Add small utility to print message catalog statistics.

Use perldoc on it for details.
This commit is contained in:
John Ralls 2016-01-19 16:24:20 -08:00
parent db0fd2e908
commit 5839235861

util/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my ($last_merge, $last_rev, $msgtot, $msgtrans, $msgfuzz);
my $date_re = '(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})';
my $merge_re = qr/^"POT-Creation-Date: $date_re/;
my $rev_re = qr/^"PO-Revision-Date: $date_re/;
my $msgid_re = qr(^msgid ".+");
my $str_re = qr/^msgstr ".+"/;
while (<>) {
$last_merge = $1 if ($_ =~ $merge_re);
$last_rev = $1 if ($_ =~ $rev_re);
my ($strings, $fuzzy, $missing);
open STATS, "msgfmt --stat $filename 2>&1 |" or die;
while (<STATS>) {
$_ =~ /^(\d+) translated messages(?:, (\d+) fuzzy translations)?(?:, (\d+) untranslated messages)?./;
$strings = $1 || 0;
$fuzzy = $2 || 0;
$missing = $3 ||0;
close STATS;
my $total = ($strings + $fuzzy + $missing) || 1;
my $percent = $strings/$total * 100.0;
my $fuzpct = ($strings + $fuzzy) / $total * 100.0;
printf "%14s: %s %s\t%4d\t%4d\t%4d\t%3.2f%%\t %3.2f%%\n", $filename, $last_rev,
$last_merge, $strings, $fuzzy, $total, $percent, $fuzpct;
=head1 NAME
=head1 SYNOPSIS po-filename
=head1 SUMMARY
Prints the filename, last revision date, date of the potfile with which it was
last merged, the number of translated strings not marked fuzzy, the number of
translated strings marked fuzzy, the total number of translatable strings, the
percentage of strings with not-fuzzy translations and the percentage of strings
with both fuzzy and non-fuzzy translations.
Most effectively used in a shell for loop, e.g.:
C<for i in *.po; do $i; done>
The results of which can be piped to sort(1) for simple analysis.