The since-last-run dialog is a key user interface. More frequently than the
SX list or editor, the user will be in the process of creating transaction
instances through this interface.
The old SLR dialog has the following stages:
- Reminders
- can be promoted to "to-create"
- Auto-created, with notification
- To-Create
- postponed, to-create
- ignore state.
- Created review
- Obsolete SX cleanup
The new SLR dialog will have the following:
- Creation
(treemodel consisting of)
- auto-created
- reminder
- postponed
- to-create
- [obsolete SX]?
There is no separate to-review page, however the user may (optionally) want
to see the created transactions. This is done using the transaction-search
functionality over the created transactions by ID.
Upcoming instance states
reminder -> to-create
postponed -> to-create
to-create -> postponed
to-create -> ignore
to-create -> created [terminal]
reminder: a transient upcoming transaction that will not be created.
postponed: a historical to-create transaction that the user has
explicitly deferred.
to-create: an upcoming SX instance that should be created.
ignore: a scheduled instance the user has explicitly prevented the
instantiation of.
created: the instance has been created in this interaction cycle.
Formula Parsing
A SXes formula is parsed in the context of:
- the template transaction
- the accounts of the splits
- the sequence number
- the date of the transaction
- a variable-binding table.
Testing Notes
- auto-create
- auto-create with postponed instances shouldn't destroy postponed
- basic sequence stuff
dialog-sxsincelast.c: ~L1241:
"Handle an interesting corner case of postponing or
ignoring the first instance. We only want to increment the
counters for newly-discovered-as-to-be-created SXes."
- auto-create
- auto-create transactions can be created w/o user interaction
- their state is transitioned to 'created', which is not modifiable
- auto-create (+notify) transactions should be displayed, even if they are
the only transactions created.
- auto-create (-notify) transactions should not be displayed, unless there
are other transactions.
- Scenarios
- only auto-create (-notify): no SLR, info dialog w/count (***)
- only auto-create (+notify): SLR dialog, already created
- others, auto-create (-notify): SLR dialog, incl. created
- others, auto-create (+notify): SLR dialog, incl. created
Bugs to close after merge
- With many auto-create transactions but none with notify option, "Auto-Created Transactions Notification" druid page lists every existing transaction -
- Since last run dialog does not allow for early finish, an... -
- Since Last Run druid changes data before Apply -
- Resize the "Since Last Run" window is incorrect -
- Transaction reminders page has slightly incorrect instructions -
- Transaction not highlighted in "Transaction Preparation" window -
- Scrolling through variables list does not work -
- Gnucash thinks the file has changed after cancelling out of the Since Last Run dialog and making no changes -
- Transaction reminder with variable amount doesn't display value field -
The core application-side SX code was overhauled for clarity, modularity, correctness, testability, &c.
SXList Plugin Page
The SX list and upcoming-instances calendar moved from a top-level window to being a plugin page in the normal application container.
Since Last Run
The Since Last Run (SLR) dialog received a functional overhaul as well. The previous druid-based approach led to a huge bookkeeping headache, as transitioning between pages required partially-processed SXes to be maintained and transactions to be created and destroyed. As well, the multi-stage dialog approach was just too involved and ill-suited to the task at hand, especially as some stages were conditional on the state of the data. It made me sad.
The new Since Last Run dialog is a single treeview of upcoming instances and variable bindings. There's a checkbox to have all created transactions presented after they are.
It's easier to describe via screenshot: <>.
Part of the overhaul is a better use of QOF and GObject signaling for updates. The SX list and SLR update in response to changes in each other; for instance, you can change the frequency or start-range of an SX while the SLR dialog is open, and it will update in place.
Known Issues
(as of 2007-01-14)
- The SX List plugin page doesn't save/restore its state.
- Updating the variables in a formula with the SLR dialog open isn't consistent.
- Closing an sx list plugin page leads to corrupted state.
In new files (and old files related to this code that I hold copyright on), I've removed the "or any later version" clause. I have problems licensing under a license that I haven't read, or that can change in ways I disagree with. At some point I'll make this change for all source files I hold copyright on, and I intend to not use the clause on sources I (re)write in the future.
The key areas I think need testing are the new plugin page and the SLR dialog. It, at least, shouldn't do anything worse than the 1.8/2.0 SX code. :)