2021-04-27 06:42:07 +02:00

452 lines
17 KiB

* MigrateToGroups.php
* Copyright (c) 2020
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Console\Commands\Upgrade;
use DB;
use Exception;
use FireflyIII\Factory\TransactionGroupFactory;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\Category;
use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalCLIRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Services\Internal\Destroy\JournalDestroyService;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
* This command will take split transactions and migrate them to "transaction groups".
* It will only run once, but can be forced to run again.
* Class MigrateToGroups
class MigrateToGroups extends Command
public const CONFIG_NAME = '480_migrated_to_groups';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Migrates a pre-4.7.8 transaction structure to the 4.7.8+ transaction structure.';
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'firefly-iii:migrate-to-groups {--F|force : Force the migration, even if it fired before.}';
private JournalCLIRepositoryInterface $cliRepository;
private int $count;
private TransactionGroupFactory $groupFactory;
private JournalRepositoryInterface $journalRepository;
private JournalDestroyService $service;
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
* @throws Exception
public function handle(): int
$start = microtime(true);
if ($this->isMigrated() && true !== $this->option('force')) {
$this->info('Database already seems to be migrated.');
return 0;
if (true === $this->option('force')) {
$this->warn('Forcing the migration.');
Log::debug('---- start group migration ----');
$end = round(microtime(true) - $start, 2);
$this->info(sprintf('Migrate split journals to groups in %s seconds.', $end));
$start = microtime(true);
Log::debug('---- end group migration ----');
$end = round(microtime(true) - $start, 2);
$this->info(sprintf('Migrate all journals to groups in %s seconds.', $end));
if (0 !== $this->count) {
$this->line(sprintf('Migrated %d transaction journal(s).', $this->count));
if (0 === $this->count) {
$this->line('No journals to migrate to groups.');
return 0;
* Laravel will execute ALL __construct() methods for ALL commands whenever a SINGLE command is
* executed. This leads to noticeable slow-downs and class calls. To prevent this, this method should
* be called from the handle method instead of using the constructor to initialize the command.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function stupidLaravel(): void
$this->count = 0;
$this->journalRepository = app(JournalRepositoryInterface::class);
$this->service = app(JournalDestroyService::class);
$this->groupFactory = app(TransactionGroupFactory::class);
$this->cliRepository = app(JournalCLIRepositoryInterface::class);
* @return bool
private function isMigrated(): bool
$configVar = app('fireflyconfig')->get(self::CONFIG_NAME, false);
if (null !== $configVar) {
return (bool)$configVar->data;
return false;
* @throws Exception
private function makeGroupsFromSplitJournals(): void
$splitJournals = $this->cliRepository->getSplitJournals();
if ($splitJournals->count() > 0) {
$this->info(sprintf('Going to convert %d split transaction(s). Please hold..', $splitJournals->count()));
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
foreach ($splitJournals as $journal) {
if (0 === $splitJournals->count()) {
$this->info('Found no split transaction journals. Nothing to do.');
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
* @throws Exception
private function makeMultiGroup(TransactionJournal $journal): void
// double check transaction count.
if ($journal->transactions->count() <= 2) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Will not try to convert journal #%d because it has 2 or less transactions.', $journal->id));
Log::debug(sprintf('Will now try to convert journal #%d', $journal->id));
$data = [
// mandatory fields.
'group_title' => $journal->description,
'transactions' => [],
$destTransactions = $this->getDestinationTransactions($journal);
$budgetId = $this->cliRepository->getJournalBudgetId($journal);
$categoryId = $this->cliRepository->getJournalCategoryId($journal);
$notes = $this->cliRepository->getNoteText($journal);
$tags = $this->cliRepository->getTags($journal);
$internalRef = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'internal-reference');
$sepaCC = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_cc');
$sepaCtOp = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_ct_op');
$sepaCtId = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_ct_id');
$sepaDb = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_db');
$sepaCountry = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_country');
$sepaEp = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_ep');
$sepaCi = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_ci');
$sepaBatchId = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'sepa_batch_id');
$externalId = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'external-id');
$originalSource = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'original-source');
$recurrenceId = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'recurrence_id');
$bunq = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'bunq_payment_id');
$hash = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'import_hash');
$hashTwo = $this->cliRepository->getMetaField($journal, 'import_hash_v2');
$interestDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'interest_date');
$bookDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'book_date');
$processDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'process_date');
$dueDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'due_date');
$paymentDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'payment_date');
$invoiceDate = $this->cliRepository->getMetaDate($journal, 'invoice_date');
Log::debug(sprintf('Will use %d positive transactions to create a new group.', $destTransactions->count()));
/** @var Transaction $transaction */
foreach ($destTransactions as $transaction) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Now going to add transaction #%d to the array.', $transaction->id));
$opposingTr = $this->findOpposingTransaction($journal, $transaction);
if (null === $opposingTr) {
'Journal #%d has no opposing transaction for transaction #%d. Cannot upgrade this entry.',
// overrule journal category with transaction category.
$budgetId = $this->getTransactionBudget($transaction, $opposingTr) ?? $budgetId;
$categoryId = $this->getTransactionCategory($transaction, $opposingTr) ?? $categoryId;
$tArray = [
'type' => strtolower($journal->transactionType->type),
'date' => $journal->date,
'user' => $journal->user_id,
'currency_id' => $transaction->transaction_currency_id,
'foreign_currency_id' => $transaction->foreign_currency_id,
'amount' => $transaction->amount,
'foreign_amount' => $transaction->foreign_amount,
'description' => $transaction->description ?? $journal->description,
'source_id' => $opposingTr->account_id,
'destination_id' => $transaction->account_id,
'budget_id' => $budgetId,
'category_id' => $categoryId,
'bill_id' => $journal->bill_id,
'notes' => $notes,
'tags' => $tags,
'internal_reference' => $internalRef,
'sepa_cc' => $sepaCC,
'sepa_ct_op' => $sepaCtOp,
'sepa_ct_id' => $sepaCtId,
'sepa_db' => $sepaDb,
'sepa_country' => $sepaCountry,
'sepa_ep' => $sepaEp,
'sepa_ci' => $sepaCi,
'sepa_batch_id' => $sepaBatchId,
'external_id' => $externalId,
'original-source' => $originalSource,
'recurrence_id' => $recurrenceId,
'bunq_payment_id' => $bunq,
'import_hash' => $hash,
'import_hash_v2' => $hashTwo,
'interest_date' => $interestDate,
'book_date' => $bookDate,
'process_date' => $processDate,
'due_date' => $dueDate,
'payment_date' => $paymentDate,
'invoice_date' => $invoiceDate,
$data['transactions'][] = $tArray;
Log::debug(sprintf('Now calling transaction journal factory (%d transactions in array)', count($data['transactions'])));
$group = $this->groupFactory->create($data);
Log::debug('Done calling transaction journal factory');
// delete the old transaction journal.
// report on result:
'Migrated journal #%d into group #%d with these journals: #%s',
implode(', #', $group->transactionJournals->pluck('id')->toArray())
'Migrated journal #%d into group #%d with these journals: #%s',
implode(', #', $group->transactionJournals->pluck('id')->toArray())
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
* @return Collection
private function getDestinationTransactions(TransactionJournal $journal): Collection
return $journal->transactions->filter(
static function (Transaction $transaction) {
return $transaction->amount > 0;
* @param TransactionJournal $journal
* @param Transaction $transaction
* @return Transaction|null
private function findOpposingTransaction(TransactionJournal $journal, Transaction $transaction): ?Transaction
$set = $journal->transactions->filter(
static function (Transaction $subject) use ($transaction) {
$amount = (float)$transaction->amount * -1 === (float)$subject->amount;
$identifier = $transaction->identifier === $subject->identifier;
Log::debug(sprintf('Amount the same? %s', var_export($amount, true)));
Log::debug(sprintf('ID the same? %s', var_export($identifier, true)));
return $amount && $identifier;
return $set->first();
* @param Transaction $left
* @param Transaction $right
* @return int|null
private function getTransactionBudget(Transaction $left, Transaction $right): ?int
Log::debug('Now in getTransactionBudget()');
// try to get a budget ID from the left transaction:
/** @var Budget $budget */
$budget = $left->budgets()->first();
if (null !== $budget) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Return budget #%d, from transaction #%d', $budget->id, $left->id));
return (int)$budget->id;
// try to get a budget ID from the right transaction:
/** @var Budget $budget */
$budget = $right->budgets()->first();
if (null !== $budget) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Return budget #%d, from transaction #%d', $budget->id, $right->id));
return (int)$budget->id;
Log::debug('Neither left or right have a budget, return NULL');
// if all fails, return NULL.
return null;
* @param Transaction $left
* @param Transaction $right
* @return int|null
private function getTransactionCategory(Transaction $left, Transaction $right): ?int
Log::debug('Now in getTransactionCategory()');
// try to get a category ID from the left transaction:
/** @var Category $category */
$category = $left->categories()->first();
if (null !== $category) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Return category #%d, from transaction #%d', $category->id, $left->id));
return (int)$category->id;
// try to get a category ID from the left transaction:
/** @var Category $category */
$category = $right->categories()->first();
if (null !== $category) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Return category #%d, from transaction #%d', $category->id, $category->id));
return (int)$category->id;
Log::debug('Neither left or right have a category, return NULL');
// if all fails, return NULL.
return null;
* Gives all journals without a group a group.
private function makeGroupsFromAll(): void
$orphanedJournals = $this->cliRepository->getJournalsWithoutGroup();
$total = count($orphanedJournals);
if ($total > 0) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Going to convert %d transaction journals. Please hold..', $total));
$this->line(sprintf('Going to convert %d transaction journals. Please hold..', $total));
/** @var array $array */
foreach ($orphanedJournals as $array) {
if (0 === $total) {
$this->info('No need to convert transaction journals.');
* @param array $array
private function giveGroup(array $array): void
$groupId = DB::table('transaction_groups')->insertGetId(
'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'title' => null,
'user_id' => $array['user_id'],
DB::table('transaction_journals')->where('id', $array['id'])->update(['transaction_group_id' => $groupId]);
private function markAsMigrated(): void
app('fireflyconfig')->set(self::CONFIG_NAME, true);