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;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
(define-module (gnucash main))
(use-modules (ice-9 slib))
(use-modules (g-wrap gw-wct))
(use-modules (g-wrapped gw-gnc))
;; Load the srfis (eventually, we should see where these are needed
;; and only have the use-modules statements in those files).
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-8))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (ice-9 slib))
(require 'printf)
;; files we can load from the top-level because they're "well behaved"
;; (these should probably be in modules eventually)
(load-from-path "doc.scm")
;; Exports
;; from main.scm
(export gnc:version)
(export gnc:debugging?)
(export gnc:warn)
(export gnc:error)
(export gnc:msg)
(export gnc:debug)
(export build-path)
(export gnc:use-module-here!)
(export hash-fold)
(export item-list->hash!)
(export string-split)
(export string-join)
(export gnc:backtrace-if-exception)
(export gnc:find-file)
(export gnc:find-localized-file)
(export gnc:main)
(export gnc:safe-strcmp) ;; only used by aging.scm atm...
;; from path.scm
(export gnc:make-home-dir)
(export gnc:current-config-auto)
(export gnc:current-saved-reports)
;; from command-line.scm
(export gnc:*config-path*)
(export gnc:*share-path*)
(export gnc:*doc-path*)
(export gnc:*namespace-regexp*)
;; from doc.scm
(export gnc:find-doc-file)
(export gnc:load-help-topics)
;; from main-window.scm
(export gnc:find-acct-tree-window-options)
(export gnc:make-new-acct-tree-window)
(export gnc:free-acct-tree-window)
(export gnc:main-window-save-state)
(export gnc:main-window-save-report)
;; from printing/print-check.scm
(export make-print-check-format)
(export gnc:print-check)
;; from tip-of-the-day.scm
(export gnc:get-current-tip)
(export gnc:increment-tip-number)
(export gnc:decrement-tip-number)
;; Get the generated variables.
(load-from-path "build-config.scm")
;; Do this stuff very early -- but other than that, don't add any
;; executable code until the end of the file if you can help it.
;; These are needed for a guile 1.3.4 bug
(debug-enable 'debug)
(read-enable 'positions)
(debug-set! maxdepth 100000)
(debug-set! stack 2000000)
;;(use-modules (ice-9 statprof))
;; A flag: is this a development version? This will flag whether or not
;; to print out various 'development version' strings throughout the code.
;; #t == development version, #f == stable version
;; NOTE: You still need to comment out the message in tip-list.scm by hand!
(define gnc:*is-development-version?* #t)
;; A list of things to do when in batch mode after the initial
;; startup. List items may be strings, in which case they're read and
;; evaluated or procedures, in which case they're just executed.
;; The items will be done in reverse order.
(define gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do* '())
;; These will be converted to config vars later (see command-line.scm)
(define gnc:*debugging?* (if (getenv "GNC_DEBUG") #t #f))
(define gnc:*develmode* (if (getenv "GNC_DEVEL_MODE") #t #f))
;; Function to get debugging
(define (gnc:debugging?)
(if (boolean? gnc:*debugging?*)
(gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*debugging?*)))
(define (gnc:setup-debugging)
(if (gnc:debugging?)
(debug-enable 'backtrace)))
;; various utilities
;; Test for simple-format
(if (not (defined? 'simple-format))
(require 'format)
(export simple-format)
(define simple-format format)))
(define gnc:use-guile-module-here!
;; FIXME: this should be a temporary fix. We need to check to see
;; if there's a more approved way to do this. As I recall, there's
;; not, but I belive a better way will be added to Guile soon.
;; module arg must be something like '(ice-9 slib)
((or (string=? "1.3" (version))
(string=? "1.3.4" (version))
(string=? "1.4" (substring (version) 0 3)))
(lambda (module)
(process-use-modules (list module))))
(lambda (module)
(process-use-modules (list (list module)))))))
(define (gnc:safe-strcmp a b)
(if (and a b)
((string<? a b) -1)
((string>? a b) 1)
(else 0))
(a 1)
(b -1)
(else 0)))))
(if (not (defined? 'hash-fold))
(define (hash-fold proc init table)
(lambda (bin)
(lambda (elt)
(set! init (proc (car elt) (cdr elt) init)))
(vector->list table))))
(define (item-list->hash! lst hash
getkey getval
hashref hashset
;; Takes a list of the form (item item item item) and returns a hash
;; formed by traversing the list, and getting the key and val from
;; each item using the supplied get-key and get-val functions, and
;; building a hash table from the result using the given hashref and
;; hashset functions. list-duplicates? determines whether or not in
;; the resulting hash, the value for a given key is a list of all
;; the values associated with that key in the input or just the
;; first one encountered.
(define (handle-item item)
(let* ((key (getkey item))
(val (getval item))
(existing-val (hashref hash key)))
(if (not list-duplicates?)
;; ignore if not first value.
(if (not existing-val) (hashset hash key val))
;; else result is list.
(if existing-val
(hashset hash key (cons val existing-val))
(hashset hash key (list val))))))
(for-each handle-item lst)
(define (string-join lst joinstr)
;; This should avoid a bunch of unnecessary intermediate string-appends.
;; I'm presuming those are more expensive than cons...
(if (or (not (list? lst)) (null? lst))
(apply string-append
(car lst)
(let loop ((remaining-elements (cdr lst)))
(if (null? remaining-elements)
(cons joinstr (cons (car remaining-elements)
(loop (cdr remaining-elements)))))))))
(define (string-split str char)
(let ((parts '())
(first-char #f))
(let loop ((last-char (string-length str)))
(set! first-char (string-rindex str char 0 last-char))
(if first-char
(set! parts (cons (substring str (+ 1 first-char) last-char)
(loop first-char))
(set! parts (cons (substring str 0 last-char) parts))))
(define (gnc:flatten tree)
(let ((result '()))
(let loop ((remaining-items tree))
((null? remaining-items) #t)
((list? remaining-items)
(loop (car remaining-items))
(loop (cdr remaining-items)))
(set! result (cons remaining-items result)))))
(reverse! result)))
(define (gnc:backtrace-if-exception proc . args)
(define (dumper key . args)
(let ((stack (make-stack #t dumper)))
(display-backtrace stack (current-error-port))
(apply display-error stack (current-error-port) args)
(throw 'ignore)))
(lambda ()
(lazy-catch #t
(lambda () (apply proc args))
(lambda (key . args)
;;;; Status output functions.
(define (gnc:warn . items)
(display "gnucash: [W] ")
(for-each (lambda (i) (write i)) items)
(define (gnc:error . items)
(display "gnucash: [E] ")
(for-each (lambda (i) (write i)) items)
(define (gnc:msg . items)
(display "gnucash: [M] ")
(for-each (lambda (i) (write i)) items)
(define (gnc:debug . items)
(if (gnc:debugging?)
(display "gnucash: [D] ")
(for-each (lambda (i) (write i)) items)
;; Set up timing functions
(define gnc:*last-time* (gettimeofday))
(define (gnc:timestamp . stuff)
(let* ((now (gettimeofday))
(delta (+ (- (car now) (car gnc:*last-time*))
(/ (- (cdr now) (cdr gnc:*last-time*)) 1000000))))
(gnc:msg stuff "-- Elapsed time: " delta "seconds.")
(set! gnc:*last-time* now)))
(define (build-path . elements)
(string-join elements "/"))
(define (gnc:find-file file directories)
"Find file named 'file' anywhere in 'directories'. 'file' must be a
string and 'directories' must be a list of strings."
(gnc:debug "gnc:find-file looking for " file " in " directories)
(do ((rest directories (cdr rest))
(finished? #f)
(result #f))
((or (null? rest) finished?) result)
(let ((file-name (build-path (car rest) file)))
(gnc:debug " checking for " file-name)
(if (access? file-name F_OK)
(gnc:debug "found file " file-name)
(set! finished? #t)
(set! result file-name))))))
(define (gnc:find-localized-file file base-directories)
;; Find file in path in base directories, or in any localized subdir
;; thereof.
(define (locale-prefixes)
;; Mac OS X. 10.1 and earlier don't have LC_MESSAGES. Fall back to
;; LC_ALL for those systems.
(let* ((locale (or (false-if-exception (setlocale LC_MESSAGES))
(setlocale LC_ALL)))
(strings (cond ((not (string? locale)) '())
((equal? locale "C") '())
((<= (string-length locale) 4) (list locale))
(else (list (substring locale 0 2)
(substring locale 0 5)
(reverse (cons "C" strings))))
(let loop ((prefixes (locale-prefixes))
(dirs base-directories))
(if (null? dirs)
(or (gnc:find-file file (map (lambda (prefix)
(build-path (car dirs) prefix))
(gnc:find-file file (list (car dirs)))
(loop prefixes (cdr dirs))))))
(define (gnc:print-unstable-message)
(_ "This is a development version. It may or may not work.\n")
(_ "Report bugs and other problems to\n")
(_ "You can also lookup and file bug reports at\n")
(_ "The last stable version was ") "GnuCash 1.8.9" "\n"
(_ "The next stable version will be ") "GnuCash 1.10 or 2.0"
(define (gnc:startup-pass-1)
(gnc:debug "starting up (1).")
;; before doing ANYTHING, set the locale!
(false-if-exception (setlocale LC_ALL ""))
;; initialize the gnucash module system
;; SUPER UGLY HACK -- this should go away when I come back for the
;; second cleanup pass...
(let ((original-module (current-module))
(bootstrap (resolve-module '(gnucash main))))
(set-current-module bootstrap)
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0)
;; Now we can load a bunch of files.
(load-from-path "path.scm")
(load-from-path "command-line.scm") ;; depends on app-utils (N_, etc.)...
(if (not (gnc:handle-command-line-args))
(gnc:shutdown 1))
(if (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*arg-show-version*)
(gnc:shutdown 0)))
(if (or (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*arg-show-usage*)
(gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*arg-show-help*))
(gnc:shutdown 0))))
(define (gnc:startup-pass-2)
(gnc:debug "starting up (2).")
;; initialize the gnucash module system
;; SUPER UGLY HACK -- this should go away when I come back for the
;; second cleanup pass...
(let ((original-module (current-module))
(bootstrap (resolve-module '(gnucash main))))
(define (load-module name vers optional?)
(let ((str (string-append (_ "Loading modules... ") name)))
(gnc:update-splash-screen str)
(if optional?
(gnc:module-load-optional name vers)
(gnc:module-load name vers))))
(set-current-module bootstrap)
;; right now we have to statically load all these at startup time.
;; Hopefully we can gradually make them autoloading.
(load-module "gnucash/engine" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/app-file" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/register/ledger-core" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/register/register-core" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/register/register-gnome" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/binary-import" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/qif-import" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/ofx" 0 #t)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/mt940" 0 #t)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/log-replay" 0 #t)
(load-module "gnucash/import-export/hbci" 0 #t)
(load-module "gnucash/report/report-system" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/report/stylesheets" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/report/standard-reports" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/report/utility-reports" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/report/locale-specific/us" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/report/report-gnome" 0 #f)
(load-module "gnucash/business-gnome" 0 #t)
;; files we should be able to load from the top-level because
;; they're "well behaved" (these should probably be in modules
;; eventually)
(load-from-path "main-window.scm") ;; depends on app-utils (N_, etc.)...
(load-from-path "tip-of-the-day.scm") ;; depends on app-utils (config-var...)
(load-from-path "printing/print-check.scm") ;; depends on simple-obj...
;; +jsled - 2002.07.08
(load-from-path "fin.scm")
(gnc:update-splash-screen (_ "Checking Finance::Quote..."))
(gnc:use-guile-module-here! '(gnucash price-quotes))
(let ((sources (gnc:fq-check-sources)))
(if (list? sources)
(gnc:quote-source-set-fq-installed sources)))
(gnc:update-splash-screen (_ "Loading tip-of-the-day..."))
(set-current-module original-module))
(gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*book-opened-hook*
(lambda (session)
(if ((gnc:option-getter
"Scheduled Transactions"
"Run on GnuCash start" )))
(gnc:session-get-url session)))))
(gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*new-book-hook*
(lambda ()
(let ((option (gnc:lookup-global-option
"No account list setup on new file")))
(if (and option (not (gnc:option-value option)))
;; Load the system configs
(gnc:update-splash-screen (_ "Loading configs..."))
(if (not (gnc:load-system-config-if-needed))
(gnc:shutdown 1))
;; Load the user configs
;; Clear the change flags caused by loading the configs
;; add the menu option to edit style sheets
(N_ "_Style Sheets...")
(N_ "Edit report style sheets.")
(list gnc:window-name-main "_Edit" "_Preferences...")
(lambda ()
;; the Welcome to GnuCash "extravaganza" report
(N_ "Welcome Sample Report")
(N_ "Welcome-to-GnuCash report screen")
(list gnc:window-name-main gnc:menuname-reports gnc:menuname-utility "")
(lambda ()
(gnc:main-window-open-report (gnc:make-welcome-report) #f))))
;; The "save current report" entry
(N_ "_Save all current reports")
(N_ "Save all the current report in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 so that they are accessible as menu entries in the report menu. Effects are only visible at next startup of gnucash.")
(list gnc:window-name-main "_File" "_Export")
(lambda ()
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*startup-hook*)
(if (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*loglevel*)
(gnc:set-log-level-global (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*loglevel*))))
(define (gnc:shutdown exit-status)
(gnc:debug "Shutdown -- exit-status: " exit-status)
(cond ((gnc:ui-is-running?)
(if (not (gnc:ui-is-terminating?))
(if (gnc:file-query-save)
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook*)
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*shutdown-hook*)
(exit exit-status))))
(define (gnc:gui-finish)
(gnc:debug "UI Shutdown hook.")
(define (gnc:strip-path path)
(let* ((parts-in (string-split path #\/))
(parts-out '()))
;; Strip out "." and ".." components
;; Strip out // components
(lambda (part)
(cond ((string=? part ".") #f)
((string=? part "..") (set! parts-out (cdr parts-out)))
((and (string-null? part) (not (= (length parts-out) 0))) #f)
(else (set! parts-out (cons part parts-out)))))
;; Put it back together
(string-join (reverse parts-out) "/")))
(define (gnc:normalize-path file)
(let* ((parts-in (string-split file #\/))
(parts-out '()))
;; Convert to a path based at the root. If the filename starts
;; with a '/' then the first component of the list is a null
;; string. If the path starts with foo:// then the first
;; component will contain a ':' and the second will be null.
(cond ((string-null? (car parts-in))
(gnc:strip-path file))
((and (string=? (car parts-in) "file:")
(string-null? (cadr parts-in)))
(gnc:strip-path file))
((and (string-index (car parts-in) #\:)
(string-null? (cadr parts-in)))
(gnc:strip-path (string-append (getenv "PWD") "/" file))))
(define (gnc:account-file-to-load)
(let ((ok (not (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*arg-no-file*)))
(file (if (pair? gnc:*command-line-remaining*)
(car gnc:*command-line-remaining*)
(and ok (string? file) (gnc:normalize-path file))))
(define (gnc:load-account-file)
(let ((file (gnc:account-file-to-load)))
(if file
(gnc:update-splash-screen (_ "Loading data..."))
(and (not (gnc:file-open-file file))
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*book-opened-hook* #f)))
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*book-opened-hook* #f))))
(define (gnc:main)
(define (handle-batch-mode-item item)
(let ((old-eval? (or (string=? "1.3" (version))
(string=? "1.3.4" (version))
(string=? "1.4" (substring (version) 0 3)))))
((procedure? item) (item))
((string? item)
(lambda (port)
(let loop ((next-form (read port)))
(if (not (eof-object? next-form))
;; FIXME: is this where we want to eval these?
;; should we perhaps have a (gnucash user)?
(if old-eval?
(eval next-form)
(eval next-form (resolve-module '(gnucash main))))
(loop (read port))))))))
(display "gnucash: unknown batch-mode item - ignoring.")
;; (statprof-reset 0 50000) ;; 20 times/sec
;; (statprof-start)
;; Now the fun begins.
(if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do*)
(gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook* gnc:gui-finish)
(set! gnc:*command-line-remaining*
(gnc:gui-init-splash gnc:*command-line-remaining*))))
(if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do*)
;; We're not in batch mode; we can go ahead and do the normal thing.
(gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook* gnc:gui-finish)
(set! gnc:*command-line-remaining*
(gnc:gui-init gnc:*command-line-remaining*))
(if (and
(not (gnc:account-file-to-load))
(not (string? (gnc:history-get-last)))
(gnc:lookup-global-option "__new_user" "first_startup")))
(gnc:hook-run-danglers gnc:*ui-post-startup-hook*)
(gnc:hook-remove-dangler gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook* gnc:gui-finish))
;; else: we're in batch mode. Just do what the user said on the
;; command line
(map handle-batch-mode-item (reverse gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do*)))
(gnc:shutdown 0))