2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
* gncInvoice.c -- the Core Business Invoice
* Copyright (C) 2001 Derek Atkins
* Author: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include "Transaction.h"
#include "Account.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "gnc-numeric.h"
#include "kvp_frame.h"
#include "gnc-engine-util.h"
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
#include "gnc-book-p.h"
#include "GNCIdP.h"
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
#include "gncBusiness.h"
#include "gncCustomer.h"
#include "gncVendor.h"
#include "gncEntry.h"
#include "gncEntryP.h"
#include "gncInvoice.h"
#include "gncInvoiceP.h"
struct _gncInvoice {
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
GNCBook *book;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
GUID guid;
char * id;
char * notes;
GList * entries;
GncInvoiceType type;
union {
GncCustomer *customer;
GncVendor * vendor;
} owner;
Timespec date_opened;
Timespec date_due;
Timespec date_closed;
gint terms;
Account * posted_acc;
Transaction * posted_txn;
gboolean active;
gboolean dirty;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
#define GNC_INVOICE_ID "gncInvoice"
#define GNC_INVOICE_GUID "invoice-guid"
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
#define CACHE_INSERT(str) g_cache_insert(gnc_engine_get_string_cache(), (gpointer)(str));
#define CACHE_REMOVE(str) g_cache_remove(gnc_engine_get_string_cache(), (str));
#define SET_STR(member, str) { \
char * tmp; \
if (!safe_strcmp (member, str)) return; \
tmp = CACHE_INSERT (str); \
CACHE_REMOVE (member); \
member = tmp; \
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
static void addObj (GncInvoice *invoice);
static void remObj (GncInvoice *invoice);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
GncInvoice *gncInvoiceCreate (GNCBook *book, GncInvoiceType type)
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
GncInvoice *invoice;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
if (!book) return NULL;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
if (type != GNC_INVOICE_CUSTOMER && type != GNC_INVOICE_VENDOR) return NULL;
invoice = g_new0 (GncInvoice, 1);
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
invoice->book = book;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
invoice->id = CACHE_INSERT ("");
invoice->notes = CACHE_INSERT ("");
invoice->active = TRUE;
invoice->type = type;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
xaccGUIDNew (&invoice->guid, book);
addObj (invoice);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
return invoice;
void gncInvoiceDestroy (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return;
CACHE_REMOVE (invoice->id);
CACHE_REMOVE (invoice->notes);
g_list_free (invoice->entries);
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
remObj (invoice);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
g_free (invoice);
/* Set Functions */
void gncInvoiceSetGUID (GncInvoice *invoice, const GUID *guid)
if (!invoice || !guid) return;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
if (guid_equal (guid, &invoice->guid)) return;
remObj (invoice);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
invoice->guid = *guid;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
addObj (invoice);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
void gncInvoiceSetID (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *id)
if (!invoice || !id) return;
SET_STR (invoice->id, id);
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetCustomer (GncInvoice *invoice, GncCustomer *customer)
if (!invoice) return;
if (invoice->type != GNC_INVOICE_CUSTOMER) return;
invoice->owner.customer = customer;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetVendor (GncInvoice *invoice, GncVendor *vendor)
if (!invoice) return;
if (invoice->type != GNC_INVOICE_VENDOR) return;
invoice->owner.vendor = vendor;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetDateOpened (GncInvoice *invoice, const Timespec *date)
if (!invoice || !date) return;
invoice->date_opened = *date;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetDateDue (GncInvoice *invoice, const Timespec *date)
if (!invoice || !date) return;
invoice->date_due = *date;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetDateClosed (GncInvoice *invoice, const Timespec *date)
if (!invoice || !date) return;
invoice->date_closed = *date;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetTerms (GncInvoice *invoice, gint terms)
if (!invoice) return;
invoice->terms = terms;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetNotes (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *notes)
if (!invoice || !notes) return;
SET_STR (invoice->notes, notes);
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetActive (GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean active)
if (!invoice) return;
invoice->active = active;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetDirty (GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean dirty)
if (!invoice) return;
invoice->dirty = dirty;
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
void gncInvoiceSetPostedTxn (GncInvoice *invoice, Transaction *txn)
if (!invoice) return;
invoice->posted_txn = txn;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceSetPostedAcc (GncInvoice *invoice, Account *acc)
if (!invoice) return;
invoice->posted_acc = acc;
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
void gncInvoiceAddEntry (GncInvoice *invoice, GncEntry *entry)
GncInvoice *old;
if (!invoice || !entry) return;
old = gncEntryGetInvoice (entry);
if (old == invoice) return; /* I already own this one */
if (old) gncInvoiceRemoveEntry (old, entry);
gncEntrySetInvoice (entry, invoice);
invoice->entries = g_list_append (invoice->entries, entry);
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
void gncInvoiceRemoveEntry (GncInvoice *invoice, GncEntry *entry)
if (!invoice || !entry) return;
gncEntrySetInvoice (entry, NULL);
invoice->entries = g_list_remove (invoice->entries, entry);
invoice->dirty = TRUE;
/* Get Functions */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
GNCBook * gncInvoiceGetBook (GncInvoice *invoice)
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
if (!invoice) return NULL;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
return invoice->book;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
const GUID * gncInvoiceGetGUID (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return &(invoice->guid);
const char * gncInvoiceGetID (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return invoice->id;
GncInvoiceType gncInvoiceGetType (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return GNC_INVOICE_NONE;
return invoice->type;
GncCustomer * gncInvoiceGetCustomer (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
if (invoice->type != GNC_INVOICE_CUSTOMER) return NULL;
return invoice->owner.customer;
GncVendor * gncInvoiceGetVendor (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
if (invoice->type != GNC_INVOICE_VENDOR) return NULL;
return invoice->owner.vendor;
Timespec gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (GncInvoice *invoice)
Timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0;
if (!invoice) return ts;
return invoice->date_opened;
Timespec gncInvoiceGetDateDue (GncInvoice *invoice)
Timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0;
if (!invoice) return ts;
return invoice->date_due;
Timespec gncInvoiceGetDateClosed (GncInvoice *invoice)
Timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0;
if (!invoice) return ts;
return invoice->date_closed;
gint gncInvoiceGetTerms (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return 0;
return invoice->terms;
const char * gncInvoiceGetNotes (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return invoice->notes;
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
Transaction * gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return invoice->posted_txn;
Account * gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return invoice->posted_acc;
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
gboolean gncInvoiceGetActive (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return FALSE;
return invoice->active;
GList * gncInvoiceGetEntries (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return NULL;
return invoice->entries;
gboolean gncInvoiceIsDirty (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return FALSE;
return invoice->dirty;
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
void gncInvoiceAttachInvoiceToTxn (GncInvoice *invoice, Transaction *txn)
kvp_frame *kvp;
kvp_value *value;
if (!invoice || !txn)
if (invoice->posted_txn) return; /* Cannot reset invoice's txn */
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
kvp = xaccTransGetSlots (txn);
value = kvp_value_new_guid (gncInvoiceGetGUID (invoice));
kvp_frame_set_slot_path (kvp, value, GNC_INVOICE_ID, GNC_INVOICE_GUID, NULL);
kvp_value_delete (value);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
gncInvoiceSetPostedTxn (invoice, txn);
#define GET_OR_ADD_ACCVAL(list,t_acc,res) { \
GList *li; \
res = NULL; \
for (li = list; li; li = li->next) { \
res = li->data; \
if (res->acc == t_acc) \
break; \
res = NULL; \
} \
if (!res) { \
res = g_new0 (struct acct_val, 1); \
res->acc = t_acc; \
res->val = gnc_numeric_zero (); \
list = g_list_append (list, res); \
} \
Transaction * gncInvoicePostToAccount (GncInvoice *invoice, Account *acc,
Timespec *date)
Transaction *txn;
GList *item, *iter;
GList *splitinfo = NULL;
gnc_numeric total;
gnc_commodity *commonCommodity = NULL;
struct acct_val {
Account * acc;
gnc_numeric val;
} *acc_val;
if (!invoice || !acc) return NULL;
2001-11-24 06:10:42 -06:00
/* XXX: Need to obtain the book */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
txn = xaccMallocTransaction (invoice->book);
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
/* Figure out the common currency */
/* XXX */
/* Set Transaction Description (customer), Num (invoice ID), Currency */
((gncInvoiceGetType (invoice) == GNC_INVOICE_CUSTOMER) ?
gncCustomerGetName (gncInvoiceGetCustomer (invoice)) :
gncVendorGetName (gncInvoiceGetVendor (invoice))));
xaccTransSetNum (txn, gncInvoiceGetID (invoice));
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, commonCommodity);
/* Entered and Posted at date */
if (date) {
xaccTransSetDateEnteredTS (txn, date);
xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (txn, date);
/* Iterate through the entries; sum up everything for each account.
* then create the appropriate splits in this txn.
total = gnc_numeric_zero();
for (iter = gncInvoiceGetEntries(invoice); iter; iter = iter->next) {
GncEntry * entry = iter->data;
Account *this_acc = gncEntryGetAccount (entry);
gnc_numeric disc = gncEntryGetDiscount (entry);
gnc_numeric subtotal = gnc_numeric_mul (gncEntryGetQuantity (entry),
gncEntryGetPrice (entry),
100, /* XXX */
/* Find the account value for this_acc. If we haven't seen this
* account before, create a new total and add to list
GET_OR_ADD_ACCVAL (splitinfo, this_acc, acc_val);
/* Now compute the split value and add it to the totals */
gint disc_type = gncEntryGetDiscountType (entry);
gnc_numeric value;
disc = gnc_numeric_mul (subtotal, disc, 100 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
value = gnc_numeric_sub_fixed (subtotal, disc);
2001-11-26 17:30:33 -06:00
if (disc_type & GNC_ENTRY_PRETAX_FLAG)
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
subtotal = value;
acc_val->val = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (acc_val->val, value);
total = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (total, value);
/* Repeat for the Entry Tax */
this_acc = gncEntryGetTaxAccount (entry);
if (this_acc) {
gnc_numeric tax = gncEntryGetTax (entry);
gint tax_type = gncEntryGetTaxType (entry);
GET_OR_ADD_ACCVAL (splitinfo, this_acc, acc_val);
tax = gnc_numeric_mul (subtotal, tax, 100 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
acc_val->val = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (acc_val->val, tax);
total = gnc_numeric_add_fixed (total, tax);
} /* for */
/* Iterate through the splitinfo list and generate the splits */
for (iter = splitinfo; iter; iter = iter->next) {
Split *split;
acc_val = iter->data;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
split = xaccMallocSplit (invoice->book);
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
/* set action and memo? */
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, acc_val->val, commonCommodity);
xaccAccountBeginEdit (acc_val->acc);
xaccAccountInsertSplit (acc_val->acc, split);
xaccAccountCommitEdit (acc_val->acc);
xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split);
/* Now create the Posted split (which is negative -- it's a credit) */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
Split *split = xaccMallocSplit (invoice->book);
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
/* Set action/memo */
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (total), commonCommodity);
xaccAccountBeginEdit (acc);
xaccAccountInsertSplit (acc, split);
xaccAccountCommitEdit (acc);
xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split);
gncInvoiceSetPostedAcc (invoice, acc);
gncInvoiceSetPostedTxn (invoice, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
return txn;
GncInvoice * gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn (Transaction *txn)
kvp_frame *kvp;
kvp_value *value;
GUID *guid;
2001-11-28 16:23:14 -06:00
GNCBook *book = NULL; /* XXX: FIXME */
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
if (!txn) return NULL;
kvp = xaccTransGetSlots (txn);
value = kvp_frame_get_slot_path (kvp, GNC_INVOICE_ID, GNC_INVOICE_GUID, NULL);
if (!value) return NULL;
guid = kvp_value_get_guid (value);
2001-11-24 06:10:42 -06:00
/* XXX: Need to get GNCBook from Transaction */
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
/* XXX: lookup invoice from session/guid */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
return xaccLookupEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (book),
guid, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
GncInvoice * gncInvoiceLookup (GNCBook *book, const GUID *guid)
if (!book || !guid) return NULL;
return xaccLookupEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (book),
guid, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
2001-11-23 23:35:08 -06:00
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
void gncInvoiceBeginEdit (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return;
void gncInvoiceCommitEdit (GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!invoice) return;
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
/* Package-Private functions */
static void addObj (GncInvoice *invoice)
GHashTable *ht;
xaccStoreEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (invoice->book),
invoice, &invoice->guid, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
ht = gnc_book_get_data (invoice->book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
g_hash_table_insert (ht, &invoice->guid, invoice);
static void remObj (GncInvoice *invoice)
GHashTable *ht;
xaccRemoveEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (invoice->book), &invoice->guid);
ht = gnc_book_get_data (invoice->book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
g_hash_table_remove (ht, &invoice->guid);
static void _gncInvoiceCreate (GNCBook *book)
GHashTable *ht;
if (!book) return;
ht = guid_hash_table_new ();
gnc_book_set_data (book, _GNC_MOD_NAME, ht);
static void _gncInvoiceDestroy (GNCBook *book)
GHashTable *ht;
if (!book) return;
ht = gnc_book_get_data (book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
/* XXX : Destroy the objects? */
g_hash_table_destroy (ht);
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
static GncBusinessObject gncInvoiceDesc = {
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
"Purchase/Sales Invoice",
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
NULL, /* get list */
NULL /* printable */
gboolean gncInvoiceRegister (void)
return gncBusinessRegister (&gncInvoiceDesc);
static gint lastId = 187; /* XXX */
2001-11-24 23:34:34 -06:00
gint gncInvoiceNextID (GNCBook *book)
2001-11-21 19:23:07 -06:00
return lastId++;