mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 21:19:16 -06:00
Remove scm cruft.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk@5358 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ gnc_regular_scm_files = \
structure.scm \
substring-search.scm \
testbed.scm \
text-export.scm \
tip-list.scm \
tip-of-the-day.scm \
utilities.scm \
@ -63,33 +63,6 @@
(require 'format)
(define simple-format format)))
(define (build-path firstelement . restofpath)
(define separator "/")
(define (bp first rest)
(if (null? rest)
(string-append first separator (car rest))
(cdr rest))))
(if (null? restofpath)
(string-append firstelement separator
(car restofpath))
(cdr restofpath))))
;; In pre 1.3 guile's you have to do this manually, unless you call
;; scm_shell, which we can't.
(if (or (string=? (version) "1.2")
(string=? (version) "1.3a"))
(let ((boot-file (if (assoc 'prefix %guile-build-info)
(string-append (cdr (assoc 'prefix %guile-build-info))
(primitive-load boot-file)))
;; Automatically generated defaults
(define gnc:_config-dir-default_ "@-GNC_CONFIGDIR-@")
(define gnc:_share-dir-default_ "@-GNC_SHAREDIR-@")
@ -171,6 +144,21 @@
;;; Set up gnc:load.
(define (build-path firstelement . restofpath)
(define separator "/")
(define (bp first rest)
(if (null? rest)
(string-append first separator (car rest))
(cdr rest))))
(if (null? restofpath)
(string-append firstelement separator
(car restofpath))
(cdr restofpath))))
(define (gnc:find-in-directories file directories)
"Find file named 'file' anywhere in 'directories'. 'file' must be a
string and 'directories' must be a list of strings."
@ -182,7 +170,7 @@ string and 'directories' must be a list of strings."
(result #f))
((or (null? rest) finished?) result)
(let ((file-name (string-append (car rest) "/" file)))
(let ((file-name (build-path (car rest) file)))
(gnc:debug " checking for " file-name)
(if (access? file-name F_OK)
@ -190,33 +178,6 @@ string and 'directories' must be a list of strings."
(set! finished? #t)
(set! result file-name))))))
; (define (gnc:load name)
; "Name must be a string. The system attempts to locate the file of
; the given name and load it. The system will attempt to locate the
; file in all of the directories specified by gnc:*load-path*."
; (define (make-thunk file-name)
; (lambda () (primitive-load file-name) #t))
; (define (handler key . args)
; (apply display-error #f (current-error-port) args)
; #f)
; (let* ((path (if (list? gnc:*load-path*)
; gnc:*load-path*
; (gnc:config-var-value-get gnc:*load-path*)))
; (file-name (gnc:find-in-directories name path)))
; (if (not file-name)
; #f
; (if
; (catch #t (make-thunk file-name) handler)
; (begin
; (gnc:debug "loaded file " file-name)
; #t)
; (begin
; (gnc:warn "failure loading " file-name)
; #f)))))
(define (gnc:load name)
"Name must be a string. The system attempts to locate the file of
the given name and load it. The system will attempt to locate the
@ -230,7 +191,7 @@ file in all of the directories specified by gnc:*load-path*."
(primitive-load file-name))))
(define (gnc:_expand-load-path_ new-path)
(define (gnc:expand-load-path new-path)
(let ((load-path-interpret
(lambda (item)
(cond ((string? item) (list item))
@ -258,4 +219,4 @@ file in all of the directories specified by gnc:*load-path*."
load-path-override (lambda (p) (read p)))
(set! gnc:*load-path* (gnc:_expand-load-path_ new-path)))
(set! gnc:*load-path* (gnc:expand-load-path new-path)))
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
(gnc:depend "command-line.scm")
(gnc:depend "doc.scm")
(gnc:depend "extensions.scm")
(gnc:depend "text-export.scm")
(gnc:depend "main-window.scm")
(gnc:depend "commodity-import.scm")
(gnc:depend "printing/print-check.scm")
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ Each element must be a string representing a directory or a symbol
where 'default expands to the default path, and 'current expands to
the current value of the path.")
(lambda (var value)
(let ((result (gnc:_expand-load-path_ value)))
(let ((result (gnc:expand-load-path value)))
(if (list? result)
(list result)
@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
;; text-export.scm
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA gnu@gnu.org
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(gnc:support "text-export.scm")
(require 'pretty-print)
;; Eventually I think we should have a centralized description of what
;; all the data structs are and what's in them. This would allow us
;; to automate the read/write procedure and make sure we don't get
;; skew. For example, we should be able to say (something more
;; sophisticated than this):
;; (define-data-contents "split"
;; ("memo" 'string gnc:split-get-memo gnc:split-set-memo)
;; ("share-amount" 'number d-gnc:split-get-share-amount ...)
;; ...)
;; and then autogenerate the input and output forms or something...
;; For now, we just hard-code everything...
;;; public bits
;;; Probably some of the other bits should be public, but we can add
;;; those once we decide...
(define gnc:account-group-write #f)
(define gnc:main-win-account-group-write #f)
;; Private scope for local-only bits...
(let ()
(define (write-data form . port)
;;(apply pretty-print form port))
(apply write form port))
(define (engine-date->editable-date engine-date)
(list (strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" (localtime (car engine-date)))
(cdr engine-date)))
(define (gnc:account-get-id account)
;; FIXME: dummy func to be used until I fix up the rest of this code.
(define (gnc:account-get-acc-info account)
;; FIXME: dummy func to be used until I fix up the rest of this code.
(define (gnc:cast-to-inv-acct account)
;; FIXME: dummy func to be used until I fix up the rest of this code.
(define (gnc:inv-acct-get-price-src account)
;; FIXME: dummy func to be used until I fix up the rest of this code.
(define (generate-account-chart group)
;; This should generate a form describing the hierarchical
;; structure of the accounts in the group. It is only intended to
;; convey the overal hierarchy, not the account information. As
;; such, it only contains the account name, the engine integer ID,
;; and the account guid.
(define (handle-account account)
(let ((name (gnc:account-get-name account))
(id (gnc:account-get-id account)))
(list id name
(gnc:account-get-children account)))))
(cons 'chart-of-accounts
(gnc:group-map-all-accounts handle-account group)))
(define (split->output-form split)
;; An alist for the split whose value is an alist for the data.
(list 'guid (gnc:split-get-guid split))
(list 'memo (gnc:split-get-memo split))
(list 'action (gnc:split-get-action split))
(list 'reconcile-state (gnc:split-get-reconcile-state split))
(list 'reconciled-date
(engine-date->editable-date (gnc:split-get-reconciled-date split)))
(list 'share-amount (d-gnc:split-get-share-amount split))
(list 'share-price (d-gnc:split-get-share-price split))
(list 'account
(let ((xfer-account (gnc:split-get-account split))
(xfer-account-id #f))
(if xfer-account
(set! xfer-account-id (gnc:account-get-id xfer-account)))
(define (txn->output-form transaction)
(list 'guid (gnc:transaction-get-guid transaction))
(list 'num (gnc:transaction-get-num transaction))
(list 'date-posted
(gnc:transaction-get-date-posted transaction)))
(list 'date-entered
(gnc:transaction-get-date-entered transaction)))
(list 'description (gnc:transaction-get-description transaction))
(cons 'splits
(gnc:transaction-map-splits split->output-form transaction))))
(define (account-info->output-form a)
(let* ((accinfo (gnc:account-get-acc-info a))
(invacct (gnc:cast-to-inv-acct accinfo)))
(if invacct
(gnc:inv-acct-get-price-src invacct)
(define (account->output-form a)
(list 'guid (gnc:account-get-guid a))
(list 'name (gnc:account-get-name a))
(list 'type (gnc:account-get-type-string a))
(list 'code (gnc:account-get-code a))
(list 'description (gnc:account-get-description a))
(list 'notes (gnc:account-get-notes a))
(list 'commodity (gnc:account-get-commodity a))
(list 'price-source (account-info->output-form a))))
(define (account-txns-write account . port)
(lambda (t)
(apply newline port)
(apply newline port)
(apply write-data (txn->output-form t) port)
;;; Public bits.
(define (account-group-write account-group . port)
;; So we don't have to use apply everywhere...
(if (null? port)
(set! port (current-output-port))
(set! port (car port)))
;; Export format meta-info: version, etc.
(display "\
;;; Welcome to the GnuCash text storage format. This file is
;;; comprised of three sections.
;;; The first section is the chart of accounts. Here the overall
;;; hierarchy of your accounts is recorded. You may rearrange this
;;; hierarchy, but please don't edit any of the per-account
;;; information, unless you're just changing the name to match changes
;;; in the corresponding account information section.
;;; The second section contains all of the account information. This
;;; is a sequence of forms describing each of the accounts given IDs
;;; in the chart of accounts.
;;; The final section contains all of your transactions as a sequence
;;; of forms.
;;; General notes:
;;; Dates are represented as lists of two elements: (seconds
;;; nanoseconds) where seconds is a localized date string and
;;; nanoseconds is an integer. For example:
;;; (\"Sat, 25 Oct 1997 11:00:00 +0500\" 0))
" port)
(write-data '(gnucash-data-file-version 2) port)
(newline port)
(display "\n;;; Chart of accounts (account hierarchy)." port)
(display "\n;;; Each account is listed as (id name children)," port)
(display "\n;;; and changes to the names here are ignored." port)
(display "\n;;; Change the names in the account info section" port)
(display " below." port)
(newline port)
(write-data (generate-account-chart account-group) port)
(newline port)
(display "\n;;; Account information.\n" port)
(lambda (account)
(newline port)
(write-data account port))
(gnc:group-map-all-accounts account->output-form account-group))
(display "\n\n;;; Transactions\n\n" port)
;; Now print all the transactions
(gnc:group-begin-staged-transaction-traversals account-group)
;; (lambda (account)
;; (newline port)
;; (account-txns-write account port))
;; account-group)
(lambda (account)
(newline port)
(account-txns-write account port))
(define (main-win-account-group-write win)
(let ((account-group (gnc:get-current-group)))
(if (not account-group)
(gnc:error-dialog "No account group available for text export.")
(gnc:account-group-write account-group))))
(set! gnc:account-group-write account-group-write)
(set! gnc:main-win-account-group-write main-win-account-group-write))
;;;; Import code
;; NOTE: This is possibly all wrong right now. I think I'd like a
;; more modular restricted parser that all this should be based on,
;; but I wanted to get something up and running quickly, so I've
;; hard-coded things here. The future implementation should allow you
;; to do things like this:
;; (gnc:rxp-add-token parser '+ add-safely)
;; but that'll have to wait for a bit.
;; Also, the error checking and diagnostic output needs to be
;; improved. It's fairly primitive now, but we'll fix it up over
;; time.
;; Right now, the error handling convention is that every function
;; takes a "status" hash-table argument that will be modified to
;; reflect any errors. Most of the time, when there's an error, this
;; hash will only contain a single string associated with the key
;; 'message. Using a modifiable argument is done so that the return
;; semantics of returning #f on failure can be preserved. This makes
;; the code cleaner, even if it's a less functional style. If someone
;; has a better alternative, I'd be happy to entertain it.
(define gnc:account-group-import-from-text-file #f)
(let ()
(define (msg-str . args)
(lambda (port)
(for-each (lambda (x)
((string? x) (display x port))
((and (list? x) (eq? (car x) 'w)) (write x port))
((and (list? x) (eq? (car x) 'd)) (display x port))))))))
(define (expect-file-version! form result-data)
;; returns (cons #t version) on success, or (cons #f message) on
;; failure. On success also sets value for 'version in
;; result-data hash to be the version number.
((not (and (list? form)
(= (length form) 2)
(eq? (car form) 'gnucash-data-file-version)
(integer? (cadr form))))
(cons #f
(msg-str "expected (gnucash-data-file-version N), got: "
`(w ,form))))
(hashq-set! result-data 'version (cadr form))
(cons #t (cadr form)))))
(define (handle-chart-of-accounts! form data)
;; Returns (cons #t chart) on success, or (cons #f message) on
;; failure.
(define (valid-chart-member? member)
(and (list? member)
(= (length member) 3)
(integer? (first member))
(string? (second member))
(every valid-chart-member? (third member))))
(define (valid-chart-contents? contents)
(or (null? contents)
(and (list? contents)
(every valid-chart-member? contents))))
((and (list? form)
(>= (length form) 1)
(eq? (car form) 'chart-of-accounts)
(valid-chart-contents? (cdr form)))
(hashq-set! data 'chart-of-accounts (cdr form))
(cons #t (cdr form)))
(cons #f (msg-str "bad chart of accounts: " `(w ,form))))))
(define (handle-1-arg-form form arg-type? type-name hash hash-id)
;; By this point, we know that the form is a pair and that the
;; first element is the correct symbol, but we have to check
;; everything else.
;; This function returns (cons #t '()) on success, and (cons #f
;; msg) otherwise.
((not (and (list? form) (= (length form) 2)))
(cons #f (msg-str "expected field with one argument, got: "
`(w ,form))))
((not (arg-type? (cadr form)))
(cons #f (msg-str "expected field arg of type " type-name ", got: "
`(w ,form))))
(let ((old-key-val (hashq-get-handle hash hash-id)))
(if old-key-val
(cons #f (msg-str "duplicate "
hash-id " field in account form: "
`(w ,form)))
(hashq-set! hash hash-id (cadr form))
(cons #t '())))))))
(define (handle-account! form)
;; At this point we know that form is at least a pair, and the
;; first element is 'account, but that's it.
;; If everything checks out, returns (#t account-info), otherwise
;; returns (cons #f error-description-string). If returned,
;; account-info will be a hash containing the relevant account
;; data, but no checking is done here for deeper semantic issues.
;; Note too, that invalid account forms will cause this function
;; to fail. That includes duplicate or missing fields.
;; For now, all the account fields are required, but the order is
;; irrelevant.
(let ((acc-info (make-hash-table 7)))
(define (handle-account-field field-form)
;; This is going to be called by "any", so it must return #f
;; on success.
((not (and (list? field-form)
(>= (length field-form) 1)
(symbol? (car field-form))))
(cons #f (msg-str "bad field in account form: " `(w field-form))))
(let* ((id (car field-form))
(case id
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
integer? "integer" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
string? "string" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
char? "character" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
symbol? "symbol" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
string? "string" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
string? "string" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
string? "string" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
string? "string" acc-info id))
(handle-1-arg-form field-form
(lambda (v)
(or (not v)
(integer? v)))
"integer or #f" acc-info id))
(cons #f
(msg-str "unknown field name in account form:"
`(w ,field-form)))))))
(if (car result)
((not (list? form))
(cons #f (msg-str "bad account form; not a list: " `(w ,form))))
((= (length form) 11)
(cons #f (msg-str "bad account form; wrong number of elements: "
`(w ,form))))
(let ((result (any handle-account-field (cdr form))))
(if (not result)
(let ((prev-accounts
(let ((v (hashq-ref acc-info "accounts")))
(or v '()))))
;; parsing went OK, so use the results.
(hashq-set! acc-info "accounts" (cons acc-info prev-accounts))
(cons #t acc-info))
;; Failure. result should be of the form (cons #f err-msg)
(define (handle-transaction! form data)
;;; FIXME: this setup allows multiple charts of accounts, and
;;; doesn't yet require one.
(define (parse-remainder! port data)
(let loop ((next-form (read port)))
(if (eof-object? next-form)
#t ; There don't have to be any...
(and (list? next-form)
(symbol? (car next-form))
(case (car next-form)
(handle-chart-of-accounts! next-form data))
(handle-account! next-form data))
(handle-transaction! next-form data))
(display "Bad. Bad. Bad.\n")
(loop (read port))))))
(define (data->account-group data)
(display "XXX: ")
(display data)
(display "XXX: ") (display 'version) (display " ")
(display ((record-accessor import-data-type 'version) data))
(cons #t #f))
(define (port->account-group port)
;; This function returns (cons #f message) on failure, and (cons
;; #t AccountGroup*) on success.
(let ((data (make-hash-table 7))
(result '(#t)))
;; This should be restructured so that the parser is determined
;; once we know the version...
(begin (set! result (expect-file-version! (read-port) data))
(car result))
(begin (set! result (parse-remainder! (read-port) data))
(car result))
(begin (set! result (deeper-issues-ok? data))
(car result))
(begin (set! result (data->account-group data))
(car result)))
(define (import-from-file filename)
(call-with-input-file filename port->account-group))
(set! gnc:account-group-import-from-text-file import-from-file))
; (let loop ((next-form (read port))
; (data-file-version #f))
; (if (not (eof-object? next-form))
; (begin
; (display "XXX: ")
; (display next-form)
; (newline)
; (loop (read port))))))
@ -57,83 +57,6 @@
(for-each handle-item lst)
(define (directory? path)
;; This follows symlinks normally.
(let* ((status (false-if-exception (stat path)))
(type (if status (stat:type status) #f)))
(eq? type 'directory)))
(define (gnc:directory-subdirectories dir-name)
;; Return a recursive list of the subdirs of dir-name, including
;; dir-name. Follow symlinks.
(let ((dir-port (opendir dir-name)))
(if (not dir-port)
(do ((item (readdir dir-port) (readdir dir-port))
(dirs '()))
((eof-object? item) (reverse dirs))
(if (not (or (string=? item ".")
(string=? item "..")))
(let* ((full-path (build-path dir-name item)))
;; ignore symlinks, etc.
(if (access? full-path F_OK)
(let* ((status (lstat full-path))
(type (if status (stat:type status) #f)))
(if (and (eq? type 'directory))
(set! dirs
(cons full-path
(gnc:directory-subdirectories full-path)
(define (gnc:find-in-directories file directories)
"Find file named 'file' anywhere in 'directories'. 'file' must be a
string and 'directories' must be a list of strings."
(gnc:debug "gnc:find-in-directories looking for " file " in " directories)
(do ((rest directories (cdr rest))
(finished? #f)
(result #f))
((or (null? rest) finished?) result)
(let ((file-name (build-path (car rest) file)))
(gnc:debug " checking for " file-name)
(if (access? file-name F_OK)
(gnc:debug "found file " file-name)
(set! finished? #t)
(set! result file-name))))))
(define (filteroutnulls lst)
(filter values lst))
(define (flatten tree)
;; This leaves nothing pending on the stack, and doesn't build
;; intermediate results that it throws away.
(define (flatten-element elt)
(if (list? elt)
(flatten-a-list elt)
(set! result (cons elt result))))
(define (flatten-a-list lst)
(for-each flatten-element lst))
(if (list? tree)
(flatten-a-list tree)
(reverse! result))
(define (striptrailingwhitespace line)
(substring line 0 (let loop ((pos (- (string-length line) 1)))
(if (negative? pos)
(let ((candidate (string-ref line pos)))
(if (char-whitespace? candidate)
(loop (- pos 1))
(+ pos 1)))))))
(define (string-join lst joinstr)
;; This should avoid a bunch of unnecessary intermediate string-appends.
;; I'm presuming those are more expensive than cons...
Reference in New Issue
Block a user