2020-01-02 08:34:34 +01:00

583 lines
22 KiB

* AccountController.php
* Copyright (c) 2019
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Chart;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Generator\Chart\Basic\GeneratorInterface;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\GroupCollectorInterface;
use FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Currency\CurrencyRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Support\CacheProperties;
use FireflyIII\Support\Http\Controllers\AugumentData;
use FireflyIII\Support\Http\Controllers\ChartGeneration;
use FireflyIII\Support\Http\Controllers\DateCalculation;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
* Class AccountController.
class AccountController extends Controller
use DateCalculation, AugumentData, ChartGeneration;
/** @var GeneratorInterface Chart generation methods. */
protected $generator;
/** @var AccountRepositoryInterface Account repository. */
private $accountRepository;
/** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface */
private $currencyRepository;
* AccountController constructor.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function __construct()
function ($request, $next) {
$this->generator = app(GeneratorInterface::class);
$this->accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
$this->currencyRepository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
return $next($request);
* Shows the balances for all the user's expense accounts (on the front page).
* This chart is (multi) currency aware.
* @return JsonResponse
public function expenseAccounts(): JsonResponse
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = clone session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
/** @var Carbon $end */
$end = clone session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// prep some vars:
$currencies = [];
$chartData = [];
$tempData = [];
// grab all accounts and names
$accounts = $this->accountRepository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::EXPENSE]);
$accountNames = $this->extractNames($accounts);
// grab all balances
$startBalances = app('steam')->balancesPerCurrencyByAccounts($accounts, $start);
$endBalances = app('steam')->balancesPerCurrencyByAccounts($accounts, $end);
// loop the end balances. This is an array for each account ($expenses)
foreach ($endBalances as $accountId => $expenses) {
$accountId = (int)$accountId;
// loop each expense entry (each entry can be a different currency).
foreach ($expenses as $currencyId => $endAmount) {
$currencyId = (int)$currencyId;
// see if there is an accompanying start amount.
// grab the difference and find the currency.
$startAmount = $startBalances[$accountId][$currencyId] ?? '0';
$diff = bcsub($endAmount, $startAmount);
$currencies[$currencyId] = $currencies[$currencyId] ?? $this->currencyRepository->findNull($currencyId);
if (0 !== bccomp($diff, '0')) {
// store the values in a temporary array.
$tempData[] = [
'name' => $accountNames[$accountId],
'difference' => $diff,
'diff_float' => (float)$diff,
'currency_id' => $currencyId,
// sort temp array by amount.
$amounts = array_column($tempData, 'diff_float');
array_multisort($amounts, SORT_DESC, $tempData);
// loop all found currencies and build the data array for the chart.
* @var int $currencyId
* @var TransactionCurrency $currency
foreach ($currencies as $currencyId => $currency) {
= [
'label' => (string)trans('firefly.spent'),
'type' => 'bar',
'currency_symbol' => $currency->symbol,
'entries' => $this->expandNames($tempData),
$chartData[$currencyId] = $dataSet;
// loop temp data and place data in correct array:
foreach ($tempData as $entry) {
$currencyId = $entry['currency_id'];
$name = $entry['name'];
$chartData[$currencyId]['entries'][$name] = $entry['difference'];
$data = $this->generator->multiSet($chartData);
return response()->json($data);
* Expenses per budget for all time, as shown on account overview.
* @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param Account $account
* @return JsonResponse
public function expenseBudgetAll(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository, Account $account): JsonResponse
$start = $repository->oldestJournalDate($account) ?? Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$end = Carbon::now();
return $this->expenseBudget($account, $start, $end);
* Expenses per budget, as shown on account overview.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return JsonResponse
public function expenseBudget(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): JsonResponse
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @var GroupCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(GroupCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAccounts(new Collection([$account]))->setRange($start, $end)->withBudgetInformation()->setTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL]);
$journals = $collector->getExtractedJournals();
$chartData = [];
$result = [];
$budgetIds = [];
/** @var array $journal */
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
$budgetId = (int)$journal['budget_id'];
$key = sprintf('%d-%d', $budgetId, $journal['currency_id']);
$budgetIds[] = $budgetId;
if (!isset($result[$key])) {
$result[$key] = [
'total' => '0',
'budget_id' => $budgetId,
'currency_name' => $journal['currency_name'],
'currency_symbol' => $journal['currency_symbol'],
$result[$key]['total'] = bcadd($journal['amount'], $result[$key]['total']);
$names = $this->getBudgetNames($budgetIds);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$budgetId = $row['budget_id'];
$name = $names[$budgetId];
$label = (string)trans('firefly.name_in_currency', ['name' => $name, 'currency' => $row['currency_name']]);
$chartData[$label] = ['amount' => $row['total'], 'currency_symbol' => $row['currency_symbol']];
$data = $this->generator->multiCurrencyPieChart($chartData);
return response()->json($data);
* Expenses grouped by category for account.
* @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param Account $account
* @return JsonResponse
public function expenseCategoryAll(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository, Account $account): JsonResponse
$start = $repository->oldestJournalDate($account) ?? Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$end = Carbon::now();
return $this->expenseCategory($account, $start, $end);
* Expenses per category for one single account.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return JsonResponse
public function expenseCategory(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): JsonResponse
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
//return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @var GroupCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(GroupCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAccounts(new Collection([$account]))->setRange($start, $end)->withCategoryInformation()->setTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL]);
$journals = $collector->getExtractedJournals();
$result = [];
$chartData = [];
/** @var array $journal */
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
$key = sprintf('%d-%d', $journal['category_id'], $journal['currency_id']);
if (!isset($result[$key])) {
$result[$key] = [
'total' => '0',
'category_id' => (int)$journal['category_id'],
'currency_name' => $journal['currency_name'],
'currency_symbol' => $journal['currency_symbol'],
$result[$key]['total'] = bcadd($journal['amount'], $result[$key]['total']);
$names = $this->getCategoryNames(array_keys($result));
foreach ($result as $row) {
$categoryId = $row['category_id'];
$name = $names[$categoryId] ?? '(unknown)';
$label = (string)trans('firefly.name_in_currency', ['name' => $name, 'currency' => $row['currency_name']]);
$chartData[$label] = ['amount' => $row['total'], 'currency_symbol' => $row['currency_symbol']];
$data = $this->generator->multiCurrencyPieChart($chartData);
return response()->json($data);
* Shows the balances for all the user's frontpage accounts.
* @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository
* @return JsonResponse
public function frontpage(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository): JsonResponse
$start = clone session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
$end = clone session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$defaultSet = $repository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET])->pluck('id')->toArray();
Log::debug('Default set is ', $defaultSet);
$frontPage = app('preferences')->get('frontPageAccounts', $defaultSet);
Log::debug('Frontpage preference set is ', $frontPage->data);
if (0 === count($frontPage->data)) {
app('preferences')->set('frontPageAccounts', $defaultSet);
Log::debug('frontpage set is empty!');
$accounts = $repository->getAccountsById($frontPage->data);
return response()->json($this->accountBalanceChart($accounts, $start, $end));
* Shows the income grouped by category for an account, in all time.
* @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository
* @param Account $account
* @return JsonResponse
public function incomeCategoryAll(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository, Account $account): JsonResponse
$start = $repository->oldestJournalDate($account) ?? Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$end = Carbon::now();
return $this->incomeCategory($account, $start, $end);
* Shows all income per account for each category.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return JsonResponse
public function incomeCategory(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): JsonResponse
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// grab all journals:
/** @var GroupCollectorInterface $collector */
$collector = app(GroupCollectorInterface::class);
$collector->setAccounts(new Collection([$account]))->setRange($start, $end)->withCategoryInformation()->setTypes([TransactionType::DEPOSIT]);
$journals = $collector->getExtractedJournals();
$result = [];
$chartData = [];
/** @var array $journal */
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
$key = sprintf('%d-%d', $journal['category_id'], $journal['currency_id']);
if (!isset($result[$key])) {
$result[$key] = [
'total' => '0',
'category_id' => $journal['category_id'],
'currency_name' => $journal['currency_name'],
'currency_symbol' => $journal['currency_symbol'],
$result[$key]['total'] = bcadd($journal['amount'], $result[$key]['total']);
$names = $this->getCategoryNames(array_keys($result));
foreach ($result as $row) {
$categoryId = $row['category_id'];
$name = $names[$categoryId] ?? '(unknown)';
$label = (string)trans('firefly.name_in_currency', ['name' => $name, 'currency' => $row['currency_name']]);
$chartData[$label] = ['amount' => $row['total'], 'currency_symbol' => $row['currency_symbol']];
$data = $this->generator->multiCurrencyPieChart($chartData);
return response()->json($data);
* Shows overview of account during a single period.
* TODO this chart is not multi-currency aware.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return JsonResponse
public function period(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): JsonResponse
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
$step = $this->calculateStep($start, $end);
$chartData = [];
$current = clone $start;
switch ($step) {
case '1D':
$format = (string)trans('config.month_and_day');
$range = app('steam')->balanceInRange($account, $start, $end);
$previous = array_values($range)[0];
while ($end >= $current) {
$theDate = $current->format('Y-m-d');
$balance = $range[$theDate] ?? $previous;
$label = $current->formatLocalized($format);
$chartData[$label] = (float)$balance;
$previous = $balance;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
case '1W':
case '1M':
case '1Y':
while ($end >= $current) {
$balance = (float)app('steam')->balance($account, $current);
$label = app('navigation')->periodShow($current, $step);
$chartData[$label] = $balance;
$current = app('navigation')->addPeriod($current, $step, 0);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$data = $this->generator->singleSet($account->name, $chartData);
return response()->json($data);
* Shows the balances for a given set of dates and accounts.
* TODO this chart is not multi-currency aware.
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @param Collection $accounts
* @return JsonResponse
public function report(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): JsonResponse
return response()->json($this->accountBalanceChart($accounts, $start, $end));
* Shows the balances for all the user's revenue accounts.
* This chart is multi-currency aware.
* @return JsonResponse
public function revenueAccounts(): JsonResponse
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = clone session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
/** @var Carbon $end */
$end = clone session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return response()->json($cache->get()); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// prep some vars:
$currencies = [];
$chartData = [];
$tempData = [];
// grab all accounts and names
$accounts = $this->accountRepository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::REVENUE]);
$accountNames = $this->extractNames($accounts);
// grab all balances
$startBalances = app('steam')->balancesPerCurrencyByAccounts($accounts, $start);
$endBalances = app('steam')->balancesPerCurrencyByAccounts($accounts, $end);
// loop the end balances. This is an array for each account ($expenses)
foreach ($endBalances as $accountId => $expenses) {
$accountId = (int)$accountId;
// loop each expense entry (each entry can be a different currency).
foreach ($expenses as $currencyId => $endAmount) {
$currencyId = (int)$currencyId;
// see if there is an accompanying start amount.
// grab the difference and find the currency.
$startAmount = $startBalances[$accountId][$currencyId] ?? '0';
$diff = bcsub($endAmount, $startAmount);
$currencies[$currencyId] = $currencies[$currencyId] ?? $this->currencyRepository->findNull($currencyId);
if (0 !== bccomp($diff, '0')) {
// store the values in a temporary array.
$tempData[] = [
'name' => $accountNames[$accountId],
'difference' => $diff,
'diff_float' => (float)$diff,
'currency_id' => $currencyId,
// sort temp array by amount.
$amounts = array_column($tempData, 'diff_float');
array_multisort($amounts, SORT_DESC, $tempData);
// loop all found currencies and build the data array for the chart.
* @var int $currencyId
* @var TransactionCurrency $currency
foreach ($currencies as $currencyId => $currency) {
= [
'label' => (string)trans('firefly.earned'),
'type' => 'bar',
'currency_symbol' => $currency->symbol,
'entries' => $this->expandNames($tempData),
$chartData[$currencyId] = $dataSet;
// loop temp data and place data in correct array:
foreach ($tempData as $entry) {
$currencyId = $entry['currency_id'];
$name = $entry['name'];
$chartData[$currencyId]['entries'][$name] = bcmul($entry['difference'], '-1');
$data = $this->generator->multiSet($chartData);
return response()->json($data);