Add some variants of "due" and "stock" to the glossary source

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Frank H. Ellenberger 2021-12-05 20:02:48 +01:00
parent d3de139f4c
commit f0a7fb8815

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
"action: withdraw" "-"
"aging" "As in: payable aging, or: receivable aging. The aging report categorizes payables or receivables based on time buckets. This gives an overview of which bills or invoices are overdue at which time in the future. "
"amount" "A sum of money"
"amount due" "The amount finally to pay, respecting discounts, billing terms…"
"average" "The result of adding several amounts together and then dividing this total by the number of amounts"
"balance (noun)" "The amount of money that is in one's account"
"balance b/f" "Balance brought forward - usually the first entry of an account statement containing the 'balance c/f' of the previous billing period or page"
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@
"discount" "Reductions to a basic price of goods or services. Your language might distinguish between discounts dealing with payments (billing terms) and others (invoice)."
"double entry" "Important Buzzword :)"
"document link" "Transactions or bills/invoices can contain a document link which links either to some file on the local disk or to some arbitrary URL."
"due date" "The last day to pay an invoice in time."
"email" "Electronic mail. Some languages allow different writings, but each team should use only one."
"employee" "a person who works for somebody or a company in return for wages"
"equity" "1. The money value of a property after all charges on it have been paid. Equity isn't debt, it's a representation of long-term capital (So combining it with liability isn't really very meaningful, except in the balance sheet. 2. (a) The value of the shares issued by a company. (b) Ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest."
@ -178,6 +180,8 @@
"shares" "Any of the equal parts into which the money of a business company is divided, giving the holder a right to a portion of the profits"
"source" "(often: of a quote) A place from which something comes or is obtained."
"split" "One of the two or several parts a transaction is divided into"
"stocks" "Alias of 'shares'"
"stock split" "Sometimes one old share gets replaced by multiple new like 1 OLD @100¤ by 2 NEW @50¤"
"style sheet" "This sets the particular design or shape of a report."
"subtotal" "The total of a set of figures that are part of a larger group of figures"
"tax code" "On the government's tax forms, the tax code identifies the given line or place on the form where certain amounts must be specified according to the current country's legislation"