Changed gnc:computeInterestIncrement to directly calculate the amount of interest accrued in the specified compounding period. Bug 797195.

This commit is contained in:
thetedmunds 2019-04-15 13:16:32 -07:00
parent fc355958b8
commit 9afc856c20

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@ -63,12 +63,9 @@
;; formula from
(* a (expt (+ 1 (/ r n)) (* n t))))
(define (gnc:computeInterestIncrement amount interest periods i)
(let ((thisVal (gnc:futureValue amount interest periods i))
(prevVal (gnc:futureValue amount interest periods (- i 1))))
(- thisVal prevVal)
(define (gnc:computeInterestIncrement pv ann-rate compounds period)
(let ((rate (/ ann-rate compounds)))
(* rate (* pv (expt (+ 1 rate) (- period 1))))))
;; below: not-exposed/"private" functions, used by the "public" functions