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# file: count.gplot
# function: plot the number of lines of code in gnucash as function of date
# To generate the graph, say "gnuplot count.gplot" at the command line
# history: created by Linas Vepstas July 2004
# set term x11
# set term pbm
# set term gif size 400,300
set term pbm medium color
set out 'count.png'
set data style linespoints
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y"
# set format x "%m/%y"
set format x "%Y"
set xrange ["01/09/1997":"01/12/2003"]
set title "Number of Lines of code in GnuCash"
set key right
set xlabel "Year"
set logscale y
set ylabel "KLOC\nLogarithmic Scale"
plot "count.dat" using 1:2 title "kloc"
# pause 1000