So that most of the gnome-util and gnome consumers don't need to
be converted to C++.
Hide the corresponding functions in options-utils to stop the
compiler whining.
Note that this commit breaks the build but is necessary at
least temporarily to compartmentalize the changes.
Provides find_option(const char*) and foreach_option(func) for easy
iteration. find_option and find_section now return plain const ptrs
instead of std::optionals. Much less cumbersome though the compiler
won't nag if you forget the nullptr check.
After getting a better understanding of how it interacts with dialog-options and
finding some additional scheme API needing implementation (exposed only in
hello-world.scm, but possibly used in user-written reports).
Creates a new file-pair, gnc-options-date.[ch]pp to separate the creation of
the static structs with the type info and strings for the various
RelativeDatePeriod values from the already too large gnc-option-impl.
Although the result is a rather C-ish design the alternative with classes
or template specializations would be more complicated and offer no
Implements the permissible_values functions of GncOptionMultichoiceValue
for GncDateValue and provides for absolute, relative, and both
UI values for the three widget configs afforded by dialog-options.
Separating the UI from the data model. Note that the GncOptionVariant
classes still have a GncOptionUIType member to ensure that a
GncOptionUIItem of the right type is attached.
So only GncOption and the GncOptionDB free-function interface are public.
We don't want to expose template headers widely, it would blow up compilation
times and might lead to one definition rule violations.
Added advantage that it handles (not correctly, but in the same way as
the old code) the ambiguity between a period starting or ending with
the stored value "relative . today".
Replaces GncOptionValue<GncMultiChoiceOptionChoices> because having the
vector as the value obviously wouldn't work and besides it needs
additional functions.
The objective of the free functions is to hide the GncOption from language
bindings so that the GncOptions can be moved into the GncOptionDB instead
of having shared ptrs splattered around the heap. Nearly all access to
the options can then be mediated through the GncOptionDB container.
Note that gnc_option_db_new creates the GncOptionDB on the heap and
returns a raw ptr, so it's up to the creator of the GncOptionDB to
call delete on it when it's no longer needed.