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* gnc-ab-trans-templ.h --
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact:
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @addtogroup Import_Export
* @{
* @addtogroup AqBanking
* @{
* @file gnc-ab-trans-templ.h
* @brief Templates for AqBanking transactions
* @author Copyright (C) 2003 Christian Stimming <>
* @author Copyright (C) 2008 Andreas Koehler <>
#include <glib.h>
#include "qof.h"
/** A template for an AqBanking transaction */
typedef struct _GncABTransTempl GncABTransTempl;
* Create a template with unset contents.
* @return A newly allocated GncABTransTempl
GncABTransTempl *gnc_ab_trans_templ_new(void);
* Create a template with given contents.
* @param name Name of the template
* @param recp_name Name of the recipient
* @param recp_account Account Number of the recipient
* @param recp_bankcode Bank Code of the recipient
* @param amount Amount
* @param purpose First purpose line
* @param purpose_cont Second purpose line
* @return A newly allocated GncABTransTempl
GncABTransTempl *gnc_ab_trans_templ_new_full(
const gchar *name, const gchar *recp_name, const gchar *recp_account,
const gchar *recp_bankcode, gnc_numeric amount, const gchar *purpose,
const gchar *purpose_cont);
* Create a template, taking the values from a kvp_frame.
* @param k kvp_frame
* @return A newly allocated GncABTransTempl
GncABTransTempl *gnc_ab_trans_templ_new_from_kvp(const kvp_frame *k);
* Create a list of templates from a list of kvp_values which in turn
* contain a kvp_frame.
* @param v GList of kvp_values
* @return A GList of newly allocated GncABTransTempls
GList *gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_new_from_kvp_list(GList *v);
* Free the memory used by a template.
* @param t GncABTransTempl to be freed
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_free(GncABTransTempl *t);
* Free the memory used by a list of templates, including the list itself.
* @param l GList of GncABTransTempl
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_free(GList *l);
* Create a kvp_frame a given template.
* @param t Template
* @return A newly allocated kvp_frame
kvp_frame *gnc_ab_trans_templ_to_kvp(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* Create a list of kvp_values, which in turn contain a kvp_frame, from a list
* of templates.
* @param k GList of GncABTransTempls
* @return GList of newly allocated kvp_values
GList *gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_to_kvp_list(GList *k);
* @param t Template
* @return Name of the template, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_name(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return Name of the recipient, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_name(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return Account Number of the recipient, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_account(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return Bank Code of the recipient, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_bankcode(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return Amount
gnc_numeric gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_amount(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return First purpose line, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* @param t Template
* @return Second purpose line, an internal string
const gchar *gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose_cont(const GncABTransTempl *t);
* Set the name of a template.
* @param t Template
* @param name Name
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_name(GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *name);
* Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param recp_name Account Number of the recipient
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_name(GncABTransTempl *t,
const gchar *recp_name);
* Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param recp_account Account Number of the recipient
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_account(GncABTransTempl *t,
const gchar *recp_account);
* Replace the Bank Code of the recipient stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param recp_bankcode Bank Code of the recipient
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_bankcode(GncABTransTempl *t,
const gchar *recp_bankcode);
* Replace the amount stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param amount Amount
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_amount(GncABTransTempl *t, gnc_numeric amount);
* Replace the first purpose line stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param purpose First purpose line
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose(GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *purpose);
* Replace the second purpose line stored in a template.
* @param t Template
* @param purpose_cont Second purpose line
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose_cont(GncABTransTempl *t,
const gchar *purpose_cont);
#endif /* GNC_AB_TRANS_TEMPL_H */
/** @} */
/** @} */