The xaccTransRollbackEdit() part of the Begin/Commit edit-block rewrite.

Broken out just for clarity.

   Note: There's one piece that I didn't change that I think is conceptually
   awkward.  It has to do with how/when we would discover that another
   user has deleted the transaction we're currently editing.  I think it makes
   more sense to detect and handle this case in xaccTransCommitEdit() instead
   of xaccTransRollbackEdit(), because (a) we don't actually have to do the 
   rollback if we just destroy the trans, (b) some rollbacks are not backend-
   induced, but rather voluntary, (c) we need a generalized mechanism
   anyway for detecting and handling deleted transactions even when
   we're not editing them.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
This commit is contained in:
Chris Shoemaker 2006-03-04 00:11:16 +00:00
parent dd80eaa743
commit 6782a2b49d

View File

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void mark_trans (Transaction *trans)
G_INLINE_FUNC void gen_event_trans (Transaction *trans);
void gen_event_trans (Transaction *trans)
#if 0
GList *node;
for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ xaccTransGetAccountConvRate(Transaction *txn, Account *acc)
if (acc) {
/* If we did find a matching account but it's amount was zero,
/* If we did find a matching account but its amount was zero,
* then perhaps this is a "special" income/loss transaction
if (found_acc_match)
@ -1052,170 +1052,76 @@ xaccTransCommitEdit (Transaction *trans)
xaccTransRollbackEdit (Transaction *trans)
GList *node, *onode;
QofBackend *be;
Transaction *orig;
int force_it = 0, mismatch = 0;
int i;
GList *slist;
int num_preexist, i;
ENTER ("trans addr=%p\n", trans);
/* We increment this for the duration of the call
* so other functions don't result in a recursive
* call to xaccTransCommitEdit. */
/* copy the original values back in. */
orig = trans->orig;
/* TODO: Perhaps this could be simplified to use do_destroy */
trans->common_currency = orig->common_currency;
gnc_string_cache_remove (trans->num);
trans->num = orig->num;
orig->num = gnc_string_cache_insert("");
gnc_string_cache_remove (trans->description);
trans->description = orig->description;
orig->description = gnc_string_cache_insert("");
kvp_frame_delete (trans->inst.kvp_data);
trans->inst.kvp_data = orig->inst.kvp_data;
if (!trans->inst.kvp_data)
trans->inst.kvp_data = kvp_frame_new ();
orig->inst.kvp_data = kvp_frame_new ();
SWAP(trans->num, orig->num);
SWAP(trans->description, orig->description);
trans->date_entered = orig->date_entered;
trans->date_posted = orig->date_posted;
SWAP(trans->common_currency, orig->common_currency);
SWAP(trans->inst.kvp_data, orig->inst.kvp_data);
/* OK, we also have to restore the state of the splits. Of course,
* we could brute-force our way through this, and just clobber all of the
* old splits, and insert all of the new splits, but this kind of brute
* forcing will suck memory cycles. So instead we'll try the gentle
* approach first. Note that even in the gentle approach, the
* CheckDateOrder routine could be cpu-cycle brutal, so it maybe
* it could use some tuning.
if (trans->inst.do_free)
force_it = 1;
mismatch = 0;
GList *node;
GList *node_orig;
Split *s, *so;
s = so = NULL;
for (i = 0, node = trans->splits, node_orig = orig->splits ;
node && node_orig ;
i++, node = node->next, node_orig = node_orig->next)
s = node->data;
so = node_orig->data;
if (so->acc != s->acc)
force_it = 1;
mismatch = i;
gnc_string_cache_remove (s->action);
s->action = so->action;
so->action = gnc_string_cache_insert("");
gnc_string_cache_remove (s->memo);
s->memo = so->memo;
so->memo = gnc_string_cache_insert("");
kvp_frame_delete (s->inst.kvp_data);
s->inst.kvp_data = so->inst.kvp_data;
if (!s->inst.kvp_data)
s->inst.kvp_data = kvp_frame_new ();
so->inst.kvp_data = kvp_frame_new ();
s->reconciled = so->reconciled;
s->amount = so->amount;
s->value = so->value;
s->date_reconciled = so->date_reconciled;
/* do NOT check date order until all of the other fields
* have been properly restored */
mark_split (s);
xaccAccountFixSplitDateOrder (s->acc, s);
xaccAccountRecomputeBalance (s->acc);
gen_event (s);
/* if the number of splits were not identical... then force */
if (node || node_orig)
force_it = 1;
mismatch = i;
/* OK, if force_it got set, we'll have to tough it out and brute-force
* the rest of the way. Clobber all the edited splits, add all new splits.
* Unfortunately, this can suck up CPU cycles in the Remove/Insert routines.
if (force_it)
GList *node;
/* In this loop, we tuck the fixed-up splits back into
* orig array, for temp safekeeping. */
for (i = 0, node = trans->splits ;
node && i < mismatch ;
i++, node = node->next)
Split *s = node->data;
GList *node_orig;
node_orig = g_list_nth (orig->splits, i);
xaccFreeSplit (node_orig->data);
node_orig->data = s;
/* In this loop, we remove excess new splits that had been added */
for (node = g_list_nth (trans->splits, mismatch) ;
node ; node = node->next)
Split *s = node->data;
Account *acc = s->acc;
mark_split (s);
xaccAccountRemoveSplit (acc, s);
xaccAccountRecomputeBalance (acc);
gen_event (s);
xaccFreeSplit (s);
g_list_free (trans->splits);
trans->splits = orig->splits;
orig->splits = NULL;
/* In this loop, we fix up the remaining orig splits to be healthy */
for (node = g_list_nth (trans->splits, mismatch) ;
node ; node = node->next)
Split *s = node->data;
Account *account = s->acc;
s->parent = trans;
s->acc = NULL;
xaccAccountInsertSplit (account, s);
mark_split (s);
xaccAccountRecomputeBalance (account);
gen_event (s);
/* The splits at the front of trans->splits are exactly the same
splits as in the original, but some of them may have changed, so
we restore only those. */
num_preexist = g_list_length(orig->splits);
slist = g_list_copy(trans->splits);
for (i = 0, node = slist, onode = orig->splits; node;
i++, node = node->next, onode = onode ? onode->next : NULL) {
Split *s = node->data;
if (!qof_instance_is_dirty(QOF_INSTANCE(s)))
if (i < num_preexist) {
Split *so = onode->data;
s->acc = so->acc;
s->parent = so->parent;
SWAP(s->action, so->action);
SWAP(s->memo, so->memo);
SWAP(s->inst.kvp_data, so->inst.kvp_data);
s->reconciled = so->reconciled;
s->amount = so->amount;
s->value = so->value;
s->lot = so->lot;
s->gains_split = s->gains_split;
s->date_reconciled = so->date_reconciled;
} else {
/* Potentially added splits */
trans->splits = g_list_remove(trans->splits, s);
if (trans != xaccSplitGetParent(s)) {
/* NOOP, New split added, but then moved to another
transaction */
g_assert(trans != xaccSplitGetParent(s));
/* NB: our memory management policy here is that a new split
added to the transaction which is then rolled-back still
belongs to the engine. Specifically, it's freed by the
transaction to which it was added. Don't add the Split to
more than one transaction during the begin/commit block! */
if (NULL == xaccSplitGetParent(s)) {
xaccFreeSplit(s); // a newly malloc'd split
orig->splits = NULL;
/* Now that the engine copy is back to its original version,
* get the backend to fix it in the database */
@ -1243,7 +1149,6 @@ xaccTransRollbackEdit (Transaction *trans)
xaccTransDestroy (trans);
do_destroy (trans);
xaccFreeTransaction (trans);
/* push error back onto the stack */
qof_backend_set_error (be, errcode);
@ -1267,6 +1172,10 @@ xaccTransRollbackEdit (Transaction *trans)
/* Put back to zero. */
/* FIXME: The register code seems to depend on the engine to
generate an event during rollback, even though the state is just
reverting to what it was. */
gen_event_trans (trans);
LEAVE ("trans addr=%p\n", trans);