[options] compact valid-gains-loss-account?

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Lam 2019-03-28 11:48:41 +08:00
parent 79d72fdc33
commit faf1b08cec

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@ -1449,36 +1449,19 @@ the option '~a'."))
(currency-lookup currency))
(define (valid-gains-loss-account? book-currency gains-loss-account-guid)
;; xaccAccountLookup returns Account if guid valid otherwise NULL; also must
;; be in book-currency, income or expense, and not placeholder nor hidden
;; xaccAccountLookup returns Account if guid valid otherwise NULL; also must
;; be in book-currency, income or expense, and not placeholder nor hidden
(let* ((account (xaccAccountLookup gains-loss-account-guid
(hidden? (if account
(xaccAccountIsHidden account)
(placeholder? (if account
(xaccAccountGetPlaceholder account)
(account-type (if account
(xaccAccountGetType account)
(income-or-expense? (if (and account account-type)
(or (= ACCT-TYPE-INCOME account-type)
(= ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE account-type))
(commodity-eq-book-curr? (if account
(currency-lookup book-currency)
(xaccAccountGetCommodity account))
(if (and account
(not hidden?)
(not placeholder?)
(and account
(not (null? account))
(not (xaccAccountIsHidden account))
(not (xaccAccountGetPlaceholder account))
(memv (xaccAccountGetType account)
(currency-lookup book-currency)
(xaccAccountGetCommodity account)))))
(let* ((value (if (eq? 'book-currency default-radiobutton-value)
(cons default-radiobutton-value