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synced 2025-02-16 18:25:11 -06:00
[test-extras] add (create-test-invoice-data) for tests
this function creates some business data. moved from test-invoice.scm without the invoice-specific tests. verified all invoices/bills are created correctly. it returns a vector-list of the 8 invoices generated.
This commit is contained in:
@ -472,3 +472,364 @@
income bank 109 #:description "$109 income"))
(iota 12))
;; creates 8 invoices. (1) customer-invoice (2) customer's job's
;; invoice (3) vendor bill (4) employee bill (5) customer credit-note
;; (6) vendor credit-note (7) employee credit-note (8)
;; customer-invoice with various combinations of entries. in addition,
;; this function will return the vector-list of invoices created.
(define-public (create-test-invoice-data)
(define USD (mnemonic->commodity "USD"))
(define structure
(list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET)
(cons 'commodity USD))
(list "Asset"
(list "Bank"))
(list "VAT"
(list "VAT-on-Purchases")
(list "VAT-on-Sales" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))))
(list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
(list "Expense" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
(list "A/Receivable" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE)))
(list "A/Payable" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE)))))
(let* ((env (create-test-env))
(account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
(bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
(income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
(expense (cdr (assoc "Expense" account-alist)))
(vat-sales (cdr (assoc "VAT-on-Sales" account-alist)))
(vat-purchases (cdr (assoc "VAT-on-Purchases" account-alist)))
(receivable (cdr (assoc "A/Receivable" account-alist)))
(payable (cdr (assoc "A/Payable" account-alist)))
(YEAR (gnc:time64-get-year (gnc:get-today)))
(cust-1 (let ((cust-1 (gncCustomerCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncCustomerSetID cust-1 "cust-1-id")
(gncCustomerSetName cust-1 "cust-1-name")
(gncCustomerSetNotes cust-1 "cust-1-notes")
(gncCustomerSetCurrency cust-1 USD)
(gncCustomerSetTaxIncluded cust-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
(owner-1 (let ((owner-1 (gncOwnerNew)))
(gncOwnerInitCustomer owner-1 cust-1)
;; inv-1 is generated for a customer
(inv-1 (let ((inv-1 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-1 owner-1)
(gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-1 "inv-1-notes")
(gncInvoiceSetBillingID inv-1 "inv-1-billing-id")
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-1 USD)
(job-1 (let ((job-1 (gncJobCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncJobSetID job-1 "job-1-id")
(gncJobSetName job-1 "job-1-name")
(gncJobSetOwner job-1 owner-1)
(owner-2 (let ((owner-2 (gncOwnerNew)))
(gncOwnerInitJob owner-2 job-1)
;; inv-2 is generated from a customer's job
(inv-2 (let ((inv-2 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-2 owner-2)
(gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-2 "inv-2-notes")
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-2 USD)
(vend-1 (let ((vend-1 (gncVendorCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncVendorSetID vend-1 "vend-1-id")
(gncVendorSetName vend-1 "vend-1-name")
(gncVendorSetNotes vend-1 "vend-1-notes")
(gncVendorSetCurrency vend-1 USD)
(gncVendorSetTaxIncluded vend-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
(owner-3 (let ((owner-3 (gncOwnerNew)))
(gncOwnerInitVendor owner-3 vend-1)
;; inv-3 is generated from a vendor
(inv-3 (let ((inv-3 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-3 owner-3)
(gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-3 "inv-3-notes")
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-3 USD)
(emp-1 (let ((emp-1 (gncEmployeeCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEmployeeSetID emp-1 "emp-1-id")
(gncEmployeeSetCurrency emp-1 USD)
(gncEmployeeSetName emp-1 "emp-1-name")
(owner-4 (let ((owner-4 (gncOwnerNew)))
(gncOwnerInitEmployee owner-4 emp-1)
;; inv-4 is generated for an employee
(inv-4 (let ((inv-4 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-4 owner-4)
(gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-4 "inv-4-notes")
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-4 USD)
;; inv-5 cust-credit-note
(inv-5 (let ((inv-5 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-1)))
(gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-5 #t)
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-5 USD)
;; inv-6 vend-credit-note
(inv-6 (let ((inv-6 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-3)))
(gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-6 #t)
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-6 USD)
;; inv-7 emp-credit-note
(inv-7 (let ((inv-7 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-4)))
(gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-7 #t)
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-7 USD)
(inv-8 (let ((inv-8 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-8 owner-1)
(gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-8 USD)
(let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
(gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on sales")
(let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
(gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
(let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
(gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on purchases")
(let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-purchases)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
(gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
;; entry-1 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-1 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-1 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-1 "entry-1-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-1 "entry-1-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-1 "entry-1-notes")
(gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-1 income)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-1 2 #f)
(gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-1 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-1 entry-1))
;; entry-inv-2 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-inv-2 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-2 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-notes")
(gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-2 income)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-2 2 #f)
(gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-inv-2 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-2 entry-inv-2))
;; entry-inv-3 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-inv-3 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-3 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-notes")
(gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-3 expense)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-3 2 #f)
(gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-3 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-3 entry-inv-3))
;; entry-inv-4 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-inv-4 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-4 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-notes")
(gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-4 expense)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-4 2 #f)
(gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-4 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-4 entry-inv-4))
;; entry-5 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-5 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-5 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-5 "entry-5-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-5 "entry-5-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-5 "entry-5-notes")
(gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-5 income)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-5 2 #t)
(gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-5 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-5 entry-5))
(let ((entry-inv-6 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-6 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-notes")
(gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-6 expense)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-6 2 #t)
(gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-6 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-6 entry-inv-6))
;; entry-inv-7 2 widgets of $3 = $6
(let ((entry-inv-7 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-7 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-desc")
(gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-action")
(gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-notes")
(gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-7 expense)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-7 2 #t)
(gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-7 3)
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-7 entry-inv-7))
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-1 receivable
(gnc-dmy2time64 1 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 1 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-2 receivable
(gnc-dmy2time64 2 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-3 payable
(gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-4 payable
(gnc-dmy2time64 4 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 4 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-5 receivable
(gnc-dmy2time64 5 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 5 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-6 payable
(gnc-dmy2time64 6 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 6 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-7 payable
(gnc-dmy2time64 7 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 7 9 1980)
#t #f)
(let* ((taxrate 109/10)
(discount 7/2)
(unitprice 777/4)
(quantity 11)
(let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
(gncTaxTableSetName tt (format #f "~a% vat on sales" taxrate))
(let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
(gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry taxrate)
(gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
(order (let ((order (gncOrderCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncOrderSetID order "order-id")
(gncOrderSetOwner order owner-1)
(gncOrderSetReference order "order-ref")
(gncOrderSetActive order #t)
(billterm (let ((term (gncBillTermCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
(gncBillTermSetName term "billterm-name")
(gncBillTermSetDescription term "billterm-desc")
(gncBillTermSetType term 1) ;1 = GNC-TERM-TYPE-DAYS
(gncBillTermSetDueDays term 8)
(gncInvoiceSetTerms inv-8 billterm)
(lambda (combo)
(let* ((each-entry (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book)))
(taxable? (= (vector-ref combo 0) 1))
(tax-included? (= (vector-ref combo 1) 1))
(discount-type (vector-ref combo 2))
(discount-how (vector-ref combo 3))
(desc (format #f "taxable=~a tax-included=~a discount-type=~a discount-how=~a"
(if taxable? "Y" "N")
(if tax-included? "Y" "N")
(gncAmountTypeToString discount-type)
(gncEntryDiscountHowToString discount-how))))
(gncEntrySetDateGDate each-entry (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
(gncEntrySetDescription each-entry desc)
(gncEntrySetAction each-entry "action")
(gncEntrySetInvAccount each-entry income)
(gncEntrySetDocQuantity each-entry quantity #f)
(gncEntrySetInvPrice each-entry unitprice)
(gncEntrySetInvDiscount each-entry discount)
(gncEntrySetInvDiscountType each-entry discount-type)
(gncEntrySetInvDiscountHow each-entry discount-how)
(gncEntrySetInvTaxable each-entry taxable?)
(gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded each-entry tax-included?)
(gncEntrySetInvTaxTable each-entry combo-vat-sales-tt)
(gncOrderAddEntry order each-entry)
;; FIXME: Note: The following function hides a subtle
;; bug. It aims to retrieve & dump the entry description
;; and amount. Unfortunately the (gncEntryGetDocValue)
;; function will subtly modify the entry amounts by a
;; fraction; this means that the subsequent invoice payment
;; will not make the invoice amount completely zero. If the
;; following statement is uncommented, test-invoice will
;; fail because the (gncInvoiceIsPaid) final test will
;; fail.
;; (format #t "inv-8: adding ~a to invoice, entry amount is ~a\n"
;; desc
;; (exact->inexact (gncEntryGetDocValue each-entry #f #t #f)))
(gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-8 each-entry)))
;; the following list specifies combinations to test gncEntry options
;; thanks to rgmerk and to jenny for idea how to generate list of options
;; (vector Taxable?(1=#t) Tax-included?(1=#t) DiscountType DiscountHow)
(vector 1 2 1 1)
(vector 2 1 2 2)
(vector 1 1 2 3)
(vector 2 2 1 3)
(vector 2 1 1 1)
(vector 1 2 2 2)
(vector 1 2 1 2)
(vector 1 1 2 1)))
inv-8 (format #f "tax=~a%, discount=~a, qty=~a, price=~a"
taxrate discount quantity unitprice))
(gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-8 receivable
(gnc-dmy2time64 8 9 1980)
(gnc-dmy2time64 8 9 1980)
#t #f)
(gncInvoiceApplyPayment inv-8 '() bank 1747918/100 1
(gnc-dmy2time64 10 9 1980)
(vector inv-1 inv-2 inv-3 inv-4 inv-5 inv-6 inv-7 inv-8)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user