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* gncOwner.h -- Business Interface: Object OWNERs *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
* *
/** @addtogroup Business
@{ */
/** @addtogroup Owner
@{ */
/** @file gncOwner.h
@brief Business Interface: Object OWNERs
@author Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
@author Copyright (c) 2005 Neil Williams <>
@author Copyright (c) 2006 David Hampton <>
#ifndef GNC_OWNER_H_
#define GNC_OWNER_H_
typedef struct _gncOwner GncOwner;
#define GNC_ID_OWNER "gncOwner"
typedef enum
} GncOwnerType;
#include "qof.h"
#include "gncCustomer.h"
#include "gncJob.h"
#include "gncVendor.h"
#include "gncEmployee.h"
#include "gncInvoice.h"
#include "Account.h"
#include "gnc-lot.h"
/** \name QOF handling
Whilst GncOwner is not a formal QOF object, these functions
are still expected to be useful in making GncOwner transparent
to QOF as they can be used by objects like GncInvoice.
/** return the type for the collection. */
QofIdTypeConst qofOwnerGetType(const GncOwner *owner);
/** return the owner itself as an entity. */
QofInstance* qofOwnerGetOwner (const GncOwner *owner);
/** set the owner from the entity. */
void qofOwnerSetEntity (GncOwner *owner, QofInstance *ent);
/** Check if entity is an owner kind. This function conveniently
* imitates the various GNC_IS_ checks on the other gnucash
* objects even though an owner is not really a true object. */
gboolean GNC_IS_OWNER (QofInstance *ent);
/** Returns the QofIdType of the given GncOwnerType, or NULL if no
* suitable one exists. */
QofIdTypeConst gncOwnerTypeToQofIdType(GncOwnerType t);
/** @} */
#ifndef SWIG
/** \struct GncOwner */
struct _gncOwner
GncOwnerType type; /**< Customer, Job, Vendor, Employee or Undefined. */
gpointer undefined;
GncCustomer * customer;
GncJob * job;
GncVendor * vendor;
GncEmployee * employee;
} owner; /**< holds the pointer to the owner object. */
gpointer qof_temp; /**< Set type independently of the owner. */
#endif /* SWIG */
/** \name Setup routines
void gncOwnerInitUndefined (GncOwner *owner, gpointer obj);
void gncOwnerInitCustomer (GncOwner *owner, GncCustomer *customer);
void gncOwnerInitJob (GncOwner *owner, GncJob *job);
void gncOwnerInitVendor (GncOwner *owner, GncVendor *vendor);
void gncOwnerInitEmployee (GncOwner *owner, GncEmployee *employee);
/** @} */
/** \name Get routines.
GncOwnerType gncOwnerGetType (const GncOwner *owner);
gpointer gncOwnerGetUndefined (const GncOwner *owner);
GncCustomer * gncOwnerGetCustomer (const GncOwner *owner);
GncJob * gncOwnerGetJob (const GncOwner *owner);
GncVendor * gncOwnerGetVendor (const GncOwner *owner);
GncEmployee * gncOwnerGetEmployee (const GncOwner *owner);
const char * gncOwnerGetID (const GncOwner *owner);
const char * gncOwnerGetName (const GncOwner *owner);
GncAddress * gncOwnerGetAddr (const GncOwner *owner);
gboolean gncOwnerGetActive (const GncOwner *owner);
gnc_commodity * gncOwnerGetCurrency (const GncOwner *owner);
/** @} */
/** \name Set routines.
void gncOwnerSetName (const GncOwner *owner, const gchar *new_name);
void gncOwnerSetActive (const GncOwner *owner, gboolean active);
/** @} */
void gncOwnerCopy (const GncOwner *src, GncOwner *dest);
/** \name Comparison routines.
/** Assess equality by checking
* - if both owner objects refer to the same owner type
* - and if the owner reference points to the same
* {vendor/customer/employee} in memory */
gboolean gncOwnerEqual (const GncOwner *a, const GncOwner *b);
/** Same as gncOwnerEqual, but returns 0 if
equal to be used as a GList custom compare function */
int gncOwnerGCompareFunc (const GncOwner *a, const GncOwner *b);
/** Sort on name */
int gncOwnerCompare (const GncOwner *a, const GncOwner *b);
/** @} */
/** Get the GncGUID of the immediate owner */
const GncGUID * gncOwnerGetGUID (const GncOwner *owner);
GncGUID gncOwnerRetGUID (GncOwner *owner);
gboolean gncOwnerIsValid (const GncOwner *owner);
* Get the "parent" Owner or GncGUID thereof. The "parent" owner
* is the Customer or Vendor, or the Owner of a Job
GncOwner * gncOwnerGetEndOwner (GncOwner *owner);
const GncGUID * gncOwnerGetEndGUID (GncOwner *owner);
/** attach an owner to a lot */
void gncOwnerAttachToLot (const GncOwner *owner, GNCLot *lot);
/** Get the owner from the lot. If an owner is found in the lot,
* fill in "owner" and return TRUE. Otherwise return FALSE.
gboolean gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot (GNCLot *lot, GncOwner *owner);
gboolean gncOwnerGetOwnerFromTypeGuid (QofBook *book, GncOwner *owner, QofIdType type, GncGUID *guid);
/** Get the kvp-frame from the underlying owner object */
KvpFrame* gncOwnerGetSlots(GncOwner* owner);
* Apply a payment of "amount" for the owner, between the xfer_account
* (bank or other asset) and the posted_account (A/R or A/P). If the
* caller supplies an (optional) invoice argument, then apply the
* payment to that invoice first before any other invoice.
Transaction *
gncOwnerApplyPayment (const GncOwner *owner, GncInvoice *invoice,
Account *posted_acc, Account *xfer_acc,
gnc_numeric amount, gnc_numeric exch, Timespec date,
const char *memo, const char *num);
* Fill in a half-finished payment transaction for the owner. The
* transaction txn must already contain one split that belongs to a
* bank or other asset account. This function will add the other split
* (or splits) that go to the posted_account (A/R or A/P), including
* the linking to the lots so that the payment is recorded in the
* correct lot(s).
* If the caller supplies an (optional) invoice argument, then apply
* the payment to that invoice first before any other invoice.
* Preconditions: The arguments owner, txn, and posted_account must
* not be NULL. The txn must be open (by xaccTransBeginEdit()); it
* must contain exactly one split; its commodity (by
* xaccTransGetCurrency()) must be equal to the owner's commodity (by
* gncOwnerGetCurrency()).
* \return The number of splits that have been assigned as owner
* payments. On success, this is always positive (1 or larger). In
* case of failure (due to unfulfilled conditions on the input
* values), null is returned.
gncOwnerAssignPaymentTxn(const GncOwner *owner, Transaction *txn,
Account *posted_account, GncInvoice* invoice);
/** Returns a GList of account-types based on the owner type */
GList * gncOwnerGetAccountTypesList (const GncOwner *owner);
/** Returns a GList of currencies associated with the owner */
GList * gncOwnerGetCommoditiesList (const GncOwner *owner);
/** Given an owner, extract the open balance from the owner and then
* convert it to the desired currency.
gncOwnerGetBalanceInCurrency (const GncOwner *owner,
const gnc_commodity *report_currency);
#define OWNER_TYPE "type"
#define OWNER_TYPE_STRING "type-string" /**< Allows the type to be handled externally. */
#define OWNER_CUSTOMER "customer"
#define OWNER_JOB "job"
#define OWNER_VENDOR "vendor"
#define OWNER_EMPLOYEE "employee"
#define OWNER_PARENT "parent"
#define OWNER_PARENTG "parent-guid"
#define OWNER_NAME "name"
#define OWNER_FROM_LOT "owner-from-lot"
* These two functions are mainly for the convenience of scheme code.
* Normal C code has no need to ever use these two functions, and rather
* can just use a GncOwner directly and just pass around a pointer to it.
GncOwner * gncOwnerNew (void);
void gncOwnerFree (GncOwner *owner);
* These are convenience wrappers around gnc{Vender,Customer,Job,Employee}*
* functions. This allows you to begin edit, destroy commit edit an owner
* without knowing its type.
void gncOwnerBeginEdit (GncOwner *owner);
void gncOwnerCommitEdit (GncOwner *owner);
void gncOwnerDestroy (GncOwner *owner);
#endif /* GNC_OWNER_H_ */
/** @} */
/** @} */