->flash('gaEventAction', 'edit');
return view('budgets.edit', compact('budget', 'subTitle'));
* @param string|null $moment
* @return View
public function index(string $moment = null)
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = session('start', new Carbon);
$end = session('end', new Carbon);
// make date if present:
if (!is_null($moment) || strlen(strval($moment)) !== 0) {
try {
$start = new Carbon($moment);
$end = Navigation::endOfPeriod($start, $range);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// start and end are already defined.
$next = clone $end;
$prev = clone $start;
$prev = Navigation::startOfPeriod($prev, $range);
$budgets = $this->repository->getActiveBudgets();
$inactive = $this->repository->getInactiveBudgets();
$periodStart = $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat);
$periodEnd = $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat);
$budgetInformation = $this->collectBudgetInformation($budgets, $start, $end);
$defaultCurrency = Amount::getDefaultCurrency();
$available = $this->repository->getAvailableBudget($defaultCurrency, $start, $end);
$spent = array_sum(array_column($budgetInformation, 'spent'));
$budgeted = array_sum(array_column($budgetInformation, 'budgeted'));
// select thing for last 12 periods:
$previousLoop = [];
$previousDate = clone $start;
$count = 0;
while ($count < 12) {
$previousDate = Navigation::startOfPeriod($previousDate, $range);
$format = $previousDate->format('Y-m-d');
$previousLoop[$format] = Navigation::periodShow($previousDate, $range);
// select thing for next 12 periods:
$nextLoop = [];
$nextDate = clone $end;
$count = 0;
while ($count < 12) {
$format = $nextDate->format('Y-m-d');
$nextLoop[$format] = Navigation::periodShow($nextDate, $range);
$nextDate = Navigation::endOfPeriod($nextDate, $range);
// display info
$currentMonth = Navigation::periodShow($start, $range);
$nextText = Navigation::periodShow($next, $range);
$prevText = Navigation::periodShow($prev, $range);
return view(
'available', 'currentMonth', 'next', 'nextText', 'prev', 'prevText',
'periodStart', 'periodEnd', 'budgetInformation', 'inactive', 'budgets',
'spent', 'budgeted', 'previousLoop', 'nextLoop', 'start'
* @param Request $request
* @param JournalRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param string $moment
* @return View
public function noBudget(Request $request, JournalRepositoryInterface $repository, string $moment = '')
// default values:
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = null;
$end = null;
$periods = new Collection;
// prep for "all" view.
if ($moment === 'all') {
$subTitle = trans('firefly.all_journals_without_budget');
$first = $repository->first();
$start = $first->date ?? new Carbon;
$end = new Carbon;
// prep for "specific date" view.
if (strlen($moment) > 0 && $moment !== 'all') {
$start = new Carbon($moment);
$end = Navigation::endOfPeriod($start, $range);
$subTitle = trans(
['start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat)]
$periods = $this->getPeriodOverview();
// prep for current period
if (strlen($moment) === 0) {
$start = clone session('start', Navigation::startOfPeriod(new Carbon, $range));
$end = clone session('end', Navigation::endOfPeriod(new Carbon, $range));
$periods = $this->getPeriodOverview();
$subTitle = trans(
['start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat)]
$page = intval($request->get('page')) === 0 ? 1 : intval($request->get('page'));
$pageSize = intval(Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data);
$count = 0;
$loop = 0;
// grab journals, but be prepared to jump a period back to get the right ones:
Log::info('Now at no-budget loop start.');
while ($count === 0 && $loop < 3) {
Log::info(sprintf('Count is zero, search for journals between %s and %s.', $start->format('Y-m-d'), $end->format('Y-m-d')));
/** @var JournalCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(JournalCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAllAssetAccounts()->setRange($start, $end)->setTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])->setLimit($pageSize)->setPage($page)
$journals = $collector->getPaginatedJournals();
$count = $journals->getCollection()->count();
if ($count === 0 && $loop < 3) {
$start = Navigation::startOfPeriod($start, $range);
$end = Navigation::endOfPeriod($start, $range);
Log::info(sprintf('Count is still zero, go back in time to "%s" and "%s"!', $start->format('Y-m-d'), $end->format('Y-m-d')));
if ($moment !== 'all' && $loop > 1) {
$subTitle = trans(
['start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat)]
Session::flash('info', trans('firefly.jump_back_in_time'));
return view('budgets.no-budget', compact('journals', 'subTitle', 'moment', 'periods', 'start', 'end'));
* @param BudgetIncomeRequest $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public function postUpdateIncome(BudgetIncomeRequest $request)
$start = session('start', new Carbon);
$end = session('end', new Carbon);
$defaultCurrency = Amount::getDefaultCurrency();
$amount = $request->get('amount');
$this->repository->setAvailableBudget($defaultCurrency, $start, $end, $amount);
return redirect(route('budgets.index'));
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return View
public function show(Request $request, Budget $budget)
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = session('first', Carbon::create()->startOfYear());
$end = new Carbon;
$page = intval($request->get('page')) === 0 ? 1 : intval($request->get('page'));
$pageSize = intval(Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data);
$limits = $this->getLimits($budget, $start, $end);
$repetition = null;
// collector:
/** @var JournalCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(JournalCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAllAssetAccounts()->setRange($start, $end)->setBudget($budget)->setLimit($pageSize)->setPage($page)->withCategoryInformation();
$journals = $collector->getPaginatedJournals();
$journals->setPath(route('budgets.show', [$budget->id]));
$subTitle = trans('firefly.all_journals_for_budget', ['name' => $budget->name]);
return view('budgets.show', compact('limits', 'budget', 'repetition', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
* @param Request $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @param BudgetLimit $budgetLimit
* @return View
* @throws FireflyException
public function showByBudgetLimit(Request $request, Budget $budget, BudgetLimit $budgetLimit)
if ($budgetLimit->budget->id !== $budget->id) {
throw new FireflyException('This budget limit is not part of this budget.');
$page = intval($request->get('page')) === 0 ? 1 : intval($request->get('page'));
$pageSize = intval(Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data);
$subTitle = trans(
'firefly.budget_in_period', [
'name' => $budget->name,
'start' => $budgetLimit->start_date->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat),
'end' => $budgetLimit->end_date->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat),
// collector:
/** @var JournalCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(JournalCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAllAssetAccounts()->setRange($budgetLimit->start_date, $budgetLimit->end_date)
$journals = $collector->getPaginatedJournals();
$journals->setPath(route('budgets.show', [$budget->id, $budgetLimit->id]));
$start = session('first', Carbon::create()->startOfYear());
$end = new Carbon;
$limits = $this->getLimits($budget, $start, $end);
return view('budgets.show', compact('limits', 'budget', 'budgetLimit', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
* @param BudgetFormRequest $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public function store(BudgetFormRequest $request)
$data = $request->getBudgetData();
$budget = $this->repository->store($data);
$request->session()->flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.stored_new_budget', ['name' => e($budget->name)])));
if (intval($request->get('create_another')) === 1) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$request->session()->put('budgets.create.fromStore', true);
return redirect(route('budgets.create'))->withInput();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return redirect($this->getPreviousUri('budgets.create.uri'));
* @param BudgetFormRequest $request
* @param Budget $budget
* @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public function update(BudgetFormRequest $request, Budget $budget)
$data = $request->getBudgetData();
$this->repository->update($budget, $data);
$request->session()->flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.updated_budget', ['name' => e($budget->name)])));
if (intval($request->get('return_to_edit')) === 1) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$request->session()->put('budgets.edit.fromUpdate', true);
return redirect(route('budgets.edit', [$budget->id]))->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return redirect($this->getPreviousUri('budgets.edit.uri'));
* @return View
public function updateIncome()
$start = session('start', new Carbon);
$end = session('end', new Carbon);
$defaultCurrency = Amount::getDefaultCurrency();
$available = $this->repository->getAvailableBudget($defaultCurrency, $start, $end);
return view('budgets.income', compact('available', 'start', 'end'));
* @param Collection $budgets
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return array
private function collectBudgetInformation(Collection $budgets, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// get account information
/** @var AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository */
$accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
$accounts = $accountRepository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::CASH]);
$return = [];
/** @var Budget $budget */
foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
$budgetId = $budget->id;
$return[$budgetId] = [
'spent' => $this->repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $accounts, $start, $end),
'budgeted' => '0',
'currentRep' => false,
$budgetLimits = $this->repository->getBudgetLimits($budget, $start, $end);
$otherLimits = new Collection;
// get all the budget limits relevant between start and end and examine them:
/** @var BudgetLimit $limit */
foreach ($budgetLimits as $limit) {
if ($limit->start_date->isSameDay($start) && $limit->end_date->isSameDay($end)
) {
$return[$budgetId]['currentLimit'] = $limit;
$return[$budgetId]['budgeted'] = $limit->amount;
// otherwise it's just one of the many relevant repetitions:
$return[$budgetId]['otherLimits'] = $otherLimits;
return $return;
* @param Budget $budget
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
private function getLimits(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// properties for cache
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @var AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository */
$accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
$accounts = $accountRepository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET, AccountType::CASH]);
$set = $this->repository->getBudgetLimits($budget, $start, $end);
$limits = new Collection();
/** @var BudgetLimit $entry */
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$entry->spent = $this->repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $accounts, $entry->start_date, $entry->end_date);
return $set;
* @return Collection
private function getPeriodOverview(): Collection
$repository = app(JournalRepositoryInterface::class);
$first = $repository->first();
$start = $first->date ?? new Carbon;
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = Navigation::startOfPeriod($start, $range);
$end = Navigation::endOfX(new Carbon, $range, null);
$entries = new Collection;
// properties for cache
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
Log::debug('Going to get period expenses and incomes.');
while ($end >= $start) {
$end = Navigation::startOfPeriod($end, $range);
$currentEnd = Navigation::endOfPeriod($end, $range);
// count journals without budget in this period:
/** @var JournalCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(JournalCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAllAssetAccounts()->setRange($end, $currentEnd)->withoutBudget()->withOpposingAccount()->setTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL]);
$set = $collector->getJournals();
$sum = $set->sum('transaction_amount');
$journals = $set->count();
$dateStr = $end->format('Y-m-d');
$dateName = Navigation::periodShow($end, $range);
'string' => $dateStr,
'name' => $dateName,
'count' => $journals,
'sum' => $sum,
'date' => clone $end,
$end = Navigation::subtractPeriod($end, $range, 1);
return $entries;