2024-03-31 17:12:02 +02:00

53 lines
2.4 KiB

"config": {
"html_language": "id",
"date_time_fns": "do MMMM yyyy @ HH:mm:ss",
"month_and_day_fns": "d MMMM, y",
"date_time_fns_short": "MMMM do, yyyy @ HH:mm"
"validation": {
"bad_type_source": "Firefly III can't determine the transaction type based on this source account.",
"bad_type_destination": "Firefly III can't determine the transaction type based on this destination account."
"firefly": {
"spent": "Menghabiskan",
"left": "Kiri",
"paid": "Dibayar",
"errors_submission_v2": "There was something wrong with your submission. Please check out the errors below: {{errorMessage}}",
"unpaid": "Tidak dibayar",
"default_group_title_name_plain": "ungrouped",
"subscriptions_in_group": "Subscriptions in group \"%{title}\"",
"subscr_expected_x_times": "Expect to pay %{amount} %{times} times this period",
"overspent": "Overspent",
"money_flowing_in": "Dalam",
"money_flowing_out": "Keluar",
"category": "Kategori",
"unknown_category_plain": "No category",
"all_money": "All your money",
"unknown_source_plain": "Unknown source account",
"unknown_dest_plain": "Unknown destination account",
"unknown_any_plain": "Unknown account",
"unknown_budget_plain": "No budget",
"stored_journal_js": "Successfully created new transaction \"{{description}}\"",
"wait_loading_transaction": "Please wait for the form to load",
"nothing_found": "(nothing found)",
"wait_loading_data": "Please wait for your information to load...",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Withdrawal": "Penarikan",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"expense_account": "Expense account",
"revenue_account": "Revenue account",
"budget": "Anggaran",
"account_type_Asset account": "Asset account",
"account_type_Expense account": "Expense account",
"account_type_Revenue account": "Revenue account",
"account_type_Debt": "Debt",
"account_type_Loan": "Loan",
"account_type_Mortgage": "Mortgage",
"account_role_defaultAsset": "Akun aset standar",
"account_role_sharedAsset": "Akun aset bersama",
"account_role_savingAsset": "Rekening tabungan",
"account_role_ccAsset": "Kartu kredit",
"account_role_cashWalletAsset": "Cash wallet"