[html-table] dedupe & compact html-table column prepend/append

* dedupe gnc:html-table-append-column! and gnc:html-table-prepend-column!
* create internal fn to drive modifiers
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Lam 2019-10-10 20:30:51 +08:00
parent fc3a740c84
commit cbd8649183

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@ -406,77 +406,34 @@
(gnc:html-table-set-cell-datum! table row col tc)))
(define (gnc:html-table-append-column! table newcol)
;; append the elements of newcol to each of the existing rows,
;; widening to width-to-make if necessary
(define (append-to-element newcol existing-data length-to-append colnum)
(if (= length-to-append 0)
(cons '() newcol)
(let ((result (append-to-element
(cdr newcol) (cdr existing-data) (1- length-to-append)
(cons (cons (list-set-safe! (car existing-data) colnum (car newcol))
(car result))
(cdr result)))))
(let* ((old-data (reverse (gnc:html-table-data table)))
(old-numrows (length old-data))
(old-numcols (apply max (cons 0 (map length old-data))))
(new-numrows (length newcol)))
(if (<= new-numrows old-numrows)
(reverse (car (append-to-element newcol old-data new-numrows old-numcols))))
(let ((res (append-to-element newcol old-data old-numrows old-numcols)))
;; Invariant maintained - table data in reverse order
(gnc:html-table-set-data! table (reverse (car res)))
(lambda (element)
table (list-set-safe! '() old-numcols element)))
(cdr res))))))
(define width (apply max (cons 0 (map length (gnc:html-table-data table)))))
(table-column-driver table newcol (lambda (a b) (list-set-safe! b width a))))
(define (gnc:html-table-prepend-column! table newcol)
;; returns a pair, the car of which is the prepending of newcol
;; and existing-data, and the cdr is the remaining elements of newcol
(define (prepend-to-element newcol existing-data length-to-append)
(if (= length-to-append 0)
(cons '() newcol)
((current-new (car newcol))
(current-existing (car existing-data))
(rest-new (cdr newcol))
(rest-existing (cdr existing-data))
(rest-result (prepend-to-element rest-new rest-existing
(- length-to-append 1))))
(cons (cons current-new current-existing) (car rest-result))
(cdr rest-result)))))
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-table-prepend-column! is unused.")
(let* ((existing-data (reverse (gnc:html-table-data table)))
(existing-length (length existing-data))
(newcol-length (length newcol)))
(if (<= newcol-length existing-length)
(reverse (car (prepend-to-element
(let* ((temp-result (prepend-to-element
(joined-table-data (car temp-result))
(remaining-elements (cdr temp-result)))
;; Invariant maintained - table data in reverse order
(gnc:html-table-set-data! table (reverse joined-table-data))
(lambda (element)
(gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list element)))
(table-column-driver table newcol cons))
;; this is a helper function for gnc:html-table-append-column! and
;; gnc:html-table-prepend-column! use only
(define (table-column-driver table newcol add-fn)
(let lp ((newcol newcol)
(olddata (reverse (gnc:html-table-data table)))
(res '())
(numrows 0))
((null? newcol)
(gnc:html-table-set-num-rows-internal! table numrows)
(gnc:html-table-set-data! table res))
((null? olddata)
(lp (cdr newcol)
(cons (add-fn (car newcol) '()) res)
(1+ numrows)))
(lp (cdr newcol)
(cdr olddata)
(cons (add-fn (car newcol) (car olddata)) res)
(1+ numrows))))))
(define (gnc:html-table-render table doc)
(let* ((retval '())