mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Merge branch 'TXN_TYPE-is-dynamic' xaccTransGetTxnType into maint #1201
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,15 +112,6 @@ class TestTransaction(TransactionSession):
self.assertEqual( None, self.trans.GetReadOnly() )
def test_txntype(self):
self.assertEqual( '\x00', self.trans.GetTxnType() )
TYPE = 'I'
self.assertEqual( TYPE, self.trans.GetTxnType() )
TYPE = 'P'
self.assertEqual( TYPE, self.trans.GetTxnType() )
def test_num(self):
NUM = '5'
self.assertEqual( '', self.trans.GetNum() )
@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ gnc_transaction_init(Transaction* trans)
trans->notes = (char*) is_unset;
trans->doclink = (char*) is_unset;
trans->void_reason = (char*) is_unset;
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_UNCACHED;
LEAVE (" ");
@ -1705,6 +1706,7 @@ xaccTransCommitEdit (Transaction *trans)
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_UNCACHED;
(void (*) (QofInstance *, QofBackendError))
@ -2551,22 +2553,43 @@ xaccTransRetDateDue(const Transaction *trans)
xaccTransGetTxnType (const Transaction *trans)
xaccTransGetTxnType (Transaction *trans)
const char *s = NULL;
GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
char ret = TXN_TYPE_NONE;
gboolean has_nonAPAR_amount = FALSE;
if (!trans) return TXN_TYPE_NONE;
qof_instance_get_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (trans), &v, 1, TRANS_TXN_TYPE_KVP);
if (trans->txn_type != TXN_TYPE_UNCACHED)
return trans->txn_type;
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_NONE;
for (GList *n = xaccTransGetSplitList (trans); n; n = g_list_next (n))
s = g_value_get_string (&v);
if (s && strlen (s) == 1)
ret = s[0];
Account *acc = xaccSplitGetAccount (n->data);
if (!acc)
if (!xaccAccountIsAPARType (xaccAccountGetType (acc)) &&
!gnc_numeric_zero_p (xaccSplitGetValue (n->data)))
has_nonAPAR_amount = TRUE;
else if (trans->txn_type == TXN_TYPE_NONE)
GNCLot *lot = xaccSplitGetLot (n->data);
GncInvoice *invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot);
GncOwner owner;
if (invoice && trans == gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (invoice))
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_INVOICE;
else if (invoice || gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot (lot, &owner))
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT;
g_value_unset (&v);
return ret;
if (!has_nonAPAR_amount && (trans->txn_type == TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT))
trans->txn_type = TXN_TYPE_LINK;
return trans->txn_type;
const char *
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ GType gnc_transaction_get_type(void);
/** @name Transaction Type field values
#define TXN_TYPE_UNCACHED '?' /** Transaction type not yet cached */
#define TXN_TYPE_NONE '\0' /**< No transaction type */
#define TXN_TYPE_INVOICE 'I' /**< Transaction is an invoice */
#define TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT 'P' /**< Transaction is a payment */
@ -302,14 +303,21 @@ gboolean xaccTransUseTradingAccounts(const Transaction *trans);
void xaccTransSortSplits (Transaction *trans);
/** Set the Transaction Type
/** Set the Transaction Type: note the type will be saved into the
* Transaction kvp property as a backward compatibility measure, for
* previous GnuCash versions whose xaccTransGetTxnType reads from the
* kvp slots.
void xaccTransSetTxnType (Transaction *trans, char type);
/** Returns the Transaction Type
/** Returns the Transaction Type: note this type will be derived from
* the transaction splits, returning #TXN_TYPE_NONE,
* to heuristics. It does not query the transaction kvp slots.
char xaccTransGetTxnType (const Transaction *trans);
char xaccTransGetTxnType (Transaction *trans);
/** Sets the transaction Number (or ID) field; rather than use this function
* directly, see 'gnc_set_num_action' in engine/engine-helpers.c & .h which
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ struct transaction_s
char * void_reason;
char * notes;
char txn_type;
/* Cached bool value to indicate whether this is a closing txn. This is
* cached from the KVP value because it is queried a lot. Tri-state value: -1
* = uninitialized; 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE. */
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <qof.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
#include "../gncInvoice.h"
#include "../Transaction.h"
static const gchar *suitename = "/engine/gncInvoice";
void test_suite_gncInvoice ( void );
@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ typedef struct
gnc_commodity *commodity;
GncInvoice* invoice;
GncInvoice* invoice2;
Transaction *trans;
Transaction *trans2;
} Fixture;
static void
@ -66,16 +69,20 @@ setup( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
if (data->is_cust_doc)
xaccAccountSetType (fixture->account2, ACCT_TYPE_RECEIVABLE);
fixture->customer = gncCustomerCreate(fixture->book);
gncOwnerInitCustomer(&fixture->owner, fixture->customer);
xaccAccountSetType (fixture->account2, ACCT_TYPE_PAYABLE);
fixture->vendor = gncVendorCreate(fixture->book);
gncOwnerInitVendor(&fixture->owner, fixture->vendor);
fixture->invoice = gncInvoiceCreate(fixture->book);
fixture->invoice2 = NULL;
fixture->trans2 = NULL;
static void
@ -143,12 +150,137 @@ setup_with_invoice( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
fixture->trans = gncInvoicePostToAccount(fixture->invoice, fixture->account2, ts1, ts2, "memo", TRUE, FALSE);
static void
setup_with_invoice_and_payment (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *split;
GNCLot *lot;
gnc_numeric amt = gnc_numeric_create (1000, 100);
/* 1. create invoice */
setup_with_invoice (fixture, pData);
/* 2. create payment */
fixture->trans2 = xaccMallocTransaction (fixture->book);
lot = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (fixture->invoice);
xaccTransBeginEdit (fixture->trans2);
xaccTransSetCurrency (fixture->trans2, fixture->commodity);
/* This split will balance the invoice lot */
split = xaccMallocSplit (fixture->book);
xaccSplitSetParent (split, fixture->trans2);
xaccAccountBeginEdit (fixture->account2);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split, fixture->account2);
xaccSplitSetValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amt));
xaccSplitSetAmount (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amt));
xaccSplitSetLot (split, lot);
/* bank split will balance the transaction */
split = xaccMallocSplit (fixture->book);
xaccSplitSetParent (split, fixture->trans2);
xaccAccountBeginEdit (fixture->account);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split, fixture->account);
xaccSplitSetValue (split, amt);
xaccSplitSetAmount (split, amt);
xaccTransCommitEdit (fixture->trans2);
xaccAccountCommitEdit (fixture->account);
xaccAccountCommitEdit (fixture->account2);
gncInvoiceAutoApplyPayments (fixture->invoice);
static void
setup_with_invoice_and_CN (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
const InvoiceData *data = (InvoiceData*) pData;
time64 ts1 = gnc_time(NULL);
time64 ts2 = ts1;
const char *desc = "Test description";
GncEntry *entry = NULL;
Split *split;
GNCLot *lot1, *lot2;
gnc_numeric amt = gnc_numeric_create (1000, 100);
setup (fixture, pData);
/* 1. invoice */
fixture->invoice = gncInvoiceCreate (fixture->book);
gncInvoiceSetCurrency (fixture->invoice, fixture->commodity);
gncInvoiceSetOwner (fixture->invoice, &fixture->owner);
entry = gncEntryCreate(fixture->book);
gncEntrySetDate (entry, ts1);
gncEntrySetDateEntered (entry, ts1);
gncEntrySetDescription (entry, desc);
gncEntrySetDocQuantity (entry, amt, FALSE);
gncEntrySetBillAccount (entry, fixture->account);
gncBillAddEntry (fixture->invoice, entry);
gncInvoicePostToAccount (fixture->invoice, fixture->account2, ts1, ts2, "memo", TRUE, FALSE);
/* 2. CN */
fixture->invoice2 = gncInvoiceCreate (fixture->book);
gncInvoiceSetCurrency (fixture->invoice2, fixture->commodity);
gncInvoiceSetOwner (fixture->invoice2, &fixture->owner);
entry = gncEntryCreate(fixture->book);
gncEntrySetDate (entry, ts1);
gncEntrySetDateEntered (entry, ts1);
gncEntrySetDescription (entry, desc);
gncEntrySetDocQuantity (entry, amt, TRUE);
gncEntrySetInvAccount(entry, fixture->account);
gncInvoiceAddEntry (fixture->invoice2, entry);
gncInvoicePostToAccount (fixture->invoice2, fixture->account2, ts1, ts2, "memo", TRUE, FALSE);
/* 3. now create the LL txn linking Invoice and CN */
lot1 = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (fixture->invoice);
lot2 = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (fixture->invoice2);
fixture->trans2 = xaccMallocTransaction (fixture->book);
xaccTransBeginEdit (fixture->trans2);
xaccTransSetCurrency (fixture->trans2, fixture->commodity);
xaccAccountBeginEdit (fixture->account2);
/* This split will balance the invoice */
split = xaccMallocSplit (fixture->book);
xaccSplitSetParent (split, fixture->trans2);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split, fixture->account2);
xaccSplitSetValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amt));
xaccSplitSetAmount (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amt));
xaccSplitSetLot (split, lot1);
/* This split will balance the CN*/
split = xaccMallocSplit (fixture->book);
xaccSplitSetParent (split, fixture->trans2);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split, fixture->account2);
xaccSplitSetValue (split, amt);
xaccSplitSetAmount (split, amt);
xaccSplitSetLot (split, lot2);
xaccTransCommitEdit (fixture->trans2);
xaccAccountCommitEdit (fixture->account2);
static void
teardown_with_invoice( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
if (fixture->trans2)
xaccTransDestroy (fixture->trans2);
gncInvoiceUnpost(fixture->invoice, TRUE);
gncInvoiceRemoveEntries (fixture->invoice);
if (fixture->invoice2)
gncInvoiceUnpost(fixture->invoice2, TRUE);
gncInvoiceRemoveEntries (fixture->invoice2);
teardown(fixture, pData);
@ -230,6 +362,25 @@ test_invoice_posted_trans ( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
// Testing for TXN_TYPE_INVOICE TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT are strictly testing functions
// in Transaction.c, but require creating invoices, so, they are tested in
// this file instead.
static void
test_xaccTransGetTxnTypeInvoice (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
g_assert_cmpint (TXN_TYPE_INVOICE, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType (fixture->trans));
g_assert_cmpint (TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType (fixture->trans2));
static void
test_xaccTransGetTxnTypeLink (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
g_assert_cmpint (TXN_TYPE_LINK, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType (fixture->trans2));
test_suite_gncInvoice ( void )
@ -244,4 +395,8 @@ test_suite_gncInvoice ( void )
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "post trans - customer creditnote", Fixture, &pData, setup_with_invoice, test_invoice_posted_trans, teardown_with_invoice );
pData.is_cn = FALSE; // Customer invoice
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "post trans - customer invoice", Fixture, &pData, setup_with_invoice, test_invoice_posted_trans, teardown_with_invoice );
/* test txn type heuristics */
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "tests txntype I & P", Fixture, &pData, setup_with_invoice_and_payment, test_xaccTransGetTxnTypeInvoice, teardown_with_invoice);
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "tests txntype L", Fixture, &pData, setup_with_invoice_and_CN, test_xaccTransGetTxnTypeLink, teardown_with_invoice);
@ -1838,13 +1838,12 @@ test_xaccTransGetReadOnly (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
static void
test_xaccTransGetTxnType (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
const char i = 'I';
const char p = 'P';
// note this will only test TXN_TYPE_NONE, because TxnType is derived
// from split data. Testing for TXN_TYPE_INVOICE TXN_TYPE_PAYMENT
// will require creating invoices, so, they are tested in
// utest-Invoice.c
auto txn = fixture->txn;
xaccTransSetTxnType(txn, i);
g_assert_cmpint (i, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType(txn));
xaccTransSetTxnType(txn, p);
g_assert_cmpint (p, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType(txn));
g_assert_cmpint (TXN_TYPE_NONE, ==, xaccTransGetTxnType(txn));
/* xaccTransGetReadOnly C: 7 in 5 Local: 1:0:0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user