Education Loan Accounts for school loan and associated interest You would want to select this set of accounts if you have an educational loan (education loan, education loan interest). Root Account 1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d ROOT 0 Liabilities 4e7e8e39487ad4aba0b62c2232c577c5 LIABILITY ISO4217 USD Liabilities 1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d placeholder true Loans c3219e37044b0531d66a7b64433b026d LIABILITY ISO4217 USD Loans 4e7e8e39487ad4aba0b62c2232c577c5 placeholder true Education Loan ddeba367199bd025e00420a19d6f9ae4 LIABILITY ISO4217 USD Education Loan c3219e37044b0531d66a7b64433b026d Expenses fdbf47b39f70e8818f325eee7931039a EXPENSE ISO4217 USD Expenses 1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d placeholder true Interest 1cfcd30ea97b954ffb550ab87d561033 EXPENSE ISO4217 USD Interest fdbf47b39f70e8818f325eee7931039a Education Loan Interest 04e3d970dc60d3920f40b93fce8924a2 EXPENSE ISO4217 USD Education Loan Interest 1cfcd30ea97b954ffb550ab87d561033