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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
use strict;
use File::Spec;
sub process_func;
sub print_preamble;
sub scan_file;
sub process_function;
my ($author, $inpath, $outpath) = @ARGV;
die "Must provide author name and email" unless $author;
die "No file to process" unless $inpath;
my ($invol, $indir, $infile) = File::Spec->splitpath($inpath);
my ($outvol, $outdir, $outfile);
if ($outpath) {
($outvol, $outdir, $outfile) = File::Spec->splitpath($outpath);
} else {
$outvol = $invol;
$outdir = File::Spec->catdir($indir, "test");
$outfile = "utest-" . $infile;
$outpath = File::Spec->catpath($outvol, $outdir, $outfile);
open OUTFH, ">$outpath" or die "Failed to open $outpath: $!";
my $inname = print_preamble($infile, $author);
my $testlist = scan_file($inpath);
print OUTFH "\n\nvoid\ntest_suite_$inname (void)\n{\n\n";
print OUTFH join("\n", @$testlist), "\n";
print OUTFH "\n}\n";
close OUTFH;
sub strip_comments {
my ($line, $comment) = @_;
my $comment_begin_re = qr{/\*.*};
my $comment_end_re = qr{.*\*/};
my $inline_comment_re = qr{/\*.*\*/};
my $rest_is_comment_re = qr{//.*$};
$line =~ s/$inline_comment_re//g;
$line =~ s/$rest_is_comment_re//;
if ($line =~ s/$comment_end_re//) {
return ($line, 0);
if ($line =~ s/$comment_begin_re//) {
return ($line, 1);
$line = "" if $comment;
return ($line, $comment);
sub scan_file {
my $inpath = shift;
my $func = [], $testlist = [];
my ($static, $body, $comment, $func_name) = (0, 0, 0, "");
open INFH, "<$inpath" or die "Failed to open $inpath: $!";
my $decl_or_def_re = qr{^(?:\w+[\w\d\s]+\s+)?(\w[\w\d]+)\s*\(};
my $preproc_re = qr/(?>^[\#}]|;$)/;
my @testlist;
while (my $line = <INFH>) {
chomp $line;
($line, $comment) = strip_comments($line);
next unless $line;
$body = 0 if $line =~ /^}/;
next if $body;
next if $line =~ /$preproc_re/;
$static = 1 if $line =~ /^static/;
if ( $line =~ /$decl_or_def_re/ ) {
$func_name = $1;
$body = 1 if $line =~ /{\s*$/;
push @$func, $line unless $line =~ /^[{}\/\s]/;
if ($body || $line =~ /^{/) {
push @$testlist, process_function($func_name, $static,
$func, $inpath) if $func_name;
$body = 1;
($static, $func_name) = (0, "");
$func = [];
close INFH;
return $testlist;
sub search_external {
my ($name, $inpath) = @_;
my ($invol, $indir, $infile) = File::Spec->splitpath($inpath);
my @excludes = qw(test* utest* swig* gnucash_core.c);
push @excludes, $infile;
my $exclude_string = "--exclude=" . join(" --exclude=", @excludes);
my $calls = `egrep -r $name --include="*.c" $exclude_string src | wc -l`;
chomp $calls;
$calls =~ s/\s//g;
my $files = `egrep -rl $name --include="*.c" $exclude_string src | wc -l`;
chomp $files;
$files =~ s/\s//g;
return ($calls, $files);
sub search_scheme {
my ($name) = @_;
$name =~ tr/_/-/;
my $egrepre = '\b' . $name . '[^\w_-]';
my $calls = `egrep -r "$egrepre" --include="*.scm" src | wc -l`;
chomp $calls;
$calls =~ s/\s//g;
my $files = `egrep -rl "$egrepre" --include="*.scm" src | wc -l`;
chomp $files;
$files =~ s/\s//g;
return ($calls, $files);
sub search_local {
my ($name, $inpath) = @_;
open INFILE, "<$inpath" or die "Failed to open $inpath: $!";
my $comment = 0;
my $line;
my ($calls, $callbacks, $refs) = (0, 0, 0);
my $call_re = qr/\b$name\b\s*\([^{]*$/;
my $callback_re = qr{\b$name\s*[,)]};
my $ref_re = qr{=\s*\b$name\b(?!\s*\()};
my $body = 0;
while (my $line = <INFILE>) {
chomp $line;
while ($line =~ /{/g) {
while ($line =~ /}/g) {
($line, $comment) = strip_comments($line, $comment);
++ $calls if $body && $line =~ /$call_re/;
++ $callbacks if $body && $line =~ /$callback_re/;
++ $refs if $line =~ /$ref_re/;
close INFILE;
return ($calls, $callbacks, $refs);
sub process_function {
my ($c_name, $static, $func, $inpath) = @_;
my ($ext_calls, $ext_files, $scm_calls, $scm_files, $not_used);
my $gobject_re = qr/_(?:init|constructor|dispose|finalize|[sg]et_property)$/;
if ($c_name =~ /$gobject_re/) {
print OUTFH "/* $c_name\n";
print OUTFH join("\n", @$func);
print OUTFH "*/\n";
goto NO_USAGE;
unless ($static) {
($ext_calls, $ext_files) = search_external($c_name, $inpath);
($scm_calls, $scm_files) = search_scheme($c_name);
my ($local_calls, $local_callbacks, $local_refs) = search_local($c_name, $inpath);
unless ($ext_calls || $scm_calls) {
my $local_use = $local_calls + $local_callbacks + $local_refs;
print OUTFH "// Make Static\n" if !$static && $local_use > 1;
unless ($local_use) {
print OUTFH "// Not Used\n";
$not_used = 1;
print OUTFH "/* $c_name\n";
print OUTFH join("\n", @$func);
print OUTFH "// Local: $local_calls:$local_callbacks:$local_refs\n";
print OUTFH "*/\n";
} else {
print OUTFH "/* $c_name\n";
print OUTFH join("\n", @$func);
print OUTFH "// ";
print OUTFH "External: 0\n" if $ext_calls + $scm_calls == 0;
print OUTFH "C: $ext_calls " if $ext_calls > 0;
print OUTFH "in $ext_files " if $ext_calls > 1;
print OUTFH "SCM: $scm_calls " if $scm_calls > 0;
print OUTFH "in $scm_files" if $scm_calls > 1;
print OUTFH " Local: $local_calls:$local_callbacks:$local_refs\n";
print OUTFH "*/\n";
unless ($not_used) {
my $test_func = "test_$c_name";
my $test_name = $c_name;
$test_name =~ tr/_/ /;
print OUTFH "/* static void\n";
print OUTFH "test_$c_name (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)\n";
print OUTFH "{\n";
print OUTFH "}*/\n";
return "// GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, \"$test_name\", Fixture, NULL, setup, $test_func, teardown);";
sub print_preamble {
my ($infile, $author) = @_;
my ($gnuemail) = ('');
my $inName = substr($infile, 0, index($infile, "."));
my $inname = lc $inName;
my @indirs = File::Spec->splitdir($indir);
my @date = localtime(time());
my $year = $date[5] + 1900;
delete $indirs[-1];
$indirs[0] = "";
$indir = File::Spec->catfile((@indirs, $inName));
die "Catdir Failed $@" if $@;
print OUTFH <<EOF;
* $outfile: GLib g_test test suite for $infile. *
* Copyright $year $author *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, you can retrieve it from *
* *
* or contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA $gnuemail *
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
/* Add specific headers for this class */
static const gchar *suitename = "$indir";
void test_suite_$inname ( void );
return $inname;
=head1 NAME
make_testfile "Author Name <author@email.addr>" path/to/input [path/to/output]
=head1 SUMMARY
Creates template unit test files from C source files. The default
output file is utest-filename in a subdirectory named "test". For
example, if the input file is src/engine/Account.c, the default output
file will be src/engine/test/test-Account.c.
The program scans the input file to find function signatures. Each
function signature will generate a comment with the function's
signature and the number of places that the function is called in C
and Scheme incantations (Scheme calls are assumed to be the same
function name with underscores replaced with dashes. The program
doesn't look at SWIG files to find aliases.)
The program attempts to determine each function's usage: All other C
and Scheme files in the source tree are searched for uses of the
function unless the function is marked "static". The function name is
mangled to replaces underscores with hyphens for searching Scheme
files. The input file is also searched for additional calls or
assignments to the function, and recursion is excepted.
A function for which no calls are found is marked "Not Used". A global
(i.e. not static) function with only local calls or assignments is
marked "should be static". GObject special functions (gnc_foo_init,
gnc_foo_class_init, gnc_foo_constructor, gnc_foo_dispose,
gnc_foo_finalize, gnc_foo_get_property, gnc_foo_set_property) are not
searched for.
After scanning, the program will add a comment to the outfile with the
function's signature and the results of the usage scan, followed by a
commented-out test function template (unless the function is found to
have no usage). After all of the functions are written out, the
program will finish by writing a test-suite function containing
commented-out macros invoking each of the skeleton test functions.