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namespace Firefly\Helper\Controllers;
use LaravelBook\Ardent\Builder;
* Class Json
* @package Firefly\Helper\Controllers
class Json implements JsonInterface
* Grabs all the parameters entered by the DataTables JQuery plugin and creates
* a nice array to be used by the other methods. It's also cleaning up and what-not.
* @return array
public function dataTableParameters()
* Process all parameters!
if (intval(\Input::get('length')) < 0) {
$length = 10000; // we get them all if no length is defined.
} else {
$length = intval(\Input::get('length'));
$parameters = [
'start' => intval(\Input::get('start')),
'length' => $length,
'draw' => intval(\Input::get('draw')),
* Columns:
if (!is_null(\Input::get('columns')) && is_array(\Input::get('columns'))) {
foreach (\Input::get('columns') as $column) {
$parameters['columns'][] = [
'data' => $column['data'],
'name' => $column['name'],
'searchable' => $column['searchable'] == 'true' ? true : false,
'orderable' => $column['orderable'] == 'true' ? true : false,
'search' => [
'value' => $column['search']['value'],
'regex' => $column['search']['regex'] == 'true' ? true : false,
* Sorting.
$parameters['orderOnAccount'] = false;
if (!is_null(\Input::get('order')) && is_array(\Input::get('order'))) {
foreach (\Input::get('order') as $order) {
$columnIndex = intval($order['column']);
$columnName = $parameters['columns'][$columnIndex]['name'];
$parameters['order'][] = [
'name' => $columnName,
'dir' => strtoupper($order['dir'])
if ($columnName == 'to' || $columnName == 'from') {
$parameters['orderOnAccount'] = true;
* Search parameters:
$parameters['search'] = [
'value' => '',
'regex' => false
if (!is_null(\Input::get('search')) && is_array(\Input::get('search'))) {
$search = \Input::get('search');
$parameters['search'] = [
'value' => $search['value'],
'regex' => $search['regex'] == 'true' ? true : false
return $parameters;
* Do some sorting, counting and ordering on the query and return a nicely formatted array
* that can be used by the DataTables JQuery plugin.
* @param array $parameters
* @param Builder $query
* @return array
public function journalDataset(array $parameters, Builder $query)
* Count query:
$count = $query->count();
* Update the selection:
if ($parameters['start'] > 0) {
* Input search parameters:
$filtered = $count;
if (strlen($parameters['search']['value']) > 0) {
$query->where('transaction_journals.description', 'LIKE', '%' . e($parameters['search']['value']) . '%');
$filtered = $query->count();
* Build return array:
$data = [
'draw' => $parameters['draw'],
'recordsTotal' => $count,
'recordsFiltered' => $filtered,
'data' => [],
* Get paginated result set:
if ($parameters['orderOnAccount'] === true) {
/** @var Collection $set */
$set = $query->get(
't1.account_id AS from_id',
'a1.name AS from',
't2.account_id AS to_id',
'a2.name AS to',
} else {
/** @var Collection $set */
$set = $query->get(
* Loop set and create entries to return.
/** @var \TransactionJournal $entry */
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$from = $entry->transactions[0]->account;
$to = $entry->transactions[1]->account;
$budget = $entry->budgets()->first();
$category = $entry->categories()->first();
$recurring = $entry->recurringTransaction()->first();
$arr = [
'date' => $entry->date->format('j F Y'),
'description' => [
'description' => $entry->description,
'url' => route('transactions.show', $entry->id)
'amount' => floatval($entry->amount),
'from' => ['name' => $from->name, 'url' => route('accounts.show', $from->id)],
'to' => ['name' => $to->name, 'url' => route('accounts.show', $to->id)],
'components' => [
'budget_id' => 0,
'budget_url' => '',
'budget_name' => '',
'category_id' => 0,
'category_url' => '',
'category_name' => ''
'id' => [
'edit' => route('transactions.edit', $entry->id),
'delete' => route('transactions.delete', $entry->id)
if ($budget) {
$arr['components']['budget_id'] = $budget->id;
$arr['components']['budget_name'] = $budget->name;
$arr['components']['budget_url'] = route('budgets.show', $budget->id);
if ($category) {
$arr['components']['category_id'] = $category->id;
$arr['components']['category_name'] = $category->name;
$arr['components']['category_url'] = route('categories.show', $category->id);
if ($recurring) {
$arr['components']['recurring_id'] = $recurring->id;
$arr['components']['recurring_name'] = e($recurring->name);
$arr['components']['recurring_url'] = route('recurring.show', $recurring->id);
$data['data'][] = $arr;
return $data;
* Builds most of the query required to grab transaction journals from the database.
* This is useful because all three pages showing different kinds of transactions use
* the exact same query with only slight differences.
* @param array $parameters
* @return Builder
public function journalQuery(array $parameters)
* We need the following vars to fine tune the query:
if ($parameters['amount'] == 'negative') {
$operator = '<';
$operatorNegated = '>';
$function = 'lessThan';
} else {
$operator = '>';
$operatorNegated = '<';
$function = 'moreThan';
* Build query:
$query = \TransactionJournal::transactionTypes($parameters['transactionTypes'])->withRelevantData();
$query->where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id);
$query->where('completed', 1);
* This is complex. Join `transactions` twice, once for the "to" account and once for the
* "from" account. Then get the amount from one of these (depends on type).
* Only need to do this when there's a sort order for "from" or "to".
* Also need the table prefix for this to work.
if ($parameters['orderOnAccount'] === true) {
$connection = \Config::get('database.default');
$prefix = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.prefix');
// left join first table for "from" account:
'transactions AS ' . $prefix . 't1', function ($join) use ($operator) {
$join->on('t1.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
->on('t1.amount', $operator, \DB::Raw(0));
// left join second table for "to" account:
'transactions AS ' . $prefix . 't2', function ($join) use ($operatorNegated) {
$join->on('t2.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
->on('t2.amount', $operatorNegated, \DB::Raw(0));
// also join accounts twice to get the account's name, which we need for sorting.
$query->leftJoin('accounts as ' . $prefix . 'a1', 'a1.id', '=', 't1.account_id');
$query->leftJoin('accounts as ' . $prefix . 'a2', 'a2.id', '=', 't2.account_id');
} else {
// less complex
* Add sort parameters to query:
if (isset($parameters['order']) && count($parameters['order']) > 0) {
foreach ($parameters['order'] as $order) {
$query->orderBy($order['name'], $order['dir']);
} else {
return $query;
* Do some sorting, counting and ordering on the query and return a nicely formatted array
* that can be used by the DataTables JQuery plugin.
* @param array $parameters
* @param Builder $query
* @return array
public function recurringTransactionsDataset(array $parameters, Builder $query)
* Count query:
$count = $query->count();
* Update the selection:
if ($parameters['start'] > 0) {
* Input search parameters:
$filtered = $count;
if (strlen($parameters['search']['value']) > 0) {
$query->where('recurring_transactions.description', 'LIKE', '%' . e($parameters['search']['value']) . '%');
$filtered = $query->count();
* Build return array:
$data = [
'draw' => $parameters['draw'],
'recordsTotal' => $count,
'recordsFiltered' => $filtered,
'data' => [],
* Get paginated result set:
/** @var Collection $set */
$set = $query->get(
* Loop set and create entries to return.
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$set = [
'name' => ['name' => $entry->name, 'url' => route('recurring.show', $entry->id)],
'match' => explode(' ', $entry->match),
'amount_max' => floatval($entry->amount_max),
'amount_min' => floatval($entry->amount_min),
'date' => $entry->date->format('j F Y'),
'active' => intval($entry->active),
'automatch' => intval($entry->automatch),
'repeat_freq' => $entry->repeat_freq,
'id' => [
'edit' => route('recurring.edit', $entry->id),
'delete' => route('recurring.delete', $entry->id)
if (intval($entry->skip) > 0) {
$set['repeat_freq'] = $entry->repeat_freq . ' (skip ' . $entry->skip . ')';
$data['data'][] = $set;
return $data;
* Create a query that will pick up all recurring transactions from the database.
* @param array $parameters
* @return Builder
public function recurringTransactionsQuery(array $parameters)
$query = \RecurringTransaction::where('user_id', \Auth::user()->id);
if (isset($parameters['order']) && count($parameters['order']) > 0) {
foreach ($parameters['order'] as $order) {
$query->orderBy($order['name'], $order['dir']);
} else {
$query->orderBy('name', 'ASC');
return $query;