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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Remove obsolete documentation files.
guile-hackers.txt has been copied into https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Scheme.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,27 +1,12 @@
CMakeLists.txt gnc-fq-dump.1 gnc-fq-helper.1 gnucash.1.in
README.HBCI README.OFX README.translator.txt tip_of_the_day.list.c
tip_of_the_day.list.c README.txt)
@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Quick Tour
4. Known Banks
5. Call for Feedback
6. Known Problems
7. Credits
1. Introduction
Since the beta release 1.7.2, GnuCash features HBCI online banking
support. This makes it the world's first *free* HBCI-enabled personal
finance manager.
Many additional information about GnuCash and HBCI can be found in
German language on https://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash,
https://linuxwiki.de/AqBanking, and https://linuxwiki.de/OpenHBCI.
HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is a standard used by German
banks for offering online banking service. Through this standard,
business actions like statement retrieval, initiate bank transfer, or
direct debits can be invoked by any HBCI-compliant client application,
i.e. now also from GnuCash. Authentication and encryption is done
through a bank-issued chip card or a self-generated file-based RSA key
pair. (In the latter case, the user prints out his public key finger
print on paper, signs it, and sends it to his bank.)
Please note that the programmers of GnuCash cannot give warranties for
anything. In particular, some banks are running a poorly implemented
HBCI on their servers, which does not give you any proper feedback
when a transfer order has been rejected and will not be
executed. Please do not rely on time-critical money transfers through
HBCI for now.
2. Requirements
See also https://linuxwiki.de/AqBanking
Required packages:
AqBanking 1.3.0, or any later version: Get aqbanking from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/aqbanking . (Historical note:
Until gnucash-1.8.9, the library "openhbci" had been used, but
with gnucash-1.8.10, gnucash switched to the successor of openhbci
which is aqbanking/aqhbci.) (Second historical note: The library
versions aqbanking-1.2.x or older were split into multiple
packages named "aqbanking" and "aqhbci", but with aqbanking-1.3.0
and newer all of this is now packaged in the single aqbanking
which in turn requires:
Gwenhywfar 1.16.0, or any later version,
https://sourceforge.net/projects/gwenhywfar, which in turn requires
OpenSSL any 0.9.x, https://www.openssl.org .
If you want chipcard support, you also need libchipcard version
2.0.0 or later, https://sourceforge.net/projects/libchipcard
(Note: Not all arbitrary version combinations between aqbanking
and gwenhywfar will work! Only those versions that have been
released on approximately the same date will work together without
After aqbanking has been installed successfully, you can build
GnuCash with:
./configure --enable-hbci --with-aqbanking-prefix=/your/aqbanking/prefix
And you need to apply at your Bank to get HBCI access. The bank will
provide you with some paper work which is needed during HBCI setup in
GnuCash. (For problems during compile see 6. Known Problems below.)
3. Quick Tour
HBCI support is accessible through a few new menu items:
* Setup: In the main window with the account hierarchy, the "Tools" menu
(German: "Werkzeuge") now contains the item "HBCI Setup" ("HBCI
Einrichtung"). This menu item opens the HBCI Setup druid which
will guide you through the setup. (Note: With the new
aqbanking/aqhbci, the Setup druid is an external program provided
by the aqhbci authors, but this will be explaning during the HBCI
Setup druid.)
- Chip card users and PIN/TAN users will need to run this only
once. (see 6. Known Problems below if this doesn't work)
- Users with self-generated file-based keys need to run this
twice. First they will be guided to generate their keys and
have their Ini-Letter printed on paper, which they need to
send to their bank. After some days when the bank has
processed that letter, they need to run the HBCI Setup druid
a second time.
- Either way, eventually you are presented with a list of
HBCI-accessible accounts, and can choose which of your gnucash
account should be matched with each HBCI account.
* Account functions: In the register window of your GnuCash accounts,
you now find the submenu item "Online Actions" ("Online Aktionen") in
the menu "Actions" ("Aktionen"). Each item in this submenu invokes a
particular HBCI action: "Get Balance", "Get Transactions", "New
Transfer", "New Direct Debit" ("Saldenabfrage", "Abfrage
Kontoumsätze", "Überweisung", "Lastschrift"). Of course those menu
items will only do anything if that particular GnuCash account was
matched to a HBCI account in the setup druid; otherwise, simply
nothing will happen. How to perform each action will be explained
in the respective dialog windows.
* Preference: By default, the user has to enter his password/PIN each
time a HBCI action is performed. If you prefer to have your password
cached in memory during your gnucash session, you can enable this by
activating the appropriate button in the Edit->Preference dialog
("Bearbeiten->Einstellungen") in the tab "Online Banking &
Importing". Of course the password/PIN is *never ever* stored on
disk anywhere due to security reasons.
* HBCI Connection window preference: The HBCI Connection window can
either disappear once the connection is closed, or it can still be
left open so that you can read the bank's feedback messages about the
order. The setting of this respective checkbox in the Connection
window is remembered from session to session.
* Debug Preference: If HBCI connectivity does not work the way you
expected it to work, you can enable a whole lot of HBCI debugging
output. First, on the "General" page of the preferences, activate the
checkbox for "Show Advanced Setting". Then, on the newly appearing
"Advanced" page, or on the "Online Banking & Importing" page,
activate "HBCI Verbose Debug Messages" to get much more debugging
4. Known Banks
Gnucash/AqBanking (or OpenHBCI) is successfully being used with:
- Deutsche Bank
- Kreissparkasse Hannover
- Hamburger Sparkasse
- Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven
5. Call for Feedback
If you encounter an error, you can report it in German language on
gnucash-de@gnucash.org (Subscriber-only list; please subscribe on
https://www.gnucash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de ) and on on
openhbci-general@lists.sf.net. Please remember to include the version
numbers of gnucash and aqbanking as well as any console output and/or
HBCI connection log (can be obtained through the HBCI Verbose Debug
Messages preference mentioned above).
Also, if you managed to successfully setup a bank that we don't have in
our list yet, please let us know as well. We appreciate any feedback on
this new functionality.
6. Known Problems
* If the compilation of GnuCash fails with 'cc1: changing search order
for system directory ...' as one of the last message lines, then
call ./configure with the additional option
--enable-error-on-warning=no and recompile.
* If you don't see the menu items mentioned above, then GnuCash was
not built/compiled with --enable-hbci. Please try to compile GnuCash
by yourself or contact the place where you got your pre-compiled
version of GnuCash from.
* If you cannot select "Chip Card" as security medium, it means that
your installed version of the AqBanking library has been compiled
without chipcard support. You will need to recompile AqBanking while
libchipcard is installed, and then you (probably) need to recompile
* Currently each HBCI action can only be executed while you are
online; support for off-line preparation and queueing is not yet
If you think you can do better on any of these issues -- why not give it
a try and start coding on yet more HBCI features? Gnucash only requires
some C and Gtk/Gnome knowledge, and other developers in the IRC channel
#gnucash, irc.gnome.org, will always assist you with problems arising
during coding. You don't need to know anything about HBCI since OpenHBCI
will do everything for you. Also, I (Christian Stimming) will withdraw
from HBCI/Gnucash development due to personal/time constraints in the
medium term. So if you want more features, why don't *you* start coding
today? We definitely welcome any new developer who contributes even the
smallest improvements.
7. Credits
The excellent AqBanking/AqHBCI library is written by Martin Preuss
<openhbci@aquamaniac.de> and Christian Stimming
<stimming@tuhh.de>. Libchipcard is written by Martin Preuss
By Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>
May 10th, 2006
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Implemented features
4. The import process and transaction matching
5. When it goes wrong...
6. FAQ
7. Credits
1. Introduction
Since the first 1.7.x beta releases, GnuCash features OFX online banking
support. This makes it the world's first *free* OFX-enabled personal
finance manager. The development of OFX and HBCI support also spawned the
a new generic import infrastructure, including a much improved transaction
OFX (Open Financial eXchange) is an open standard increasingly popular
for offering bank, credit card and investment statement download, as well
as other services, such as bill payment. Features requiring direct access
to a bank's OFX server are not yet supported.
2. Requirements
LibOFX 0.7.0 or later
which in turn requires:
OpenSP 1.3.x or later, https://openjade.sourceforge.net/
Then you enable OFX support by building GnuCash with:
--enable-ofx added to ./autogen.sh (for CVS) or ./configure (for tarballs)
If successful, an item will appear in Gnucash's File/Import sub menu.
If you installed libofx in a non-standard location, you may also have to use:
3. Implemented features
Implemented features (some of these are from the generic import module):
-OFX/QFX response file import
-Account matching, using unique OFX account ID
-Full OFX bank and credit card transaction support.
-Explicit support for investment transactions, including stock reinvest and
-Commodity import and matching, for investment transactions.
-Transaction duplicate detection, using the unique OFX transaction ID. Even if
downloaded twice, transactions are only imported once.
-Transaction duplicate detection, using amount, date, check number,
full or partial memo, full or partial description.
-"Destination" account matching, using exact string match on either
memo or description.
-Saves ALL transaction data currently supported by LibOFX.
When no gnucash equivalent, it is put in the Transaction's Note field. You must
have double-line mode enabled to view the notes field.
-Files containing multiple statements are supported, and transactions can
be matched at the same time.
4.The import process and transaction matching
First, you must successfully download an OFX response file from your bank.
If you successfully built GnuCash with ofx support, you will be able to select
the file from the File / Import / Import OFX/QFX menu item.
Note that Ofx files can contain information for multiple accounts, depending on
the number of accounts in your file, and the presence of absence of investment
transactions, the following two windows will popup one or multiple times:
A) Account matching window.
-Look carefully at the information in the top part of the
window. From that info you should be able to determine which of your accounts
this is.
-Select the matching GnuCash account from the list if there is one, or
create a new one with the button at the bottom. If you choose to create a new
one, currency, account type and name will be filled in for you. Feel free to
change the name to whatever you like.
-investment accounts will
cause more than one account to be matched/created in GnuCash. Most will cause a
cash and a stock account to be created. In addition, if there are dividends in
the transaction, you will be asked to choose an Income account.
-All account matches are remembered, and you will not be asked on subsequent imports.
B) Commodity matching window
If your statement contains information like stock
transactions, you will be asked to match the stock to a GnuCash commodity. The
process is similar to account matching above. The match is remembered by the
Commodity CUISP.
Once the process of account and commodity matching is done, you
will be presented with the transaction matcher window. Let's learn how to use
it by an example.
Let's assume you import Credit Card/Savings/Checking accounts
in that order (3 separate imports), and your accounts start with no
transactions: You will first have all new transactions in Credit Card, some of
which are transfers going into checking. You then import you savings Savings
account, which will also have misc transactions, and presumably some going into
Checking. You then import your Checking account. The matcher will see
duplicate transactions in checking (Those who have a split in Credit Card and
Savings), and will only clear the split in Checking for those. The other
transactions in savings will be imported as new.
What most people don't
understand about this process is that there are two different types of matches
that can be done by the importer on a single transaction.
The first kind of
match will determine if a duplicate of this transaction exists in GnuCash. If
that match determines that there isn't (or if the user overrides), a second
match will be done to try and find the appropriate account to add a split to the
transaction (only if the transaction isn't already balanced).
Now, for the specifics, there are two possibilities:
A- You are a "Do everything daily" kind of guy.
You write a GnuCash transactions every time you write a check, spend money, etc.
Suppose you
spend 40$ on your credit card at "Overpriced Restaurant". When you come back or
at the end of the week when you get rid of all the receipt in your wallet, you
enter a 40$ transaction from "Credit Card" to "Expenses->Restaurant". At the
end of the week, month, year or whenever, you download your
credit card statement. The importer will spot duplicates (with a certain
confidence level represented by the red, yellow and green bars) and by default
mark them as cleared.
If you forgot to enter some transactions, the matcher will have an inconclusive
match or will consider them as new and treat them like in the next scenario.
B- You are an "Do everything at once kind of guy".
You don't write your transactions as they occur, instead you download
your statement at the end of the month.
Now the importer should find that all transactions in your credit
card are new (except maybe payments, if you imported your checking account
prior to your credit card account). The first time you import from that
account, all transactions will say "Need an account to Auto-Balance xxx$".
You will then pick an account for each one. In the case of the 40$ we talked
about, you select "Expenses->Restaurant" (the importer already knows it's coming
from "Credit Card"). Now the next month (since you never learn) you go to
"Overpriced Restaurant" AGAIN. Assuming your bank gives you a minimum of info
electronically, the importer will remember that a transaction at "Overpriced
Restaurant" from account "Credit Card", goes to "Expenses->Restaurant". All
transactions are already cleared at this stage.
In both scenarios, all transactions are balanced at creation time, and are in
the exact same accounts.
5. When it goes wrong...
Tough much effort has been put in implementing relevant parts of the OFX
standardas well as possible, and gracefully treating parts that are not
supported, OFX is not implemented in a consistent manner across banks. If you do
encounter a problem, please report it to the developers (ideally with a sample
If you encounter an error, you can report it in one of the following ways (in
order of effectiveness for you, but ANY report is apreciated):
* Open a bug at https://bugs.gnucash.org/
* gnucash-devel@gnucash.org or gnucash-user@gnucash.org (Subscriber-only list;
please subscribe on https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/ )
* https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/libofx-devel/ if ofxdump doesn't
give you the expected data.
* many developers hang on the IRC channel #gnucash on irc.gnome.org
Please remember to include the following information in your report: The version
numbers of gnucash, libofx and OpenSP as well as any console output and/or
output of the ofxdump utility on your file.
6. FAQ
(1) GnuCash simply hangs when importing an OFX file
This is probably bug https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101738
Unfortunately the main developers are unable to reproduce. So far, this bug
only occurs with OpenSP 1.5. It does not occur for anyone with OpenSP 1.3.x,
which is shipped on most Linux distro as part of openjade, so you may want to
downgrade. (Please note that OpenSP 1.3.x has several other issues however)
This bug is believed to be a threading issue, and may be a problem in GnuCash,
LibOFX, OpenSP, or some versions of the Linux kernel. If you have any useful
info,please add a comment to the bug above (even if only to say you encountered
the bug,and your version of the previously mentioned packages).
(2) Why doesn't GnuCash support direct connections to bank like Quicken/Money
I am striving to get this working, but banks are simply not cooperative in
general, and my bank doesn't support it at all, so it will not be easy to
debug once implemented.
All I can say is "We're working on it...". But there are many steps left to
be taken.
(3) I don't see the File / Import / Import OFX/QFX menu item!
If you don't see the menu mentioned above, then GnuCash was
not built/compiled with --enable-ofx. Please try to compile GnuCash
by yourself or contact the place where you got your pre-compiled
version of GnuCash from.
(4) When I import in OFX/HBCI, and change the destination account in the
matcher, why doesn't other transaction with the same memo/description change?
The matcher already "learns" where transactions are assigned. The only problem
is thatcurrently, it only uses what it has learned on the next import.
Re-processing the list during the import process is a feature you can hopefor
early in the 1.8 series.
(5) Can GnuCash support QFX files (Quicken Financial eXchange?)
As far as GnuCash is concerned, QFX and OFX files are identical.
(6) What about OFC support (Open Financial Connectivity, a Microsoft standard)
OFC is a SGML based format still very commonly used in Brazil, and less
frequently by banks all over the world.
The main author of LibOFX managed to find
specs, but needs the OFC DTD (Data Type Definition) to add support. That file
is supposed to be available from a link an this page:
However, despite numerous requests to Microsoft to either fix the broken link or
send him a copy of the file, they still haven't done so. That file is probably
free to redistribute, and was part of their OFC development toolkit. If you still
have a copy or know where to get one, please send the information to
(7) Where do I find/How do I download OFX files for bank XYZ?
Somewhere on one of the banks website. We can't say anymore than this, the
address, interface, and origin of the info used as user id and password changes
from bank to bank.
(8) Can I export my Gnucash data in QIF, OFX, CSV, etc. ?
Export capability is currently being built into LibOfx.
7. Credits-------
The LibOFX library is written by Benoit Gr<47>goire <bock@step.polymtl.ca>
The Generic Import Infrastructure was written by Benoit Gr<47>goire
<bock@step.polymtl.ca>, Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de> and Derek Atkins
By Benoit Gr<47>goire <bock@step.polymtl.ca>
Sunday, Feb 2, 2003
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
GnuCash version 2.0.x
- Vue d'ensemble
- Mise <20> jour depuis la version 1.8.x
- D<>pendances
- Mise en route
- Internationalisation
- Compilation et installation
- plates-formes support<72>es
- Sites de t<>l<EFBFBD>chargement miroirs
- R<>cup<75>rer les sources avec SVN
- D<>veloppement de GnuCash
Vue d'ensemble
GnuCash est un gestionnaire de finances personnelles. Une interface graphique
d'enregistrement ressemblant au talon de votre ch<63>quier vous permet d'entrer et
de suivre vos comptes bancaires, actions, revenus et m<>me vos op<6F>rations
boursi<EFBFBD>res. L'interface est con<6F>ue pour <20>tre simple et facile <20> utiliser, mais
elle est adoss<73>e aux principes de comptabilit<69> de la partie double pour assurer
l'<27>quilibre des comptes.
Quelques une de ces caract<63>ristiques sont:
* Une interface facile <20> utiliser. Si vous savez utiliser le talon de votre
ch<EFBFBD>quier, vous savez utiliser GnuCash. Tapez directement dans le registre,
d<EFBFBD>placez vous entre les champs, et utilisez quick-fill (saisie rapide) pour
compl<EFBFBD>ter automatiquement la transaction. L'interface est personnalisable depuis
l'application elle-m<>me (pas de fichiers de config <20> modifier :) ).
* Transactions r<>currentes : GnuCash a la possibilit<69> de g<>n<EFBFBD>rer automatiquement
des transactions, de rappeler leur <20>ch<63>ance, de proposer de la valider ou de la
retarder et <20>galement de les supprimer apr<70>s un certain temps.
* Importation de fichiers OFX : GnuCash est le premier logiciel libre <20>
supporter le protocole <20> Open Financial Exchange <20> qui est de plus en plus
utilis<EFBFBD> par les banques. Le d<>veloppement du support OFX et HBCI a permis une
am<EFBFBD>lioration du m<>canisme permettant de retrouver des transactions homologues
et les doublons.
* Support de l'HBCI : GnuCash est le premier logiciel libre <20> supporter le
protocole allemand d'op<6F>rations bancaires en ligne
* Importation de fichiers Quicken: Importation de fichiers au format QIF de
Quicken. Les fichiers QIF sont automatiquement fusionn<6E>s pour <20>liminer les
transactions dupliqu<71>es.
* La fen<65>tre de rapprochement avec les soldes actuels rapproch<63>s et point<6E>s rend
le rapprochement facile.
* Portefeuille d'actions/fonds de placements (SICAV et FCP en France): suivi
d'actions individuellement (une par compte) ou dans un portefeuille de comptes
(un groupe de comptes qui peuvent <20>tre affich<63>s ensemble).
* R<>cup<75>ration des cours des actions et fonds communs (FCP et SICAV) depuis
diff<EFBFBD>rents sites Web, mise <20> jour automatique du portefeuille.
* Rapports : affichent le bilan , les pertes et profits, <20>valuation du
portefeuille, rapports de transactions, ou suivi du solde du compte, ou
exportation de ceux-ci en HTML. Vous pouvez <20>crire votre propre rapport
personnalis<EFBFBD> si vous connaissez un peu le langage Scheme. Les rapports peuvent
maintenant <20>tre r<>alis<69>s sur une p<>riode comptable.
* Monnaies/devises multiples et March<63> des changes : de multiple monnaies sont
support<EFBFBD>es et peuvent <20>tre achet<65>es et vendues (faire du commerce avec elles).
Les mouvements mon<6F>taires entre comptes sont totalement <20>quilibr<62>s quand la
partie double est activ<69>e. Les transferts en devises multiples sont support<72>s.
* Tableau de comptes : un compte ma<6D>tre/principal peut avoir une arborescence
de comptes d<>taill<6C>s en dessous de lui. Cela permet d'avoir des types de
comptes similaires (par exemple Liquidit<69>s, Banque, Actions) group<75>s dans un
compte ma<6D>tre (par exemple Avoirs).
* Transactions r<>parties : une simple transaction peut <20>tre r<>partie en
plusieurs morceaux pour enregistrer les imp<6D>ts, paiements, et autres entr<74>es
* Partie double: Quand elle est activ<69>e, chaque transaction doit d<>biter un
compte et cr<63>diter un autre d'un montant <20>quivalent. Cela permet de s'assurer
que les "livres sont <20>quilibr<62>s" : c'est <20> dire que la diff<66>rence entre les
revenus et les sorties est exactement <20>gale <20> la somme de tous les avoirs,
qu'ils soient bancaire, liquidit<69>s, actions ou autre.
* Types de comptes Revenus/D<>penses (Cat<61>gories) : ils ne servent pas uniquement
<EFBFBD> cat<61>goriser votre flux de liquidit<69>s/argent, mais quand ils sont utilis<69>s avec
la fonction de la partie double, ceux-ci peuvent fournir un <20>tat exact des
pertes et profits et donc du r<>sultat de la p<>riode.
* Extrait de compte/grand livre : de multiples comptes peuvent <20>tre affich<63>s
dans une fen<65>tre registre/d'enregistrement au m<>me moment. Cela peut faciliter
l'ennui de la recherche/v<>rification des erreurs de frappe/d'entr<74>e. Il fournit
aussi une mani<6E>re agr<67>able de visualiser un portefeuille de beaucoup d'actions,
en montrant toutes les transactions dans ce portefeuille.
* <20>crit en C avec un support <20>tendu de Scheme via Guile.
* L'acc<63>s au fichier est verrouill<6C> par un drapeau de s<>curit<69> r<>seau, pr<70>venant
des dommages accidentels si plusieurs utilisateurs essaient d'acc<63>der au m<>me
fichier, m<>me si le fichier est mont<6E> par NFS.
* Fournit un format de flux de donn<6E>es (byte-stream format), qui permet aux
comptes et groupes de comptes d'<27>tre transmis par d'autres processus via pipes
ou sockets.
* Chargement de la date au format europ<6F>en, traductions diverses.
* Nouveau manuel utilisateur : une toute nouvelle aide en ligne a <20>t<EFBFBD> <20>crite :
elle se focalise sur comment faire les actions en relation avec un tutoriel et
un guide des concepts.
* De nouveaux menus : les menus de GnuCash ont <20>t<EFBFBD> revus pour se conformer aux
principes d'interface de Gnome.
Home Page:
https://www.gnucash.org/ (site officiel - version anglaise)
Binaires pr<70>compil<69>s / ex<65>cutables:
Versions de d<>veloppement:
Mise <20> jour depuis la version 1.8.x
Il y a beaucoup, beaucoup de changements depuis la s<>rie 1.8 -
Jetez un coup d'oeil au fichier NEWS si vous voulez plus de d<>tails.
- GnuCash n<>cessite g-wrap version 1.3.4 ou sup<75>rieur. Consultez la section <20>
D<EFBFBD>pendances <20> pour plus de d<>tails.
- Les donn<6E>es ne sont plus accessibles <20> partir de la version 1.6 une fois de
nouvelles fonctionnalit<69>s utilis<69>es : il n'y a pas de compatibilit<69>
descendante. Sauvegardez vos donn<6E>es!!
- La documentation de GnuCash est d<>sormais d<>plac<61>e dans un package s<>par<61>
(gnucash-docs). si vous voyez un message du type <20> URL non trouv<75>e <20>, en
cliquant un item du menu Aide, vous devrez installer la package gnucash-docs.
Nous esp<73>rons que vous vous appr<70>cierez toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalit<69>s!
Les packages suivants sont requis et doivent <20>tre install<6C>s pour faire
fonctionner GnuCash:
[Consultez le fichier README.dependencies]
Mise en route
Pour les d<>tails d'invocation/de lancement de GnuCash, regardez les pages de
man dans doc/gnucash.1.
Vous pouvez <20>galement taper gnucash --help sur la ligne de commande.
Vous pouvez d<>marrer GnuCash en ligne de commande, avec <20> gnucash <20> ou <20> gnucash
<nom du fichier> <20>, o<> <nom du fichier> est un fichier de donn<6E>es de GnuCash.
Des exemples de comptes peuvent <20>tre trouv<75>s dans le sous-r<>pertoire "data".
Les fichiers *.xac sont les comptes de GnuCash qui peuvent <20>tre ouverts avec
le menu <20> Fichier/Ouvrir <20>.
Les fichiers *.qif sont des fichiers au format Quicken qui peuvent <20>tre ouverts
par le menu <20> Fichier/Importer QIF <20>.
GnuCash r<>pond aux variables d'environnement suivantes :
GNC_BOOTSTRAP_SCM - l'emplacement du code scheme initial de bootstrapping.
GUILE_LOAD_PATH - Pour surpasser le chemin de GnuCash utilis<69> pour le
chargement de fichiers Scheme. C'est une variable de la m<>me forme que les
variables d'environnement PATH ou LIBRARY_PATH.
GNC_MODULE_PATH - Pour surpasser le chemin de GnuCash utilis<69> pour le
chargement de modules GnuCash. C'est une variable de la m<>me forme que les
variables d'environnement PATH ou LIBRARY_PATH.
GNC_DEBUG - active la sortie de d<>bogage. Cela vous permet d'activer
le d<>bogage dans le processus de d<>marrageplus rapidement qu'avec l'option
Internationalisation (i18n)
Des traductions (fichiers .po) existent pour diff<66>rentes langues. Ceux-ci
sont activ<69>s avec les variables d'environnement. Par exemple,
En fran<61>ais, avec bash:
export LANG=fr_FR
En fran<61>ais, avec tcsh:
setenv LANG fr_FR
Pour la version allemande:
export LANG=de_DE
Compilation et installation
[Pour plus de d<>tails sur la compilation, lisez doc/README.build-system]
GnuCash utilise GNU Automake pour traiter le processus de compilation, donc
pour plus de d<>tails, regardez les instructions g<>n<EFBFBD>rales dans INSTALL.
Ci-dessous nous d<>taillons les parties sp<73>cifiques de GnuCash.
Avant de compiler GnuCash, vous devrez obtenir et installer les packages
libtool : Disponible <20> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu.
Les RPMs et debs sont largement disponibles avec la plupart des
syst<EFBFBD>me de d<>veloppement gnome: en-t<>tes (headers), librairies, etc.
libxml: disponible sur ftp.gnome.org
g-wrap : Les RPM's, debs, et sources sont disponibles <20>
vous devrez utilisez g-wrap 1.3.4 ou sup<75>rieur
texinfo: Si vous compilez depuis svn, vous avez besoin du package GNU texinfo,
version 4.0 ou ult<6C>rieure.
Ce que vous aurez besoin de r<>cup<75>rer et d'installer pour <20>tre s<>r d'avoir
tous ces <20>l<EFBFBD>ments correctement install<6C>s d<>pendra de votre syst<73>me
d'exploitation , mais ici se trouve une liste partielle de ce que vous aurez
besoin pour les syst<73>mes que nous connaissons:
Debian/GNU/Linux: (cf README.dependencies)
GnuCash comprend quelques options non-standard de ./configure . Vous
devriez lancer <20> ./configure --help <20> pour la liste la plus <20> jour des options
Si vous voulez seulement qu'une langue en particulier soit install<6C>e, vous
pouvez d<>finir la variable d'environnement LINGUAS avant de lancer ./configure.
Par exemple, pour installer seulement les traductions fran<61>aise, lancez
$ export LINGUAS=fr
$ ./configure
Si vous voulez <20>tre s<>r que toutes les langues soit install<6C>es, lancez
$ unset LINGUAS
$ ./configure
Bien que vous ayez besoin des librairies Gnome install<6C>es, vous n'avez pas
besoin d'utiliser le bureau/interface Gnome.
Les chemins de lancement et d'installations sont s<>par<61>es. Le --prefix que vous
sp<EFBFBD>cifiez <20> ./configure d<>termine le chemin o<> les ex<65>cutables chercheront des
fichiers <20> leur lancement. Normalement, cela d<>termine o<> <20> make install <20>
installera les fichiers. Cependant, automake supporte <20>galement des variables.
DESTDIR est utilis<69>e pendant le processus <20> make install <20> pour installer des
objets dans un r<>pertoire tampon. Chaque objet et chemin est pr<70>fix<69> avec la
valeur de 'DESTDIR' avant d'<27>tre copi<70> dans les r<>pertoires d'installation.
make DESTDIR=/tmp/staging install
Cela place les objets d'installation dans une arborescence de r<>pertoire
construit sous `/tmp/staging'.
Si `/gnu/bin/foo' et /gnu/share/aclocal/foo.m4' doivent <20>tre install<6C>s, la
commande ci-dessus installera `/tmp/staging/gnu/bin/foo' et
DESTDIR peut <20>tre utile quand on essaie de construire des images d'installation
et des packages.
Plates-formes support<72>es
La version 2.0.x de GnuCash est r<>puter fonctionner sur les syst<73>mes
d'exploitation suivants:
GNU/Linux -- x86, Sparc, Alpha
Solaris -- Sparc
FreeBSD -- x86
OpenBSD -- x86
MacOS X -- PPC
GnuCash peut probablement fonctionner avec la plupart des plateformes POSIX, si
les librairies et les outils sont disponibles.
Sites de t<>l<EFBFBD>chargement miroirs
Vous pouvez aussi t<>l<EFBFBD>charger GnuCash <20> partir de:
- https://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash
Vous pouvez r<>cup<75>rer les packages Mandriva de GnuCash sur les sites Cooker de
Mandriva ou dans les derni<6E>res versions de la distribution)
R<EFBFBD>cup<EFBFBD>rer les sources avec git
Une version en lecture seule de l'arborescence git est disponible <20>
cette adresse :
D<EFBFBD>veloppement de GnuCash
Avant de d<>marrer <20> d<>velopper sur GnuCash, vous devriez faire les choses
1. lisez le fichier src/doc/coding-style.txt pour apprendre les styles
de codage utilis<69>s dans le code source de GnuCash. Lisez <20>galement
2. Plusieurs des r<>pertoires sous src contiennent des fichiers appell<6C>s
design.txt qui expliquent beaucoup des aspects de la conception de GnuCash.
Lisez les.
3. Allez sur le site web de GnuCash et survoler les archives de la liste de
diffusion du d<>veloppement de GnuCash (gnucash-devel).
4. Rejoignez la liste de diffusion de d<>veloppement de GnuCash
(gnucash-devel). Regardez le site web de GnuCash pour des d<>tails sur la
m<>thode pour y parvenir.
Soumettre un patch
Lisez SVP le fichier README sur les m<>thodes utilis<69>es pour transmettre un
patch <20> l'<27>quipe de d<>veloppement de GnuCash.
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
************ Unstabile Version ******************
Alle Versionen der 2.1.x Serie von GnuCash sind experimentelle
Entwicklungsversionen. Sie koennen normal funktionieren, muessen aber
nicht. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!
Die letzte stabile Version war gnucash-2.0.0.
Die n<>chste stabile Version wird gnucash-2.2.0 sein.
GnuCash ist die freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung f<>r GNU/Linux
und Unix.
Das Programm ist eine Komplettl<74>sung zur Verwaltung der Finanzen
von Privatanwendern und Kleinbetrieben. Das aus dem Rechnungswesen
bekannte Prinzip der doppelten Buchf<68>hrung wird in GnuCash
konsequent umgesetzt, so dass GnuCash h<>chste Anspr<70>che an die
Kontenf<EFBFBD>hrung erf<72>llen kann. Auch Homebanking <20>ber HBCI ist
m<EFBFBD>glich, wenn die Bibliothek AqBanking installiert ist. F<>r den
Gesch<EFBFBD>ftsverkehr ist die Verwaltung von Kunden, Lieferanten und
Rechnungen enthalten. Weitere Features sind terminierte Buchungen,
Import von OFX-Dateien und QIF-Dateien, zahlreiche Berichte und
Grafiken mit Torten- und Balkendiagrammen und eine
benutzerdefinierbare Oberfl<66>che.
F<EFBFBD>r Neueinsteiger ist ein Assistent zur Kontenerstellung
vorhanden. Bestehende Dateien mit Finanzdaten z.B. aus Quicken
oder Microsoft Money k<>nnen problemlos <20>ber den QIF-Import
eingelesen werden.
Bei Fragen zur Installation und zur Benutzung steht eine
deutschsprachige Mailingliste gnucash-de zur Verf<72>gung.
Homepage: https://www.gnucash.org
Deutsche Wiki-Seite: https://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash
<EFBFBD>bersetzungen der englischen Stichworte siehe po/glossary/de.po.
Ben<EFBFBD>tigte Pakete:
Siehe README.dependencies; im wesentlichen alle
Gnome2-Entwickler-Pakete sowie guile, slib und swig. (g-wrap wurde
mit gnucash-2.2.0 durch swig ersetzt und wird nicht mehr benutzt.)
F<EFBFBD>r die HBCI-Funktionen muss au<61>erdem das Paket aqbanking
installiert sein, welches noch ein Paket namens gwenhywfar
ben<EFBFBD>tigt. Siehe auch doc/README.HBCI.
Starten von GnuCash:
GnuCash kann von der Kommandozeile aus gestartet werden, und zwar einfach
mit "gnucash" oder mit "gnucash <filename>", wobei filename der Name eines
gespeicherten Gnucash-Daten-Files sein muss.
<EFBFBD>bersetzung und Installation
Diese Schritte sind nur f<>r die Sourcedistribution erforderlich, nicht
f<EFBFBD>r die Bin<69>rdistribution.
Siehe auch https://www.linuxwiki.de/GnuCash/SourceInstall
Nur beim Uebersetzen von GnuCash braucht man zusaetzlich die folgenden
libtool -- Erhaeltlich bei ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu.
RPM's und deb's sind in ihrer Betriebssystem-Distribution.
Normalerweise wird GnuCash wie folgt <20>bersetzt und installiert:
# ./configure
# make
# make install
Um deutsche oder franzoesische Versionen zu uebersetzen, muss die
Umgebungsvariable entsprechend gesetzt sein.
An GnuCash mitentwickeln :
Bevor Sie an GnuCash mitentickeln , sollten sie folgendes tun:
1. Lesen von: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development
2. Viele der Verzeichnisse unter 'src' enthalten desing.txt-Dateien,
die viele Aspekte des GnuCash-Designs erklaeren. Auch lesen.
3. Die Gnucash development mailing Liste ueberfliegen, das Archiv ist
auf der GnuCash-Website.
4. Abonnieren der GnuCash development mailing Liste. Details dazu auf
der Website.
Einen Patch einsenden
Wenn sie etwas Arebit geleistet haben, wollen sie ihr Ergebnis
anderen zur Verfuegung stellen. Dazu senden sie einen Patch ein.
Es gibt ein Perl-Skript in Gnucash, das diesen Patch fuer sie
erzeugen kann.
'make-gnucash-patch' wird so benutzt:
Als erstes die Entwicklungsverzeichnisse wie folgt aufsetzen :
< GnuCash home development directory >
|---- < directory containing original GnuCash sources >
|---- < directory containing your modified GnuCash sources >
Ein konkrete Beispiel koennte wie folgt aussehen :
|---- /home/me/gnucash/gnucash.pristine (original sources)
|---- /home/me/gnucash/gnucash.mywork (original sources + my edits)
Kopieren des 'make-gnucash-patch'-Skripts in das Haupt-Entwicklungsverzeichnis.
Danach die folgenden Variablen veraendern, damit diese die Namen ihrer
Verzeichnisse enthalten :(am obigen Beispiel orientiert)
my $old = 'gnucash.pristine';
my $new = 'gnucash.mywork';
my $gnc_home = '/home/me/gnucash';
Jetzt das Skript in Gang setzen. Hinweis: Das Skript benoetigt die
Programme 'makepatch', 'gzip', 'diff', und 'uuencode'
(und natuerlich 'perl') um zu funktionieren.
Drei Dateien werden erzeugt, wenn man das Skript laufen laesst :
gnc.diff - Eine Ascii Text-DAtei, die die Unterschiede zwischen
den Original Sourcen und den von ihnen bearbeiteten enthaelt.
Am Schluss ist eine Liste, die die Files enthaelt, die
hinzugefuegt, veraendert oder geloescht wurden.
Bitte untersuchen sie dieses File!(insbesondere die Liste
am Schluss) um sicherzustellen, dass alle Aenderungen in der
Datei vorhanden sind.
Diese Datei nicht einschicken!
gnucash.diff.gz - Die gzipp'te Version der obigen Datei.
Nicht einschicken!
gnucash.diff.gz.uue - Die uuencoded (ascii-encoded) Version
der obigen Datei.
Dies ist die Datei, die eingeschickt werden muss.
gnucash.diff.gz.uue an gnucash-devel@gnucash.org per E-Mail schicken.
Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus!
Entwickler: siehe AUTHORS
Stand : 01.05.2006, Christian Stimming
P.S.: Dieses README ist nur eine teilweise Uebersetzung der
englischen Version, und ist damit eher selten auf aktuellem Stand,
da diese den aktuellen Entwicklungen angepasst wird. Im Zweifel
also bitte die englische Original-Version zu Rate ziehen.
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
This document describes some loosely related notes about the different
things needed to translate GnuCash for a particular locale.
NOTE: A much more up to date and exhaustive HOWTO for translators can
be found in the file TRANSLATION_HOWTO.
Table Of Contents
1. How to create a GnuCash translation file for use with gettext
2. Remarks about the keyword 'fuzzy' in the po file
3. How to translate the GnuCash manual
4. How to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies
1. How to create a GnuCash translation file for use with gettext
This section explains how to create a GnuCash translation file for
use with GNU gettext.
by Yannick LE NY <y-le-ny@ifrance.com>, the French translator
V1.1 - 20000813
1) Take the file gnucash.pot, edit it with any text editor and save it
as 'CODE-COUNTRY.po' (it must be a plain text file only not formatted text)
where the CODE-COUNTRY is two or more letters which denote the language
and country for the translation.
For example: 'it' for Italy, 'fr' for France, 'de' for Germany,
and fr_BE.po for people in Belgium who speak French.
For france, the file is 'fr.po'.
2) Now at the top of the file, you have this:
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You need to update this with the current information.
For example in the de.po file, we have this:
# Messages in Deutsch für GnuCash
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Jan-Uwe Finck <Jan-Uwe.Finck@bigfoot.de>, 1999.
3) Next, you need to translate each English string into the target
language, for example:
#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""
After, the translation in the de.po file:
#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""
"GnuCash: Ihr persönlicher Finanzmanager.\n"
"Der GNU-Weg, ihr Geld zu verwalten !"
4) When you are ready to test out the strings you have translated,
save the file in the 'po' directory of the gnucash source tree.
You can test if your file is good with this command line:
msgfmt -c -v -o /dev/null FILE.po where FILE is the CODE-COUNTRY.
If you have fuzzy errors, take a look at the end of this document.
5) Now, if you have the gettext package installed, you can compile your
po file with this command (run it in the gnucash/po directory):
msgfmt fr.po --output=./gnucash.mo
This will create the file 'gnucash.mo' which you can copy to the
appropriate locale directory for your installation. On a RedHat 6.1
installation, the directory is /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES.
Alternatively, instead of creating and installing the gnucash.mo
file by hand, you can edit the file 'configure.in' and the file
'configure' and add your language string ('it', 'fr', etc.) to
the definition of the ALL_LINGUAS variable.
If you add the be.po file, the old line is in the 2 files:
ALL_LINGUAS = "de en_GB fr it ja ru sv"
and the new line is in the 2 files:
ALL_LINGUAS = "de en_GB fr it ja ru sv be"
Now rerun 'make' and 'make install' to build and install the
gnucash.mo file.
When running GnuCash, you must set the appropriate locale environment
In French, with bash:
export LANG=fr_FR
In French, with tcsh:
setenv LANG fr_FR
6) Once you have a finished, working po file, need to compress your file
with gzip. On command line, type 'gzip fr.po' (for the French file) and
now you have a new compressed file named 'fr.po.gz'.
Email this file to gnucash-patches@gnucash.org.
2. Remarks about the keyword 'fuzzy' in the po file
You can get more information about gettext and the po file format in
the 'info' pages for GNU gettext. Type 'info gettext' at the command
Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com>, the CVS maintainer for GnuCash,
regularly updates the po files, and you may need to add some
translations to the file or correct some strings.
In the updated po files, you should not have the word 'fuzzy',
otherwise GnuCash will not use the translated string.
Two examples from the file de.po:
1) You have this:
#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
" %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei. \n"
" %s."
You need to correct the translated string and remove the 'fuzzy' keyword.
For example:
#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
" %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei. \n"
" %s."
2) You have this:
#: messages-i18n.c:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Income/Expense"
msgstr "Einnahmen/Ausgaben anzeigen"
You need to correct the translated string and remove the 'fuzzy' keyword.
For example:
#: messages-i18n.c:251
msgid "Show Income/Expense"
msgstr "Einnahmen/Ausgaben anzeigen"
3. How to translate the GnuCash manual
This section describes the actions needed to translate the manual.
1) Create a new directory doc/sgml/<locale> (where <locale> is
something like es, en_GB, or pt_PT).
2) Copy the files from doc/sgml/C into this directory.
3) Recreate the image files in doc/sgml/C/gnucash so that they are
appropriate to the locale.
4) Edit all the sgml files and translate for the locale.
4. How to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies
This section describes the actions needed to translate the files
containing the new account hierarchies.
1) Create a new directory accounts/<locale>.
2) Copy the acctchrt_* files from accounts/C to accounts/<locale>
3) Do not change any xml tags.
For each file:
4) Change the gnc-act:title, gnc-act:short-description, and
gnc-act:long-description to contain appropriately translated text.
Do not add any newlines in the long description except at the end
and beginning of the string.
5) For each gnc:account in the file translate the act:name, and
act:description fields. Please do not translate any other fields.
Note: You absolutely don't need to translate all of the files from
accounts/C. A subset of those are fine as well. Probably several of
them will not apply to your local legislative/economic system anyway.
For a really customized account hierarchy you might better create a
new account hierarchy file in GnuCash, and then, by hand-editing the
xml code, split it up into several files and cut&paste the appropriate
tags from the accounts/C/acctchrt_* files.
Thanks so very much to all the translators for their hard effort and
excellent work.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
This directory contains manpages, the tip-of-the-day message
source, and a sample gtk-3.0.css to demonstrate how to customize
GnuCash's Graphical User Interface.
The example directory contains some basic files for
elementary testing and to illustrate the formats.
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
HOWTO: Translating GnuCash
Last update: 2003-07-04
The concept of this document is to give you step-by-step instructions on
how to update (or create if non-existent) language translations for the
gnucash project.
Any additions or corrections to this file should be sent to either Jon
Lapham <lapham@extracta.com.br>, Christain Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>,
or directly to the gnucash-devel mailing list.
1) Mailing lists, IRC and web sites
2) Get the source
3) Contact the maintainer of your language
4) Building, Installing and running GnuCash
5) The glossary file
6) Initial processing of the translation file
7) Translating the .po file
8) Testing and submitting your translations
9) Problems
10) How to translate the GnuCash guide and/or help files
11) How to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies
1) Mailing lists, IRC and web sites
Translators will probably find 3 gnucash mailing lists of interest. General
use questions and answers are found on the gnucash-users mailing list,
specific development questions go to the gnucash-devel list and your finished
translation file are sent to the gnucash-devel list.
To subscribe or view archives of these lists, go the the gnucash web site,
and follow the links to the mailing lists:
Another excellent place to get help is on IRC, as many of the developers hang
out there and are eager to help. Go to the #gnucash channel at
"irc.gnome.org". If you don't know what that mean, fire up an IRC client
(for example, xchat), connect to irc.gnome.org and then type "/join
The main gnucash web site is loaded with information:
The GNU Translation Project is another way to submit translations:
2) Get the source
The first thing to do is to download the latest STABLE branch of gnucash.
This could be easily done by visiting
and grab the latest stable source package.
Please do not use the HEAD branch from SVN, since the text in the HEAD branch
changes so much, it would be a waste of time to translate it. Do not worry,
when the HEAD branch becomes stable, the existing translations in the STABLE
branch will be merged. Your work will not be lost.
3) Contact the maintainer of your language
To find out who is the last person to work on your language, look near the
top of the po/XXXX.po file which corresponds to your language. If your
language does not have a .po file available, you can build one my issuing
this command:
FIXME: command to build a new .po file
The beginning of your .po file should look something similar to this:
# Localization for Portuguese-Brazil
# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Jon Lapham <lapham@extracta.com.br>, 2003
# Jose Carlos Nascimento - <joseca@psabs.com>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GnuCash 2.0.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-05-16 16:42-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-02 12:00-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Jon Lapham <lapham@extracta.com.br>\n"
"Language-Team: NONE \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
Look to see who the "Last-translator" was, and send an email to that person
and ask what you can do to help. This is important because if there already
is an active maintainer of the translation file, you should interact directly
with him or her. If there is not Last-translator, or that person is not
maintaining the file actively (and tells you to take over), you will become
the maintainer and you should change the "Last-translator" to your name and
email address.
4) Building, Installing and running GnuCash
Before starting to work on your translations, it is suggested that you
build the gnucash source code. This way you can get your system set up
correctly with all the development packages you need. It is a good idea
to actually run gnucash with your new translations because it is quite
helpful to see the phrases in the context of the running program.
For how to build and install, please refer to ../README
After installation, insure that it works by running (as a normal user,
no need to be root here):
$ /usr/local/bin/gnucash
It is a good idea to use absolute paths like this to insure you run
the proper gnucash executable. To run your OS pre-installed version of
gnucash, usually you can type:
$ /usr/bin/gnucash
Unless on some special systems, e.g. FreeBSD, where the OS installed
version sits in /usr/local/bin/, in which case you need OS-specific knowledge.
In either case, you can easily switch between the various languages the
gnucash has available by setting the LANG env var before the call to the
executable. In sh-like shell environment this could be done by:
$ LANG=pt_BR /usr/local/bin/gnucash
(other shell like tcsh may behave differently, please to refer to related
5) The glossary file
Inside the po/glossary/ directory should be a "glossary" file for your
language. This file contains a bunch of commonly used terms found in gnucash.
It is recommended that you get this file translated first, and use it as a
guide when translating the real .po file.
Go into the glossary directory and rebuild your language's glossary file:
cd po/glossary/
./txt-to-pot.sh gnc-glossary.txt > gnc-glossary.pot
If your .po glossary file does not exist, use this gnc-glossary.pot file to
create it:
cp gnc-glossary.pot XXXX.po
If your .po glossary file does exist, use the msgmerge program to update it:
/usr/bin/msgmerge -o XXXX.po XXXX.po gnc-glossary.pot
Now, open your language's glossary file and translate it completely.
6) Initial processing of the translation file
Before you begin actual translation work, you should update the gnucash.pot
file and use this to update your .po file. This process will insure that
you have the latest translatable strings.
cd po/
rm gnucash.pot
make gnucash.pot
If your language file does not exist, use the gnucash.pot file as a template
for it:
cp gnucash.pot XXXX.po
If your language file does exist, update it using the msgmerge program:
/usr/bin/msgmerge -o XXXX.po XXXX.po gnucash.pot
The top of the .po file should be edited somewhat. The comments at the
top of the file should be changed to be current:
# Messages in Deutsch f<>r GnuCash
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Jan-Uwe Finck <Jan-Uwe.Finck@bigfoot.de>, 1999.
Make sure that the header of your .po file contains this line:
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
...and that you change the "Last-translator" string to your name.
7) Translating the .po files
Finally. You are ready to do some translating!
There are many translation editors, KBabel, for example, works well for
GnuCash. Some Editors are noted here:
If you are familiar with a text editor, e.g. vim or emacs, you can also
manually edit the .po files. Here is an example of translating some text
into German:
#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""
After, the translation in the de.po file:
#: messages-i18n.c:11
msgid ""
"The GnuCash personal finance manager.\n"
"The GNU way to manage your money!"
msgstr ""
"GnuCash: Ihr pers<72>nlicher Finanzmanager.\n"
"Der GNU-Weg, ihr Geld zu verwalten !"
You should read through every translation in the .po file at least once.
If you translate a string that has the phrase "#, fuzzy" in the comments
above it, remove the word fuzzy. A fuzzy translation means that the
computer guessed what the translation should be. If you use a translation
editor, the "fuzzy" translation are marked in different ways in different
translation editor, please refer to their documents for how to work with them.
After you finish translating, you should not have any "#, fuzzy" strings left.
For example:
#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
" %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim <20>ffnen der Datei. \n"
" %s."
You need to correct the translated string and remove the 'fuzzy' keyword.
For example:
#: messages-i18n.c:35
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There was an error writing the file\n"
" %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Es gab einen Fehler beim <20>ffnen der Datei. \n"
" %s."
Notice that the comment "c-format" was not removed. That is correct, you
should leave that.
When you see the comment "c-format", it means that the format codes in the
translatable string are referring to C formatting codes. So, '%s' means text,
'%d' means an integer, etc...
8) Testing and submitting your translations
You must check that your new translations are programmatically correct (ie:
that there are no unclosed quotes, etc). To do this, use the msgfmt program
/usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics XXXX.po
This will report any errors in your .po file if it finds them.
If you want to see your translations within a running version of gnucash,
simply place your .po file in your SVN copy of the gnucash source code (which
you have previously installed) and from within the po/ directory type (you
may need to be root to do this):
make install
Now you can run gnucash with your new translations:
$ LANG=XXXX /usr/local/bin/gnucash
When you are happy with the new translation file, email a gzipped version
of it to the gnucash-devel mailing list.
gzip XXXX.po
(email this file using your favorite mail client)
Note that on this list we would kindly ask to send patches as attachments, not
within email text.
If you know how to make a patch, a patch is also welcome. Patches are more
helpful if there are more than one people working on one translation file.
9) Problems
If you see any "Gtk-CRITICAL" messages while running gnucash, it is probably
because you translated a string differently than how it exists in some other
gnome library. You must discover which string you translated differently, and
change the translation to exactly match that of the gnome libraries.
To do this, you need to run gnucash under gdb:
LANG=XXXX /usr/local/bin/gnucash-env gdb /usr/bin/guile
Then, from within gdb, issue:
run -e main -s /usr/local/libexec/gnucash/overrides/gnucash --g-fatal-warnings
Eventually, gnucash should crash (because of the --g-fatal-warnings
directive), when it does, issue from within gdb:
You should see some output that looks like this:
#0 0xffffe002 in ?? ()
#1 0x42028a73 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#2 0x4019d3d8 in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0
#3 0x4019d414 in g_log () from /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0
#4 0x40500fdd in gtk_type_check_object_cast () from
#5 0x407292e5 in gnc_mdi_tweak_menus (mc=0x825adb0) at gnc-mdi-utils.c:574
#6 0x40729d13 in gnc_mdi_child_changed_cb (mdi=0x8266fd8, prev_child=0x0,
data=0x8265fd8) at gnc-mdi-utils.c:861
Notice position #5 which has "gnc_mdi_tweak_menus at
gnc-mdi-utils.c:574"? Open that source file and find line 574:
573: widget = gnc_mdi_child_find_menu_item(mc, "_View/_Toolbar");
574: gtk_signal_handler_block_by_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget), info);
So, the problem is with the translation of "_View/_Toolbar". The "/" is a
menu separator, so you now know that the problem is with either the
translation of "_View" or "_Toolbar". By switching to an English gnucash
and looking through your .po file, you should be able to find the problem.
Change the offending translation to whatever you see in the gnucash app.
Remember that the translations must contain the proper underscores.
To follow gnucash as it access files,
strace /usr/local/bin/gnucash
10) How to translate the GnuCash guide and/or help files
This section describes the actions needed to translate the manual.
First, you must *have* the gnucash-doc package installed:
1) Checkout the documentation
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout \
FIXME: change the cvs command to svn here
2) Create a new directory (if it doesn't already exist) in guide/<locale>
where <locale> is something like es, en_GB, or pt_PT.
3) Copy the files from guide/C into this directory.
4) Recreate the image files in guide/C/figures so that they are
appropriate to the locale.
5) Edit all the xml files and translate for the locale.
6) Test that your xml file has no syntax errors
xmllint --valid --noout gnucash-guide.xml
To translate the help files, repeat steps 2-5 but replace the "guide"
directory with "help".
11) How to translate the files containing the new account hierarchies
This section describes the actions needed to translate the files
containing the new account hierarchies.
1) Create a new directory accounts/<locale>.
2) Copy the acctchrt_* files from accounts/C to accounts/<locale>
3) Do not change any xml tags.
For each file:
4) Change the gnc-act:title, gnc-act:short-description, and
gnc-act:long-description to contain appropriately translated text.
Do not add any newlines in the long description except at the end
and beginning of the string.
5) For each gnc:account in the file translate the act:name, and
act:description fields. Please do not translate any other fields.
Note: You absolutely don't need to translate all of the files from
accounts/C. A subset of those are fine as well. Probably several of
them will not apply to your local legislative/economic system anyway.
For a really customized account hierarchy you might better create a
new account hierarchy file in GnuCash, and then, by hand-editing the
xml code, split it up into several files and cut&paste the appropriate
tags from the accounts/C/acctchrt_* files.
Thanks so very much to all the translators for their hard effort and
excellent work.
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
The following changes occur in the Gnucash GUI when the "Euro support"
preference is enabled:
1) In any register denominated in a national currency that been
replaced by the Euro (e.g. an account in DEM), the summarybar will
show totals in both the old currency and in EUR.
2) There is an additional line labeled "EUR, total" in the account
tree summarybar. The totals in this line are a sum of all accounts
denominated in currencies that have been replaced by the Euro.
(E.G. The sum of all accounts in DEM, plus all accounts in FRF,
etc., etc.)
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
This file is intended to contain information for those interested in
working on the guile bits of GnuCash.
I've recently added some GUI functions callable from scheme. This is
generally pretty straightforward, and you can look in the code to see
how I did it, but there are a few bits you have to be careful about.
One of the main sources of useful information is "info guile-ref".
This contains the documentation for all the guile C-side functions
like SCM_CAR(), scm_append(), etc. that manipulate opaque SCM objects
from the guile side.
Given that and a reasonable understanding of GTK/GNOME, you should be
able to follow what I've done.
Introduction To Scheme and guile(rgmerk)
Please skip this if you already know what Scheme is and why it's
so cool . . .
Scheme is a dialect of LISP (List Programming), one of the earliest
programming languages. It makes so many things easy it's just not
funny. It can be a little confusing for people raised on C and Java,
but any time taken to learn it is made up for with easier-to-write,
easier-to-debug, more reusable, and more robust code.
Guile is an implementation of standard Scheme which is easily
embeddable in C, making multi-language development relatively
straightforward. You can easily access data and procedures from
either end. Guile supports a superset of R4RS (the Scheme standard).
For initial experimentation, you can use Guile as an interactive Scheme
shell to play around with the system.
FIXME: Starting gnucash as a guile shell. ..
While the Guile documentation (in info format) explains
Guile specifics, it doesn't have much information about Scheme,
the language. The Internet Scheme Repository:
https://www.cs.indiana.edu/scheme-repository/home.html [DEAD LINK]
has quite a useful collection of information, including
FAQs, online copies of the Scheme standard (which is actually
quite readable and useful), and pointers to web tutorials
and other resources.
Garbage collection:
One issue to keep in mind is that of garbage collection. You cannot
pass a scheme side item to the C side (through a SCM) and then store
that object off somewhere on the C side such that it lives longer than
all of it's guile side references. If you do, you're likely to get a
crash. The problem is that guile's garbage collector only knows to
save guile items that still have guile side pointers, or that are
found somewhere on the current C side stack. If you store a SCM item
off in a C data structure (say a callback pointer), and then return to
the guile side and drop the guile-side reference to the item, guile
may garbage collect it before it's used by the C side.
For example, this psudeo-code is a problem:
void gnc_some_function(SCM scm_thunk) {
gnc_set_push_button_callback(some_button, scm_thunk);
(define (unsafe-guile-function)
(let ((my-callback (lambda () (display "Hello\n"))))
(gnc:some-function my-callback)))
The problem here is that if you call unsafe-guile-function, it
registers the pointer to the anonymous lambda created in the let
construct with the button on the C-side and then returns. As soon as
it returns, guile has no more references to the anonymous lambda, and
it's not on the C stack, so guile thinks it's OK to garbage collect
the function even though the C side has a pointer to it and may still
use it.
The moral of this story is that if you need to have the C side ferret
away a scheme item for later, you must also keep at least one
reference to that item on the guile side until the C side is finished
with it.
You can protect an object using scm_gc_protect_object. When you're done
with it you can release it using scm_gc_unprotect_object.
Guile Interrupts:
Another issue that I'm not quite sure of myself yet is that of
interrupts. Guile has the ability to protect certain segments of code
with SCM_DEFER_INTS/SCM_ALLOW_INTS, but at the moment I'm not sure
when this is required. If anyone gets the chance to check this out
before I do, then please edit this file and put your findings here.
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