A few updates to the guile hacking document

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Geert Janssens 2018-08-08 15:58:38 +02:00
parent d69d1f6a32
commit de2a1e9e67

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@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ either end. Guile supports a superset of R4RS (the Scheme standard).
For initial experimentation, you can use Guile as an interactive Scheme
shell to play around with the system.
SLIB is a library for Scheme implementations (including guile)
that implements a large collection of useful data structures
and algorithms.
FIXME: Starting gnucash as a guile shell. ..
While the Guile documentation (in info format) explains
@ -50,18 +46,6 @@ FAQs, online copies of the Scheme standard (which is actually
quite readable and useful), and pointers to web tutorials
and other resources.
Note: gwrap has been replaced by swig and dropped completely in
SVN-trunk on 2006-10-20 and for gnucash-2.2.0.
(Old info: g-wrap is the tool used to automate the wrapping of C
functions to make them callable from the guile code. g-wrap is
now maintained by Rob Browning and is available from
ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap )
Garbage collection:
@ -97,14 +81,10 @@ use it.
The moral of this story is that if you need to have the C side ferret
away a scheme item for later, you must also keep at least one
reference to that item on the guile side until the C side is finished
with it. I believe that the guile people have recently come up with a
nice general solution to this problem, but until that's generally
available, there are a number of ways you can solve this.
If nothing else, you can just create a global hash on the guile side,
place the object in question in the hash table, and then have the
C-side delete that item from the hash when it's finished with it.
with it.
You can protect an object using scm_gc_protect_object. When you're done
with it you can release it using scm_gc_unprotect_object.
Guile Interrupts: