GSettings Upgrade - add code to migrate settings

The rules for migration are read from an xml file. This file was
prepared in a previous commit. Future settings 'data model' changes can
reuse this code by simply adding migration rules in the xml file.

This replaces the hardcoded rules that were currently in place to
migrate a few settings from 2.6 and older to 3.0. These rules are no
longer meaningful as we require users to migrate from one major release
series to the immediate next one. So by the time the new migration rules
in this commit are applied by users they should already have run gnucash
3.x at least once. That run should have taken care of the pre-3.0
migration actions.
This commit is contained in:
Geert Janssens 2021-09-21 16:50:22 +02:00
parent b3daeecb85
commit f1802b6fdf

View File

@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ extern "C" {
#include "gnc-prefs-p.h"
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace bpt = boost::property_tree;
#define GSET_SCHEMA_PREFIX "org.gnucash.GnuCash"
#define GSET_SCHEMA_OLD_PREFIX "org.gnucash"
#define CLIENT_TAG "%s-%s-client"
@ -623,25 +630,167 @@ void gnc_gsettings_load_backend (void)
LEAVE("Prefsbackend bind = %p", prefsbackend->bind);
static GVariant *
gnc_gsettings_get_user_value (const gchar *schema,
const gchar *key)
GSettings *settings_ptr = gnc_gsettings_get_settings_ptr (schema);
g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_SETTINGS (settings_ptr), NULL);
if (gnc_gsettings_is_valid_key (settings_ptr, key))
return g_settings_get_user_value (settings_ptr, key);
PERR ("Invalid key %s for schema %s", key, schema);
return NULL;
static void
migrate_one_key (const std::string &oldpath, const std::string &oldkey,
const std::string &newpath, const std::string &newkey)
PINFO ("Migrating '%s:%s' to '%s:%s'", oldpath.c_str(), oldkey.c_str(),
newpath.c_str(), newkey.c_str());
auto user_value = gnc_gsettings_get_user_value (,;
if (user_value)
gnc_gsettings_set_value (,, user_value);
static void
migrate_one_node (bpt::ptree &pt)
/* loop over top-level property tree */
std::for_each (pt.begin(), pt.end(),
[] (std::pair<bpt::ptree::key_type, bpt::ptree> node)
if (node.first == "<xmlattr>")
if (node.first != "migrate")
DEBUG ("Skipping non-<migrate> node <%s>", node.first.c_str());
auto oldpath = node.second.get_optional<std::string> ("<xmlattr>.old-path");
auto oldkey = node.second.get_optional<std::string> ("<xmlattr>.old-key");
auto newpath = node.second.get_optional<std::string> ("<xmlattr>.new-path");
auto newkey = node.second.get_optional<std::string> ("<xmlattr>.new-key");
if (!oldpath || !oldkey || !newpath || !newkey)
DEBUG ("Skipping migration node - missing attribute (old-path, old-key, new-path or new-key)");
migrate_one_key (*oldpath, *oldkey, *newpath, *newkey);
static void
migrate_settings (int old_maj_min)
bpt::ptree pt;
auto pkg_data_dir = gnc_path_get_pkgdatadir();
auto migrate_file = std::string (pkg_data_dir) + "/migratable-prefs.xml";
g_free (pkg_data_dir);
std::ifstream migrate_stream {migrate_file};
if (!migrate_stream.is_open())
PWARN("Failed to load settings migration file '%s'", migrate_file.c_str());
bpt::read_xml (migrate_stream, pt);
catch (bpt::xml_parser_error &e) {
PWARN ("Failed to parse GnuCash settings migration file.\n");
PWARN ("Error message:\n");
PWARN ("%s\n", e.what());
catch (...) {
PWARN ("Unknown error while parsing GnuCash settings migration file.\n");
/* loop over top-level property tree */
std::for_each (pt.begin(), pt.end(),
[&old_maj_min] (std::pair<bpt::ptree::key_type, bpt::ptree> node)
if (node.first != "release")
DEBUG ("Skipping non-<release> node <%s>", node.first.c_str());
auto version = node.second.get_optional<int> ("<xmlattr>.version");
if (!version)
DEBUG ("Skipping <release> node - no version attribute found");
if (*version <= old_maj_min)
DEBUG ("Skipping <release> node - version %i is less than current compatibility level %i", *version, old_maj_min);
DEBUG ("Retrieved version value '%i'", *version);
migrate_one_node (node.second);
void gnc_gsettings_version_upgrade (void)
/* Use versioning to ensure this routine will only sync once for each
* superseded setting */
int old_maj_min = gnc_gsettings_get_int (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION);
* superseded setting
* At first run of GnuCash 4.7 or more recent *all* settings will be migrated
* from prefix org.gnucash to org.gnucash.GnuCash, including our GNC_PREF_VERSION setting.
* As the logic to determine whether or not to upgrade depends on it we have to do
* some extra tests to figure when exactly to start doing migrations.
* - if GNC_PREF_VERSION is not set under old nor new prefix, that means
* gnucash has never run before on this system = no migration necessary
* - if GNC_PREF_VERSION is set under old prefix, but not new prefix
* => full migration from old to new prefix should still be run
* - if GNC_PREF_VERSION is set under both prefixes
* => ignore old prefix and use new prefix result to determine which
* migrations would still be needed.
ENTER("Start of settings migration routine.");
/* Convert settings to 3.0 compatibility level */
if (old_maj_min < 207)
auto ogG_maj_min = gnc_gsettings_get_user_value (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION);
auto og_maj_min = gnc_gsettings_get_user_value (GSET_SCHEMA_OLD_PREFIX "." GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION);
if (!ogG_maj_min && !og_maj_min)
/* 'use-theme-colors' has been replaced with 'use-gnucash-color-theme'
* which inverts the meaning of the setting */
gboolean old_color_theme = gnc_gsettings_get_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL_REGISTER, GNC_PREF_USE_THEME_COLORS);
gnc_gsettings_set_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL_REGISTER, GNC_PREF_USE_GNUCASH_COLOR_THEME, !old_color_theme);
auto old_maj_min = 0;
if (!ogG_maj_min)
old_maj_min = gnc_gsettings_get_int (GSET_SCHEMA_OLD_PREFIX "." GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION);
g_variant_unref (ogG_maj_min);
old_maj_min = gnc_gsettings_get_int (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION);
g_variant_unref (og_maj_min);
PINFO ("Previous setting compatibility level: %i", old_maj_min);
migrate_settings (old_maj_min);
/* Only write current version if it's more recent than what was set */
if (cur_maj_min > old_maj_min)
gnc_gsettings_set_int (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_VERSION, cur_maj_min);