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* qof-util.h -- QOF utility functions *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
/** @addtogroup Utilities
@{ */
/** @file qof-util.h
@brief QOF utility functions
@author Copyright (C) 1997 Robin D. Clark <>
@author Copyright (C) 2000 Bill Gribble <>
@author Copyright (C) 1997-2002,2004 Linas Vepstas <>
@author Copyright 2006 Neil Williams <>
#ifndef QOF_UTIL_H
#define QOF_UTIL_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include "qof.h"
#include "qoflog.h"
#include "qofutil.h"
#include "qofbackend.h"
#include "qofclass.h"
#include "qofbook.h"
#include "qofinstance.h"
/** Do not use these for printf, only scanf */
# define QOF_SCANF_LLD "%lld"
# define QOF_SCANF_LLD "%qd"
# else
# define QOF_SCANF_LLD "%I64d"
# else
# error "No scanf format string is known for LLD. Fix your ./configure so that the correct one is detected!"
# endif
# endif
#define QOF_MOD_UTIL "qof.utilities"
/** \name typedef enum as string macros
#define ENUM_BODY(name, value) \
name value,
#define AS_STRING_CASE(name, value) \
case name: { return #name; }
#define FROM_STRING_CASE(name, value) \
if (strcmp(str, #name) == 0) { \
return name; }
#define DEFINE_ENUM(name, list) \
typedef enum { \
list(ENUM_BODY) \
#define AS_STRING_DEC(name, list) \
const gchar* name##asString(name n);
#define AS_STRING_FUNC(name, list) \
const gchar* name##asString(name n) { \
switch (n) { \
default: return ""; } }
#define FROM_STRING_DEC(name, list) \
name name##fromString \
(const gchar* str);
#define FROM_STRING_FUNC(name, list) \
name name##fromString \
(const gchar* str) { \
if(str == NULL) { return 0; } \
return 0; }
/** @} */
/** \name enum as string with no typedef
Similar but used when the enum is NOT a typedef
Make sure you use the DEFINE_ENUM_NON_TYPEDEF macro.
and AS_STRING_FUNC_NON_TYPEDEF macros with the
keyword static if appropriate.
ENUM_BODY is used in both types.
#define DEFINE_ENUM_NON_TYPEDEF(name, list) \
enum name { \
list(ENUM_BODY) \
#define FROM_STRING_DEC_NON_TYPEDEF(name, list) \
void name##fromString \
(const gchar* str, enum name *type);
#define FROM_STRING_CASE_NON_TYPEDEF(name, value) \
if (strcmp(str, #name) == 0) { *type = name; }
#define FROM_STRING_FUNC_NON_TYPEDEF(name, list) \
void name##fromString \
(const gchar* str, enum name *type) { \
if(str == NULL) { return; } \
#define AS_STRING_DEC_NON_TYPEDEF(name, list) \
const gchar* name##asString(enum name n);
#define AS_STRING_FUNC_NON_TYPEDEF(name, list) \
const gchar* name##asString(enum name n) { \
switch (n) { \
default: return ""; } }
#define AS_STRING_CASE_NON_TYPEDEF(name, value) \
case name: { return #name; }
/** @} */
/** @name Convenience wrappers
/** \brief Initialise the Query Object Framework
Use in place of separate init functions (like guid_init()
and qof_query_init() etc.) to protect against future changes.
void qof_init (void);
/** \brief Safely close down the Query Object Framework
Use in place of separate close / shutdown functions
(like guid_shutdown(), qof_query_shutdown() etc.) to protect
against future changes.
void qof_close (void);
/** @} */
/* **** Prototypes *********************************************/
/** The safe_strcmp compares strings da and db the same way that strcmp()
does, except that either may be null. This routine assumes that
a non-null string is always greater than a null string.
@param da string 1.
@param db string 2.
@return If da == NULL && db != NULL, returns -1.
If da != NULL && db == NULL, returns +1.
If da != NULL && db != NULL, returns the result of
strcmp(da, db).
If da == NULL && db == NULL, returns 0.
gint safe_strcmp (const gchar * da, const gchar * db);
/** case sensitive comparison of strings da and db - either
may be NULL. A non-NULL string is greater than a NULL string.
@param da string 1.
@param db string 2.
@return If da == NULL && db != NULL, returns -1.
If da != NULL && db == NULL, returns +1.
If da != NULL && db != NULL, returns the result of
strcmp(da, db).
If da == NULL && db == NULL, returns 0.
gint safe_strcasecmp (const gchar * da, const gchar * db);
/** The null_strcmp compares strings a and b the same way that strcmp()
* does, except that either may be null. This routine assumes that
* a null string is equal to the empty string.
gint null_strcmp (const gchar * da, const gchar * db);
/** Search for str2 in first nchar chars of str1, ignore case. Return
* pointer to first match, or null. These are just like that strnstr
* and the strstr functions, except that they ignore the case. */
extern gchar *strncasestr(const guchar *str1, const guchar *str2,
size_t len);
extern gchar *strcasestr(const gchar *str1, const gchar *str2);
/** The ultostr() subroutine is the inverse of strtoul(). It accepts a
* number and prints it in the indicated base. The returned string
* should be g_freed when done. */
gchar * ultostr (gulong val, gint base);
/** Returns true if string s is a number, possibly surrounded by
* whitespace. */
gboolean gnc_strisnum(const guchar *s);
#define stpcpy g_stpcpy
/** Return NULL if the field is whitespace (blank, tab, formfeed etc.)
* Else return pointer to first non-whitespace character.
const gchar * qof_util_whitespace_filter (const gchar * val);
/** Return integer 1 if the string starts with 't' or 'T' or
* contains the word 'true' or 'TRUE'; if string is a number,
* return that number. (Leading whitespace is ignored). */
gint qof_util_bool_to_int (const gchar * val);
/** \brief Converts a parameter to a printable string.
The returned string must be freed by the caller.
gchar* qof_util_param_as_string(QofInstance *ent, QofParam *param);
/** The QOF String Cache:
* Many strings used throughout QOF and QOF applications are likely to
* be duplicated.
* QOF provides a reference counted cache system for the strings, which
* shares strings whenever possible.
* Use qof_util_string_cache_insert to insert a string into the cache (it
* will return a pointer to the cached string). Basically you should
* use this instead of g_strdup.
* Use qof_util_string_cache_remove (giving it a pointer to a cached
* string) if the string is unused. If this is the last reference to
* the string it will be removed from the cache, otherwise it will
* just decrement the reference count. Basically you should use this
* instead of g_free.
* Just in case it's not clear: The remove function must NOT be called
* for the string you passed INTO the insert function. It must be
* called for the _cached_ string that is _returned_ by the insert
* function.
* Note that all the work is done when inserting or removing. Once
* cached the strings are just plain C strings.
* The string cache is demand-created on first use.
/** Destroy the qof_util_string_cache */
void qof_util_string_cache_destroy (void);
/** You can use this function as a destroy notifier for a GHashTable
that uses common strings as keys (or values, for that matter.)
void qof_util_string_cache_remove(gconstpointer key);
/** You can use this function with g_hash_table_insert(), for the key
(or value), as long as you use the destroy notifier above.
gpointer qof_util_string_cache_insert(gconstpointer key);
#define CACHE_INSERT(str) qof_util_string_cache_insert((gconstpointer)(str))
#define CACHE_REMOVE(str) qof_util_string_cache_remove((str))
/* Replace cached string currently in 'dst' with string in 'src'.
* Typical usage:
* void foo_set_name(Foo *f, const char *str) {
* CACHE_REPLACE(f->name, str);
* }
* It avoids unnecessary ejection by doing INSERT before REMOVE.
#define CACHE_REPLACE(dst, src) do { \
gpointer tmp = CACHE_INSERT((src)); \
CACHE_REMOVE((dst)); \
(dst) = tmp; \
} while (0)
#define QOF_CACHE_NEW(void) qof_util_string_cache_insert("")
/** begin_edit
* @param inst: an instance of QofInstance
* The caller should use this macro first and then perform any other operations.
gboolean qof_begin_edit(QofInstance *inst);
* commit_edit helpers
* The caller should call PART1 as the first thing, then
* perform any local operations prior to calling the backend.
* Then call PART2.
* part1 -- deal with the editlevel
* @param inst: an instance of QofInstance
gboolean qof_commit_edit(QofInstance *inst);
* part2 -- deal with the backend
* @param inst: an instance of QofInstance
* @param on_error: a function called if there is a backend error.
* void (*on_error)(inst, QofBackendError)
* @param on_done: a function called after the commit is completed
* successfully for an object which remained valid.
* void (*on_done)(inst)
* @param on_free: a function called if the commit succeeded and the instance
* is to be freed.
* void (*on_free)(inst)
* Note that only *one* callback will be called (or zero, if that
* callback is NULL). In particular, 'on_done' will not be called for
* an object which is to be freed.
* Returns TRUE, if the commit succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
qof_commit_edit_part2(QofInstance *inst,
void (*on_error)(QofInstance *, QofBackendError),
void (*on_done)(QofInstance *),
void (*on_free)(QofInstance *));
#endif /* QOF_UTIL_H */
/** @} */