Bug787401 - Test for the report system - HTML Tests

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Carsten Rinke 2018-07-30 17:39:44 +02:00 committed by Geert Janssens
parent aab9bb59cd
commit c59157763f
2 changed files with 218 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ set (scm_test_report_system_with_srfi64_SOURCES

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@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0))
(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
(use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
(use-modules (gnucash engine test srfi64-extras))
(define (run-test)
(test-runner-factory gnc:test-runner)
(test-begin "Testing/Temporary/test-report-html") ;; if (test-runner-factory gnc:test-runner) is commented out, this
;; will create Testing/Temporary/test-report-html.log
(test-assert "HTML Document Definition" (test-check1))
(test-assert "HTML Objects Definition for literals" (test-check2))
(test-assert "HTML Text Object" (test-check3))
(test-assert "HTML Table Cell" (test-check4))
(test-assert "HTML Table" (test-check5))
(test-end "Testing/Temporary/test-report-html")
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (test-check1)
(let (
(test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
(gnc:html-document? test-doc)
(not (gnc:html-document-style-sheet test-doc))
(null? (gnc:html-document-style-stack test-doc))
(gnc:html-style-table? (gnc:html-document-style test-doc))
(not (gnc:html-document-style-text test-doc))
(string-null? (gnc:html-document-title test-doc))
(not (gnc:html-document-headline test-doc))
(null? (gnc:html-document-objects test-doc))
(string=? (gnc:html-document-render test-doc)
"<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<title>\n</title></head><body></body>\n</html>\n"
;; BUG?:
;; this code looks ugly
;;<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
;; BUG?:
;; There is no way to suppress the header, (not (null? headers?)) is always true
;; BUG?:
;; There is no way to suppress the title, (if (title)) is always true
;; BUG?:
;; title is already defined, no reason to make a (let) statement
;; so this
;; (let ((title (gnc:html-document-title doc)))
;; (if title
;; (push (list "</title>" title "<title>\n"))))
;; should be this
;; (if (not (string-null? title))
;; (push (list "</title>" title "<title>\n")))
(gnc:html-document-set-title! test-doc "HTML Document Title")
(string=? (gnc:html-document-render test-doc)
"<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<title>\nHTML Document Title</title></head><body></body>\n</html>\n"
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (test-check2)
(let (
(test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
(gnc:html-document-append-objects! test-doc
(gnc:make-html-object "HTML Plain Text Body")
(gnc:make-html-object 1234567890)
(gnc:make-html-object #t)
(gnc:make-html-object #f)
(gnc:make-html-object '(a b c d))
(string=? (gnc:html-document-render test-doc) "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<title>\n</title></head><body><string> HTML Plain Text Body<number> 1234567890<boolean> #t<string> <generic> (a b c d)</body>\n</html>\n")
;; BUG: it is not possible to create a boolean false object, instead a string place holder is created
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (test-check3)
(let (
(test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
(gnc:html-document-append-objects! test-doc
(gnc:make-html-text "HTML Text Body - Part 1." "Part 2.")
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/format "HTML Text with number ~a in decimal format." 7))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/format "HTML Text with number ~a in float format." 8.8))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/format "HTML Text with boolean ~a." #f))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/format "HTML Text with literal ~a." "text123"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/format "HTML Text with generic ~a." '(a b c d)))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-p "HTML Text Paragraph"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-tt "HTML Text Typewriter"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-em "HTML Text Emphasized"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-b "HTML Text Bold"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-i "HTML Text Italic"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-h1 "HTML Text Heading1"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-h2 "HTML Text Heading2"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-h3 "HTML Text Heading3"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br) "HTML Text Linebreak")
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr) "HTML Text Headrow")
(gnc:make-html-text "HTML Text Unsorted List" (gnc:html-markup-ul '("Item1" "Item2")))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-anchor "HTML Text Anchor Link" "HTML Text Anchor Description"))
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-img "http://www.gnucash.org/images/banner5.png" '("width" "72") '("height" "48") '("alt" "GunCash web site")))
(string=? (gnc:html-document-render test-doc) "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n<title>\n</title></head><body><string> HTML Text Body - Part 1.<string> Part 2.HTML Text with number <number> 7 in decimal format.HTML Text with number <number> 8.8 in float format.HTML Text with boolean <boolean> #f.HTML Text with literal <string> text123.HTML Text with generic <generic> (a b c d).<p><string> HTML Text Paragraph</p>\n<tt><string> HTML Text Typewriter</tt>\n<em><string> HTML Text Emphasized</em>\n<b><string> HTML Text Bold</b>\n<i><string> HTML Text Italic</i>\n<h1><string> HTML Text Heading1</h1>\n<h2><string> HTML Text Heading2</h2>\n<h3><string> HTML Text Heading3</h3>\n<br /><string> HTML Text Linebreak<hr /><string> HTML Text Headrow<string> HTML Text Unsorted List<ul><li><string> Item1</li>\n<li><string> Item2</li>\n</ul>\n<a href=\"HTML Text Anchor Link\"><string> HTML Text Anchor Description</a>\n<img src=\"http://www.gnucash.org/images/banner5.png\" width=\"72\" height=\"48\" alt=\"GunCash web site\" /></body>\n</html>\n")
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (test-check4)
(let (
(test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
(html-table-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell "HTML Table Cell"))
(gnc:html-table-cell-set-rowspan! html-table-cell 2)
(gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! html-table-cell 3)
(gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! html-table-cell "tag")
(gnc:html-table-cell-append-objects! html-table-cell "obj1" "obj2" 123 #t #f '(a b c d))
(string=? (string-concatenate (gnc:html-document-tree-collapse (gnc:html-table-cell-render html-table-cell test-doc)))
"<tag rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"3\"><string> HTML Table Cell<string> obj1<string> obj2<number> 123<boolean> #t<string> <generic> (a b c d)</tag>\n"
) ;; BUG: it is not possible to create a boolean false object, instead a string place holder is created
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (test-check5)
(let (
(test-doc (gnc:make-html-document))
(test-table (gnc:make-html-table))
;; A table is list of rows in reverse order
;; Each row is a list of cells
;; The position the cell corresponds a column of the table
;; Example:
;; ((r2c0 r2c1 r2c2) (r1c0 r1c1) (r0c0))
;; The cell in row 1 and col 1 is r1c1. Each cell should hold
;; a html cell object (see previous test case).
;; change the default settings just to see what effect it has
;;(gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! test-table #t)
;; -> this make (gnc:html-table-render test-table test-doc) crash, col-headers must be #f or a list
(gnc:html-table-set-row-headers! test-table #t)
(gnc:html-table-set-caption! test-table #t)
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 1") 1)
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 2") 2) ;; data is now: (("Row 2") ("Row 1"))
(= (gnc:html-table-num-rows test-table) 2)
(= (length (gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! test-table)) 1)
(= (length (gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! test-table)) 0)
(null? (gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! test-table)) ;; simple negative test: try to remove non existing row
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 2") 1)
(= (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! test-table "Row 1") 2)
(= (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! test-table "Row 0") 3)
(= (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! test-table "Row -1") 4)
;; BUG: data is now: (("Row 2") "Row 1" "Row 0" "Row -1")
;; for (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 2 0)
;; this leads to error: (wrong-type-arg "length" "Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S" (1 "Row 1") ("Row 1"))
;; BUG: gnc:html-table-prepend-row! updates the row-markup hash table which is
;; - not updated on deletion of a row
;; - not updated anywhere else in the code
;; - not used anywhere else in GnuCash
;; --> should be removed
;; (same goes for gnc:html-table-row-markup, gnc:html-table-set-row-markup-table! gnc:html-table-set-row-markup!)
;; Reset table data:
(gnc:html-table-set-data! test-table '()) ;; reset the table data due to bug above
(gnc:html-table-set-num-rows-internal! test-table 0) ;; luckily for testng, this is not internal - BUG?
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 1") 1)
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 2") 2)
(= (gnc:html-table-append-row! test-table "Row 3") 3)
(string=? (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 2 0) "Row 3")
(not (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 1 1)) ;; simple negative test
(not (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table -1 0)) ;; simple negative test
(gnc:html-table-set-cell! test-table 2 1 "Row 3 Col 1")
(string=? (car (gnc:html-table-cell-data (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 2 1))) "Row 3 Col 1")
(gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! test-table) ;; -> (("Row 2") ("Row 1"))
(not (gnc:html-table-append-column! test-table '("Col A" "Col B" "Col C"))) ;; -> (("Col C") ("Row 2" "Col B") ("Row 1" "Col A"))
(string=? (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 0 0) "Row 1")
(string=? (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 1 0) "Row 2")
;;(string=? (gnc:html-table-get-cell test-table 2 0) "Col C") ;; -> error: "Value out of range"
;; Bug: the row counter has not been adjusted, should be three
(string=? (string-concatenate (gnc:html-document-tree-collapse (gnc:html-table-render test-table test-doc)))
"<table><caption><boolean> #t</caption>\n<tbody><tr><td><string> Row 1</td>\n<td><string> Col A</td>\n</tr>\n<tr><td><string> Row 2</td>\n<td><string> Col B</td>\n</tr>\n<tr><td><string> Col C</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n")