/********************************************************************\ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * \********************************************************************/ %module sw_core_utils %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include %} #if defined(SWIGGUILE) %{ #include "guile-mappings.h" SCM scm_init_sw_core_utils_module (void); %} #endif #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %{ PyObject* SWIG_init (void); %} #endif %import "base-typemaps.i" %include %include %include %newobject gnc_path_get_bindir; gchar * gnc_path_get_bindir(void); %newobject gnc_path_get_scmdir; gchar * gnc_path_get_scmdir(void); %newobject gnc_path_get_reportsdir; gchar * gnc_path_get_reportsdir(void); %newobject gnc_path_get_localedir; gchar * gnc_path_get_localedir(void); /* Name of our gettext-domain (defined in config.h) */ %constant char* GETTEXT_PACKAGE = GETTEXT_PACKAGE; %newobject gnc_path_get_stdreportsdir; gchar * gnc_path_get_stdreportsdir(void); %newobject gnc_build_userdata_path; gchar * gnc_build_userdata_path(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_file_path_absolute; gchar *gnc_file_path_absolute (const gchar *, const gchar *); %newobject gnc_resolve_file_path; gchar *gnc_resolve_file_path (const gchar *); %newobject gnc_build_scm_path; gchar * gnc_build_scm_path(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_build_report_path; gchar * gnc_build_report_path(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_build_stdreports_path; gchar * gnc_build_stdreports_path(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_build_reports_path; gchar * gnc_build_reports_path(const gchar *); void gnc_scm_log_warn(const gchar *); void gnc_scm_log_error(const gchar *); void gnc_scm_log_msg(const gchar *); void gnc_scm_log_debug(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_utf8_strip_invalid_strdup; gchar * gnc_utf8_strip_invalid_strdup(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_locale_from_utf8; gchar * gnc_locale_from_utf8(const gchar *); %newobject gnc_locale_to_utf8; gchar * gnc_locale_to_utf8(const gchar *); const char * gnc_locale_default_iso_currency_code (void); %newobject gnc_locale_name; gchar *gnc_locale_name (void); #if defined(SWIGGUILE) %init { { char tmp[100]; #define SET_ENUM(e) snprintf(tmp, 100, "(set! %s (%s))", (e), (e)); \ scm_c_eval_string(tmp); /* Enum conversions go here */ SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-GENERAL"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-GENERAL-REGISTER"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-GENERAL-REPORT"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-WARNINGS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-WARNINGS-TEMP"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-WARNINGS-PERM"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREFS-GROUP-ACCT-SUMMARY"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-VERSION"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-SAVE-GEOMETRY"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-LAST-PATH"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-USE-NEW"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-ACCOUNTING-LABELS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-ACCOUNT-SEPARATOR"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-NEGATIVE-IN-RED"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-NUM-SOURCE"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DATE-FORMAT"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DATE-COMPL-THISYEAR"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DATE-COMPL-SLIDING"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DATE-BACKMONTHS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-SHOW-LEAF-ACCT-NAMES"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-ENTER-MOVES-TO-END"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DRAW-HOR-LINES"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-DRAW-VERT-LINES"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-ALT-COLOR-BY-TRANS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-USE-THEME-COLORS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-USE-GNUCASH-COLOR-THEME"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-TAB-TRANS-MEMORISED"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-FUTURE-AFTER-BLANK"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-START-CHOICE-ABS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-START-CHOICE-REL"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-START-DATE"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-START-PERIOD"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-END-CHOICE-ABS"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-END-CHOICE-REL"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-END-DATE"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-END-PERIOD"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-CURRENCY-OTHER"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-CURRENCY-CHOICE-LOCALE"); SET_ENUM ("GNC-PREF-CURRENCY-CHOICE-OTHER"); #undef SET_ENUM } } %rename ("gnc:ngettext") ngettext; extern const char* ngettext (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n); %rename ("gnc:gettext") gettext; extern const char* gettext(const char*); %rename ("gnc:C_gettext") wrap_C_; %inline %{ /* This helper function wraps the C_() macro in a function. */ const char* wrap_C_(const char* context, const char* msg); const char* wrap_C_(const char* context, const char* msg) { return g_dpgettext2 (NULL, context, msg); } %} %rename ("gnc-utf8?") wrap_gnc_utf8_validate; %inline %{ /* This helper function wraps gnc_utf8_validate() into a predicate. */ gboolean wrap_gnc_utf8_validate(const gchar *); gboolean wrap_gnc_utf8_validate(const gchar * str) { return gnc_utf8_validate(str, -1, 0); } %} #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) gboolean gnc_utf8_validate(const gchar *, gssize, const gchar**); #endif