Remove src/import-export/qif-io-core

This directory was created 10 years ago to hold a rewritten qif importer. It was never substantively worked on after.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
This commit is contained in:
John Ralls 2011-11-29 21:29:47 +00:00
parent db9d8ee570
commit 732f9651fc
34 changed files with 0 additions and 3696 deletions

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@ -1285,8 +1285,6 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES(

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
SUBDIRS = . test
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/src/gnc-module ${GUILE_INCS} ${GLIB_CFLAGS}
libgncmod_qifiocore_la_SOURCES = gncmod-qifiocore.c
noinst_DATA = .scm-links
gncscmdir = ${GNC_SHAREDIR}/scm
gncscm_DATA = \
qif-acct-table.scm \
qif-bank-xtn-import.scm \
qif-file.scm \
qif-format-check.scm \
qif-invst-xtn-import.scm \
qif-objects.scm \
qif-parse.scm \
$(RM) -rf gnucash
mkdir -p gnucash
mkdir -p gnucash/import-export
for X in ${SCM_FILE_LINKS} ; do \
$(LN_S) -f ${srcdir}/$$X . ; \
( cd gnucash/import-export; for A in $(gncscmmod_DATA) ; do $(LN_S) -f ../../$$A . ; done )
if ! OS_WIN32
# Windows knows no "ln -s" but uses "cp": must copy every time (see bug #566567).
touch .scm-links
gncscmmoddir = ${GNC_SHAREDIR}/guile-modules/gnucash/import-export/
gncscmmod_DATA = qif-io-core.scm
$(RM) -rf qif-import
CLEANFILES = .scm-links
INCLUDES = -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"gnc.import.qif.core\"

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
qif-io-core module: top-level docs
The file:
A QIF file is a line-oriented text file. A file consists of a series
of objects; each object is either a "bang switch" or a "record".
A bang switch is a single line starting with the "!" character.
A record is a set of newline-delimited tag-value pairs, terminated by
a line starting with "^". The tag is the first character of the line,
the value is the remainder of the line.
There are several different types of records: bank transactions,
investment transactions, accounts, classes, categories, securities are
handled by this module. Currently unhandled are memorized
transactions and prices.
Tests for reading and writing various kinds of records from sample
QIF files are in test/test-readwrite.scm.
Interpreting the file:
We read each "record" and convert it to a Scheme structure depending
on the record type. Type is determined by "bang switches" indicating
that the following records are of a certain type.
qif-io:read-file reads records and converts them into the appropriate
Scheme data structure. All values are strings.
current scheme (with qif-import module):
- translate strings to gnucash data types. transform transactions to
make them look more like they will look in gnucash (account types,
balance signs, etc)
- build the map of gnucash accounts and commodities
- eliminate duplicate transactions within the qif files
- translate to gnucash transactions
- eliminate duplicates within the gnucash files
new plan:
- scan strings in transactions to make sure we know how to interpret
- build the map of gnucash accounts and commodities
- go to gnc transactions
- find matches within the gnc transaction set and eliminate them
- find matches between the new set and the existing one
i.e. in the new scheme we do as little interpretation and editing as
possible in the qif realm. we translate to gnc transactions as early
as possible and work in that domain. If nothing else it will be
faster. It's also clearer because you know the QIF data structure
never contains anything except uninterpreted strings from the QIF
file. with the qif-import module you're never sure what's in those

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
* gnc-mod-qifiocore.c
* module definition/initialization for the QIF i/o module
* Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
#include <gmodule.h>
#include <libguile.h>
#include "gnc-module.h"
#include "gnc-module-api.h"
/* version of the gnc module system interface we require */
int libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_system_interface = 0;
/* module versioning uses libtool semantics. */
int libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_current = 0;
int libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_revision = 0;
int libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_age = 0;
char *
return g_strdup("gnucash/qif-io/core");
char *
return g_strdup("Core components of QIF import/export (non-GUI)");
libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_init(int refcount)
/* load the engine (we depend on it) */
if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/engine", 0))
return FALSE;
/* load the engine (we depend on it) */
if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/app-utils", 0))
return FALSE;
/* load the QIF Scheme code */
if (scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash import-export qif-io-core))") ==
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
libgncmod_qifiocore_gnc_module_end(int refcount)
return TRUE;

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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-acct-table.scm
;;; handle tables of qif-to-gnucash account mappings
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
;; qif-io:acct-table-lookup
(define (qif-io:acct-table-lookup table name type)
(case type
(hash-ref (qif-io:acct-table-accounts table) name))
(hash-ref (qif-io:acct-table-categories table) name))
(hash-ref (qif-io:acct-table-securities table) name))
(hash-ref (qif-io:acct-table-brokerage-accts table) name))
(throw 'qif-io:unknown-acct-type type))))
;; qif-io:acct-table-insert!
(define (qif-io:acct-table-insert! table name type gnc-acct)
(case type
(hash-set! (qif-io:acct-table-accounts table) name gnc-acct))
(hash-set! (qif-io:acct-table-categories table) name gnc-acct))
(hash-set! (qif-io:acct-table-securities table) name gnc-acct))
(hash-set! (qif-io:acct-table-brokerage-accts table) name gnc-acct))
(throw 'qif-io:unknown-acct-type 'qif-io:acct-table-insert! type))))
;; qif-io:acct-table-make-gnc-acct-tree
;; fill in information for the gnucash accounts and organize them
;; in a group tree
(define (qif-io:acct-table-make-gnc-acct-tree acct-table qif-file commodity)
(let ((root (xaccMallocAccount (gnc-get-current-book))))
;; poke through the qif-file accounts to see if any of them
;; show up in the data
(let ((qif-acct-table (qif-io:acct-table-accounts acct-table)))
(lambda (qif-acct)
(let* ((name (qif-io:account-name qif-acct))
(type (qif-io:account-type qif-acct))
(desc (qif-io:account-description qif-acct))
(gnc-acct (hash-ref qif-acct-table name)))
(if (and gnc-acct (not (null? gnc-acct)))
(let ((gnc-type (qif-io:parse-acct-type type)))
(xaccAccountBeginEdit gnc-acct)
(if gnc-type
(xaccAccountSetType gnc-acct gnc-type)
(xaccAccountSetType gnc-acct GNC-BANK-TYPE))
(if desc
(xaccAccountSetDescription gnc-acct desc))
(xaccAccountCommitEdit gnc-acct)))))
(qif-io:file-accounts qif-file))
(lambda (name acct p)
(let ((cmdty (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct)))
(if (null? cmdty)
(xaccAccountBeginEdit acct)
(xaccAccountSetCommodity acct commodity)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit acct))))
(let ((type (xaccAccountGetType acct)))
(if (= type -1)
(xaccAccountSetType acct GNC-BANK-TYPE)))
(gnc-account-append-child root acct)
#t) #t (qif-io:acct-table-accounts acct-table)))
;; now the categories
(let ((qif-cat-table (qif-io:acct-table-categories acct-table)))
;; poke through the qif-file accounts to see if any of them
;; show up in the data
(lambda (qif-cat)
(let* ((name (qif-io:category-name qif-cat))
(income? (qif-io:category-income-cat qif-cat))
(desc (qif-io:category-description qif-cat))
(gnc-acct (hash-ref qif-cat-table name)))
(if (and gnc-acct (not (null? gnc-acct)))
(xaccAccountBeginEdit gnc-acct)
(cond (income?
(xaccAccountSetType gnc-acct GNC-INCOME-TYPE))
(xaccAccountSetType gnc-acct GNC-EXPENSE-TYPE)))
(xaccAccountSetDescription gnc-acct desc)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit gnc-acct)))))
(qif-io:file-categories qif-file))
(lambda (name acct p)
(let ((cmdty (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct)))
(if (null? cmdty)
(xaccAccountBeginEdit acct)
(xaccAccountSetCommodity acct commodity)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit acct))))
(let ((type (xaccAccountGetType acct)))
(if (= type -1)
(xaccAccountSetType acct GNC-EXPENSE-TYPE)))
(gnc-account-append-child root acct)
#t) #t (qif-io:acct-table-categories acct-table)))
;; the securities
;; the other brokerage-related accounts

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-bank-xtn-import.scm
;;; routines for converting a QIF bank-type transaction to a gnc
;;; transaction
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
;; qif-io:bank-xtn-opening-bal-acct
;; if this is an "opening balance" transaction, return the
;; account name from the transfer field
(define (qif-io:bank-xtn-opening-bal-acct qif-xtn)
(let ((payee (qif-io:bank-xtn-payee qif-xtn)))
(if (and (string? payee)
(string-ci=? payee "Opening Balance"))
(let ((category (qif-io:bank-xtn-category qif-xtn)))
(if (string? category)
(let ((parsed-cat (qif-io:parse-category category)))
(if (list-ref parsed-cat 1)
(car parsed-cat)
;; qif-io:bank-xtn-import
;; translate a single bank transaction into a GNC transaction
(define (qif-io:bank-xtn-import qif-xtn qif-file gnc-acct-info commodity)
(let* ((format-info
(qif-io:file-bank-xtn-format qif-file))
(gnc-xtn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book)))
;; the u-amount has a larger range and is more correct,
;; but is optional
(let ((uamt (qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount qif-xtn)))
(if uamt
uamt (qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount format-info))
(qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount qif-xtn)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount format-info))))))
;; utility to make a new split and add it both to an
;; account and to the transaction
(define (add-split acct-info amount memo reconcile)
(let* ((acct-name (car acct-info))
(acct-type (cdr acct-info))
(acct (qif-io:acct-table-lookup
gnc-acct-info acct-name acct-type))
(split (xaccMallocSplit (gnc-get-current-book))))
;; make the account if necessary
(if (or (not acct) (null? acct))
(set! acct (xaccMallocAccount (gnc-get-current-book)))
(xaccAccountBeginEdit acct)
(xaccAccountSetName acct acct-name)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit acct)
(qif-io:acct-table-insert! gnc-acct-info
acct-name acct-type acct)))
;; fill in the split
(xaccSplitSetAmount split amount)
(xaccSplitSetValue split amount)
(xaccSplitSetMemo split memo)
(xaccSplitSetReconcile split reconcile)
;; add it to the account and the transaction
(xaccAccountBeginEdit acct)
(xaccSplitSetAccount split acct)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit acct)
(xaccSplitSetParent split gnc-xtn)
(xaccTransBeginEdit gnc-xtn)
(xaccTransSetCurrency gnc-xtn commodity)
;; set the transaction date, number and description
(let ((date (qif-io:parse-date/format
(qif-io:bank-xtn-date qif-xtn)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-date format-info))))
(apply xaccTransSetDate gnc-xtn date))
(xaccTransSetNum gnc-xtn (qif-io:bank-xtn-number qif-xtn))
(xaccTransSetDescription gnc-xtn (qif-io:bank-xtn-payee qif-xtn))
;; create the near split (the one that goes to the source-acct)
(let* ((near-acct-name (qif-io:bank-xtn-source-acct qif-xtn)))
(if (not near-acct-name)
(set! near-acct-name (qif-io:file-default-src-acct qif-file)))
(add-split (cons near-acct-name 'account) near-split-amt
(qif-io:bank-xtn-memo qif-xtn)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-cleared qif-xtn))))
;; create any far splits. If no "S" splits were specified,
;; make a magic mirroring split.
(let ((qif-splits (qif-io:bank-xtn-splits qif-xtn)))
(if (or (not (list? qif-splits)) (null? qif-splits))
;; common case: no splits are specified. Make one with the
;; appropriate category and an amount that's the opposite of
;; the near-split amount. Reuse the memo.
(let* ((category (qif-io:bank-xtn-category qif-xtn))
(if category (qif-io:parse-category category) #f))
(if parsed-cat (list-ref parsed-cat 0) #f))
(if parsed-cat (list-ref parsed-cat 1) #f)))
(add-split (cons acct-name
(if acct-is-acct 'account 'category))
(gnc-numeric-neg near-split-amt)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-memo qif-xtn) #\n))
;; split case: iterate over a list of qif splits and make a
;; separate far-end split for each.
(let ((amt-format
(car (qif-io:bank-xtn-splits format-info)))))
(lambda (split)
(let* ((category (qif-io:split-category split))
(if category (qif-io:parse-category category) #f))
(if parsed-cat (list-ref parsed-cat 0) #f))
(if parsed-cat (list-ref parsed-cat 1) #f))
(qif-io:split-amount split) amt-format)))
(add-split (cons acct-name
(if acct-is-acct 'account 'category))
(gnc-numeric-neg amount)
(qif-io:split-memo split) #\n)))
;; we're done.
(xaccTransCommitEdit gnc-xtn)

View File

@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-file.scm
;;; read a QIF file into a <qif-file> object
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group
(debug-enable 'debug)
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(define end-of-line (string #\cr #\nl))
;; qif-io:read-record
;; this reads a "record", which is a block of tag-value lines ended
;; by a line starting with "^". A line starting with "!" generates
;; an exception.
(define (qif-io:read-record port)
(if (not (input-port? port))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'input-port port))
(let ((byte-count 0)
(eof? #f)
(record '()))
(let line-loop ((line (read-delimited end-of-line port)))
(if (and (string? line)
(not (string=? line "")))
(let ((tag (string-ref line 0))
(value (substring line 1)))
(set! byte-count (+ (string-length line) byte-count))
(case tag
((#\^) #t)
(throw 'qif-io:parser-state value))
(set! record (cons (cons tag value) record))
(line-loop (read-delimited end-of-line port)))))
(if (eof-object? line)
(set! eof? #t)
(if (not (string? line))
(throw 'qif-io:record-error 'qif-io:read-record line)
(line-loop (read-delimited end-of-line port))))))
(list (reverse record) byte-count eof?)))
;; qif-io:write-record pairs port
(define (qif-io:write-record record-pairs port)
(if (not (list? record-pairs))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'list record-pairs))
(if (not (output-port? port))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'output-port port))
(lambda (kvp)
(format port "~A~A\n" (car kvp) (cdr kvp)))
(format port "^\n"))
;; qif-io:read-file path
;; suck in all the transactions; don't do any string interpretation,
;; just store the fields "raw".
(define (qif-io:read-file file-obj path progress-thunk)
(define (string-prune arg)
(string-remove-trailing-space arg))
(if (not (string? path))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'string path))
(let* ((port
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(open-input-file path))
(lambda (tag . args)
(throw 'qif-io:file-error path))))
(file-stats (stat path))
(file-size (stat:size file-stats))
(bytes-read 0)
(exception #f)
(record #f)
(record-info #f)
(record-type #f)
(bank-xtns '())
(invst-xtns '())
(accounts '())
(classes '())
(categories '())
(securities '())
(autoswitch #t)
(autoswitch-acct #f)
(opening-bal-acct #f)
(some-bank-need-src-acct #f)
(some-invst-need-src-acct #f))
(let record-loop ()
(catch #t
;; record processor
(lambda ()
;; read the record
(set! record-info (qif-io:read-record port))
(set! record (car record-info))
(set! bytes-read (+ bytes-read (cadr record-info)))
(if (procedure? progress-thunk)
(progress-thunk bytes-read file-size))
;; convert it to the relevant struct
(if (not (null? record))
(case record-type
;; bank transactions
(let ((xtn (qif-io:record->bank-xtn record)))
(if autoswitch-acct
xtn autoswitch-acct)
;; the Opening Balance transaction is special.
;; if there's no autoswitch account set, the OB
;; will set it. But beware because it doesn't
;; have to be the first xtn.
(let ((obacct
(qif-io:bank-xtn-opening-bal-acct xtn)))
(if obacct
xtn obacct)
(set! autoswitch-acct obacct)
(set! opening-bal-acct obacct))
(set! some-bank-need-src-acct #t))))
(set! bank-xtns (cons xtn bank-xtns))))
;; investment transactions
(let ((xtn (qif-io:record->invst-xtn record)))
(if autoswitch-acct
xtn autoswitch-acct)
(set! some-invst-need-src-acct #t))
(set! invst-xtns (cons xtn invst-xtns))))
;; account records
(let ((account (qif-io:record->account record)))
(if autoswitch
(set! autoswitch-acct
(qif-io:account-name account))
(set! accounts (cons account accounts)))))
;; class records
(set! classes
(cons (qif-io:record->class record)
;; category records
(set! categories
(cons (qif-io:record->category record)
;; anything we don't know about
((unknown) #t)
(throw 'qif-io:format-error path record-type)))))
;; record exception handler
(lambda (key . args)
(set! exception #t)
(case key
;; when the parser sees a ! line, it throws this
;; exception
(let ((new-state (string-prune (car args))))
(cond ((or (string-ci=? new-state "type:bank")
(string-ci=? new-state "type:cash")
(string-ci=? new-state "type:ccard")
(string-ci=? new-state "type:oth a")
(string-ci=? new-state "type:oth l"))
(set! record-type 'bank-xtn))
((or (string-ci=? new-state "type:invst")
(string-ci=? new-state "type:port"))
(set! record-type 'invst-xtn))
((string-ci=? new-state "account")
(set! record-type 'account))
((string-ci=? new-state "type:class")
(set! record-type 'class))
((string-ci=? new-state "type:cat")
(set! record-type 'category))
((string-ci=? new-state "type:security")
(set! record-type 'security))
((string-ci=? new-state "option:autoswitch")
(set! autoswitch #f))
((string-ci=? new-state "clear:autoswitch")
(set! autoswitch #t))
(set! record-type 'unknown)))))
(format #t "record processing error ~S\n" args))
(apply throw key args)))))
;; third element of record-info tells whether an eof was
;; encountered
(if (or exception (and (list? record-info) (not (caddr record-info))))
(set! exception #f)
;; if any bank transactions don't have a source account, we need
;; to set it for them (if we found an Opening Balance record) or
;; set a flag in the file struct so that we can ask the user.
(if some-bank-need-src-acct
(if opening-bal-acct
(lambda (xtn)
(if (not (qif-io:bank-xtn-src-acct xtn))
(qif-io:bank-xtn-set-src-acct! xtn opening-bal-acct)))
(set! some-bank-need-src-acct #f))))
(if (or some-bank-need-src-acct some-invst-need-src-acct)
(qif-io:file-set-xtns-need-acct?! file-obj #t))
;; done reading all the records. fill in the qif-file object.
(qif-io:file-set-bank-xtns! file-obj (reverse bank-xtns))
(qif-io:file-set-invst-xtns! file-obj (reverse invst-xtns))
(qif-io:file-set-accounts! file-obj (reverse accounts))
(qif-io:file-set-categories! file-obj (reverse categories))
(qif-io:file-set-classes! file-obj (reverse classes))
(qif-io:file-set-securities! file-obj (reverse securities))
;; qif-io:write-file file-obj path
;; write a <qif-file> out. all objects must have fields in
;; string form.
(define (qif-io:write-file qif-obj path)
(if (not (string? path))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'string path))
(if (not (qif-io:file? qif-obj))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:file qif-obj))
(let ((port (open-output-file path))
(accts (qif-io:file-accounts qif-obj))
(cats (qif-io:file-categories qif-obj))
(classes (qif-io:file-classes qif-obj))
(bank-xtns (qif-io:file-bank-xtns qif-obj))
(invst-xtns (qif-io:file-invst-xtns qif-obj)))
;; write out the list of "classes" (user tags on transactions...
;; these will be dummies since Gnucash doesn't do tags the same
;; way)
(if (not (null? classes))
(format port "!Type:Class\n")
(lambda (class)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:class->record class) port))
;; write out the list of "categories" (income and expense
;; accounts)
(if (not (null? cats))
(format port "!Type:Cat\n")
(lambda (cat)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:category->record cat) port))
;; write out the list of "accounts" (asset and liability
;; accounts)
(if (not (null? accts))
(format port "!Option:Autoswitch\n")
(format port "!Account\n")
(lambda (acct)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:account->record acct) port))
(format port "!Clear:Autoswitch\n")))
;; write out bank transactions. Make sure to preface each
;; section with the source-account record.
(if (not (null? bank-xtns))
(let ((this-acct '())
(not-this-acct '()))
;; first write out all the transactions that don't have
;; a source-acct string
(lambda (xtn)
(if (not (string? (qif-io:bank-xtn-source-acct xtn)))
(set! this-acct (cons xtn this-acct))
(set! not-this-acct (cons xtn not-this-acct))))
(if (not (null? this-acct))
(format port "!Type:Bank\n")
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:bank-xtn->record xtn) port))
(set! bank-xtns (reverse not-this-acct))
(set! this-acct '())
(set! not-this-acct '())
;; iterate over accounts, writing out all the bank xtns
;; that are in that account
(lambda (acct)
(lambda (xtn)
(if (and (string? (qif-io:bank-xtn-source-acct xtn))
(string=? (qif-io:account-name acct)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-source-acct xtn)))
(set! this-acct (cons xtn this-acct))
(set! not-this-acct (cons xtn not-this-acct))))
(if (not (null? this-acct))
(format port "!Account\n")
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:account->record acct) port)
(format port "!Type:~A\n"
(qif-io:account-type acct))
(set! this-acct (reverse this-acct))
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:bank-xtn->record xtn)
(set! bank-xtns (reverse not-this-acct))
(set! this-acct '())
(set! not-this-acct '()))
;; write out invst transactions. Make sure to preface each
;; section with the source-account record.
(if (not (null? invst-xtns))
(let ((this-acct '())
(not-this-acct '()))
;; first write out all the transactions that don't have
;; a source-acct string
(lambda (xtn)
(if (not (string? (qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct xtn)))
(set! this-acct (cons xtn this-acct))
(set! not-this-acct (cons xtn not-this-acct))))
(if (not (null? this-acct))
(format port "!Type:Invst\n")
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:invst-xtn->record xtn) port))
(set! invst-xtns (reverse not-this-acct))
(set! this-acct '())
(set! not-this-acct '())
;; iterate over accounts, writing out all the invst xtns
;; that are in that account
(lambda (acct)
(lambda (xtn)
(if (and (string? (qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct xtn))
(string=? (qif-io:account-name acct)
(qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct xtn)))
(set! this-acct (cons xtn this-acct))
(set! not-this-acct (cons xtn not-this-acct))))
(if (not (null? this-acct))
(format port "!Account\n")
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:account->record acct) port)
(format port "!Type:~A\n"
(qif-io:account-type acct))
(set! this-acct (reverse this-acct))
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:write-record (qif-io:invst-xtn->record xtn)
(set! invst-xtns (reverse not-this-acct))
(set! this-acct '())
(set! not-this-acct '()))
(close-output-port port)))

View File

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-format-check.scm
;;; scan a set of QIF data records to try to guess how to
;;; interpret number and date fields
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group
;; qif-io:file-setup-data-formats file
;; we try to find a unique data format for all the relevant fields.
;; if that fails, we throw an exception with a continuation proc that
;; allows us to resume work.
(define (qif-io:setup-data-formats file)
;; first: narrow down the possible field formats
(qif-io:check-possible-formats file)
;; then: make sure there's exactly one format per slot.
(let ((invst-format-info (qif-io:file-invst-xtn-format file))
(list (list qif-io:invst-xtn-date
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-date! "Date" 'date)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-t-amount! "Total" 'amount)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-u-amount! "UTotal" 'amount)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-$-amount! "$Total" 'amount)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-share-amount! "Num Shares" 'amount)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-share-price! "Share Price" 'amount)
(list qif-io:invst-xtn-commission
qif-io:invst-xtn-set-commission! "Commission" 'amount)))
(bank-format-info (qif-io:file-bank-xtn-format file))
(list (list qif-io:bank-xtn-date
qif-io:bank-xtn-set-date! "Date" 'date)
(list qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount
qif-io:bank-xtn-set-t-amount! "Total" 'amount)
(list qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount
qif-io:bank-xtn-set-u-amount! "UTotal" 'amount)
(list (lambda (format-xtn)
(let ((splits (qif-io:bank-xtn-splits format-xtn)))
(qif-io:split-amount (car splits))))
(lambda (format-xtn format-obj)
(let ((splits (qif-io:bank-xtn-splits format-xtn)))
(qif-io:split-set-amount! (car splits) format-obj)))
"Split total" 'amount))))
;; 'format-info' is some object. 'field-info' tells us how to get
;; and set its fields. next-proc tells us what to do when we
;; finish.
(define (do-xtn-format format-info field-info next-proc)
(let loop ((fields field-info))
(let* ((this-field (car fields))
(getter (car this-field))
(setter (cadr this-field))
(field-name (caddr this-field))
(field-type (cadddr this-field))
(formats (getter format-info)))
((null? formats)
(throw 'qif-io:inconsistent-data-format field-name))
((not (list? formats))
(if (not (null? (cdr fields))) (loop (cdr fields))))
((null? (cdr formats))
(setter format-info (car formats))
(if (not (null? (cdr fields))) (loop (cdr fields))))
;; if there are multiple possible formats, throw an
;; exception. the catcher should determine which of
;; 'formats' is correct and call the thunk with it as an
;; arg.
(throw 'qif-io:ambiguous-data-format field-type field-name formats
(lambda (correct-format)
(setter format-info correct-format)
(if (not (null? (cdr fields))) (loop (cdr fields)))
;; we call next-proc here if there was no exception during the
;; normal loop execution.
;; do the work. We pass the investment format processing as a
;; continuation-proc so that it gets done no matter how we get out
;; of the loop in do-xtn-format
bank-format-info bank-field-info
(lambda ()
invst-format-info invst-field-info
(lambda () #t))))))
;; check-field-formats
;; this is is the engine that runs all the format tests on the qif
;; transactions. we apply the 'checker' to the value returned by the
;; 'getter' for each object. we successively narrow 'formats' as we
;; go along. If there are no non-#f elements to check we return
;; #f
(define (check-field-formats getter equiv-thunk checker formats objects)
(let ((good-formats formats)
(records-checked #f))
;; loop over objects. If the formats list ever gets empty
;; we can stop right there.
(if (not (null? objects))
(let loop ((current (car objects))
(rest (cdr objects)))
(let ((val (getter current)))
(if val
(set! records-checked #t)
(set! good-formats (checker val good-formats)))))
(if (and (not (null? good-formats))
(not (null? rest)))
(loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))))
;; we're done. Return the formats that work for all the values.
(if records-checked good-formats #f)))
;; check-possible-formats builds the file's format objects for
;; investment and bank transactions
(define (qif-io:check-possible-formats file)
(let ((bank-formats (qif-io:make-empty-bank-xtn)))
;; bank transactions
qif-io:bank-xtn-date equal?
qif-io:check-date-format '(m-d-y d-m-y y-m-d y-d-m)
(qif-io:file-bank-xtns file)))
qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-bank-xtns file)))
qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-bank-xtns file)))
(let ((split (qif-io:make-empty-split)))
(define (get-split-amounts xtn)
(map (lambda (split)
(qif-io:split-amount split))
(qif-io:bank-xtn-splits xtn)))
get-split-amounts gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-multi-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-bank-xtns file)))
(qif-io:bank-xtn-set-splits! bank-formats (list split)))
;; stuff the formats into the file
(qif-io:file-set-bank-xtn-format! file bank-formats))
(let ((invst-formats (qif-io:make-empty-invst-xtn)))
;; invst transactions
qif-io:invst-xtn-date equal?
qif-io:check-date-format '(m-d-y d-m-y y-m-d y-d-m)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
qif-io:invst-xtn-commission gnc-numeric-equal
qif-io:check-number-format '(decimal comma)
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns file)))
;; stuff the formats into the file
(qif-io:file-set-invst-xtn-format! file invst-formats)))

View File

@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-invst-xtn-import.scm
;;; routines for converting a QIF investment transaction to a gnc
;;; transaction
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
;; account name generators. these are changeable by the user during
;; the mapping phase but you have to start somewhere.
(define (default-stock-acct brokerage security)
(string-append brokerage ":" security))
(define (default-dividend-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Dividends") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-interest-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Interest") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-capital-return-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Cap Return") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-cglong-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Cap. gain (long)") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-cgmid-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Cap. gain (mid)") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-cgshort-acct brokerage security)
(string-append (_ "Cap. gain (short)") ":"
brokerage ":"
(define (default-equity-holding security) (_ "Retained Earnings"))
(define (default-equity-account) (_ "Retained Earnings"))
(define (default-commission-acct brokerage)
(string-append (_ "Commissions") ":"
(define (default-margin-interest-acct brokerage)
(string-append (_ "Margin Interest") ":"
(define (default-unspec-acct)
(_ "Unspecified"))
;; (qif-io:invst-xtn-accounts-affected xtn)
;; What accounts are affected by the transaction? it depends on
;; the 'action' field.
(define (qif-io:invst-xtn-accounts-affected xtn)
(let* ((near-acct #f)
(far-acct #f)
(security (qif-io:invst-xtn-security xtn))
(action (qif-io:parse-action-field (qif-io:invst-xtn-action xtn)))
(from-acct (qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct xtn))
(category (qif-io:invst-xtn-category xtn))
(if category (qif-io:parse-category category)
(list "" #f #f #f #f #f))))
;; the "near split", i.e. the split that would normally go to the
;; source account.
(case action
((buy buyx sell sellx reinvint reinvdiv reinvsg reinvsh
reinvlg reinvmd shrsin shrsout stksplit)
(set! near-acct
(cons (default-stock-acct from-acct security) 'security)))
((div cgshort cglong cgmid intinc miscinc miscexp
rtrncap margint xin xout)
(set! near-acct (cons from-acct 'account)))
((divx cgshortx cglongx cgmidx intincx rtrncapx margintx)
(set! near-acct
(cons (car parsed-cat)
(if (list-ref parsed-cat 1) 'account 'category))))
((miscincx miscexpx)
(set! near-acct
(cons (list-ref parsed-cat 3)
(if (list-ref parsed-cat 4) 'account 'category))))
(throw 'qif-io:unhandled-action action)))
;; the far split: where is the money coming from? Either the
;; brokerage account, the category, or an external account
(case action
((buy sell)
(set! far-acct
(cons from-acct 'account)))
((buyx sellx miscinc miscincx miscexp miscexpx xin xout)
(set! far-acct
(cons (list-ref parsed-cat 0)
(if (list-ref parsed-cat 1) 'account 'category))))
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-stock-acct from-acct security) 'security)))
((cgshort cgshortx reinvsg reinvsh)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-cgshort-acct from-acct security) 'brokerage)))
((cglong cglongx reinvlg)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-cglong-acct from-acct security) 'brokerage)))
((cgmid cgmidx reinvmd)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-cgmid-acct from-acct security) 'brokerage)))
((intinc intincx reinvint)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-interest-acct from-acct security) 'brokerage)))
((margint margintx)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-margin-interest-acct from-acct) 'brokerage)))
((rtrncap rtrncapx)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-capital-return-acct from-acct) 'brokerage)))
((div divx reinvdiv)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-dividend-acct from-acct security) 'brokerage)))
((shrsin shrsout)
(set! far-acct
(cons (default-equity-holding security) 'account)))
(throw 'qif-io:unhandled-action action)))
(list near-acct far-acct (default-commission-acct from-acct))))
;; qif-io:invst-xtn-import
;; translate a single invst transaction into a GNC transaction
(define (qif-io:invst-xtn-import qif-xtn qif-file gnc-acct-info commodity)
(let ((gnc-xtn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book)))
(format-info (qif-io:file-invst-xtn-format qif-file)))
;; utility to make a new split and add it both to an
;; account and to the transaction
(define (add-split acct-info amount value memo reconcile)
(let* ((acct-name (car acct-info))
(acct-type (cdr acct-info))
(acct (qif-io:acct-table-lookup
gnc-acct-info acct-name acct-type))
(split (xaccMallocSplit (gnc-get-current-book))))
;; make the account if necessary
(if (or (not acct) (null? acct))
(set! acct (xaccMallocAccount (gnc-get-current-book)))
(xaccAccountSetName acct acct-name)
(qif-io:acct-table-insert! gnc-acct-info
acct-name acct-type acct)))
;; fill in the split
(xaccSplitSetAmount split amount)
(xaccSplitSetValue split value)
(xaccSplitSetMemo split memo)
(xaccSplitSetReconcile split reconcile)
;; add it to the account and the transaction
(xaccAccountBeginEdit acct)
(xaccSplitSetAccount split acct)
(xaccAccountCommitEdit acct)
(xaccSplitSetParent split gnc-xtn)
(define (lookup-balance acct-info)
(let ((acct (qif-io:acct-table-lookup gnc-acct-info
(car acct-info) (cdr acct-info))))
(xaccAccountGetBalance acct)))
(if (not (qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct qif-xtn))
qif-xtn (qif-io:file-default-src-acct qif-file)))
(xaccTransBeginEdit gnc-xtn)
(xaccTransSetCurrency gnc-xtn commodity)
;; set the transaction date, number and description
(let ((date (qif-io:parse-date/format
(qif-io:invst-xtn-date qif-xtn)
(qif-io:invst-xtn-date format-info))))
(apply xaccTransSetDate gnc-xtn date))
(xaccTransSetNum gnc-xtn (qif-io:invst-xtn-action qif-xtn))
(xaccTransSetDescription gnc-xtn (qif-io:invst-xtn-payee qif-xtn))
;; get the relevant info, including 'near-acct' and 'far-acct',
;; the accounts affected by the transaction
(let* ((action
(qif-io:parse-action-field (qif-io:invst-xtn-action qif-xtn)))
(let ((val (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount qif-xtn)))
(if val
val (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount format-info))
(let ((val (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price qif-xtn)))
(if val
val (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price format-info))
(let ((val (qif-io:invst-xtn-commission qif-xtn)))
(if val
val (qif-io:invst-xtn-commission format-info))
(let ((uamt (qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount qif-xtn))
(tamt (qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount qif-xtn))
($amt (qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount qif-xtn)))
uamt (qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount format-info)))
tamt (qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount format-info)))
$amt (qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount format-info)))
(#t (gnc-numeric-zero)))))
(if (and num-shares share-price)
(gnc-numeric-mul num-shares share-price
(gnc-numeric-denom total-val)
(qif-io:parse-cleared-field (qif-io:invst-xtn-cleared qif-xtn)))
(payee (qif-io:invst-xtn-payee qif-xtn))
(memo (qif-io:invst-xtn-memo qif-xtn))
(qif-io:invst-xtn-accounts-affected qif-xtn))
(near-acct (car accounts-affected))
(far-acct (cadr accounts-affected))
(cons (default-commission-acct
(qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct qif-xtn)) 'brokerage))
(n- (lambda (n) (gnc-numeric-neg n))))
;; now build the splits. We have to switch on the action
;; again to get the signs of the amounts, and whether we use the
;; monetary value or share count.
(case action
((buy buyx reinvint reinvdiv reinvsg reinvsh reinvmd reinvlg)
(add-split near-acct num-shares action-val memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct (n- total-val) (n- total-val) memo cleared)
(if commission-val
(add-split commission-acct commission-val commission-val
memo cleared)))
((sell sellx)
(add-split near-acct (n- num-shares) (n- action-val) memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct total-val total-val memo cleared)
(if commission-val
(add-split commission-acct commission-val commission-val
memo cleared)))
;; fixme: can these have commissions?
((cgshort cgshortx cgmid cgmidx cglong cglongx intinc intincx
div divx miscinc miscincx xin rtrncap rtrncapx)
(add-split near-acct total-val total-val memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct (n- total-val) (n- total-val) memo #\n))
;; fixme: can these have commissions?
((xout miscexp miscexpx margint margintx)
(add-split near-acct (n- total-val) (n- total-val) memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct total-val total-val memo #\n))
(add-split near-acct num-shares action-val memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct (n- total-val) (n- total-val) memo cleared)
(if commission-val
(add-split commission-acct commission-val commission-val
memo cleared)))
(add-split near-acct (n- num-shares) (n- action-val) memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct total-val total-val memo cleared)
(if commission-val
(add-split commission-acct commission-val commission-val
memo cleared)))
(let* ((splitratio (gnc-numeric-div
num-shares (gnc-numeric-create 10 1)
(in-shares (lookup-balance near-acct))
(out-shares (n* in-shares splitratio)))
(add-split near-acct out-shares (n- action-amt) memo cleared)
(add-split far-acct in-shares action-amt memo cleared)))
(throw 'qif-io:unhandled-action action))))
(xaccTransCommitEdit gnc-xtn)

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
;; qif-io-core.scm
;; top-level module for QIF i/o code
;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
(define-module (gnucash import-export qif-io-core))
(use-modules (gnucash main)) ;; FIXME: delete after we finish modularizing.
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/engine" 0)
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0)
(load-from-path "qif-parse.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-format-check.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-file.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-objects.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-record-xform.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-bank-xtn-import.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-invst-xtn-import.scm")
(load-from-path "qif-acct-table.scm")
;; qif-parse.scm
(export qif-io:parse-category)
(export qif-io:parse-year)
(export qif-io:parse-acct-type)
(export qif-io:parse-bang-field)
(export qif-io:parse-action-field)
(export qif-io:parse-cleared-field)
(export qif-io:check-date-format)
(export qif-io:parse-date/format)
(export qif-io:check-number-format)
(export qif-io:check-multi-number-format)
(export qif-io:parse-number/format)
;; qif-format-check.scm
(export qif-io:setup-data-formats)
(export qif-io:check-possible-formats)
;; qif-file.scm
(export qif-io:read-file)
(export qif-io:write-file)
(export qif-io:read-record)
(export qif-io:write-record)
;; qif-objects.scm
(export qif-io:make-file)
(export qif-io:make-empty-file)
(export qif-io:file-bank-xtns)
(export qif-io:file-invst-xtns)
(export qif-io:file-bank-xtn-format)
(export qif-io:file-invst-xtn-format)
(export qif-io:file-set-bank-xtn-format!)
(export qif-io:file-set-invst-xtn-format!)
(export qif-io:file-xtns-need-acct?)
(export qif-io:file-set-default-src-acct!)
(export qif-io:make-empty-acct-table)
(export qif-io:acct-table-accounts)
(export qif-io:acct-table-categories)
(export qif-io:acct-table-securities)
(export qif-io:acct-table-brokerage-accts)
;; qif-record-xform.scm
(export qif-io:record->bank-xtn)
(export qif-io:record->invst-xtn)
(export qif-io:record->account)
(export qif-io:record->category)
(export qif-io:record->class)
(export qif-io:record->security)
(export qif-io:bank-xtn->record)
(export qif-io:invst-xtn->record)
(export qif-io:account->record)
(export qif-io:category->record)
(export qif-io:class->record)
(export qif-io:security->record)
;; qif-bank-xtn-import.scm
(export qif-io:bank-xtn-import)
(export qif-io:invst-xtn-import)
;; acct-table.scm
(export qif-io:acct-table-lookup)
(export qif-io:acct-table-insert!)
(export qif-io:acct-table-make-gnc-acct-tree)
;; from main
(export format)

View File

@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-objects.scm
;;; record type definitions for QIF objects.
;;; Bill Gribble <> 20 Feb 2000
;; this should be a GOOPS class. later, I guess.
(define <qif-file>
(define qif-io:make-file
(record-constructor <qif-file>))
(define (qif-io:make-empty-file)
(qif-io:make-file #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define qif-io:file?
(record-predicate <qif-file>))
(define qif-io:file-path
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'path))
(define qif-io:file-set-path!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'path))
(define qif-io:file-bank-xtns
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'bank-xtns))
(define qif-io:file-set-bank-xtns!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'bank-xtns))
(define qif-io:file-bank-xtn-format
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'bank-xtn-format))
(define qif-io:file-set-bank-xtn-format!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'bank-xtn-format))
(define qif-io:file-invst-xtns
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'invst-xtns))
(define qif-io:file-set-invst-xtns!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'invst-xtns))
(define qif-io:file-invst-xtn-format
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'invst-xtn-format))
(define qif-io:file-set-invst-xtn-format!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'invst-xtn-format))
(define qif-io:file-xtns-need-acct?
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'xtns-need-acct?))
(define qif-io:file-set-xtns-need-acct?!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'xtns-need-acct?))
(define qif-io:file-default-src-acct
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'default-src-acct))
(define qif-io:file-set-default-src-acct!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'default-src-acct))
(define qif-io:file-accounts
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'accounts))
(define qif-io:file-set-accounts!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'accounts))
(define qif-io:file-categories
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'categories))
(define qif-io:file-set-categories!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'categories))
(define qif-io:file-classes
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'classes))
(define qif-io:file-set-classes!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'classes))
(define qif-io:file-securities
(record-accessor <qif-file> 'securities))
(define qif-io:file-set-securities!
(record-modifier <qif-file> 'securities))
(define <qif-split>
"qif-split" '(category amount memo)))
(define qif-io:make-split
(record-constructor <qif-split>))
(define (qif-io:make-empty-split)
(qif-io:make-split #f #f #f))
(define qif-io:split-category
(record-accessor <qif-split> 'category))
(define qif-io:split-set-category!
(record-modifier <qif-split> 'category))
(define qif-io:split-amount
(record-accessor <qif-split> 'amount))
(define qif-io:split-set-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-split> 'amount))
(define qif-io:split-memo
(record-accessor <qif-split> 'memo))
(define qif-io:split-set-memo!
(record-modifier <qif-split> 'memo))
(define <qif-bank-xtn>
'(source-acct date number payee memo t-amount u-amount
cleared category address splits)))
(define qif-io:make-bank-xtn
(record-constructor <qif-bank-xtn>))
(define (qif-io:make-empty-bank-xtn)
(qif-io:make-bank-xtn #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-source-acct
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'source-acct))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-source-acct!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'source-acct))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-date
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'date))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-date!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'date))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-number
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'number))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-number!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'number))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-payee
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'payee))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-payee!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'payee))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-memo
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'memo))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-memo!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'memo))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 't-amount))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-t-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 't-amount))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'u-amount))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-u-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'u-amount))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-cleared
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'cleared))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-cleared!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'cleared))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-category
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'category))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-category!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'category))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-address
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'address))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-address!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'address))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-splits
(record-accessor <qif-bank-xtn> 'splits))
(define qif-io:bank-xtn-set-splits!
(record-modifier <qif-bank-xtn> 'splits))
(define <qif-invst-xtn>
'(source-acct date action security payee memo t-amount
u-amount $-amount share-price share-amount commission
cleared category address)))
(define qif-io:make-invst-xtn
(record-constructor <qif-invst-xtn>))
(define (qif-io:make-empty-invst-xtn)
(qif-io:make-invst-xtn #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-source-acct
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'source-acct))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-source-acct!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'source-acct))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-date
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'date))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-date!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'date))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-action
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'action))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-action!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'action))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-security
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'security))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-security!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'security))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-payee
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'payee))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-payee!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'payee))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-memo
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'memo))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-memo!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'memo))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 't-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-t-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 't-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'u-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-u-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'u-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> '$-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-$-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> '$-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'share-price))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-share-price!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'share-price))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'share-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-share-amount!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'share-amount))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-commission
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'commission))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-commission!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'commission))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-cleared
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'cleared))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-cleared!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'cleared))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-category
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'category))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-category!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'category))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-address
(record-accessor <qif-invst-xtn> 'address))
(define qif-io:invst-xtn-set-address!
(record-modifier <qif-invst-xtn> 'address))
(define <qif-account>
'(name type description limit budget)))
(define qif-io:make-account
(record-constructor <qif-account>))
(define qif-io:account-name
(record-accessor <qif-account> 'name))
(define qif-io:account-set-name!
(record-modifier <qif-account> 'name))
(define qif-io:account-type
(record-accessor <qif-account> 'type))
(define qif-io:account-set-type!
(record-modifier <qif-account> 'type))
(define qif-io:account-description
(record-accessor <qif-account> 'description))
(define qif-io:account-set-description!
(record-modifier <qif-account> 'description))
(define qif-io:account-limit
(record-accessor <qif-account> 'limit))
(define qif-io:account-set-limit!
(record-modifier <qif-account> 'limit))
(define qif-io:account-budget
(record-accessor <qif-account> 'budget))
(define qif-io:account-set-budget!
(record-modifier <qif-account> 'budget))
(define <qif-category>
'(name description taxable expense-cat income-cat tax-class budget-amt)))
(define qif-io:make-category
(record-constructor <qif-category>))
(define qif-io:category-name
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'name))
(define qif-io:category-set-name!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'name))
(define qif-io:category-description
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'description))
(define qif-io:category-set-description!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'description))
(define qif-io:category-taxable
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'taxable))
(define qif-io:category-set-taxable!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'taxable))
(define qif-io:category-expense-cat
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'expense-cat))
(define qif-io:category-set-expense-cat!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'expense-cat))
(define qif-io:category-income-cat
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'income-cat))
(define qif-io:category-set-income-cat!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'income-cat))
(define qif-io:category-tax-class
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'tax-class))
(define qif-io:category-set-tax-class!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'tax-class))
(define qif-io:category-budget-amt
(record-accessor <qif-category> 'budget-amt))
(define qif-io:category-set-budget-amt!
(record-modifier <qif-category> 'budget-amt))
(define <qif-class>
'(name description)))
(define qif-io:make-class
(record-constructor <qif-class>))
(define qif-io:class-name
(record-accessor <qif-class> 'name))
(define qif-io:class-set-name!
(record-modifier <qif-class> 'name))
(define qif-io:class-description
(record-accessor <qif-class> 'description))
(define qif-io:class-set-description!
(record-modifier <qif-class> 'description))
(define <qif-security>
'(name symbol type)))
(define qif-io:make-security
(record-constructor <qif-security>))
(define qif-io:security-name
(record-accessor <qif-security> 'name))
(define qif-io:security-set-name!
(record-modifier <qif-security> 'name))
(define qif-io:security-symbol
(record-accessor <qif-security> 'symbol))
(define qif-io:security-set-symbol!
(record-modifier <qif-security> 'symbol))
(define qif-io:security-type
(record-accessor <qif-security> 'type))
(define qif-io:security-set-type!
(record-modifier <qif-security> 'type))
(define <qif-acct-table>
'(accounts categories securities brokerage-accts)))
(define qif-io:make-acct-table
(record-constructor <qif-acct-table>))
(define (qif-io:make-empty-acct-table)
(make-hash-table 13)
(make-hash-table 13)
(make-hash-table 13)
(make-hash-table 13)))
(define qif-io:acct-table-accounts
(record-accessor <qif-acct-table> 'accounts))
(define qif-io:acct-table-categories
(record-accessor <qif-acct-table> 'categories))
(define qif-io:acct-table-securities
(record-accessor <qif-acct-table> 'securities))
(define qif-io:acct-table-brokerage-accts
(record-accessor <qif-acct-table> 'brokerage-accts))

View File

@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
;;; qif-parse.scm
;;; routines to parse values and dates in QIF files.
;;; Bill Gribble <> 20 Feb 2000
(define GNC-BANK-TYPE 0)
(define GNC-CASH-TYPE 1)
(define GNC-ASSET-TYPE 2)
(define GNC-CCARD-TYPE 3)
(define GNC-STOCK-TYPE 5)
(define GNC-MUTUAL-TYPE 6)
(define GNC-INCOME-TYPE 8)
(define GNC-EQUITY-TYPE 10)
(define qif-category-compiled-rexp
(make-regexp "^ *(\\[)?([^]/|]*)(]?)(/([^|]*))?(\\|(\\[)?([^]/]*)(]?)(/(.*))?)? *$"))
(define qif-date-compiled-rexp
(make-regexp "^ *([0-9]+) *[-/.'] *([0-9]+) *[-/.'] *([0-9]+).*$|^ *([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*$"))
(define decimal-radix-regexp
"^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]+$|^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?(,[0-9][0-9][0-9])*(\\.[0-9]*)? *$|^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]* *$"))
(define comma-radix-regexp
"^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]+$|^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?(\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9])*(,[0-9]*) *$|^ *\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]+,[0-9]* *$"))
(define integer-regexp (make-regexp "^\\$?-?\\$?[0-9]+ *$"))
(define remove-trailing-space-rexp
(make-regexp "^(.*[^ ]+) *$"))
(define remove-leading-space-rexp
(make-regexp "^ *([^ ].*)$"))
(define (string-remove-trailing-space str)
(let ((match (regexp-exec remove-trailing-space-rexp str)))
(if match
(string-copy (match:substring match 1))
(define (string-remove-trailing-space! str)
(let ((match (regexp-exec remove-trailing-space-rexp str)))
(if match
(match:substring match 1)
(define (string-remove-leading-space str)
(let ((match (regexp-exec remove-leading-space-rexp str)))
(if match
(string-copy (match:substring match 1))
(define (string-remove-leading-space! str)
(let ((match (regexp-exec remove-leading-space-rexp str)))
(if match
(match:substring match 1)
(define (string-remove-char str char)
(let ((rexpstr
(case char
((#\.) "\\.")
((#\^) "\\^")
((#\$) "\\$")
((#\*) "\\*")
((#\+) "\\+")
((#\\) "\\\\")
((#\?) "\\?")
(make-string 1 char)))))
(regexp-substitute/global #f rexpstr str 'pre 'post)))
(define (string-replace-char! str old new)
(let ((rexpstr
(if (not (eq? old #\.))
(make-string 1 old)
(newstr (make-string 1 new)))
(regexp-substitute/global #f rexpstr str 'pre newstr 'post)))
;; qif-io:parse-category
;; we return a list of 6 elements:
;; 0 parsed category name (without [] if it was an account name)
;; 1 bool stating if it was an account name (a transfer)
;; 2 class of account or #f
;; 3 string representing the "miscx category" if any
;; 4 bool if miscx category is an account
;; 5 class of miscx cat or #f
;; gosh, I love regular expressions.
(define (qif-io:parse-category value)
(if (not (string? value))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-category 'string value))
(let ((match (regexp-exec qif-category-compiled-rexp value)))
;; what the substrings mean:
;; 1 the opening [ for a transfer
;; 2 the category
;; 3 the closing ]
;; 4 the class /
;; 5 the class
;; 6 the miscx expression (whole thing)
;; 7 the opening [
;; 8 the miscx category
;; 9 the closing ]
;; 10 the class /
;; 11 the class
(if match
(let ((rv
(list (match:substring match 2)
(if (and (match:substring match 1)
(match:substring match 3))
#t #f)
(if (match:substring match 4)
(match:substring match 5)
;; miscx category name
(if (match:substring match 6)
(match:substring match 8)
;; is it an account?
(if (and (match:substring match 7)
(match:substring match 9))
#t #f)
(if (match:substring match 10)
(match:substring match 11)
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-category value))))
;; qif-io:parse-year
;; this is where we handle y2k fixes etc. input is a string
;; containing the year ("00", "2000", and "19100" all mean the same
;; thing). output is an integer representing the year in the C.E.
(define (qif-io:parse-year year-string y2k-threshold)
(if (not (string? year-string))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-year 'string year-string))
(if (not (number? y2k-threshold))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-year 'number y2k-threshold))
(let ((fixed-string #f)
(post-read-value #f)
(y2k-fixed-value #f))
;; quicken prints 2000 as "' 0" for at least some versions.
;; thanks dave p for reporting this.
(if (eq? (string-ref year-string 0) #\')
(set! fixed-string
(substring year-string 2 (string-length year-string))))
(set! fixed-string year-string))
;; now the string should just have a number in it plus some
;; optional trailing space.
(set! post-read-value
(with-input-from-string fixed-string
(lambda () (read))))
;; 2-digit numbers less than the window size are interpreted to
;; be post-2000.
((and (integer? post-read-value)
(< post-read-value y2k-threshold))
(set! y2k-fixed-value (+ 2000 post-read-value)))
;; there's a common bug in printing post-2000 dates that
;; prints 2000 as 19100 etc.
((and (integer? post-read-value)
(> post-read-value 19000))
(set! y2k-fixed-value (+ 1900 (- post-read-value 19000))))
;; normal dates represented in unix years (i.e. year-1900, so
;; 2000 => 100.) We also want to allow full year specifications,
;; (i.e. 1999, 2001, etc) and there's a point at which you can't
;; determine which is which. mktime in scheme doesn't deal with
;; dates before December 14, 1901, at least for now, so let's
;; give ourselves until at least 3802 before this does the wrong
;; thing.
((and (integer? post-read-value)
(< post-read-value 1902))
(set! y2k-fixed-value (+ 1900 post-read-value)))
;; this is a normal, 4-digit year spec (1999, 2000, etc).
((integer? post-read-value)
(set! y2k-fixed-value post-read-value))
;; No idea what the string represents. Maybe a new bug in Quicken!
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-year year-string)))
;; parse-bang-field : the bang fields switch the parse context for
;; the qif file.
(define (qif-io:parse-bang-field read-value)
(if (not (string? read-value))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-bang-field 'string read-value))
(let ((bang-field (string-downcase!
(string-remove-trailing-space read-value))))
;; The QIF files output by the WWW site of Credit Lyonnais
;; begin by: !type bank
;; instead of: !Type:bank
(if (>= (string-length bang-field) 5)
(if (string=? (substring bang-field 0 5) "type ")
(string-set! bang-field 4 #\:)))
(string->symbol bang-field)))
;; parse-action-field : stock transaction actions
(define (qif-io:parse-action-field read-value)
(define (canonicalize string)
(string-remove-leading-space! string)))))
(if (not (string? read-value))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-action-field 'string read-value))
(let ((action-symbol (canonicalize read-value)))
(case action-symbol
;; buy
((buy kauf)
((buyx kaufx)
((cglong kapgew) ;; Kapitalgewinnsteuer
((cglongx kapgewx)
((cgmid) ;; Kapitalgewinnsteuer
((cgshort k.gewsp)
((cgshortx k.gewspx)
((div) ;; dividende
;; ((exercise)
;; 'exercise)
;; ((exercisx)
;; 'exercisx)
;; ((expire)
;; 'expire)
;; ((grant)
;; 'grant)
((int intinc aktzu) ;; zinsen
((intx intincx)
((reinvint reinvzin)
((reinvlg reinvkur)
((reinvsg reinvksp)
((reminder erinnerg)
((sell verkauf) ;; verkaufen
((sellx verkaufx)
((shrsin aktzu)
((shrsout aktab)
((stksplit aktsplit)
;; ((vest)
;; 'vest)
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-action-field read-value)))))
;; parse-cleared-field : in a C (cleared) field in a QIF transaction,
;; * means cleared, x or X means reconciled, and ! or ? mean some
;; budget related stuff I don't understand.
(define (qif-io:parse-cleared-field read-value)
(if (not (string? read-value))
(if (> (string-length read-value) 0)
(let ((secondchar (string-ref read-value 0)))
(cond ((eq? secondchar #\*)
((or (eq? secondchar #\x)
(eq? secondchar #\X)
(eq? secondchar #\r)
(eq? secondchar #\R))
((or (eq? secondchar #\?)
(eq? secondchar #\!))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed
'qif-io:parse-cleared-field read-value))))
;; qif-io:check-date-format
;; given a list of possible date formats, return a pruned list
;; of possibilities.
(define (qif-io:check-date-format date-string possible-formats)
(if (not (string? date-string))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:check-date-format 'string date-string))
(if (not (list? possible-formats))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:check-date-format
'list possible-formats))
(let ((retval #f))
(if (not (> (string-length date-string) 0))
(set! retval possible-formats)
(let ((date-parts '())
(numeric-date-parts '())
(match (regexp-exec qif-date-compiled-rexp date-string)))
(if (not match)
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:check-date-format
(if (match:substring match 1)
(set! date-parts (list (match:substring match 1)
(match:substring match 2)
(match:substring match 3)))
(set! date-parts (list (match:substring match 4)
(match:substring match 5)
(match:substring match 6))))
;; get the strings into numbers (but keep the strings around)
(set! numeric-date-parts
(map (lambda (elt)
(with-input-from-string elt
(lambda () (read))))
(let ((possibilities possible-formats)
(n1 (car numeric-date-parts))
(n2 (cadr numeric-date-parts))
(n3 (caddr numeric-date-parts)))
;; filter the possibilities to eliminate (hopefully)
;; all but one
(if (or (not (number? n1)) (> n1 12))
(set! possibilities (delq 'm-d-y possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n1)) (> n1 31))
(set! possibilities (delq 'd-m-y possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n1)) (< n1 1))
(set! possibilities (delq 'd-m-y possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n1)) (< n1 1))
(set! possibilities (delq 'm-d-y possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n2)) (> n2 12))
(set! possibilities (delq 'd-m-y possibilities))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-m-d possibilities))))
(if (or (not (number? n2)) (> n2 31))
(set! possibilities (delq 'm-d-y possibilities))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-d-m possibilities))))
(if (or (not (number? n3)) (> n3 12))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-d-m possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n3)) (> n3 31))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-m-d possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n3)) (< n3 1))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-m-d possibilities)))
(if (or (not (number? n3)) (< n3 1))
(set! possibilities (delq 'y-d-m possibilities)))
(set! retval possibilities))))
;; qif-io:parse-date/format
;; given a date string and a particular format spec, return a date
(define (qif-io:parse-date/format date-string format)
(if (not (string? date-string))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-date/format 'string date-string))
(let ((date-parts '())
(numeric-date-parts '())
(retval date-string)
(match (regexp-exec qif-date-compiled-rexp date-string)))
(if (not match)
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string))
(if (match:substring match 1)
(set! date-parts (list (match:substring match 1)
(match:substring match 2)
(match:substring match 3)))
(set! date-parts (list (match:substring match 4)
(match:substring match 5)
(match:substring match 6))))
;; get the strings into numbers (but keep the strings around)
(set! numeric-date-parts
(map (lambda (elt)
(with-input-from-string elt
(lambda () (read))))
;; if the date parts list doesn't have 3 parts, we're in
;; trouble
(if (not (eq? 3 (length date-parts)))
;; bomb out on bad parts
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string)
;; otherwise try to interpret
(case format
(let ((d (car numeric-date-parts))
(m (cadr numeric-date-parts))
(y (qif-io:parse-year (caddr date-parts) 50)))
(if (and (integer? d) (integer? m) (integer? y)
(<= m 12) (<= d 31))
(set! retval (list d m y))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed
'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string))))
(let ((m (car numeric-date-parts))
(d (cadr numeric-date-parts))
(y (qif-io:parse-year (caddr date-parts) 50)))
(if (and (integer? d) (integer? m) (integer? y)
(<= m 12) (<= d 31))
(set! retval (list d m y))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed
'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string))))
(let ((y (qif-io:parse-year (car date-parts) 50))
(m (cadr numeric-date-parts))
(d (caddr numeric-date-parts)))
(if (and (integer? d) (integer? m) (integer? y)
(<= m 12) (<= d 31))
(set! retval (list d m y))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed
'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string))))
(let ((y (qif-io:parse-year (car date-parts) 50))
(d (cadr numeric-date-parts))
(m (caddr numeric-date-parts)))
(if (and (integer? d) (integer? m) (integer? y)
(<= m 12) (<= d 31))
(set! retval (list d m y))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed
'qif-io:parse-date/format date-string))))
(throw 'qif-io:parse-failed 'qif-io:parse-date/format
;; qif-io:check-number-format
;; given a list of possible number formats, return a pruned list
;; of possibilities.
(define (qif-io:check-number-format value-string possible-formats)
(if (not (string? value-string))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:check-number-format 'string value-string))
(if (not (list? possible-formats))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:check-number-format
'list possible-formats))
(let ((retval '()))
(lambda (format)
(case format
(if (regexp-exec decimal-radix-regexp value-string)
(set! retval (cons 'decimal retval))))
(if (regexp-exec comma-radix-regexp value-string)
(set! retval (cons 'comma retval))))
(if (regexp-exec integer-regexp value-string)
(set! retval (cons 'integer retval))))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:check-number-format
'number-format format))))
(reverse! retval)))
;; qif-io:check-multi-number-format
;; apply check-number-format to a list of numbers
(define (qif-io:check-multi-number-format value-list possible-formats)
(let ((retval possible-formats))
(lambda (val)
(if (string? val)
(set! retval (qif-io:check-number-format val retval))))
;; qif-io:parse-number/format
;; assuming we know what the format is, parse the string.
;; returns a gnc-numeric; the denominator is set so as to exactly
;; represent the number
(define (qif-io:parse-number/format value-string format)
(if (not (string? value-string))
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-number/format
'string value-string))
(case format
(let* ((filtered-string
(string-remove-char value-string #\,)
(with-input-from-string filtered-string
(lambda () (read)))))
(if (number? read-val)
(+ 0.0 read-val) GNC-DENOM-AUTO
(string-length (string-remove-char filtered-string #\.)))
(let* ((filtered-string
(string-remove-char value-string #\.)
#\, #\.)
(with-input-from-string filtered-string
(lambda () (read)))))
(if (number? read-val)
(+ 0.0 read-val) GNC-DENOM-AUTO
(string-length (string-remove-char filtered-string #\.)))
(let ((read-val
(string-remove-char value-string #\$)
(lambda () (read)))))
(if (number? read-val)
(+ 0.0 read-val) 1 GNC-RND-ROUND)
(throw 'qif-io:arg-type 'qif-io:parse-number/format
'number-format format))))
;; qif-io:parse-acct-type
(define (qif-io:parse-acct-type read-value)
(if (not (string? read-value))
(let ((mangled-string
(string-remove-leading-space read-value))))
((string-ci=? mangled-string "bank")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "port")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "cash")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "ccard")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "invst") ;; these are brokerage accounts.
((string-ci=? mangled-string "oth a")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "oth l")
((string-ci=? mangled-string "mutual")

View File

@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
;; qif-record-xform
;; routines to convert tag-value lists into various QIF data
;; structures
;; Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
;; qif-io:record->bank-xtn
;; take a list of key-value pairs representing a transaction and
;; turn them into an actual transaction record
(define (qif-io:record->bank-xtn record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(date #f)
(number #f)
(payee #f)
(memo #f)
(address #f)
(cleared #f)
(t-amount #f)
(u-amount #f)
(category #f)
(split-category #f)
(split-amount #f)
(split-memo #f)
(complete-splits '())
(split-records '()))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\D) (set! date value)) ;; D : transaction date
((#\N) (set! number value)) ;; N : check number
((#\P) (set! payee value)) ;; P : payee
((#\M) (set! memo value)) ;; M : memo
((#\T) (set! t-amount value)) ;; T : total amount
((#\U) (set! u-amount value)) ;; U : total amount
((#\C) (set! cleared value)) ;; C : cleared flag
((#\L) (set! category value)) ;; L : category
((#\A) ;; A : address
;; multiple "A" lines are appended together with
;; newlines; some Quicken files have a lot of
;; A lines.
(if (string? address)
(set! address
(string-append address "\n" value))
(set! address value)))
((#\S) ;; S : split category
;; if we have already seen another split, this S line
;; finishes it and starts a new one
(if split-category
(set! complete-splits
(cons (list split-category split-amount split-memo)
(set! split-category value)
(set! split-amount #f)
(set! split-memo #f))
(set! split-category value)))
((#\E) (set! split-memo value)) ;; E : split memo
((#\$) (set! split-amount value))))
;; if there's an open split, do the right thing
(if (string? split-category)
(set! complete-splits
(cons (list split-category split-amount split-memo)
;; convert the splits to split records
;; (reversing the list again to get the right order)
(lambda (split)
(set! split-records
(cons (qif-io:make-split (car split)
(cadr split)
(caddr split))
;; check for bogosity and make a record if everything's ok
(if (and date t-amount)
(qif-io:make-bank-xtn #f date number payee memo
t-amount u-amount cleared category
address split-records)
(throw 'qif-io:record-error 'qif-io:record->bank-xtn record-pairs))))
;; qif-io:bank-xtn->record
;; turn a bank-xtn into tag-value pairs.
(define (qif-io:bank-xtn->record bank-xtn)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((date (qif-io:bank-xtn-date bank-xtn)))
(if date
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\D date) kvp))))
(let ((number (qif-io:bank-xtn-number bank-xtn)))
(if number
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N number) kvp))))
(let ((payee (qif-io:bank-xtn-payee bank-xtn)))
(if payee
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\P payee) kvp))))
(let ((memo (qif-io:bank-xtn-memo bank-xtn)))
(if memo
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\M memo) kvp))))
(let ((t-amount (qif-io:bank-xtn-t-amount bank-xtn)))
(if t-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\T t-amount) kvp))))
(let ((u-amount (qif-io:bank-xtn-u-amount bank-xtn)))
(if u-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\U u-amount) kvp))))
(let ((cleared (qif-io:bank-xtn-cleared bank-xtn)))
(if cleared
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\C cleared) kvp))))
(let ((category (qif-io:bank-xtn-category bank-xtn)))
(if category
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\L category) kvp))))
(let ((address (qif-io:bank-xtn-address bank-xtn)))
(if address
(with-input-from-string address
(lambda ()
(let loop ((line (read-line)))
(if (not (eof-object? line))
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\A line) kvp))
(loop (read-line)))))))))
(let ((splits (qif-io:bank-xtn-splits bank-xtn)))
(lambda (split)
(let ((split-cat (qif-io:split-category split))
(split-memo (qif-io:split-memo split))
(split-amount (qif-io:split-amount split)))
(if split-cat
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\S split-cat) kvp))
(if (or split-memo split-amount)
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\S "") kvp))))
(if split-memo
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\E split-memo) kvp)))
(if split-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\$ split-amount) kvp)))))
(reverse! kvp)))
;; qif-io:record->invst-xtn
;; take a list of key-value pairs representing a transaction and
;; turn them into an actual transaction record
(define (qif-io:record->invst-xtn record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(date #f)
(action #f)
(payee #f)
(memo #f)
(address #f)
(cleared #f)
(t-amount #f)
(u-amount #f)
(security #f)
(category #f)
(commission #f)
($-amount #f)
(share-price #f)
(share-amount #f))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\D) (set! date value)) ;; D : transaction date
((#\N) (set! action value)) ;; N : investment action
((#\P) (set! payee value)) ;; P : payee
((#\M) (set! memo value)) ;; M : memo
((#\T) (set! t-amount value)) ;; T : total amount
((#\U) (set! u-amount value)) ;; U : total amount
((#\$) (set! $-amount value)) ;; $ : total amount
((#\Y) (set! security value)) ;; Y : security
((#\I) (set! share-price value)) ;; I : share price
((#\Q) (set! share-amount value)) ;; Q : share quantity
((#\O) (set! commission value)) ;; O : commission
((#\C) (set! cleared value)) ;; C : cleared flag
((#\L) (set! category value)) ;; L : category
((#\A) ;; A : address
;; multiple "A" lines are appended together with
;; newlines; some Quicken files have a lot of
;; A lines.
(if (string? address)
(set! address
(string-append address "\n" value))
(set! address value)))))
(qif-io:make-invst-xtn #f date action security payee memo t-amount
u-amount $-amount share-price share-amount
commission cleared category address)))
;; qif-io:invst-xtn->record
;; turn a invst-xtn into tag-value pairs.
(define (qif-io:invst-xtn->record invst-xtn)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((date (qif-io:invst-xtn-date invst-xtn)))
(if date
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\D date) kvp))))
(let ((action (qif-io:invst-xtn-action invst-xtn)))
(if action
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N action) kvp))))
(let ((payee (qif-io:invst-xtn-payee invst-xtn)))
(if payee
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\P payee) kvp))))
(let ((security (qif-io:invst-xtn-security invst-xtn)))
(if security
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\Y security) kvp))))
(let ((share-price (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-price invst-xtn)))
(if share-price
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\I share-price) kvp))))
(let ((share-amount (qif-io:invst-xtn-share-amount invst-xtn)))
(if share-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\Q share-amount) kvp))))
(let ((t-amount (qif-io:invst-xtn-t-amount invst-xtn)))
(if t-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\T t-amount) kvp))))
(let ((u-amount (qif-io:invst-xtn-u-amount invst-xtn)))
(if u-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\U u-amount) kvp))))
(let ((commission (qif-io:invst-xtn-commission invst-xtn)))
(if commission
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\O commission) kvp))))
(let ((cleared (qif-io:invst-xtn-cleared invst-xtn)))
(if cleared
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\C cleared) kvp))))
(let ((address (qif-io:invst-xtn-address invst-xtn)))
(if address
(with-input-from-string address
(lambda ()
(let loop ((line (read-line)))
(if (not (eof-object? line))
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\A line) kvp))
(loop (read-line)))))))))
(let ((memo (qif-io:invst-xtn-memo invst-xtn)))
(if memo
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\M memo) kvp))))
(let ((category (qif-io:invst-xtn-category invst-xtn)))
(if category
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\L category) kvp))))
(let (($-amount (qif-io:invst-xtn-$-amount invst-xtn)))
(if $-amount
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\$ $-amount) kvp))))
(reverse! kvp '())))
;; qif-io:record->account
;; take a list of key-value pairs representing a transaction and
;; turn them into an actual transaction record
(define (qif-io:record->account record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(name #f)
(type #f)
(description #f)
(limit #f)
(budget #f))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\N) (set! name value)) ;; N : account name
((#\D) (set! description value)) ;; D : account descrip
((#\T) (set! type value)) ;; T : account type
((#\L) (set! limit value)) ;; L : credit limit
((#\B) (set! budget value)))) ;; B : budget amount (?)
(qif-io:make-account name type description limit budget)))
;; qif-io:account->record
(define (qif-io:account->record acct)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((name (qif-io:account-name acct)))
(if name
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N name) kvp))))
(let ((type (qif-io:account-type acct)))
(if type
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\T type) kvp))))
(let ((description (qif-io:account-description acct)))
(if description
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\D description) kvp))))
(let ((limit (qif-io:account-limit acct)))
(if limit
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\L limit) kvp))))
(let ((budget (qif-io:account-budget acct)))
(if budget
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\B budget) kvp))))
(reverse! kvp '())))
;; qif-io:record->category
(define (qif-io:record->category record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(name #f)
(taxable #f)
(description #f)
(expense-cat #f)
(income-cat #f)
(tax-class #f)
(budget-amt #f))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\N) (set! name value))
((#\D) (set! description value))
((#\T) (set! taxable value))
((#\E) (set! expense-cat value))
((#\I) (set! income-cat value))
((#\R) (set! tax-class value))
((#\B) (set! budget-amt value))))
(qif-io:make-category name description taxable
expense-cat income-cat tax-class budget-amt)))
;; qif-io:category->record
(define (qif-io:category->record cat)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((name (qif-io:category-name cat)))
(if name
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N name) kvp))))
(let ((description (qif-io:category-description cat)))
(if description
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\D description) kvp))))
(let ((taxable (qif-io:category-taxable cat)))
(if taxable
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\T taxable) kvp))))
(let ((tax-class (qif-io:category-tax-class cat)))
(if tax-class
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\R tax-class) kvp))))
(let ((expense-cat (qif-io:category-expense-cat cat)))
(if expense-cat
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\E expense-cat) kvp))))
(let ((income-cat (qif-io:category-income-cat cat)))
(if income-cat
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\I income-cat) kvp))))
(let ((budget-amt (qif-io:category-budget-amt cat)))
(if budget-amt
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\B budget-amt) kvp))))
(reverse! kvp '())))
;; qif-io:record->class
(define (qif-io:record->class record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(name #f)
(description #f))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\N) (set! name value))
((#\D) (set! description value))))
(qif-io:make-class name description)))
;; qif-io:class->record
(define (qif-io:class->record class)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((name (qif-io:class-name class)))
(if name
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N name) kvp))))
(let ((description (qif-io:class-description class)))
(if description
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\D description) kvp))))
(reverse! kvp '())))
;; qif-io:record->security
(define (qif-io:record->security record-pairs)
(let ((tag #f)
(value #f)
(name #f)
(symbol #f)
(type #f))
(lambda (pair)
(set! tag (car pair))
(set! value (cdr pair))
(case tag
((#\N) (set! name value))
((#\S) (set! symbol value))
((#\T) (set! type value))))
(qif-io:make-security name symbol type)))
;; qif-io:security->record
(define (qif-io:security->record security)
(let ((kvp '()))
(let ((name (qif-io:security-name security)))
(if name
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\N name) kvp))))
(let ((type (qif-io:security-type security)))
(if type
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\T type) kvp))))
(let ((symbol (qif-io:security-symbol security)))
(if symbol
(set! kvp (cons (cons #\S symbol) kvp))))
(reverse! kvp '())))

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
LDADD=${top_builddir}/src/gnc-module/ ${GLIB_LIBS}
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/src/gnc-module ${GUILE_INCS} ${GLIB_CFLAGS}
TESTS=test-load-module test-parser test-reader test-file-formats \
--gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/gnc-module \
--gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/engine \
--gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/app-utils \
--gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/backend/xml \
--gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/import-export/qif-io-core \
--guile-load-dir ${top_srcdir}/src/import-export/qif-io-core/test \
--guile-load-dir ${top_srcdir}/lib \
--guile-load-dir ${top_builddir}/src/gnome-utils \
--guile-load-dir ${top_builddir}/src/gnome \
--guile-load-dir ${top_builddir}/src/scm \
--library-dir ${top_builddir}/src/gnome-utils \
--library-dir ${top_srcdir}/src/gnome
SRCDIR=${srcdir} \
$(shell ${top_srcdir}/src/gnc-test-env --no-exports ${GNC_TEST_DEPS})

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
(("plain category") #f ("plain category" #f #f #f #f #f))
(("[transfer]") #f ("transfer" #t #f #f #f #f))
((bad-data) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:parse-category string bad-data))
(("category/class") #f ("category" #f "class" #f #f #f))
(("[transfer]/class") #f ("transfer" #t "class" #f #f #f))
(("[transfer]/class|[miscxfer]") #f ("transfer" #t "class" "miscxfer" #t #f))
(("[transfer]/class|miscxfer") #f ("transfer" #t "class" "miscxfer" #f #f))
(("[transfer]/class|[miscxfer]/class2") #f
("transfer" #t "class" "miscxfer" #t "class2"))
(("class1/class2:ISDN|[Telecom]") #f ("class1" #f "class2:ISDN" "Telecom" #t #f))

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
(("01/20/2001" m-d-y) #f (20 1 2001))
(("20.1.01" d-m-y) #f (20 1 2001))
(("19101-1-20" y-m-d) #f (20 1 2001))
(("1/20/1" y-d-m) #f (20 1 2001))
(("1/20'01" m-d-y) #f (20 1 2001))
(("1/20' 1" m-d-y) #f (20 1 2001))
(("2/dd/2001" d-m-y) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:parse-date/format "2/dd/2001"))
(("not a date" d-m-y) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:parse-date/format "not a date"))
((nonstring d-m-y) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:parse-date/format string nonstring))
(("01/04/2001" bad-format) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:parse-date/format bad-format))
(("3-3" d-m-y) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:parse-date/format "3-3"))

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
(("01/20/2001" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (m-d-y))
(("20.1.01" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (d-m-y y-m-d y-d-m))
(("19101-1-20" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (y-m-d))
(("1/20/1" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (m-d-y y-d-m))
(("1/20'01" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (m-d-y y-d-m))
(("1/20' 1" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #f (m-d-y y-d-m))
(("2/dd/2001" (d-m-y m-d-y y-m-d y-d-m)) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:check-date-format "2/dd/2001"))
(("not a date" (d-m-y)) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:check-date-format "not a date"))
((nonstring d-m-y) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-date-format string nonstring))
(("01/04/2001" bad-format) #t
(qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-date-format list bad-format))
(("3-3" d-m-y) #t
(qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-date-format list d-m-y))
(("3-3" (d-m-y)) #t
(qif-io:parse-failed qif-io:check-date-format "3-3"))

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
#f (()
((#\D m-d-y) (#\I decimal) (#\Q decimal) (#\T decimal)
(#\O decimal) (#\$ decimal))))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal)) ()))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal comma)) ()))
#f (()
((#\D m-d-y) (#\I decimal) (#\Q decimal comma) (#\T decimal)
(#\O decimal) (#\$ decimal))))
#f (()
((#\D m-d-y) (#\I decimal) (#\Q decimal) (#\T decimal)
(#\O decimal) (#\$ decimal))))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal comma))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal comma))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\U decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal))
((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\U decimal) (#\$ decimal))))
#f (()
((#\D m-d-y) (#\I decimal) (#\Q decimal) (#\T decimal)
(#\O decimal) (#\$ decimal))))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal comma))
#f (()
((#\D m-d-y) (#\I decimal) (#\Q decimal) (#\T decimal)
(#\$ decimal))))
#f (((#\D m-d-y) (#\T decimal) (#\S . "") (#\$ decimal comma))

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
(("../../../../doc/examples/quicktest.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95bank_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95invst_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95mfunds_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95stocks_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/abc-all.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/abc.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/bogus.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/cbb-export.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/divx.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/every.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/ms-money.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/quicktest.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/swipe.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/web.qif") #f 0)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
(("1,000.00" decimal) #f "100000/100")
(("1,000.01" decimal) #f "100001/100")
(("1,000" decimal) #f "1000/1")

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
(("1,000.00" (decimal comma integer)) #f (decimal))
(("1,000.000" (decimal comma integer)) #f (decimal))
(("1.000,000" (decimal comma integer)) #f (comma))
(("1000" (decimal comma integer)) #f (decimal comma integer))
(("1000" (decimal comma)) #f (decimal comma))
(("1,000" (decimal comma integer)) #f (decimal comma))
(("1,000" (decimal comma integer)) #f (decimal comma))
(("1,000.00" (comma)) #f ())
(("1,000.01" (foo bar)) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-number-format number-format foo))
(("1,000" decimal) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-number-format list decimal))
((#f (decimal comma)) #t (qif-io:arg-type qif-io:check-number-format string #f))

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
(("../../../../doc/examples/quicktest.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95bank_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95invst_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95mfunds_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/Money95stocks_fr.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/abc-all.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/abc.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/bogus.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/cbb-export.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/divx.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/every.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/ms-money.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/quicktest.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/swipe.qif") #f 0)
(("../../../../doc/examples/web.qif") #f 0)

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(define (line-dump filename thunk)
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((this-line (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? this-line))
(apply thunk (car this-line))
(loop (read))))))))
(define (read-file-thunk infile)
(let ((qiffile (qif-io:make-file #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)))
(format #t "======= ~A ======\n" infile)
(qif-io:read-file qiffile infile #f)
(qif-io:write-file qiffile (format #f "~A.out" infile))))
(gnc:module-load "qifiocore")
(line-dump "data/reader-data.txt" read-file-thunk)

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gnc:count-data cd:type="account">2</gnc:count-data>
<gnc:count-data cd:type="transaction">7</gnc:count-data>
<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
<act:id type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</act:id>
<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
<act:id type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</act:id>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">a45aab10729e86f89a09fdade4ccc2e0</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-18 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Check Number: 203</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">9d2a30fa881189fbc8384f81e13fa709</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">e2e6868646216b8e96d6c9273dda2dff</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">d46556507b3b7b19682763a184499486</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-19 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Direct Deposit</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">7035db7e9ba78c6dd4cc8967c5f5f954</split:id>
<split:memo> ADMINISTAFF COMP</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">427cce0e2b033b697ca6433cd4f5ad13</split:id>
<split:memo> ADMINISTAFF COMP</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">e3a6834c0a9695aa082562e48223e845</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-20 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Point of Sale Transaction FRY'S</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">71222dc2c372f559ce3a0ce4e2ae09ef</split:id>
<split:memo>FOOD STOR 7770 E. MCDOWELL SCOTTSDALE</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">7af77bf9af90902aef1d1ec745614c4f</split:id>
<split:memo>FOOD STOR 7770 E. MCDOWELL SCOTTSDALE</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">5470ac24f1f928b1722720b4be94073a</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-21 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Point of Sale Transaction ABCO</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">62a43470f3850db3af8be603292e0664</split:id>
<split:memo>FOODS #425 4101 N. 28TH STREET PHOENIX</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">0a6ed5cdf4aeaa0bb8540de7f118291b</split:id>
<split:memo>FOODS #425 4101 N. 28TH STREET PHOENIX</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">6500bf9438dcda6eef08336db1d6e309</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-22 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Check Number: 200</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">221dc1b9ae283c96a330f8281849eced</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">82279f63494c9d3b4469e9eab793315b</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">dd52a96000be560b831a3c6b72756997</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-24 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Point of Sale Transaction</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">30f71490ba4dc5004f957994efa46ce5</split:id>
<split:memo> TGI FRIDAYS #1859 SCOTTSDALE AZUS</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">24c1b63b4037f310044c440eb25d6afa</split:id>
<split:memo> TGI FRIDAYS #1859 SCOTTSDALE AZUS</split:memo>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<trn:id type="guid">c9106cc5f7fb3c5d89d019b67058b208</trn:id>
<ts:date>1999-03-25 00:00:00 -0600</ts:date>
<ts:date>2001-07-27 11:28:22 -0500</ts:date>
<trn:description>Share Withdrawal</trn:description>
<split:id type="guid">32367c2efb4d0585c7e57443be43556c</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">e67c88bb5901cbd39a577e196258bb1d</split:account>
<split:id type="guid">884a392c130f96856c0ffb3887c9eb9f</split:id>
<split:account type="guid">676b480e5cfaa3457ee392e3c51ced88</split:account>
<!-- Local variables: -->
<!-- mode: xml -->
<!-- End: -->

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
guile -l test-file-formats.scm -c "(exit (run-test))"

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
;; test-file-formats.scm
;; test the QIF file data format checker.
;; read each file, check field formats, compare with truth.
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/qif-io/core" 0)
(define (run-test)
(define (line-test filename title thunk compare)
(let ((pass 0)
(fail 0)
(total 0))
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((this-line (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? this-line))
(let* ((exception? #f)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(apply thunk (car this-line)))
(lambda (key . rest)
(set! exception? #t)
(cons key rest))))
(exception-expected? (cadr this-line))
(correct-result (caddr this-line))
(ok? (and (eq? exception? exception-expected?)
(compare result correct-result))))
(set! total (+ 1 total))
(if ok?
(set! pass (+ 1 pass))
(format #t "[fail] received ~S\n" result)
(format #t " expected ~S\n"
(set! fail (+ 1 fail))))
(loop (read)))))))
(format #t "test ~A: pass=~S fail=~S\n" title pass fail)
(= pass total)))
(let ((all-pass #t))
(define (fmt-check-test filename)
(let ((qiffile (qif-io:make-empty-file)))
(qif-io:read-file qiffile filename #f)
(qif-io:check-possible-formats qiffile)
(list (qif-io:bank-xtn->record (qif-io:file-bank-xtn-format qiffile))
(qif-io:file-invst-xtn-format qiffile)))))
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/file-formats-data.txt"
fmt-check-test equal?)))

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
guile -l test-import-phase-1.scm -c "(run-test)"

View File

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
;; test-import-phase-1
;; import the file by direct transaction mapping (don't remove any
;; duplicates)
(debug-enable 'debug)
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(define (_ arg) arg)
(define (N_ arg) arg)
(define (do-file filename)
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/qif-io/core" 0)
;; XXX: Need app/file to initialize (gnc:get-current-session/book)
(let ((qiffile (qif-io:make-empty-file))
(acct-table (qif-io:make-empty-acct-table))
(session (gnc:get-current-session))
(book (qof-session-get-book session))
(com-table (gnc-commodity-table-new)))
(gnc-commodity-table-add-default-data com-table book)
;; read the file and look at data formats. we need to do this
;; immediately when loading a file.
(qif-io:read-file qiffile filename #f)
;; this will throw out an exception if there are no possible correct
;; interpretations. we'll correct the ambiguities
(catch 'qif-io:ambiguous-data-format
(lambda ()
(qif-io:setup-data-formats qiffile))
(lambda (key field-type field-name possible-formats continue-proc)
(format #t "field format: n='~S' t='~S' v='~S' u='~S'\n"
field-name field-type possible-formats
(car possible-formats))
(continue-proc (car possible-formats))))
;; now we need to figure out what information is missing from this
;; file.
(if (qif-io:file-xtns-need-acct? qiffile)
(qif-io:file-set-default-src-acct! qiffile filename))
(let ((commodity (gnc-commodity-table-lookup com-table "ISO4217" "USD")))
;; import the bank transactions
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:bank-xtn-import xtn qiffile acct-table commodity))
(qif-io:file-bank-xtns qiffile))
;; and the investment transactions
(lambda (xtn)
(qif-io:invst-xtn-import xtn qiffile acct-table commodity))
(qif-io:file-invst-xtns qiffile))
;; build a gnucash account tree
(let ((root (qif-io:acct-table-make-gnc-acct-tree
acct-table qiffile commodity)))
;; write the file
(let* ((name (format #f "file:~A.gnc" filename)))
(format #t "using book name='~A'\n" name)
(gnc-account-join-children (gnc-book-get-root book) root)
(xaccAccountDestroy root)
(gnc:session-begin session name #t #t)
(gnc:session-save session)
(gnc:session-end session)
(define (run-test)
(define (line-test filename title thunk compare)
(let ((pass 0)
(fail 0)
(total 0))
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((this-line (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? this-line))
(let* ((exception? #f)
(apply thunk (car this-line)))
; (catch #t
; (lambda ()
; (apply thunk (car this-line)))
; (lambda (key . rest)
; (set! exception? #t)
; (cons key rest))))
(exception-expected? (cadr this-line))
(correct-result (caddr this-line))
(ok? (and (eq? exception? exception-expected?)
(compare result correct-result))))
(set! total (+ 1 total))
(if ok?
(set! pass (+ 1 pass))
(format #t "[fail] test ~S\n" (car this-line))
(format #t " received ~S\n" result)
(format #t " expected ~S\n"
(set! fail (+ 1 fail))))
(loop (read)))))))
(format #t "test ~A: pass=~S fail=~S\n" title pass fail)
(= pass total)))
(let ((all-pass #t))
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/import-phase-1-data.txt"
"import phase 1"
do-file equal?)))
(if all-pass
(exit 0)
(exit -1))))

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
guile -l ./test-load-module.scm -c "(run-test)"

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(define (run-test)
(if (gnc:module-load "gnucash/qif-io/core" 0)
(display "ok\n")
(exit 0))
(display "failed\n")
(exit -1))))

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
guile -l test-parser.scm -c "(exit (run-test))"

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
;; test-parser.scm
;; test the QIF parser. the data files are just scheme data; the
;; first element is the arg to be parsed, the second indicates
;; whether an exception is expected, and the third indicates either
;; the return value (if no exception) or the type of exception and
;; args. For example, for the date file,
;; ("02/01/2001" #f (2 1 2001))
;; (#f #t (qif-io:arg-type string #f))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/qif-io/core" 0)
(debug-enable 'debug)
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(define (run-test)
(define (line-test filename title thunk compare)
(let ((pass 0)
(fail 0)
(total 0))
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((this-line (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? this-line))
(let* ((exception? #f)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(apply thunk (car this-line)))
(lambda (key . rest)
(set! exception? #t)
(cons key rest))))
(exception-expected? (cadr this-line))
(correct-result (caddr this-line))
(ok? (and (eq? exception? exception-expected?)
(compare result correct-result))))
(set! total (+ 1 total))
(if ok?
(set! pass (+ 1 pass))
(format #t "[fail] received ~S\n" result)
(format #t " expected ~S\n"
(set! fail (+ 1 fail))))
(loop (read)))))))
(format #t "test ~A: pass=~S fail=~S\n" title pass fail)
(= pass total)))
(let ((all-pass #t))
(define (parse-number/format num fmt)
(let* ((gncn (qif-io:parse-number/format num fmt))
(nstr (gnc-numeric-to-string gncn)))
;; test category reading
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/category-data.txt" "parse-category"
qif-io:parse-category equal?)))
;; date parsing
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/date-data.txt" "parse-date/format"
qif-io:parse-date/format equal?)))
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/date-format-data.txt"
qif-io:check-date-format equal?)))
;; number parsing
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/number-data.txt" "parse-number/format"
parse-number/format equal?)))
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/number-format-data.txt"
qif-io:check-number-format equal?)))

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
guile -l ./test-reader.scm -c "(exit (run-test))"

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
;; test-reader.scm
;; test the QIF reader. see test-parser.scm for info on the structure
;; of the test data files.
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/qif-io/core" 0)
(define (read-record-test qiffile)
(let ((inport (open-input-file qiffile))
(outport (open-output-file "/tmp/test-reader.tmp"))
(record '())
(eof? #f))
(let loop ()
(catch 'qif-io:parser-state
(lambda ()
(let ((record (qif-io:read-record inport)))
(set! eof? (caddr record))
(if (not eof?)
(qif-io:write-record (car record) outport))))
(lambda (key new-state)
(format outport "!~A\n" new-state)))
(if (not eof?)
(close-output-port outport)
(close-input-port inport)
(system (format #f "diff -b -I \"\\^*\" ~A /tmp/test-reader.tmp"
(define (run-test)
(define (line-test filename title thunk compare)
(let ((pass 0)
(fail 0)
(total 0))
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((this-line (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? this-line))
(let* ((exception? #f)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(apply thunk (car this-line)))
(lambda (key . rest)
(set! exception? #t)
(cons key rest))))
(exception-expected? (cadr this-line))
(correct-result (caddr this-line))
(ok? (and (eq? exception? exception-expected?)
(compare result correct-result))))
(set! total (+ 1 total))
(if ok?
(set! pass (+ 1 pass))
(format #t "[fail] received ~S\n" result)
(format #t " expected ~S\n"
(set! fail (+ 1 fail))))
(loop (read)))))))
(format #t "test ~A: pass=~S fail=~S\n" title pass fail)
(= pass total)))
(let ((all-pass #t))
;; test record reading / writing
(set! all-pass
(and all-pass (line-test "data/reader-data.txt" "read-record"
read-record-test equal?)))