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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:27 -06:00
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* firefly.php
* Copyright (c) 2019 james@firefly-iii.org
* This file is part of Firefly III (https://github.com/firefly-iii).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
return [
// general stuff:
'close' => '关闭',
'actions' => '操作',
'edit' => '编辑',
'delete' => '删除',
'split' => '分割',
'single_split' => 'Split',
'clone' => '复製',
'last_seven_days' => '最近7天',
'last_thirty_days' => '最近30天',
'welcome_back' => '今天理财了吗?',
'everything' => '所有',
'today' => '今天',
'customRange' => '自订范围',
'apply' => '套用',
'select_date' => '选择日期..',
'cancel' => '取消',
'from' => '自',
'to' => '至',
'structure' => '结构',
'help_translating' => '本说明文本于您的语言尚不可用,<a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">愿意协助吗?</a>',
'showEverything' => '全部显示',
'never' => '永不',
'no_results_for_empty_search' => '您的搜寻为空,找不到任何东西。',
'removed_amount' => '已移除 :amount',
'added_amount' => '已新增 :amount',
'asset_account_role_help' => '基于您的选择而产生的额外选项,均可于事后调整。',
'Opening balance' => '初始余额',
'create_new_stuff' => '建立新内容',
'new_withdrawal' => '新提款',
'create_new_transaction' => '建立新交易',
'sidebar_frontpage_create' => '创建',
'new_transaction' => '新交易',
'no_rules_for_bill' => '该账单没有与之相关的规则。',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => '检视您的资产帐户',
'go_to_budgets' => '前往您的预算',
'clones_journal_x' => '此交易是 ":description" (#:id) 的克隆。',
'go_to_categories' => '前往您的分类',
'go_to_bills' => '前往您的帐单',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => '查看您的支出帐户',
'go_to_revenue_accounts' => '查看您的收入帐户',
'go_to_piggies' => '前往您的存钱罐',
'new_deposit' => '新的存款',
'new_transfer' => '新的转帐',
'new_transfers' => '新的转帐',
'new_asset_account' => '新的资产帐户',
'new_expense_account' => '新的支出帐户',
'new_revenue_account' => '新的收入帐户',
'new_liabilities_account' => '新的负债',
'new_budget' => '新的预算',
'new_bill' => '新的帐单',
'block_account_logout' => '你已被登出。被封锁的帐号不能使用本网站,您没有以有效的电子邮件地址注册吗?',
'flash_success' => '成功!',
'flash_info' => '讯息',
'flash_warning' => '警告!',
'flash_error' => '错误!',
'flash_info_multiple' => '有1个讯息|有 :count 个讯息',
'flash_error_multiple' => '有1个错误|有 :count 个错误',
'net_worth' => '净值',
'route_has_no_help' => '此路径目前还没有说明。',
'help_for_this_page' => '本页说明',
'no_help_could_be_found' => '找不到说明文本。',
'no_help_title' => '不好意思,发生一个错误。',
'two_factor_welcome' => '您好!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => '若要继续,请输入您的应用为您生成的两步验证代码。',
'two_factor_code_here' => '在此输入代码',
'two_factor_title' => '两步验证',
'authenticate' => '验证',
'two_factor_forgot_title' => '遗失两步验证',
'two_factor_forgot' => '我忘记了我的两步验证码',
'two_factor_lost_header' => '遗失了您的两步验证吗?',
'two_factor_lost_intro' => '如果您不幸丢失了备份代码。您不能通过网页节目修复。你有两个选择。',
'two_factor_lost_fix_self' => '如果您在自己的实例上运行 Fifly III, 请在 <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/faq/other#i-lost-my-two-factor-authentication-codes-and-backup-codes">常见问题</a> 中阅读此条目以获取说明。',
'two_factor_lost_fix_owner' => '否则,请致信网站拥有者,<a href="mailto::site_owner">:site_owner</a> 并要求他们重置你的两步骤验证。',
'mfa_backup_code' => '您已使用备用代码登录到 Firefly III 。 您不能再使用它,因此请将其划掉。',
'pref_two_factor_new_backup_codes' => '生成备份代码',
'pref_two_factor_backup_code_count' => 'You have :count valid backup code.|You have :count valid backup codes.',
'2fa_i_have_them' => '我存下来了!',
'warning_much_data' => ':days 天份的资料需要一点时间读取。',
'registered' => '您已成功注册!',
'Default asset account' => '预设资产帐户',
'no_budget_pointer' => '您似乎还没有任何预算。您应该在 <a href="/budgets">预算</a>页面上创建他们。预算可以帮助您跟踪费用。',
'no_bill_pointer' => 'You seem to have no bills yet. You should create some on the <a href="/bills">bills</a>-page. Bills can help you keep track of expenses.',
'Savings account' => '储蓄帐户',
'Credit card' => '信用卡',
'source_accounts' => 'Source account|Source accounts',
'destination_accounts' => 'Destination account|Destination accounts',
'user_id_is' => '您的使用者 ID 是 <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => '此栏位支援 <a href="https://en.support.wordpress.com/markdown-quick-reference/">Markdown</a> 语法。',
'need_more_help' => '如果您需要更多 Firefly III 的协助,请 <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">于 GitHub 建立提问</a>。',
'reenable_intro_text' => '您也可以重新启用 <a href="#" id="reenableGuidance">说明指导</a>。',
'intro_boxes_after_refresh' => '当您重新整理页面后,介绍框将会重新出现。',
'show_all_no_filter' => '不以日期分组,显示所有交易纪录',
'expenses_by_category' => '按分类的支出',
'expenses_by_budget' => '按预算的支出',
'income_by_category' => '按分类的收入',
'expenses_by_asset_account' => '按资产帐户的支出',
'expenses_by_expense_account' => '按支出帐户的支出',
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III 无法重新指向您至正确页面,抱歉。',
'sum_of_expenses' => '支出总和',
'sum_of_income' => '收入总和',
'liabilities' => '债务',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => '预算「:budget」中的花费',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account ":account"',
'source_account' => '来源帐户',
'source_account_reconciliation' => '您不能编辑对账交易的源账户',
'destination_account' => '目标帐户',
'destination_account_reconciliation' => '您不能编辑对账交易的目标账户',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => '预算「:budget」中的总花费',
'left_in_budget_limit' => '依照预算的支出尚余',
'current_period' => '目前区间',
'show_the_current_period_and_overview' => '显示目前区间与概览',
'pref_languages_locale' => '如欲正常使用英语外的语言,您的作业系统必须搭配正确的地区资讯 (locale-information)。如上述资讯不存在,则货币资料、日期与总数,可能格式有误。',
'budget_in_period' => '预算“ :name ”中以 :currency 为货币的自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易',
'chart_budget_in_period' => '预算“ :name ”中以 :currency 为货币的自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易的图表',
'chart_budget_in_period_only_currency' => '您的预算金额以 :currency 显示 ,因此此图表将以 :currency 显示交易。',
'chart_account_in_period' => '帐户「:name」( :balance ) 自 :start 至 :end 所有交易的图表',
'chart_category_in_period' => '分类「:name」自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易图表',
'chart_category_all' => '分类「:name」的所有交易图表',
'clone_withdrawal' => '复製此提款',
'clone_deposit' => '复製此存款',
'clone_transfer' => '复製此转帐',
'multi_select_no_selection' => '未选取',
'multi_select_select_all' => '选取全部',
'multi_select_n_selected' => '选取',
'multi_select_all_selected' => '全部选取',
'multi_select_filter_placeholder' => '搜寻…',
'intro_next_label' => '下一个',
'intro_prev_label' => '上一个',
'intro_skip_label' => '略过',
'intro_done_label' => '完成',
'between_dates_breadcrumb' => '自 :start 至 :end',
'all_journals_without_budget' => '没有预算的所有交易',
'journals_without_budget' => '没有预算的交易',
'all_journals_without_category' => '没有类别的所有交易',
'journals_without_category' => '没有类别的交易',
'all_journals_for_account' => ':name 帐户的所有交易',
'chart_all_journals_for_account' => ':name 帐户的所有交易图表',
'journals_in_period_for_account' => ':name 帐户自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易',
'transferred' => '已转帐',
'all_withdrawal' => '所有支出',
'all_transactions' => '所有交易',
'title_withdrawal_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 的所有支出',
'all_deposit' => '所有收入',
'title_deposit_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 的所有收入',
'all_transfers' => '所有转帐',
'title_transfers_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 的所有转帐',
'all_transfer' => '所有转帐',
'all_journals_for_tag' => '标签「:tag」的所有交易',
'title_transfer_between' => ':start 到 :end 期间的所有转帐',
'all_journals_for_category' => '分类 :name 的所有交易',
'all_journals_for_budget' => '预算 :name 的所有交易',
'chart_all_journals_for_budget' => '预算 :name 的所有交易图表',
'journals_in_period_for_category' => '分类 :name 自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易',
'journals_in_period_for_tag' => '标签 :tag 自 :start 至 :end 的所有交易',
'not_available_demo_user' => '您欲使用的功能并无开放给展示使用者',
'exchange_rate_instructions' => '资产帐户「@name」仅接受使用 @native_currency 的交易,若您希望使用 @foreign_currency,请确认 @native_currency 内的总额是已知的。',
'transfer_exchange_rate_instructions' => '来源资产帐户「@source_name」仅接受 @source_currency 的交易,目标资产帐户「@dest_name」紧接受 @dest_currency 的交易,您必须就双方货币正确地提供已转总额。',
'transaction_data' => '交易资料',
'invalid_server_configuration' => '无效服务器设置',
'invalid_locale_settings' => 'Firefly III 无法格式化金额总数,因为您的伺服器缺乏必要套件。此处为 <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Missing-locale-packages">如何处置的指引</a>。',
'quickswitch' => '快速切换',
'sign_in_to_start' => '登录以开始您的理财规划',
'sign_in' => '登录',
'register_new_account' => '注册新帐号',
'forgot_my_password' => '我忘了我的密码',
'problems_with_input' => '你的输入有一些问题。',
'reset_password' => '重设密码',
'button_reset_password' => '重设密码',
'reset_button' => '重置',
'want_to_login' => '我想登录',
'login_page_title' => '登录到Firefly III',
'register_page_title' => '在 Firefly III 注册',
'forgot_pw_page_title' => '忘记您 Firefly III 的密码',
'reset_pw_page_title' => '重设您 Firefly III 的密码',
'cannot_reset_demo_user' => '您不能重置 演示使用者 的密码。',
'no_att_demo_user' => 'The demo user can\'t upload attachments.',
'button_register' => '注册帐号',
'authorization' => '认证',
'active_bills_only' => '只显示进行中的工作',
'active_exp_bills_only' => '只显示有效和预期的账单',
'per_period_sum_1D' => 'Expected daily costs',
'per_period_sum_1W' => 'Expected weekly costs',
'per_period_sum_1M' => 'Expected monthly costs',
'per_period_sum_3M' => 'Expected quarterly costs',
'per_period_sum_6M' => 'Expected half-yearly costs',
'per_period_sum_1Y' => 'Expected yearly costs',
'average_per_bill' => '每张帐单的平均数',
'expected_total' => '期望总数',
'reconciliation_account_name' => ':name reconciliation (:currency)',
'saved' => '已保存',
// API access
'authorization_request' => 'Firefly III :version 版授权请求',
'authorization_request_intro' => '<strong>:client</strong> 正在要求通行您的财务管理后台的许可,您是否愿意授权 <strong>:client</strong> 通行这些纪录?',
'scopes_will_be_able' => '此应用可以:',
'button_authorize' => '授权',
'none_in_select_list' => '(空)',
'no_piggy_bank' => '(无存钱罐)',
'name_in_currency' => ':name 于 :currency',
'paid_in_currency' => '以 :currency 支付',
'unpaid_in_currency' => '未以 :currency 支付',
'is_alpha_warning' => '您正在运行 ALPHA 版本。请注意错误和问题。',
'is_beta_warning' => '您正在运行 BETA 版本。请注意错误和问题。',
'all_destination_accounts' => '目标帐户',
'all_source_accounts' => '源账户',
'back_to_index' => 'Back to the index',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => '检查更新',
'admin_update_check_title' => '自动检查更新',
'admin_update_check_explain' => 'Firefly III 可以自动检查更新。 当您启用此设置时,它将与 Fifly III 更新服务器联系,查看是否有新版本的 Firefly III。 当它存在时,您将收到通知。您可以使用右边的按钮测试此通知。 请在下面选择您是否希望 Fifly III 检查更新。',
'check_for_updates_permission' => 'Firefly III 可自动检查更新,但此功能需要您的许可。请转至 <a href=":link">后台管理</a> 表明您是否需要启用此功能。',
'updates_ask_me_later' => '稍后再问我',
'updates_do_not_check' => '不检查更新',
'updates_enable_check' => '启用更新检查',
'admin_update_check_now_title' => '立刻检查更新',
'admin_update_check_now_explain' => '如果您按下此按钮,Firefly III 将会检查您现在的版本是否为最新版。',
'check_for_updates_button' => '马上检查!',
'update_new_version_alert' => '较新版本的 Firefly III 已可使用,您目前为 :your_version 版,最新版本为 :new_version 版,于 :date 释出。',
'update_version_beta' => '此版本是 BETA 版本。您可能会遇到问题。',
'update_version_alpha' => '此版本是 ALPHA 版本。您可能会遇到问题。',
'update_current_version_alert' => '您正在运行 :version, 这是最新的可用版本。',
'update_newer_version_alert' => '您正在运行 :your_version,它比最新发布的 :new_version更新。',
'update_check_error' => '检查更新时发生错误::error',
'unknown_error' => '未知错误。抱歉。',
'just_new_release' => '有一个新版本可用!版本 :version 在 :date 发布。这个版本非常新。等待几天后新版本才能稳定。',
'disabled_but_check' => '您已禁用更新检查。所以请不要忘记手动检查更新。谢谢!',
'admin_update_channel_title' => '更新通道',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III具有三个更新“通道”,这些通道确定您在功能,增强功能和错误方面都处于最新。 如果您喜欢冒险,请使用“ beta”频道;如果您不惧危险,请使用“ alpha”频道。',
'update_channel_stable' => '稳定版。一切应该都如预期的那样运行。',
'update_channel_beta' => 'Beta版。拥有新功能但是可能出现崩溃。',
'update_channel_alpha' => 'Alpha版。我们试用新功能,看它们是否奏效。',
// search
'search' => '搜寻',
'search_query' => '查询',
'search_found_transactions' => 'Firefly III found :count transaction in :time seconds.|Firefly III found :count transactions in :time seconds.',
'search_found_more_transactions' => 'Firefly III found more than :count transactions in :time seconds.',
'search_for_query' => 'Firefly III 正搜索含有 <span class="text-info">:query</span> 的交易。',
'search_modifier_date_is' => 'Transaction date is ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Transaction date is before or on ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_after' => 'Transaction date is after or on ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_on' => 'Transaction was created on ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_on' => 'Transaction was last updated on ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_id' => 'External ID is ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference' => 'Internal reference is ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_starts' => 'Description is ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_ends' => 'Description ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_contains' => 'Description contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_is' => 'Description is exactly ":value"',
'search_modifier_currency_is' => 'Transaction (foreign) currency is ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_currency_is' => 'Transaction foreign currency is ":value"',
'search_modifier_has_attachments' => 'The transaction must have an attachment',
'search_modifier_has_no_category' => 'The transaction must have no category',
'search_modifier_has_any_category' => 'The transaction must have a (any) category',
'search_modifier_has_no_budget' => 'The transaction must have no budget',
'search_modifier_has_any_budget' => 'The transaction must have a (any) budget',
'search_modifier_has_no_tag' => 'The transaction must have no tags',
'search_modifier_has_any_tag' => 'The transaction must have a (any) tag',
'search_modifier_notes_contain' => 'The transaction notes contain ":value"',
'search_modifier_notes_start' => 'The transaction notes start with ":value"',
'search_modifier_notes_end' => 'The transaction notes end with ":value"',
'search_modifier_notes_are' => 'The transaction notes are exactly ":value"',
'search_modifier_no_notes' => 'The transaction has no notes',
'search_modifier_any_notes' => 'The transaction must have notes',
'search_modifier_amount_exactly' => 'Amount is exactly :value',
'search_modifier_amount_less' => 'Amount is less than or equal to :value',
'search_modifier_amount_more' => 'Amount is more than or equal to :value',
'search_modifier_source_account_is' => 'Source account name is exactly ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_contains' => 'Source account name contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_starts' => 'Source account name starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_ends' => 'Source account name ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_id' => 'Source account ID is :value',
'search_modifier_source_account_nr_is' => 'Source account number (IBAN) is ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_nr_contains' => 'Source account number (IBAN) contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_nr_starts' => 'Source account number (IBAN) starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_source_account_nr_ends' => 'Source account number (IBAN) ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_is' => 'Destination account name is exactly ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_contains' => 'Destination account name contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_starts' => 'Destination account name starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_ends' => 'Destination account name ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_id' => 'Destination account ID is :value',
'search_modifier_destination_is_cash' => 'Destination account is (cash) account',
'search_modifier_source_is_cash' => 'Source account is (cash) account',
'search_modifier_destination_account_nr_is' => 'Destination account number (IBAN) is ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_nr_contains' => 'Destination account number (IBAN) contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_nr_starts' => 'Destination account number (IBAN) starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_destination_account_nr_ends' => 'Destination account number (IBAN) ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_id' => 'Source or destination account ID\'s is/are: :value',
'search_modifier_category_is' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_is' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill_is' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_transaction_type' => 'Transaction type is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag_is' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'update_rule_from_query' => 'Update rule ":rule" from search query',
'create_rule_from_query' => 'Create new rule from search query',
'rule_from_search_words' => 'The rule engine has a hard time handling ":string". The suggested rule that fits your search query may give different results. Please verify the rule triggers carefully.',
// END
'modifiers_applies_are' => '以下修饰也适用于搜索:',
'general_search_error' => '搜索时出错。请检查日志文件以获取更多信息。',
'search_box' => '搜寻',
'search_box_intro' => '欢迎使用 Firefly III 的搜寻功能,请于方框内键入搜寻条件。请确保您以阅读过协助档案,因为此搜寻功能非常先进。',
'search_error' => '查询的时候出错',
'search_searching' => '正在搜寻...',
'search_results' => '搜索结果',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_yearly' => '每年',
'repeat_freq_half-year' => '每半年',
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => '每季',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => '每月',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => '每周',
'weekly' => '每周',
'quarterly' => '每季',
'half-year' => '每半年',
'yearly' => '每年',
// rules
'cannot_fire_inactive_rules' => 'You cannot execute inactive rules.',
'rules' => '规则',
'rule_name' => '规则名称',
'rule_triggers' => '规则触发于',
'rule_actions' => '规则将',
'new_rule' => '新规则',
'new_rule_group' => '新规则群组',
'rule_priority_up' => '赋予规则更高优先次序',
'rule_priority_down' => '赋予规则更低优先次序',
'make_new_rule_group' => '建立新的规则群组',
'store_new_rule_group' => '储存新的规则群组',
'created_new_rule_group' => '新规则群组 ":title" 已储存!',
'updated_rule_group' => '已成功更新 ":title" 规则群组。',
'edit_rule_group' => '编辑 ":title" 规则群组。',
'duplicate_rule' => '复制规则 ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => '复制":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => '复制规则 ":title" 到 ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => '删除 ":title" 规则群组',
'deleted_rule_group' => '规则群组 ":title" 已删除',
'update_rule_group' => '更新规则群组',
'no_rules_in_group' => '此群组内没有规则',
'move_rule_group_up' => '向上移动规则群组',
'move_rule_group_down' => '向下移动规则群组',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Save this rule by moving it to another rule group:|Save these rules by moving them to another rule group:',
'make_new_rule' => '在规则群组 ":title" 中建立新规则',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => '建立新规则',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => '为了媒合交易至您的新帐单 ":name",Firefly III 可以建立一个针对您储存的每一笔交易且自动启动的规则。请验证下方的资讯并储存规则,让 Firefly III 自动媒合交易至您的新帐单。',
'instructions_rule_from_journal' => '基于您的交易之一创建一条规则。补充或提交下面的表格。',
'rule_is_strict' => '严谨规则',
'rule_is_not_strict' => '非严谨规则',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => '勾选此核选方块时,将不会执行此群组中的后续规则。',
'rule_help_strict' => '在严谨规则中,所有触发器均须触发以执行动作。在非严谨规则中,任何触发器即足以执行动作。',
'rule_help_active' => '未启用的规则永远不会触发。',
'stored_new_rule' => '已以 ":title" 为标题储存新规则',
'deleted_rule' => '已删除标题为 ":title" 的规则',
'store_new_rule' => '储存新规则',
'updated_rule' => '已以 ":title" 为标题更新规则',
'default_rule_group_name' => '预设规则',
'default_rule_group_description' => '您所有规则均不属于特定群组。',
'default_rule_name' => '您的第一个预设规则',
'default_rule_description' => '此为范例规则,您可安全移除它。',
'default_rule_trigger_description' => '那个卖掉世界的男人',
'default_rule_trigger_source_account' => 'David Bowie',
'default_rule_action_prepend' => '从这个人手里买了世界 ',
'default_rule_action_set_category' => '钜额消费',
'trigger' => '触发器',
'trigger_value' => '价值触发',
'stop_processing_other_triggers' => '停止处理其他触发器',
'add_rule_trigger' => '新增触发器',
'action' => '动作',
'action_value' => '动作值',
'stop_executing_other_actions' => '停止处理其他动作',
'add_rule_action' => '新增动作',
'edit_rule' => '编辑规则 ":title"',
'delete_rule' => '删除规则 ":title"',
'update_rule' => '更新规则',
'test_rule_triggers' => '检视相符交易',
'warning_no_matching_transactions' => 'No matching transactions found.',
'warning_no_valid_triggers' => '未提供有效触发器。',
'apply_rule_selection' => '将规则 ":title" 套用至您所选的交易',
'apply_rule_selection_intro' => '规则如 ":title" 一般仅套用至新的或更新后的交易,但您可要求 Firefly III 针对既有的单笔或多笔交易执行规则。在您更新一则规则后,且必须套用该规则至其他交易时,即可使用此功能。',
'include_transactions_from_accounts' => '包含来自这些帐户的交易',
'applied_rule_selection' => '规则 ":title" 已套用至您选择的交易。',
'execute' => '执行',
'apply_rule_group_selection' => '将规则群组 ":title" 套用至您所选的交易',
'apply_rule_group_selection_intro' => '规则群组如 ":title" 一般仅套用至新的或更新后的交易,但您可要求 Firefly III 针对既有的单笔或多笔交易执行规则群组内的规则。在您更新一则规则群组后,且必须套用该群组至其他交易时,即可使用此功能。',
'applied_rule_group_selection' => '规则群组 ":title" 已套用至您选择的交易。',
// actions and triggers
'rule_trigger_user_action' => '使用者动作为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_starts_choice' => 'Source account name starts with..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_starts' => 'Source account name starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_ends_choice' => 'Source account name ends with..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_ends' => 'Source account name ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_is_choice' => 'Source account name is..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_is' => 'Source account name is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_contains_choice' => 'Source account name contains..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_contains' => 'Source account name contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_id_choice' => 'Account ID (source/destination) is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_account_id' => 'Account ID (source/destination) is exactly :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_source_account_id_choice' => 'Source account ID is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_id' => 'Source account ID is exactly :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_id_choice' => 'Destination account ID is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_id' => 'Destination account ID is exactly :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash_choice' => 'Account (source/destination) is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash' => 'Account (source/destination) is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_source_is_cash_choice' => 'Source account is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_source_is_cash' => 'Source account is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_destination_is_cash_choice' => 'Destination account is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_destination_is_cash' => 'Destination account is (cash) account',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_starts_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN starts with..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_starts' => 'Source account number / IBAN starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_ends_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN ends with..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_ends' => 'Source account number / IBAN ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_is' => 'Source account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN contains..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_nr_contains' => 'Source account number / IBAN contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_starts_choice' => 'Destination account name starts with..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_starts' => 'Destination account name starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_ends_choice' => 'Destination account name ends with..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_ends' => 'Destination account name ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_is_choice' => 'Destination account name is..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_is' => 'Destination account name is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_contains_choice' => 'Destination account name contains..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_contains' => 'Destination account name contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_starts_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN starts with..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_starts' => 'Destination account number / IBAN starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_ends_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN ends with..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_ends' => 'Destination account number / IBAN ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_is' => 'Destination account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN contains..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_nr_contains' => 'Destination account number / IBAN contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_transaction_type_choice' => '转帐类型为…',
'rule_trigger_transaction_type' => '转帐类型为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_category_is_choice' => '类别...',
'rule_trigger_category_is' => '分类为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_amount_less_choice' => '金额小于…',
'rule_trigger_amount_less' => '金额小于 :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_exactly_choice' => '金额为:',
'rule_trigger_amount_exactly' => '金额为 :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_more_choice' => '金额大于…',
'rule_trigger_amount_more' => '金额大于 :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_description_starts_choice' => '描述以…开头',
'rule_trigger_description_starts' => '描述开头为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_ends_choice' => '描述以…作结',
'rule_trigger_description_ends' => '描述结尾为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_contains_choice' => '描述包含…',
'rule_trigger_description_contains' => '描述包含 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_is_choice' => '描述是…',
'rule_trigger_description_is' => '描述为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_is_choice' => 'Transaction date is..',
'rule_trigger_date_is' => 'Transaction date is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_before_choice' => 'Transaction date is before..',
'rule_trigger_date_before' => 'Transaction date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_after_choice' => 'Transaction date is after..',
'rule_trigger_date_after' => 'Transaction date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_on_choice' => 'Transaction was made on..',
'rule_trigger_created_on' => 'Transaction was made on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_on_choice' => 'Transaction was last edited on..',
'rule_trigger_updated_on' => 'Transaction was last edited on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_budget_is_choice' => '预算为…',
'rule_trigger_budget_is' => '预算为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => '(一个) 标签为…',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => '一个标签为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => '转帐货币为…',
'rule_trigger_currency_is' => '转帐货币为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_currency_is_choice' => 'Transaction foreign currency is..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_currency_is' => 'Transaction foreign currency is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments_choice' => '至少有这麽多附加档案',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments' => 'Has at least :trigger_value attachment(s)',
'rule_trigger_store_journal' => '当建立一笔交易',
'rule_trigger_update_journal' => '当更新一笔交易',
'rule_trigger_has_no_category_choice' => '无分类',
'rule_trigger_has_no_category' => '交易没有分类',
'rule_trigger_has_any_category_choice' => '有一个 (任何) 分类',
'rule_trigger_has_any_category' => '交易有一个 (任何) 分类',
'rule_trigger_has_no_budget_choice' => '没有预算',
'rule_trigger_has_no_budget' => '交易没有预算',
'rule_trigger_has_any_budget_choice' => '有一个 (任何) 预算',
'rule_trigger_has_any_budget' => '交易有一个 (任何) 预算',
'rule_trigger_has_no_tag_choice' => '没有标签',
'rule_trigger_has_no_tag' => '交易没有标签',
'rule_trigger_has_any_tag_choice' => '有一个或多个 (任何) 标签',
'rule_trigger_has_any_tag' => '交易有一个或多个 (任何) 标签',
'rule_trigger_any_notes_choice' => '有 (任何) 注释',
'rule_trigger_any_notes' => '交易有 (任何) 注释',
'rule_trigger_no_notes_choice' => '没有注释',
'rule_trigger_no_notes' => '交易没有注释',
'rule_trigger_notes_are_choice' => '注释为…',
'rule_trigger_notes_are' => '注释为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contain_choice' => '注释包含…',
'rule_trigger_notes_contain' => '注释包含 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_start_choice' => '注释开头为…',
'rule_trigger_notes_start' => '注释开头为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_end_choice' => '注释结尾为…',
'rule_trigger_notes_end' => '注释结尾为 ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_is_choice' => 'Bill is..',
'rule_trigger_bill_is' => 'Bill is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_id_choice' => 'External ID is..',
'rule_trigger_external_id' => 'External ID is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_choice' => 'Internal reference is..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference' => 'Internal reference is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_journal_id_choice' => 'Transaction journal ID is..',
'rule_trigger_journal_id' => 'Transaction journal ID is ":trigger_value"',
// actions
'rule_action_delete_transaction_choice' => 'DELETE transaction (!)',
'rule_action_delete_transaction' => 'DELETE transaction (!)',
'rule_action_set_category' => '设定分类为 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_category' => '清空分类',
'rule_action_set_budget' => '设定预算为 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_budget' => '清空预算',
'rule_action_add_tag' => '新增标签 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_remove_tag' => '移除标签 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_remove_all_tags' => '移除所有标签',
'rule_action_set_description' => '设定描述为 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description' => '描述后加上 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_prepend_description' => '描述前加上 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_set_category_choice' => '将分类设为…',
'rule_action_clear_category_choice' => '清空任何分类',
'rule_action_set_budget_choice' => '设定预算为…',
'rule_action_clear_budget_choice' => '清空任何预算',
'rule_action_add_tag_choice' => '新增标签…',
'rule_action_remove_tag_choice' => '移除标签…',
'rule_action_remove_all_tags_choice' => '移除所有标签',
'rule_action_set_description_choice' => '把描述设置为…',
'rule_action_update_piggy_choice' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank..',
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => '描述后加上…',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => '描述前加上…',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => '将来源帐户设为 :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => '将目标帐户设为 :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => '注释后加入…',
'rule_action_append_notes' => '注释后加上 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_prepend_notes_choice' => '注释前加入…',
'rule_action_prepend_notes' => '注释前加上 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_notes_choice' => '移除任何注释',
'rule_action_clear_notes' => '移除任何注释',
'rule_action_set_notes_choice' => '设定注释至…',
'rule_action_link_to_bill_choice' => '连截至一笔帐单…',
'rule_action_link_to_bill' => '连结至帐单 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_set_notes' => '设定注释至 ":action_value"',
'rule_action_convert_deposit_choice' => '转换交易为存款',
'rule_action_convert_deposit' => '转换交易至来自 ":action_value" 的存款',
'rule_action_convert_withdrawal_choice' => '转换交易至提款',
'rule_action_convert_withdrawal' => '转换交易至 ":action_value" 的存款',
'rule_action_convert_transfer_choice' => '转换交易至转帐',
'rule_action_convert_transfer' => '转换交易至与 ":action_value" 的转帐',
'rules_have_read_warning' => '您看过警告了吗?',
'apply_rule_warning' => '警告:在大量交易上运行规则 (群组) 极为耗时,甚至会造成逾时。如果发生此情事,这些规则 (群组) 仅会套用至数量不明的交易子集,可能造成您财务管理的瑕疵,请注意。',
'rulegroup_for_bills_title' => '供帐单的规则群组',
'rulegroup_for_bills_description' => '给所有涉及帐单的规则所用的特殊规则群组。',
'rule_for_bill_title' => '自动为帐单 ":name" 产生规则',
'rule_for_bill_description' => '此规则系为了媒合帐单 ":name" 所自动产生。',
'create_rule_for_bill' => '为帐单 ":name" 建立新规则',
'create_rule_for_bill_txt' => '恭喜,您方才建立了名为 ":name" 新帐单!Firefly III 可魔幻自动地媒合新提款至此帐单。举例而言,无论何时您付了房租,帐单 "房租" 会连结到该支出。依此,Firefly III 可以准确的显示哪些帐单即期又哪些尚未。若要使用此功能,必须建立一个新的规则。Firefly III 已为您填写一些合理的预设资料,请确认是否正确。若然,Firefly III 将自动连结正确的提款至正确的帐单,请检查触发器并确认无误,若有错误请另行增添。',
'new_rule_for_bill_title' => '供帐单 ":name" 的规则',
'new_rule_for_bill_description' => '此规则标记给帐单 ":name" 的交易。',
'new_rule_for_journal_title' => '基于交易":description"的规则',
'new_rule_for_journal_description' => '此规则基于交易":description"。它将匹配完全相同的交易。',
// tags
'store_new_tag' => '储存新标签',
'update_tag' => '更新标签',
'no_location_set' => '没有设定位置。',
'meta_data' => '后设资料',
'location' => '位置',
'without_date' => '不含日期',
'result' => '结果',
'sums_apply_to_range' => '所有总和均套用至所选范围',
'mapbox_api_key' => '若要使用地图,请自 <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a> 获得一组 API 金钥。开启您的 <code>.env</code> 档案并于 <code>MAPBOX_API_KEY=</code> 句后输入金钥代码。',
'press_object_location' => '右键单击或长按设置对象的位置。',
'clear_location' => '清除位置',
'delete_all_selected_tags' => '删除所有选中的标签',
'select_tags_to_delete' => '别忘了选择一些标签。',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => '基于交易创建规则',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
'equal_to_language' => '(equal to language)',
'pref_home_screen_accounts' => '主画面帐户',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => '哪些帐户应该显示在主页面上?',
'pref_view_range' => '检视范围',
'pref_view_range_help' => '部分图表在此区间为自动群组化,您的预算亦将在此区间群组化,您倾向的区间为何?',
'pref_1D' => '1 天',
'pref_1W' => '1 周',
'pref_1M' => '1 个月',
'pref_3M' => '3个月 (季)',
'pref_6M' => '6个月',
'pref_1Y' => '1年',
'pref_languages' => '语言',
'pref_locale' => 'Locale settings',
'pref_languages_help' => 'Firefly III 支援多种语言,您倾向使用何者?',
'pref_locale_help' => 'Firefly III allows you to set other local settings, like how currencies, numbers and dates are formatted. Entries in this list may not be supported by your system. Firefly III doesn\'t have the correct date settings for every locale; contact me for improvements.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'This feature won\'t work for the demo user.',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => '财政年度设定',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => '已启用',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => '在使用1月1日至12月31日以外作为会计年度的国家,您可开启此功能并指定财政年度的起迄日。',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label' => '财政年度开始日期',
'pref_two_factor_auth' => '两步验证',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help' => '当您启用两步验证 (亦称为双重验证),便为您的帐号增加了一层安全保护。您以已知的方式 (密码) 以及既有物 (认证码) 登入,认证码系由您的手机产生,如 Authy 或 Google 身份验证器。',
'pref_enable_two_factor_auth' => '启用两步验证',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled' => '两步验证码已删除且停用',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it' => '别忘记自您的验证应用程式上删除帐号!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code' => '验证码',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help' => '使用手机上的应用程式,如 Authy 或 Google 身分验证器,扫描 QR 码并输入自动产生之代码。',
'pref_two_factor_auth_reset_code' => '重设认证码',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disable_2fa' => '停用两步验证',
'2fa_use_secret_instead' => '如果您无法扫描 QR 码,请使用密钥: <code>:secret</code>。',
'2fa_backup_codes' => '保存这些备份代码,以便在您丢失设备时访问。',
'2fa_already_enabled' => '2步验证已启用。',
'wrong_mfa_code' => '此MFA代码无效。',
'pref_save_settings' => '储存设定',
'saved_preferences' => '偏好设定已储存!',
'preferences_general' => '一般',
'preferences_frontpage' => '主画面',
'preferences_security' => '安全性',
'preferences_layout' => '版面配置',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => '在主画面显示存款',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => '主画面已显示您的支出帐户,是否亦显示您的收入帐户?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => '是,要显示',
'successful_count' => ':count 项成功',
'list_page_size_title' => '页面大小',
'list_page_size_help' => '任何物品 (帐户、交易…等) 清单在每页至多显示此数量',
'list_page_size_label' => '页面大小',
'between_dates' => '(:start 与 :end)',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction' => '交易的选填栏位',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help' => '预设状况下,建立一笔新交易 (由于丛集关系) 时,并非所有栏位都是启用的。以下,您可启用您觉得对您有用的栏位。当然,任何已键入却停用的栏位,仍是可见的,与设定无关。',
'optional_tj_date_fields' => '日期栏位',
'optional_tj_business_fields' => '商务栏位',
'optional_tj_attachment_fields' => '附加档案栏位',
'pref_optional_tj_interest_date' => '利率日期',
'pref_optional_tj_book_date' => '登记日期',
'pref_optional_tj_process_date' => '处理日期',
'pref_optional_tj_due_date' => '截止日期',
'pref_optional_tj_payment_date' => '付款日期',
'pref_optional_tj_invoice_date' => '发票日期',
'pref_optional_tj_internal_reference' => '内部参考',
'pref_optional_tj_notes' => '注释',
'pref_optional_tj_attachments' => '附加档案',
'pref_optional_tj_external_uri' => 'External URI',
'optional_field_meta_dates' => '日期',
'optional_field_meta_business' => '商务',
'optional_field_attachments' => '附加档案',
'optional_field_meta_data' => '可选后设资料',
'external_uri' => 'External URI',
// profile:
'delete_stuff_header' => 'Delete data',
'permanent_delete_stuff' => '小心使用这些按钮。删除内容是永久性的。',
'other_sessions_logged_out' => 'All your other sessions have been logged out.',
'delete_all_budgets' => '删除所有您的预算',
'delete_all_categories' => '删除您的所有类别',
'delete_all_tags' => '删除您的所有标签',
'delete_all_bills' => 'Delete ALL your bills',
'delete_all_piggy_banks' => 'Delete ALL your piggy banks',
'delete_all_rules' => 'Delete ALL your rules',
'delete_all_recurring' => 'Delete ALL your recurring transactions',
'delete_all_object_groups' => 'Delete ALL your object groups',
'delete_all_accounts' => 'Delete ALL your accounts',
'delete_all_asset_accounts' => 'Delete ALL your asset accounts',
'delete_all_expense_accounts' => 'Delete ALL your expense accounts',
'delete_all_revenue_accounts' => 'Delete ALL your revenue accounts',
'delete_all_liabilities' => 'Delete ALL your liabilities',
'delete_all_transactions' => 'Delete ALL your transactions',
'delete_all_withdrawals' => 'Delete ALL your withdrawals',
'delete_all_deposits' => 'Delete ALL your deposits',
'delete_all_transfers' => 'Delete ALL your transfers',
'also_delete_transactions' => 'Deleting accounts will also delete ALL associated withdrawals, deposits and transfers!',
'deleted_all_budgets' => '所有预算已被删除',
'deleted_all_categories' => '所有分类已被删除',
'deleted_all_tags' => '所有标签已被删除',
'deleted_all_bills' => 'All bills have been deleted',
'deleted_all_piggy_banks' => 'All piggy banks have been deleted',
'deleted_all_rules' => 'All rules and rule groups have been deleted',
'deleted_all_object_groups' => 'All groups have been deleted',
'deleted_all_accounts' => 'All accounts have been deleted',
'deleted_all_asset_accounts' => 'All asset accounts have been deleted',
'deleted_all_expense_accounts' => 'All expense accounts have been deleted',
'deleted_all_revenue_accounts' => 'All revenue accounts have been deleted',
'deleted_all_liabilities' => 'All liabilities have been deleted',
'deleted_all_transactions' => 'All transactions have been deleted',
'deleted_all_withdrawals' => 'All withdrawals have been deleted',
'deleted_all_deposits' => 'All deposits have been deleted',
'deleted_all_transfers' => 'All transfers have been deleted',
'deleted_all_recurring' => 'All recurring transactions have been deleted',
'change_your_password' => '更改您的密码',
'delete_account' => '移除帐户',
'current_password' => '目前密码',
'new_password' => '新密码',
'new_password_again' => '新密码 (再输入一次)',
'delete_your_account' => '删除您的帐户',
'delete_your_account_help' => '删除您的帐户亦将删除任何帐户、交易、<em>任何</em> 您可能存再 Firefly III 的东西,均将消逝。',
'delete_your_account_password' => '输入您的密码以继续。',
'password' => '密码',
'are_you_sure' => '是否确定?您无法还原此操作。',
'delete_account_button' => '删除您的帐户',
'invalid_current_password' => '无效的目前密码!',
'password_changed' => '已变更密码!',
'should_change' => '我们的想法是更改您的密码。',
'invalid_password' => '无效密码!',
'what_is_pw_security' => '何谓 "验证密码安全"?',
'secure_pw_title' => '如何选择安全密码',
'secure_pw_history' => '每周无不见有关网站遗失使用者密码的相关新闻,骇客与窃贼使用这些帐号密码企图窃取您的个人资讯,这些资讯是很有价值的。',
'secure_pw_ff' => '您在网路上都使用一样的密码吗?如果一个网站遗失您的密码,骇客将可通行您的所有资料。Firefly III 需要您选择强大且独特的密码以保护您的财务纪录。',
'secure_pw_check_box' => '为了协助您达成安全密码的目的,Firefly III 可自动检查您的密码过去是否已被盗用。若然,Firefly III 建议您避免使用此密码。',
'secure_pw_working_title' => '它是如何运作的?',
'secure_pw_working' => '藉由勾选此方块,Firefly III 会传送您密码产生的SHA1 hash 的前5字元至 <a href="https://www.troyhunt.com/introducing-306-million-freely-downloadable-pwned-passwords/">特洛伊猎杀网站</a> 以检查是否上榜。如最新的 <a href="https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html">NIST 特殊刊物</a> 与此相关的主题所建议的,结果将制止您使用不安全的密码。',
'secure_pw_should' => '我应该勾选这个方块吗?',
'secure_pw_long_password' => '是,永远验证您的密码是安全的。',
'command_line_token' => '指令列权杖',
'explain_command_line_token' => 'You need this token to perform command line options, such as exporting data. Without it, that sensitive command will not work. Do not share your command line token. Nobody will ask you for this token, not even me. If you fear you lost this, or when you\'re paranoid, regenerate this token using the button.',
'regenerate_command_line_token' => '重新产生指令列权杖',
'token_regenerated' => '产生了新的指令列权杖',
'change_your_email' => '更改您的电子邮件地址',
'email_verification' => '一封电子邮件将发送到您的旧的和新的电子邮件地址。出于安全考量,在验证新的电子邮件地址之前,您将无法登入。如果您不确定您的 Firefly III 安装是否能够发送电子邮件,请不要使用此功能。如果您是管理员,可以在 <a href="/admin">后台管理</a> 中对此进行测试。',
'email_changed_logout' => '在验证您的电子邮件地址之前,您无法登入。',
'login_with_new_email' => '现在,您可以使用新的电子邮件地址登入。',
'login_with_old_email' => '现在,您可以再次使用旧的电子邮件地址登入。',
'login_provider_local_only' => '当藉由 ":login_provider" 验证时,此动作不可用。',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
'profile_oauth_client_id' => 'Client ID',
'profile_oauth_client_name' => 'Name',
'profile_oauth_client_secret' => 'Secret',
'profile_oauth_create_new_client' => 'Create New Client',
'profile_oauth_create_client' => 'Create Client',
'profile_oauth_edit_client' => 'Edit Client',
'profile_oauth_name_help' => 'Something your users will recognize and trust.',
'profile_oauth_redirect_url' => 'Redirect URL',
'profile_oauth_redirect_url_help' => 'Your application\'s authorization callback URL.',
'profile_authorized_apps' => 'Authorized applications',
'profile_authorized_clients' => 'Authorized clients',
'profile_scopes' => 'Scopes',
'profile_revoke' => 'Revoke',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_title' => 'Client Secret',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_expl' => 'Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don\'t lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.',
'profile_personal_access_tokens' => 'Personal Access Tokens',
'profile_personal_access_token' => 'Personal Access Token',
'profile_oauth_confidential' => 'Confidential',
'profile_oauth_confidential_help' => 'Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.',
'profile_personal_access_token_explanation' => 'Here is your new personal access token. This is the only time it will be shown so don\'t lose it! You may now use this token to make API requests.',
'profile_no_personal_access_token' => 'You have not created any personal access tokens.',
'profile_create_new_token' => 'Create new token',
'profile_create_token' => 'Create token',
'profile_create' => 'Create',
'profile_save_changes' => 'Save changes',
'profile_whoops' => 'Whoops!',
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Something went wrong!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again.',
'amounts' => 'Amounts',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => '从 Fifly III 导出数据',
'export_data_menu' => '导出数据',
'export_data_bc' => '从 Fifly III 导出数据',
'export_data_main_title' => '从 Fifly III 导出数据',
'export_data_expl' => 'This link allows you to export all transactions + meta data from Firefly III. Please refer to the help (top right (?)-icon) for more information about the process.',
'export_data_all_transactions' => '导出所有交易',
'export_data_advanced_expl' => 'If you need a more advanced or specific type of export, read the help on how to use the console command <code>php artisan help firefly-iii:export-data</code>.',
// attachments
'nr_of_attachments' => '1个附加档案|:count 个附加档案',
'attachments' => '附加档案',
'edit_attachment' => '编辑附加档案 ":name"',
'update_attachment' => '更新附加档案',
'delete_attachment' => '删除附加档案 ":name"',
'attachment_deleted' => '已删除附加档案 ":name"',
'liabilities_deleted' => '已删除债务 ":name"',
'attachment_updated' => '已更新附加档案 ":name',
'upload_max_file_size' => '最大档案尺寸: :size',
'list_all_attachments' => '全部附加档案清单',
// transaction index
'title_expenses' => '支出',
'title_withdrawal' => '支出',
'title_revenue' => '收入',
'title_deposit' => '收入',
'title_transfer' => '转帐',
'title_transfers' => '转帐',
// convert stuff:
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => '此交易已是一笔提款',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit' => '此交易已是一笔存款',
'convert_is_already_type_Transfer' => '此交易已是一笔转帐',
'convert_to_Withdrawal' => '转换 ":description" 成一笔提款',
'convert_to_Deposit' => '转换 ":description" 成一笔存款',
'convert_to_Transfer' => '转换 ":description" 成一笔转帐',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit' => '将一笔提款转为存款',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer' => '将一笔提款转为转帐',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer' => '将一笔存款转为转帐',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal' => '将一笔存款转为提款',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal' => '将一笔转帐转为提款',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit' => '将一笔转帐转为存款',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit' => '将此提款转为存款',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer' => '将此提款转为转帐',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal' => '将此存款转为提款',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer' => '将此存款转为转帐',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit' => '将此转帐转为存款',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal' => '将此转帐转为提款',
'convert_please_set_revenue_source' => '请选择金钱来源的收入帐户',
'convert_please_set_asset_destination' => '请选择金钱要去资产帐户',
'convert_please_set_expense_destination' => '请选择金钱要去的支出帐户',
'convert_please_set_asset_source' => '请选择金钱来源的资产帐户',
'convert_expl_w_d' => 'When converting from a withdrawal to a deposit, the money will be deposited into the displayed destination account, instead of being withdrawn from it.|When converting from a withdrawal to a deposit, the money will be deposited into the displayed destination accounts, instead of being withdrawn from them.',
'convert_expl_w_t' => 'When converting a withdrawal into a transfer, the money will be transferred away from the source account into other asset or liability account instead of being spent on the original expense account.|When converting a withdrawal into a transfer, the money will be transferred away from the source accounts into other asset or liability accounts instead of being spent on the original expense accounts.',
'convert_expl_d_w' => 'When converting a deposit into a withdrawal, the money will be withdrawn from the displayed source account, instead of being deposited into it.|When converting a deposit into a withdrawal, the money will be withdrawn from the displayed source accounts, instead of being deposited into them.',
'convert_expl_d_t' => 'When you convert a deposit into a transfer, the money will be deposited into the listed destination account from any of your asset or liability account.|When you convert a deposit into a transfer, the money will be deposited into the listed destination accounts from any of your asset or liability accounts.',
'convert_expl_t_w' => 'When you convert a transfer into a withdrawal, the money will be spent on the destination account you set here, instead of being transferred away.|When you convert a transfer into a withdrawal, the money will be spent on the destination accounts you set here, instead of being transferred away.',
'convert_expl_t_d' => 'When you convert a transfer into a deposit, the money will be deposited into the destination account you see here, instead of being transferred into it.|When you convert a transfer into a deposit, the money will be deposited into the destination accounts you see here, instead of being transferred into them.',
'convert_select_sources' => 'To complete the conversion, please set the new source account below.|To complete the conversion, please set the new source accounts below.',
'convert_select_destinations' => 'To complete the conversion, please select the new destination account below.|To complete the conversion, please select the new destination accounts below.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal' => '此交易已被转换为一笔提款',
'converted_to_Deposit' => '此交易已被转换为一笔存款',
'converted_to_Transfer' => '此交易已被转换为一笔转帐',
'invalid_convert_selection' => '您选择的帐户已用于此交易或不存在',
'source_or_dest_invalid' => '找不到正确的交易细节,无法转换。',
'convert_to_withdrawal' => '转换为提款',
'convert_to_deposit' => '转换为存款',
'convert_to_transfer' => '转换为转帐',
// create new stuff:
'create_new_withdrawal' => '建立新提款',
'create_new_deposit' => '建立新存款',
'create_new_transfer' => '建立新转帐',
'create_new_asset' => '建立新资产帐户',
'create_new_expense' => '建立新支出帐户',
'create_new_revenue' => '建立新收入帐户',
'create_new_piggy_bank' => '建立新存钱罐',
'create_new_bill' => '建立新帐单',
// currencies:
'create_currency' => '建立新货币',
'store_currency' => '储存新货币',
'update_currency' => '更新货币',
'new_default_currency' => ':name 现已为预设货币',
'cannot_delete_currency' => '因为仍在使用中,无法删除 :name 。',
'cannot_delete_fallback_currency' => ':name is the system fallback currency and can\'t be deleted.',
'cannot_disable_currency_journals' => '无法禁用 :name,因为仍有交易在使用。',
'cannot_disable_currency_last_left' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它是目前唯一启用的货币。',
'cannot_disable_currency_account_meta' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它用于资产帐户。',
'cannot_disable_currency_bills' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它仍在账单中使用。',
'cannot_disable_currency_recurring' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它在重复交易中被使用。',
'cannot_disable_currency_available_budgets' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它仍在预算中被使用。',
'cannot_disable_currency_budget_limits' => '无法禁用 :name,因为它仍在预算中被使用。',
'cannot_disable_currency_current_default' => '无法禁用 :name ,因为它是当前的默认货币。',
'cannot_disable_currency_system_fallback' => '无法禁用 :name ,因为它是系统默认货币。',
'disable_EUR_side_effects' => '欧元是该系统的紧急后备货币。禁用它可能会产生意外的副作用,并可能使您的修改无效。',
'deleted_currency' => ':name 货币已删除',
'created_currency' => ':name 货币已建立',
'could_not_store_currency' => '无法储存新货币',
'updated_currency' => ':name 货币已更新',
'ask_site_owner' => '请询问 :owner 以新增、删除或编辑货币。',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III 支援多种货币,您可在此设定并启用。',
'make_default_currency' => '设为预设',
'default_currency' => '预设',
'currency_is_disabled' => '已停用',
'enable_currency' => '启用',
'disable_currency' => '停用',
'currencies_default_disabled' => '大多数的货币均预设为停用,如欲使用,请先启用。',
'currency_is_now_enabled' => '货币 ":name" 已被启用',
'currency_is_now_disabled' => '货币 ":name" 已被停用',
// forms:
'mandatoryFields' => '必要栏位',
'optionalFields' => '选填栏位',
'options' => '选项',
// budgets:
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'This amount applies from :start to :end:',
'total_available_budget' => '可用预算总额 (:start 和 :end之间)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => '可用预算总额 以:currency为单位',
'see_below' => '请在下方查看',
'create_new_budget' => '建立新预算',
'store_new_budget' => '储存新预算',
'stored_new_budget' => '已储存新预算 ":name"',
'available_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 间可用',
'transactionsWithoutBudget' => '无预算支出',
'transactions_no_budget' => '自 :start 至 :end 的无预算支出',
'spent_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 的花费',
'set_available_amount' => '设置可用金额',
'update_available_amount' => '更新可用金额',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => '使用此表单来显示您期望在指定时间内花费多少预算(总共,以:currency为单位)。',
'createBudget' => '新预算',
'invalid_currency' => '这是一个无效的货币',
'invalid_amount' => 'Please enter an amount',
'set_ab' => '可用预算金额已设置',
'updated_ab' => '可用预算金额已更新',
'deleted_ab' => '可用预算金额已删除',
'deleted_bl' => '预算金额已移除',
'alt_currency_ab_create' => '以其他货币为单位设置可用预算',
'bl_create_btn' => '以其他货币为单位设置预算',
'inactiveBudgets' => '未使用预算',
'without_budget_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 无预算的交易',
'delete_budget' => '删除预算 ":name"',
'deleted_budget' => '已删除预算 ":name"',
'edit_budget' => '编辑预算 ":name"',
'updated_budget' => '预算 ":name" 已更新',
'update_amount' => '更新金额',
'update_budget' => '更新预算',
'update_budget_amount_range' => '更新 (预期) 自 :start 至 :end 的可用金额',
'set_budget_limit_title' => '为预算:budget设置预算金额在 :start 和 :end 之间',
'set_budget_limit' => '设置预算金额',
'budget_period_navigator' => '期间导览',
'info_on_available_amount' => '我有甚麽可用?',
'available_amount_indication' => '使用这些金额以获得您总预算可能为何的指标',
'suggested' => '建议',
'average_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 的平均',
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> 您通常每天预算约为 :amount ,本次是每天:over_amount ,您确定吗?',
'transferred_in' => '转账(转入)',
'transferred_away' => '转账(转出)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => '每日',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
'remove_budgeted_amount' => 'Remove budgeted amount in :currency',
// bills:
'not_expected_period' => 'Not expected this period',
'not_or_not_yet' => 'Not (yet)',
'match_between_amounts' => '帐单配合自 :low 至 :high 的交易。',
'running_again_loss' => '以前与该账单有关联的交易,如果(不再)与规则相符,则可能失去联系。',
'bill_related_rules' => '与此帐单相关的规则',
'repeats' => '重复',
'connected_journals' => '已连接交易',
'auto_match_on' => '由 Firefly III 自动配对',
'auto_match_off' => '由 Firefly III 不自动配对',
'next_expected_match' => '下一个预期配对',
'delete_bill' => '删除帐单 ":name"',
'deleted_bill' => '已删除帐单 ":name"',
'edit_bill' => '编辑帐单 ":name"',
'more' => '更多',
'rescan_old' => '再次于所有交易执行规则',
'update_bill' => '更新帐单',
'updated_bill' => '已更新帐单 ":name"',
'store_new_bill' => '储存新帐单',
'stored_new_bill' => '已储存新帐单 ":name"',
'cannot_scan_inactive_bill' => '未启用的帐单无法被扫描。',
'rescanned_bill' => 'Rescanned everything, and linked :count transaction to the bill.|Rescanned everything, and linked :count transactions to the bill.',
'average_bill_amount_year' => '平均帐单数 (:year)',
'average_bill_amount_overall' => '平均帐单数 (总体)',
'bill_is_active' => '帐单为启用状态',
'bill_expected_between' => '期待自 :start 至 :end',
'bill_will_automatch' => '帐单将自动链结至相符的交易',
'skips_over' => '略过',
'bill_store_error' => '储存您的新帐单时发生错误,请检查日志档',
'list_inactive_rule' => '未启用的规则',
'bill_edit_rules' => 'Firefly III will attempt to edit the rule related to this bill as well. If you\'ve edited this rule yourself however, Firefly III won\'t change anything.|Firefly III will attempt to edit the :count rules related to this bill as well. If you\'ve edited these rules yourself however, Firefly III won\'t change anything.',
'bill_expected_date' => 'Expected :date',
// accounts:
'inactive_account_link' => 'You have :count inactive (archived) account, which you can view on this separate page.|You have :count inactive (archived) accounts, which you can view on this separate page.',
'all_accounts_inactive' => '这些是您的未激活帐户。',
'active_account_link' => '此链接回到您的活动帐户。',
'account_missing_transaction' => '帐户 #:id (":name") 无法直接被检视,但 Firefly 找不到重新转向资讯。',
'details_for_asset' => '资产帐户 ":name" 的详细资讯',
'details_for_expense' => '支出帐户 ":name" 的详细资讯',
'details_for_revenue' => '收入帐户 ":name" 的详细资讯',
'details_for_cash' => '现金帐户 ":name" 的详细资讯',
'store_new_asset_account' => '储存新资产帐户',
'store_new_expense_account' => '储存新支出帐户',
'store_new_revenue_account' => '储存新收入帐户',
'edit_asset_account' => '编辑资产帐户 ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => '编辑支出帐户 ":name"',
'edit_revenue_account' => '编辑收入帐户 ":name"',
'delete_asset_account' => '删除资产帐户 ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => '删除支出帐户 ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => '删除收入帐户 ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => '删除债务 ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => '已成功删除资产帐户 ":name"',
'expense_deleted' => '已成功删除支出帐户 ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => '已成功删除收入帐户 ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => '更新资产帐户',
'update_liabilities_account' => '更新债务',
'update_expense_account' => '更新支出帐户',
'update_revenue_account' => '更新收入帐户',
'make_new_asset_account' => '建立新资产帐户',
'make_new_expense_account' => '建立新支出帐户',
'make_new_revenue_account' => '建立新收入帐户',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => '建立新债务',
'asset_accounts' => '资产帐户',
'asset_accounts_inactive' => '资产帐户(未激活)',
'expense_accounts' => '支出帐户',
'expense_accounts_inactive' => '支出帐户(未激活)',
'revenue_accounts' => '收入帐户',
'revenue_accounts_inactive' => 'Revenue accounts (inactive)',
'cash_accounts' => '现金帐户',
'Cash account' => '现金帐户',
'liabilities_accounts' => '债务',
'liabilities_accounts_inactive' => 'Liabilities (inactive)',
'reconcile_account' => '核对帐户 ":account"',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => '对帐概览',
'delete_reconciliation' => '删除对帐',
'update_reconciliation' => '更新对帐',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => '金额不能为零',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => '对帐区间结束: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => '对帐区间开始: :period',
'start_balance' => '初始余额',
'end_balance' => '结束余额',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => '与您的银行帐单配对您的帐户及日期,请按下 "开始对帐"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => '选择您银行帐单上显示的交易',
'select_range_and_balance' => '请验证日期范围与余额,然后按下 "开始对帐"',
'date_change_instruction' => '如果您现在变更日期范围,任何进度均将遗失。',
'update_selection' => '更新选择',
'store_reconcile' => '储存对帐',
'reconciliation_transaction' => '对帐交易',
'Reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconcile_options' => '对帐选项',
'reconcile_range' => '对帐范围',
'start_reconcile' => '开始对帐',
'cash_account_type' => '现金账户',
'cash' => '现金',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => '帐户类型',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Save this transaction by moving it to another account:|Save these transactions by moving them to another account:',
'stored_new_account' => '新帐户 ":name" 已储存!',
'updated_account' => '帐户 ":name" 已更新',
'credit_card_options' => '信用卡选项',
'no_transactions_account' => '资产帐户 ":name" 没有交易 (在此区间)。',
'no_transactions_period' => '没有交易(在此期间)。',
'no_data_for_chart' => '目前 (尚) 没有足够资讯以产生此图表。',
'select_at_least_one_account' => '选择至少一个资产帐户',
'select_at_least_one_category' => '选择至少一个分类',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => '选择至少一个预算',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => '选择至少一个标签',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => '选择至少一个支出/收入帐户组合,若无 (清单为空) 则此报表不可用。',
'account_default_currency' => '此将为与此帐户关连的预设货币。',
'reconcile_has_more' => '您的 Firefly III 帐目比您的银行有更多的金钱,有多个选项可应处,请选择并按下 "确认对帐"。',
'reconcile_has_less' => '您的 Firefly III 帐目比您的银行有更少的金钱,有多个选项可应处,请选择并按下 "确认对帐"。',
'reconcile_is_equal' => '您的 Firefly III 帐目和您的银行相符,无须处理,请按下 "确认对帐" 确认导入。',
'create_pos_reconcile_transaction' => '清除选择交易,并建立校正,新增 :amount 至此资产帐户。',
'create_neg_reconcile_transaction' => '清除选择交易,并建立校正,自此资产帐户移除 :amount。',
'reconcile_do_nothing' => '删除选择交易,但不校正。',
'reconcile_go_back' => '您可之后再编辑或删除较正。',
'must_be_asset_account' => '您只可以对帐资产帐户。',
'reconciliation_stored' => '已储存对帐',
'reconciliation_error' => 'Due to an error the transactions were marked as reconciled but the correction has not been stored: :error.',
'reconciliation_transaction_title' => 'Reconciliation (:from to :to)',
'sum_of_reconciliation' => 'Sum of reconciliation',
'reconcile_this_account' => '对帐此帐户',
'reconcile' => 'Reconcile',
'show' => 'Show',
'confirm_reconciliation' => '确认对帐',
'submitted_start_balance' => '初始余额已提交',
'selected_transactions' => '已选择交易 (:count)',
'already_cleared_transactions' => '以清空交易 (:count)',
'submitted_end_balance' => '已提交结束余额',
'initial_balance_description' => '“:account” 的初始余额',
'interest_calc_' => '未知',
'interest_calc_daily' => '每日',
'interest_calc_monthly' => '每月',
'interest_calc_yearly' => '每年',
'initial_balance_account' => 'Initial balance account of :account',
// categories:
'new_category' => '新分类',
'create_new_category' => '建立新分类',
'without_category' => '没有分类',
'update_category' => '更新分类',
'updated_category' => '已更新分类 “:name”',
'categories' => '分类',
'edit_category' => '编辑分类 “:name”',
'no_category' => '(没有分类)',
'category' => '分类',
'delete_category' => '删除分类 “:name”',
'deleted_category' => '已删除分类 “:name”',
'store_category' => '储存新分类',
'stored_category' => '已储存新分类 “:name”',
'without_category_between' => '自 :start 至 :end 之间没有分类',
// transactions:
'update_withdrawal' => '更新提款',
'update_deposit' => '更新存款',
'update_transaction' => '更新交易',
'update_transfer' => '更新转帐',
'updated_withdrawal' => '已更新提款 “:description“',
'updated_deposit' => '已更新存款 ”:description“',
'updated_transfer' => '已更新转帐 ‘:description:',
'delete_withdrawal' => '删除提款 ”:description“',
'delete_deposit' => '删除存款 “:description”',
'delete_transfer' => '删除转帐 ”:description“',
'deleted_withdrawal' => '已成功删除提款 ”:description“',
'deleted_deposit' => '已成功删除存款 ”:description“',
'deleted_transfer' => '已成功删除转帐 ”:description“',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Successfully deleted reconciliation transaction ":description"',
'stored_journal' => '已成功建立新交易 ”:description“',
'stored_journal_no_descr' => '成功创建您的新交易',
'updated_journal_no_descr' => 'Successfully updated your transaction',
'select_transactions' => '选择交易',
'rule_group_select_transactions' => '套用 ”:title“ 至交易',
'rule_select_transactions' => '套用 ”:title“ 至交易',
'stop_selection' => '停止选取交易',
'reconcile_selected' => '对帐',
'mass_delete_journals' => '删除数个交易',
'mass_edit_journals' => '编辑数个交易',
'mass_bulk_journals' => '批次编辑数个交易',
'mass_bulk_journals_explain' => 'This form allows you to change properties of the transactions listed below in one sweeping update. All the transactions in the table will be updated when you change the parameters you see here.',
'part_of_split' => 'This transaction is part of a split transaction. If you have not selected all the splits, you may end up with changing only half the transaction.',
'bulk_set_new_values' => '用下方的输入栏位设定新的值。若您留空,则全部皆会为空值。此外,请注意仅有提款会被赋予预算。',
'no_bulk_category' => '不更新分类',
'no_bulk_budget' => '不更新预算',
'no_bulk_tags' => '不更新标签',
'replace_with_these_tags' => 'Replace with these tags',
'append_these_tags' => 'Add these tags',
'mass_edit' => 'Edit selected individually',
'bulk_edit' => 'Edit selected in bulk',
'mass_delete' => 'Delete selected',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => '由于画面空间限制,除了此处所示的栏位以外,您无法大量编辑其他栏位。若您需要编辑其他栏位,请依连结并按部就班编辑之。',
'cannot_change_amount_reconciled' => 'You can\'t change the amount of reconciled transactions.',
'no_budget' => '(无预算)',
'no_bill' => '(no bill)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'create_new_object' => '创建',
'empty' => '(empty)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(all other budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(all other accounts)',
'expense_per_source_account' => 'Expenses per source account',
'expense_per_destination_account' => 'Expenses per destination account',
'income_per_destination_account' => 'Income per destination account',
'spent_in_specific_category' => 'Spent in category ":category"',
'earned_in_specific_category' => '在 “:category” 中的收入',
'spent_in_specific_tag' => '标签“:tag”中的支出',
'earned_in_specific_tag' => '标签“:tag”中的收入',
'income_per_source_account' => '每个来源账户的收入',
'average_spending_per_destination' => '每个目标帐户的平均支出',
'average_spending_per_source' => '每个来源帐户的平均支出',
'average_earning_per_source' => '每个来源帐户的平均收入',
'average_earning_per_destination' => '每个目标帐户的平均收入',
'account_per_tag' => '每个标签的帐户',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => '支出和收入从未列出两次。如果交易有多个标签,它可能只显示在其标签中的一个标签。此列表可能似乎丢失数据,但数额是正确的。',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => '支出和收入从未显示两次。如果交易有多个标签,它可能只显示在其标签中的一个标签。此图表可能似乎丢失数据,但数额是正确的。',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => '此图表适用于单一标签。如果交易有多个标签,您可以在其他标签的图表中反映您看到的情况。',
'tag' => '标签',
'no_budget_squared' => '(无预算)',
'perm-delete-many' => '一次删除多个项目可能非常混乱。请谨慎操作。请注意,您可能从这里删掉拆分交易的一部分。',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :count transaction.|Deleted :count transactions.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :count transaction.|Updated :count transactions.',
'opt_group_' => '(没有帐户类型)',
'opt_group_no_account_type' => '(没有帐户类型)',
'opt_group_defaultAsset' => '预设资产帐户',
'opt_group_savingAsset' => '储蓄帐户',
'opt_group_sharedAsset' => '共用资产帐户',
'opt_group_ccAsset' => '信用卡',
'opt_group_cashWalletAsset' => '现金皮夹',
'opt_group_expense_account' => '支出帐户',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => '收入帐户',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => '债务: 贷款',
'opt_group_cash_account' => '现金帐户',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => '债务: 欠款',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => '债务: 抵押',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => '债务: 信用卡',
'notes' => '注释',
'unknown_journal_error' => '无法储存交易,请检视日志档。',
'attachment_not_found' => '此附加档案无法被找到。',
'journal_link_bill' => '此交易已与帐单 <a href=":route">:name</a> 链结。如要移除链结,取消核选方块,使用规则将它与其他帐单链结。',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID} ("{title}")</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID}</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_updated_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID}</a> has been updated.',
// new user:
'welcome' => '欢迎使用 Firefly III!',
'submit' => '提交',
'submission' => '提交',
'submit_yes_really' => '提交 (我知道我在干什么)',
'getting_started' => '开始使用',
'to_get_started' => '很高兴看到您成功安装 Firefly III。要开始使用此工具,请输入您主要使用的的银行名称与余额。别担心,如您有多个帐户,可以稍后新增,这儘是为了 Firefly III 需要初始使用而设。',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III 会自动为您建立储蓄帐户。预设下,储蓄帐户会没有金钱,但若您告诉 Firefly III 余额为何,亦可以此储存。',
'finish_up_new_user' => '就到这里了!您可按下 <strong>送出</strong> 继续,您将被带至 Firefly III 的首页。',
'stored_new_accounts_new_user' => '太好了!您的帐户已被储存。',
'set_preferred_language' => '若您倾向在 Firefly III 使用其他语言,请于此表示。',
'language' => '语系',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name 储蓄帐户',
'cash_wallet' => '现金皮夹',
'currency_not_present' => '若您日常使用的货币未在表上,请别担心,您可在 选项 > 货币 建立自己的货币',
// home page:
'transaction_table_description' => 'A table containing your transactions',
'opposing_account' => 'Opposing account',
'yourAccounts' => '您的帐户',
'your_accounts' => '账户概览',
'category_overview' => '类别概述',
'expense_overview' => '支出账户概览',
'revenue_overview' => '收入账户概览',
'budgetsAndSpending' => '预算与花费',
'budgets_and_spending' => '预算与花费',
'go_to_budget' => '转到预算 "{budget}"',
'go_to_deposits' => 'Go to deposits',
'go_to_expenses' => 'Go to expenses',
'savings' => '储蓄',
'newWithdrawal' => '新支出',
'newDeposit' => '新存款',
'newTransfer' => '新转帐',
'bills_to_pay' => '待付帐单',
'per_day' => '每日',
'left_to_spend_per_day' => '每日剩余花费',
'bills_paid' => '已缴帐单',
// menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible:
'currency' => '货币',
'preferences' => '偏好设定',
'logout' => '登出',
'logout_other_sessions' => 'Logout all other sessions',
'toggleNavigation' => '切换导览',
'searchPlaceholder' => '搜寻中…',
'version' => '版本',
'dashboard' => '监控面板',
'available_budget' => '可用预算 ({currency})',
'currencies' => '货币',
'activity' => '活动',
'usage' => '使用情况',
'accounts' => '帐户',
'Asset account' => '资产帐户',
'Default account' => '资产帐户',
'Expense account' => '支出帐户',
'Revenue account' => '收入帐户',
'Initial balance account' => '初始余额帐户',
'account_type_Debt' => '负债',
'account_type_Loan' => '贷款',
'account_type_Mortgage' => '抵押',
'account_type_Credit card' => '信用卡',
'budgets' => '预算',
'tags' => '标签',
'reports' => '报表',
'transactions' => '交易',
'expenses' => '支出',
'income' => '收入 / 所得',
'transfers' => '转帐',
'moneyManagement' => '金钱管理',
'money_management' => '金钱管理',
'tools' => '工具',
'piggyBanks' => '存钱罐',
'piggy_banks' => '存钱罐',
'amount_x_of_y' => '{total} 中的 {current}',
'bills' => '帐单',
'withdrawal' => '提款',
'opening_balance' => '开户余额',
'deposit' => '存款',
'account' => '帐户',
'transfer' => '转帐',
'Withdrawal' => '提款',
'Deposit' => '存款',
'Transfer' => '转帐',
'bill' => '帐单',
'yes' => '是',
'no' => '否',
'amount' => '金额',
'overview' => '概览',
'saveOnAccount' => '存于帐户',
'unknown' => '未知',
'daily' => '逐日',
'monthly' => '逐月',
'profile' => '个人档案',
'errors' => '错误',
'debt_start_date' => '负债开始日期',
'debt_start_amount' => '负债开始金额',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'It\'s always best to set this value to a negative amount. Read the help pages (top right (?)-icon) for more information.',
'interest_period_help' => 'This field is purely cosmetic and won\'t be calculated for you. As it turns out banks are very sneaky so Firefly III never gets it right.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => '储存新债务',
'edit_liabilities_account' => '编辑债务 “:name”',
'financial_control' => 'Financial control',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'automation' => 'Automation',
'others' => 'Others',
'classification' => 'Classification',
// reports:
'report_default' => '自 :start 至 :end 的预设财务报表',
'report_audit' => '自 :start 至 :end 的交易历史概览',
'report_category' => '自 :start 至 :end 的分类报表',
'report_double' => '自 :start 至 :end 的支出/收入帐户报表',
'report_budget' => '自 :start 至 :end 的预算报表',
'report_tag' => '自 :start 至 :end 的标签报表',
'quick_link_reports' => '快速连结',
'quick_link_examples' => '这只是一些例子链接。查看 (?) 下的帮助按钮, 提供所有报告和你可以使用的神奇词汇的信息.',
'quick_link_default_report' => '预设财务报表',
'quick_link_audit_report' => '交易历史概览',
'report_this_month_quick' => '目前月份之全部帐户',
'report_last_month_quick' => '上个月之全部帐户',
'report_this_year_quick' => '目前年份之全部帐户',
'report_this_fiscal_year_quick' => '目前财政年度之全部帐户',
'report_all_time_quick' => '所有时间之全部帐户',
'reports_can_bookmark' => '请记得可以加入报表至我的最爱',
'incomeVsExpenses' => '所得 vs. 支出',
'accountBalances' => '帐户余额',
'balanceStart' => '此区间起始余额',
'balanceEnd' => '此区间结束余额',
'splitByAccount' => '以帐户分割',
'coveredWithTags' => '以标签涵盖',
'leftInBudget' => '预算剩余',
'sumOfSums' => '总和',
'noCategory' => '(没有分类)',
'notCharged' => '(尚) 未开始',
'inactive' => '未启用',
'active' => '启用',
'difference' => '差异',
'money_flowing_in' => '在',
'money_flowing_out' => '外',
'topX' => '前 :number',
'show_full_list' => '显示所有清单',
'show_only_top' => '仅显示前 :number',
'report_type' => '报表类型',
'report_type_default' => '预设财务报表',
'report_type_audit' => '交易历史概览 (稽核)',
'report_type_category' => '分类报表',
'report_type_budget' => '预算报表',
'report_type_tag' => '标签报表',
'report_type_double' => '支出/收入帐户报表',
'more_info_help' => '可在协助页面找到更多关于报表类型的资讯,请点选右上角的 (?) 图示。',
'report_included_accounts' => '已包含的帐户',
'report_date_range' => '日期范围',
'report_preset_ranges' => '预设范围',
'shared' => '共用',
'fiscal_year' => '财政年度',
'income_entry' => '帐户 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的所得',
'expense_entry' => '帐户 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => '分类 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的收入',
'budget_spent_amount' => '预算 “:budget” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'balance_amount' => '自 :start 至 :end 间由帐户 ":account" 于预算 “:budget” 的支出',
'no_audit_activity' => '帐户 <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 自 :start 至 :end 没有任何交易纪录。',
'audit_end_balance' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 帐户于 :end 终点的帐户余额为: :balance',
'reports_extra_options' => '额外选项',
'report_has_no_extra_options' => '此报表没有额外选项',
'reports_submit' => '查看报表',
'end_after_start_date' => '报表的结束日期必须在开始日期之后。',
'select_category' => '选择类别',
'select_budget' => '选择预算。',
'select_tag' => '选择标签',
'income_per_category' => '每个类别的收入',
'expense_per_category' => '每个类别的支出',
'expense_per_budget' => '每个预算的费用',
'income_per_account' => '每个帐户的收入',
'expense_per_account' => '每个帐户的支出',
'expense_per_tag' => '每个标签的支出',
'income_per_tag' => '每个标签的收入',
'include_expense_not_in_budget' => '包含的支出不在所选的预算内',
'include_expense_not_in_account' => '包含的支出不在所选的账户内',
'include_expense_not_in_category' => '包含的支出不在所选的份额里内',
'include_income_not_in_category' => '未列入所选类别的收入',
'include_income_not_in_account' => '未列入所选帐户的收入',
'include_income_not_in_tags' => '未包含在所选标记中的收入',
'include_expense_not_in_tags' => '未包含在所选标记中的支出',
'everything_else' => '其他',
'income_and_expenses' => '收入与支出',
'spent_average' => '支出(平均)',
'income_average' => '所得(平均)',
'transaction_count' => '交易数',
'average_spending_per_account' => '每个帐户的平均支出',
'average_income_per_account' => '每个帐户的平均收入',
'total' => '总共',
'description' => '描述',
'sum_of_period' => '区间内的总和',
'average_in_period' => '区间平均',
'account_role_defaultAsset' => '预设资产帐户',
'account_role_sharedAsset' => '共用资产帐户',
'account_role_savingAsset' => '储蓄帐户',
'account_role_ccAsset' => '信用卡',
'account_role_cashWalletAsset' => '现金钱包',
'budget_chart_click' => '请点击上表中的预算名称查看图表。',
'category_chart_click' => '请点击上表中的类别名称以查看图表。',
'in_out_accounts' => '每个组合的所赚取与花费',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => '收入和花费(每个资产账户)',
'in_out_per_category' => '每个分类的所赚取与花费',
'out_per_budget' => '每个预算的费用',
'select_expense_revenue' => '选择 支出/收入 帐户',
'multi_currency_report_sum' => '由于此清单包括多种货币,您所看到的总额并非合理的。报表会总是以您的预设货币为主。',
'sum_in_default_currency' => '总额会总是以您的预设货币显示',
'net_filtered_prefs' => '此图表永远不会囊括未勾选 “包含于净值" 选项的帐户',
// charts:
'chart' => '图表',
'month' => '月',
'budget' => '预算',
'spent' => '支出',
'spent_capped' => 'Spent (capped)',
'spent_in_budget' => '预算内支出',
'left_to_spend' => '剩余可花费',
'earned' => '已赚得',
'overspent' => '超支',
'left' => '剩余',
'max-amount' => '最小金额',
'min-amount' => 'Minimum amount',
'journal-amount' => '目前帐单条目',
'name' => '名称',
'date' => '日期',
'paid' => '已付款',
'unpaid' => '未付款',
'day' => '日',
'budgeted' => '已列入预算',
'period' => '区间',
'balance' => '余额',
'sum' => '总计',
'summary' => '概要',
'average' => '平均',
'balanceFor' => ':name 的余额',
'no_tags' => '(无标签)',
// piggy banks:
'add_money_to_piggy' => '存入存钱罐 “:name”',
'piggy_bank' => '存钱罐',
'new_piggy_bank' => '新建存钱罐',
'store_piggy_bank' => '保存新的存钱罐',
'stored_piggy_bank' => '保存新的存钱罐 “:name”',
'account_status' => '帐户状态',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => '留给存钱罐',
'sum_of_piggy_banks' => '存钱罐总和',
'saved_so_far' => '保存到目前为止',
'left_to_save' => '剩余可供储蓄',
'suggested_amount' => '建议每月储蓄金额',
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => '存至存钱罐 “:name”',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => '自存钱罐 “:name” 中取出',
'add' => '新增',
'no_money_for_piggy' => '您已没有钱可放至存钱罐',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => '每月建议',
'remove' => '移除',
'max_amount_add' => '所能增加之最大金额为',
'max_amount_remove' => '所能移除之最大金额为',
'update_piggy_button' => '更新存钱罐',
'update_piggy_title' => '更新存钱罐 ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => '更新存钱罐 ":name"',
'details' => '明细',
'events' => '事件',
'target_amount' => '目标金额',
'start_date' => '开始日期',
'no_start_date' => '无开始日期',
'target_date' => '目标日期',
'no_target_date' => '无目标日期',
'table' => '表格',
'delete_piggy_bank' => '删除存钱罐 ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => '无法增加 :amount 至 “:name”。',
'cannot_remove_from_piggy' => '无法自 “:name” 移除 :amount。',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => '删除存钱罐 ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => '已新增 :amount 至 “:name”',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => '已自 “:name” 移除 :amount',
'piggy_events' => '相关的存钱罐',
// tags
'delete_tag' => '删除标签 ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => '已删除标签 ":tag"',
'new_tag' => '建立新标签',
'edit_tag' => '编辑标签 ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => '已更新标签 “:tag”',
'created_tag' => '标签 “:tag” 已被建立!',
'transaction_journal_information' => '交易资讯',
'transaction_journal_meta' => '后设资讯',
'transaction_journal_more' => '更多信息',
'att_part_of_journal' => '在“:journal”中存储',
'total_amount' => '总金额',
'number_of_decimals' => '小数位数:',
// administration
'administration' => '管理',
'user_administration' => '使用者管理',
'list_all_users' => '所有使用者',
'all_users' => '所有使用者',
'instance_configuration' => '设置',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Firefly III 的设置',
'setting_single_user_mode' => '单使用者模式',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => '预设情况下, 萤火虫 iii 只接受一 (1) 个注册: 您。这是一项安全措施, 可防止其他人使用您的实例, 除非您允许他们使用。将来的注册将被阻止。当您取消选中此核取方块时, 其他人也可以使用您的实例, 假设他们可以到达它 (当它连接到互联网时)。',
'store_configuration' => '储存设定',
'single_user_administration' => ':email 的使用者管理后台',
'edit_user' => '编辑使用者 :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => '您可以在 <a href="/preferences">设置</a>中启用更多的交易选项。',
'user_data_information' => '使用者资料',
'user_information' => '使用者资讯',
'total_size' => '总大小',
'budget_or_budgets' => ':count budget|:count budgets',
'budgets_with_limits' => ':count budget with configured amount|:count budgets with configured amount',
'nr_of_rules_in_total_groups' => ':count_groups规则组中,包含:count_rules条规则',
'tag_or_tags' => ':count tag|:count tags',
'configuration_updated' => '已更新设置',
'setting_is_demo_site' => '演示网站',
'setting_is_demo_site_explain' => '若您勾选此选项,此安装将会以展示网站方式运作,会有奇怪的副作用。',
'block_code_bounced' => '电子邮件被退回',
'block_code_expired' => '演示帐户已过期',
'no_block_code' => '无封锁原因或使用者未被封锁',
'block_code_email_changed' => '使用者尚未确认新的电子邮件地址',
'admin_update_email' => '与个人资料页面相反,使用者不会被通知他们的电子邮件地址已变更!',
'update_user' => '更新使用者',
'updated_user' => '使用者资料已更改。',
'delete_user' => '删除使用者 :email',
'user_deleted' => '使用者已被删除',
'send_test_email' => '寄送测试邮件讯息',
'send_test_email_text' => '要检查您的安装是否有能力发送电子邮件,请按此按钮。您不会在此看到错误 (如果有的话),<strong>日志档才会反应一切错误</strong>。您可依照自己意愿点选此按钮,程式无管控垃圾邮件,测试讯息将会被寄发至 <code>:email</code> 并在短时间内送达。',
'send_message' => '发送消息',
'send_test_triggered' => '测试已触发,请检视您的收件匣与日志档。',
'give_admin_careful' => '被授予管理员权限的用户可以收回您的权限。请千万注意这点。',
'admin_maintanance_title' => 'Maintenance',
'admin_maintanance_expl' => 'Some nifty buttons for Firefly III maintenance',
'admin_maintenance_clear_cache' => 'Clear cache',
'split_transaction_title' => '拆分交易的描述',
'split_transaction_title_help' => '如果您创建了一个分割交易,交易的所有分割项都必须有全局描述。',
'split_title_help' => '如果您创建一个拆分交易,必须有一个全局的交易描述。',
'you_create_transfer' => '您正在创建一个转账',
'you_create_withdrawal' => '您正在创建一个提款',
'you_create_deposit' => '您正在创建一个存款',
// links
'journal_link_configuration' => '交易链结设定',
'create_new_link_type' => '建立新的连结类型',
'store_new_link_type' => '储存新的连结类型',
'update_link_type' => '更新连结类型',
'edit_link_type' => '编辑连结类型 ":name"',
'updated_link_type' => '更新连结类型 ":name"',
'delete_link_type' => '删除连结类型 ":name"',
'deleted_link_type' => '删除连结类型 ":name"',
'stored_new_link_type' => '新建连结类型 ":name"',
'cannot_edit_link_type' => '无法编辑连结类型 ":name"',
'link_type_help_name' => '即 "重复"',
'link_type_help_inward' => '即 "重复"',
'link_type_help_outward' => '即 "为重复,因“',
'save_connections_by_moving' => 'Save the link between these transactions by moving them to another link type:',
'do_not_save_connection' => '(不保存连接)',
'link_transaction' => '连结交易',
'link_to_other_transaction' => '链结此交易至另一笔',
'select_transaction_to_link' => 'Select a transaction to link this transaction to. The links are currently unused in Firefly III (apart from being shown), but I plan to change this in the future. Use the search box to select a transaction either by title or by ID. If you want to add custom link types, check out the administration section.',
'this_transaction' => '这笔交易',
'transaction' => '交易',
'comments' => '评论',
'link_notes' => '您希望同链接存储的任何注释。',
'invalid_link_selection' => '无法连结这些交易',
'selected_transaction' => '已选交易',
'journals_linked' => '交易是连结的。',
'journals_error_linked' => '这些交易已互相链结',
'journals_link_to_self' => '您无法将一笔交易链结至该交易本身',
'journal_links' => '交易连结',
'this_withdrawal' => '此取款',
'this_deposit' => '这笔存款',
'this_transfer' => '此传输',
'overview_for_link' => '连结类型 “:name” 概览',
'source_transaction' => '源交易记录',
'link_description' => '连结说明',
'destination_transaction' => '指定的交易',
'delete_journal_link' => '删除 <a href=":source_link">:source</a> 和<a href=":destination_link">:destination</a>之间的联繫',
'deleted_link' => '删除连结',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => '已付款',
'Refund_name' => '退款',
'Reimbursement_name' => '报销',
'Related_name' => '相关',
'relates to_inward' => '关联于',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '(部分) 由其退还',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => '被 (部分) 付款,由',
'is (partially) reimbursed by_inward' => '(部分) 由其还款',
'inward_transaction' => '内向交易',
'outward_transaction' => '外向交易',
'relates to_outward' => '关联于',
'(partially) refunds_outward' => '(部分)退款',
'(partially) pays for_outward' => '(部分)支付',
'(partially) reimburses_outward' => '(部分)还款',
'is (partially) refunded by' => 'is (partially) refunded by',
'is (partially) paid for by' => 'is (partially) paid for by',
'is (partially) reimbursed by' => 'is (partially) reimbursed by',
'relates to' => 'relates to',
'(partially) refunds' => '(partially) refunds',
'(partially) pays for' => '(partially) pays for',
'(partially) reimburses' => '(partially) reimburses',
// split a transaction:
'splits' => '拆分',
'add_another_split' => '增加拆分',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => '您无法编辑一个帐户的开户余额。',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => '您没有选择有效的交易纪录以供编辑。',
'breadcrumb_convert_group' => '变更交易',
'convert_invalid_source' => '交易 #%d 的源信息无效。',
'convert_invalid_destination' => '交易 #%d 的目标信息无效。',
'create_another' => '保存后,返回此页面创建另一笔记录。',
'after_update_create_another' => '更新后,返回此页面继续编辑。',
'store_as_new' => '保存为新交易而不是更新此交易。',
'reset_after' => '提交后重置表单',
'errors_submission' => '您的提交有误,请查看下面输出的错误信息。',
// object groups
'default_group_title_name' => '(ungrouped)',
// empty lists? no objects? instructions:
'no_accounts_title_asset' => '建立新资产帐户',
'no_accounts_intro_asset' => '您还没有资产帐户。资产帐户可以包括: 你的支票帐户、储蓄帐户、共用帐户甚至信用卡。',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => '要使用 Firefly III ,您至少需要一个资产账户。我们现在来创建它:',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => '建立新资产帐户',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => '建立新支出帐户',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => '您目前没有支出帐户。支出帐户系供您花钱的地方,如商店或超市。',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => '当您建立交易时支出帐户会自动被建立,但您也可以手动建立,现在就新增一个:',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => '建立新支出帐户',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => '建立新收入帐户',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => '您还没有收入帐户,收入帐户是您收款的地方,比如您的雇主。',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => '当您建立交易时收入帐户会自动被建立,但您也可以手动建立,现在就新增一个:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => '建立新收入帐户',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => '一起建立一笔债务!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => '您还没有债务,债务是您注册信用卡、(学生)贷款或其他负债的帐户。',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => '您不需使用此功能,但若您要追踪这些东西,此功能可是很有用的。',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => '建立新债务',
'no_budgets_title_default' => '一起建立一笔预算',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'You have no budgets yet. Budgets are used to organize your expenses into logical groups, which you can give a soft-cap to limit your expenses.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => '预算是财务管理的基本工具,现在就建立一笔:',
'no_budgets_create_default' => '建立新预算',
'no_categories_title_default' => '一起建立一个分类!',
'no_categories_intro_default' => '您还没有分类。分类是用来微调您的交易纪录,并依指定分类标示。',
'no_categories_imperative_default' => '当您建立交易时分类会自动被建立,但您也可以手动建立,现在就新增一个:',
'no_categories_create_default' => '建立分类',
'no_tags_title_default' => '我们来建立一个标签吧!',
'no_tags_intro_default' => '您还没有标签。标签是用来微调您的交易纪录,并依指定关键字标示。',
'no_tags_imperative_default' => '当您建立交易时标签会自动被建立,但您也可以手动建立,现在就新增一个:',
'no_tags_create_default' => '建立标签',
'no_transactions_title_withdrawal' => '建立新支出',
'no_transactions_intro_withdrawal' => '您目前没有支出,您应该建立支出以开始管理您的财务。',
'no_transactions_imperative_withdrawal' => '你花了一些钱吗?然后你应该把它写下来:',
'no_transactions_create_withdrawal' => '建立一笔支出',
'no_transactions_title_deposit' => '建立新收入',
'no_transactions_intro_deposit' => '目前没有所得纪录,您应该建立所得资料以开始管理您的财务。',
'no_transactions_imperative_deposit' => '你收了一些钱吗?然后你应该把它写下来:',
'no_transactions_create_deposit' => '新增存款',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => '我们来创建一笔转账吧',
'no_transactions_intro_transfers' => '您还没有转帐。当您自资产帐户之前移动金钱,会自动记录为一笔转帐。',
'no_transactions_imperative_transfers' => '你已动用了一些钱吗?那麽把它写下来:',
'no_transactions_create_transfers' => '新增转帐',
'no_piggies_title_default' => '我们来建立一个存钱罐!',
'no_piggies_intro_default' => '您目前没有存钱罐。您可以建立存钱罐来划分您的储蓄,并追踪您储蓄的目标。',
'no_piggies_imperative_default' => '您有想要为之攒钱的东西吗?建立一个存钱罐然后并跟踪:',
'no_piggies_create_default' => '创建一个新的存钱罐',
'no_bills_title_default' => '我们来建立一笔帐单!',
'no_bills_intro_default' => '您目前没有帐单。您可以建立帐单以追踪您的日常支出,如房租与保险。',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => '你们有这样的普通帐单吗?创建帐单并跟踪您的付款:',
'no_bills_create_default' => '建立新帐单',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => '周期性交易',
'repeat_until_in_past' => 'This recurring transaction stopped repeating on :date.',
'recurring_calendar_view' => '日历',
'no_recurring_title_default' => '一起建立一笔周期性交易!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => '您目前没有定期重复的交易。您可使用此功能让 Firefly III 自动为您建立交易。',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => '这是一个非常进阶的功能,也极为有用。请确定在继续之前,您已阅读右上角 (?) 图示的文件说明。',
'no_recurring_create_default' => '建立一笔周期性交易',
'make_new_recurring' => '建立一笔周期性交易',
'recurring_daily' => '每天',
'recurring_weekly' => '每星期:weekday',
'recurring_weekly_skip' => '每 :skip 周的 :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => '每月第 :dayOfMonth 天',
'recurring_monthly_skip' => '每 :skip 月的第 :dayOfMonth 天',
'recurring_ndom' => '每月第 :dayOfMonth 个 :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => '每年的:date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => '周期性交易 ":title" 概览',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => '在少数情况下,日期在此清单上会显示两次,这在多个重复衝突之下会发生。Firefly III 每天只会产生一条纪录。',
'created_transactions' => '关联交易',
'expected_withdrawals' => '预期取款',
'expected_deposits' => '预期存款',
'expected_transfers' => '预期转帐',
'created_withdrawals' => '创建的取款',
'created_deposits' => '创建的存款',
'created_transfers' => '创建的转账',
'recurring_info' => 'Recurring transaction :count / :total',
'created_from_recurrence' => '由交易记录:title (#:id)创建',
'recurring_never_cron' => '用来支援定期重复交易的 cron job 似乎没有运行过,这在您刚安装 Firefly III 没多久时是非常正常的,但能越快处理越好。请使用本页右上角的 (?)-图示查阅说明页面。',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => '用来支援定期重复交易的 cron job 自上次运行已超过了 36 小时,您确定您已正确设定了吗?请使用本页右上角的 (?)-图示查阅说明页面。',
'create_new_recurrence' => '建立新的周期性交易',
'help_first_date' => '表示第一笔预期的周期性交易,应于未来发生。',
'help_first_date_no_past' => '表示第一笔预期的周期交易,Firefly III 不会建立过去的交易。',
'no_currency' => '(没有货币)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => '必填周期性资讯',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => '必填交易资讯',
'optional_for_recurring' => '选择性周期性资讯',
'optional_for_transaction' => '选择性交易资讯',
'change_date_other_options' => '更改 "第一个日期" 以查看更多选项。',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => '当交易建立完后这裡的数值会结束',
'click_for_calendar' => '点这裡开启显示定期重复交易的行事曆',
'repeat_forever' => '永远重复',
'repeat_until_date' => '重复至特定日期',
'repeat_times' => '一定次数后重复',
'recurring_skips_one' => '每隔一个',
'recurring_skips_more' => '略过 :count 个情况',
'store_new_recurrence' => '储存周期交易',
'stored_new_recurrence' => '定期重复交易 ":title" 已成功储存',
'edit_recurrence' => '编辑周期性交易 ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => '重复至 :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => '永远重复',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time|Repeats :count times',
'update_recurrence' => '更新定期交易记录',
'updated_recurrence' => '更新了定期交易记录:title',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => '此周期性交易并未启用亦不会自动产生新交易。',
'delete_recurring' => '删除定期交易 ":title"',
'new_recurring_transaction' => '新周期性交易',
'help_weekend' => '当定期重复交易落于周六及周日时, Firefly III 该如何应处?',
'do_nothing' => '就建立交易',
'skip_transaction' => 'Skip the occurrence',
'jump_to_friday' => '提前至星期五创建交易记录',
'jump_to_monday' => '推迟到下周一创建交易记录',
'will_jump_friday' => '将提前到周五创建交易记录而不是在周末创建。',
'will_jump_monday' => '将推迟到星期一创建交易记录而不是周末创建。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '定期重复交易 ":title" 已删除',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => '余额(:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => '支出 (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => '收入 (:currency)',
'box_budgeted_in_currency' => '预算 (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => '已付账单 (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => '未付账单 (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => '可供花费 (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => '净值 (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => '可供每日花费: :amount',
// telemetry
'telemetry_admin_index' => 'Telemetry',
'telemetry_intro' => 'Firefly III supports the collection and sending of usage telemetry. This means that Firefly III will try to collect info on how you use Firefly III, and send it to the developer of Firefly III. This is always opt-in, and is disabled by default. Firefly III will never collect or send financial information. Firefly III will also never collect or send financial meta-information, like sums or calculations. The collected data will never be made publicly accessible.',
'telemetry_what_collected' => 'Fifly III 收集和发送的每个版本完全不同。您正在运行 :version 版本。 你可以在帮助页面中了解Fifly III 在版本 :version 中收集的数据。 点击右上角的的 (?) 图标或<a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/support/telemetry">访问文档页面</a>。',
'telemetry_is_enabled_yes_no' => 'Is Firefly III telemetry enabled?',
'telemetry_disabled_no' => 'Telemetry is NOT enabled',
'telemetry_disabled_yes' => 'Telemetry is enabled',
'telemetry_enabled_now_what' => 'You can disable telemetry the same way you enabled it: in your .env file or in your Docker configuration.',
'telemetry_disabled_now_what' => 'If you want to, you can enable telemetry in your .env file or in your Docker configuration.',
'telemetry_collected_info' => 'Collected information',
'no_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III has collected zero telemetry records.',
'records_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III has collected :count telemetry record.|Firefly III has collected :count telemetry records.',
'telemetry_button_view' => 'View telemetry',
'telemetry_button_delete' => '删除所有遥测数据',
'telemetry_admin_overview' => 'Telemetry overview',
'telemetry_back_to_index' => '返回到遥测索引',
'not_yet_submitted' => '尚未提交',
'telemetry_type_feature' => '功能标志',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => '提交记录',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => '删除提交的记录',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => '记录已提交。请检查您的日志文件获取更多信息。',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => '所有遥测记录已被删除。',
'telemetry_submitted_deleted' => '所有提交的遥测记录已被删除。',
// debug page
'debug_page' => 'Debug page',
'debug_submit_instructions' => 'If you are running into problems, you can use the information in this box as debug information. Please copy-and-paste into a new or existing <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">GitHub issue</a>. It will generate a beautiful table that can be used to quickly diagnose your problem.',
'debug_pretty_table' => 'If you copy/paste the box below into a GitHub issue it will generate a table. Please do not surround this text with backticks or quotes.',
'debug_additional_data' => 'You may also share the content of the box below. You can also copy-and-paste this into a new or existing <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">GitHub issue</a>. However, the content of this box may contain private information such as account names, transaction details or email addresses.',
// object groups
'object_groups_menu_bar' => 'Groups',
'object_groups_page_title' => 'Groups',
'object_groups_breadcrumb' => 'Groups',
'object_groups_index' => 'Overview',
'object_groups' => 'Groups',
'object_groups_empty_explain' => 'Some things in Firefly III can be divided into groups. Piggy banks for example, feature a "Group" field in the edit and create screens. When you set this field, you can edit the names and the order of the groups on this page. For more information, check out the help-pages in the top right corner, under the (?)-icon.',
'object_group_title' => 'Title',
'edit_object_group' => 'Edit group ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Edit group ":title"',
'update_object_group' => 'Update group',
'updated_object_group' => 'Succesfully updated group ":title"',
'deleted_object_group' => 'Succesfully deleted group ":title"',
'object_group' => 'Group',