/******************************************************************** * kvp_frame.c -- Implements a key-value frame system * * Copyright (C) 2000 Bill Gribble * * Copyright (C) 2001,2003 Linas Vepstas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * ********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "qof.h" /* Note that we keep the keys for this hash table in a GCache * (qof_util_string_cache), as it is very likely we will see the * same keys over and over again */ struct _KvpFrame { GHashTable * hash; }; typedef struct { void *data; int datasize; } KvpValueBinaryData; struct _KvpValue { KvpValueType type; union { gint64 int64; double dbl; gnc_numeric numeric; gchar *str; GUID *guid; Timespec timespec; KvpValueBinaryData binary; GList *list; KvpFrame *frame; } value; }; /* This static indicates the debugging module that this .o belongs to. */ static QofLogModule log_module = QOF_MOD_KVP; /* ******************************************************************* * KvpFrame functions ********************************************************************/ static guint kvp_hash_func(gconstpointer v) { return g_str_hash(v); } static gint kvp_comp_func(gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2) { return g_str_equal(v, v2); } static gboolean init_frame_body_if_needed(KvpFrame *f) { if(!f->hash) { f->hash = g_hash_table_new(&kvp_hash_func, &kvp_comp_func); } return(f->hash != NULL); } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_new(void) { KvpFrame * retval = g_new0(KvpFrame, 1); /* Save space until the frame is actually used */ retval->hash = NULL; return retval; } static void kvp_frame_delete_worker(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { qof_util_string_cache_remove(key); kvp_value_delete((KvpValue *)value); } void kvp_frame_delete(KvpFrame * frame) { if (!frame) return; if(frame->hash) { /* free any allocated resource for frame or its children */ g_hash_table_foreach(frame->hash, & kvp_frame_delete_worker, (gpointer)frame); /* delete the hash table */ g_hash_table_destroy(frame->hash); frame->hash = NULL; } g_free(frame); } gboolean kvp_frame_is_empty(const KvpFrame * frame) { if (!frame) return TRUE; if (!frame->hash) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static void kvp_frame_copy_worker(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { KvpFrame * dest = (KvpFrame *)user_data; g_hash_table_insert(dest->hash, qof_util_string_cache_insert(key), (gpointer)kvp_value_copy(value)); } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_copy(const KvpFrame * frame) { KvpFrame * retval = kvp_frame_new(); if (!frame) return retval; if(frame->hash) { if(!init_frame_body_if_needed(retval)) return(NULL); g_hash_table_foreach(frame->hash, & kvp_frame_copy_worker, (gpointer)retval); } return retval; } /* Replace the old value with the new value. Return the old value. * Passing in a null value into this routine has the effect of * removing the key from the KVP tree. */ KvpValue * kvp_frame_replace_slot_nc (KvpFrame * frame, const char * slot, KvpValue * new_value) { gpointer orig_key; gpointer orig_value = NULL; int key_exists; if (!frame || !slot) return NULL; if (!init_frame_body_if_needed(frame)) return NULL; /* Error ... */ key_exists = g_hash_table_lookup_extended(frame->hash, slot, & orig_key, & orig_value); if(key_exists) { g_hash_table_remove(frame->hash, slot); qof_util_string_cache_remove(orig_key); } else { orig_value = NULL; } if(new_value) { g_hash_table_insert(frame->hash, qof_util_string_cache_insert((gpointer) slot), new_value); } return (KvpValue *) orig_value; } /* Passing in a null value into this routine has the effect * of deleting the old value stored at this slot. */ static inline void kvp_frame_set_slot_destructively(KvpFrame * frame, const char * slot, KvpValue * new_value) { KvpValue * old_value; old_value = kvp_frame_replace_slot_nc (frame, slot, new_value); kvp_value_delete (old_value); } /* ============================================================ */ /* Get the named frame, or create it if it doesn't exist. * gcc -O3 should inline it. It performs no error checks, * the caller is responsible of passing good keys and frames. */ static inline KvpFrame * get_or_make (KvpFrame *fr, const char * key) { KvpFrame *next_frame; KvpValue *value; value = kvp_frame_get_slot (fr, key); if (value) { next_frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); } else { next_frame = kvp_frame_new (); kvp_frame_set_slot_nc (fr, key, kvp_value_new_frame_nc (next_frame)); } return next_frame; } /* Get pointer to last frame in path. If the path doesn't exist, * it is created. The string stored in keypath will be hopelessly * mangled . */ static inline KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame_slash_trash (KvpFrame *frame, char *key_path) { char *key, *next; if (!frame || !key_path) return frame; key = key_path; key --; while (key) { key ++; while ('/' == *key) { key++; } if (0x0 == *key) break; /* trailing slash */ next = strchr (key, '/'); if (next) *next = 0x0; frame = get_or_make (frame, key); if (!frame) break; /* error - should never happen */ key = next; } return frame; } /* ============================================================ */ /* Get pointer to last frame in path, or NULL if the path doesn't * exist. The string stored in keypath will be hopelessly mangled . */ static inline const KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame_or_null_slash_trash (const KvpFrame *frame, char *key_path) { KvpValue *value; char *key, *next; if (!frame || !key_path) return NULL; key = key_path; key --; while (key) { key ++; while ('/' == *key) { key++; } if (0x0 == *key) break; /* trailing slash */ next = strchr (key, '/'); if (next) *next = 0x0; value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) return NULL; frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); if (!frame) return NULL; key = next; } return frame; } /* Return pointer to last frame in path, and also store the * last dangling part of path in 'end_key'. If path doesn't * exist, it is created. */ static inline KvpFrame * get_trailer_make (KvpFrame * frame, const char * key_path, char **end_key) { char *last_key; if (!frame || !key_path || (0 == key_path[0])) return NULL; last_key = strrchr (key_path, '/'); if (NULL == last_key) { last_key = (char *) key_path; } else if (last_key == key_path) { last_key ++; } else if (0 == last_key[1]) { return NULL; } else { char *root, *lkey; root = g_strdup (key_path); lkey = strrchr (root, '/'); *lkey = 0; frame = kvp_frame_get_frame_slash_trash (frame, root); g_free(root); last_key ++; } *end_key = last_key; return frame; } /* Return pointer to last frame in path, or NULL if the path * doesn't exist. Also store the last dangling part of path * in 'end_key'. */ static inline const KvpFrame * get_trailer_or_null (const KvpFrame * frame, const char * key_path, char **end_key) { char *last_key; if (!frame || !key_path || (0 == key_path[0])) return NULL; last_key = strrchr (key_path, '/'); if (NULL == last_key) { last_key = (char *) key_path; } else if (last_key == key_path) { last_key ++; } else if (0 == last_key[1]) { return NULL; } else { char *root, *lkey; root = g_strdup (key_path); lkey = strrchr (root, '/'); *lkey = 0; frame = kvp_frame_get_frame_or_null_slash_trash (frame, root); g_free(root); last_key ++; } *end_key = last_key; return frame; } /* ============================================================ */ void kvp_frame_set_gint64(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, gint64 ival) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_gint64 (ival); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_double(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, double dval) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_double (dval); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_numeric(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, gnc_numeric nval) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_gnc_numeric (nval); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_string(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, const char* str) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_string (str); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_guid(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, const GUID *guid) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_guid (guid); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_timespec(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, Timespec ts) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_timespec (ts); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_frame(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpFrame *fr) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_frame (fr); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_set_frame_nc(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpFrame *fr) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_frame_nc (fr); frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } /* ============================================================ */ KvpFrame * kvp_frame_set_value_nc (KvpFrame * frame, const char * key_path, KvpValue * value) { char *last_key; frame = get_trailer_make (frame, key_path, &last_key); if (!frame) return NULL; kvp_frame_set_slot_destructively(frame, last_key, value); return frame; } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_set_value (KvpFrame * frame, const char * key_path, const KvpValue * value) { KvpValue *new_value = NULL; char *last_key; frame = get_trailer_make (frame, key_path, &last_key); if (!frame) return NULL; if (value) new_value = kvp_value_copy(value); kvp_frame_set_slot_destructively(frame, last_key, new_value); return frame; } KvpValue * kvp_frame_replace_value_nc (KvpFrame * frame, const char * key_path, KvpValue * new_value) { KvpValue * old_value; char *last_key; last_key = NULL; if (new_value) { frame = get_trailer_make (frame, key_path, &last_key); } else { frame = (KvpFrame *) get_trailer_or_null (frame, key_path, &last_key); } if (!frame) return NULL; old_value = kvp_frame_replace_slot_nc (frame, last_key, new_value); return old_value; } /* ============================================================ */ KvpFrame * kvp_frame_add_value_nc(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpValue *value) { char *key = NULL; KvpValue *oldvalue; KvpFrame* orig_frame = frame; frame = (KvpFrame *) get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); oldvalue = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); ENTER ("old frame=%s", kvp_frame_to_string(frame)); if (oldvalue) { /* If already a glist here, just append */ if (KVP_TYPE_GLIST == oldvalue->type) { GList * vlist = oldvalue->value.list; vlist = g_list_append (vlist, value); oldvalue->value.list = vlist; } else /* If some other value, convert it to a glist */ { KvpValue *klist; GList *vlist = NULL; vlist = g_list_append (vlist, oldvalue); vlist = g_list_append (vlist, value); klist = kvp_value_new_glist_nc (vlist); kvp_frame_replace_slot_nc (frame, key, klist); } LEAVE ("new frame=%s", kvp_frame_to_string(frame)); return frame; } /* Hmm, if we are here, the path doesn't exist. We need to * create the path, add the value to it. */ frame = orig_frame; frame = kvp_frame_set_value_nc (frame, path, value); LEAVE ("new frame=%s", kvp_frame_to_string(frame)); return frame; } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_add_value(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpValue *value) { value = kvp_value_copy (value); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); return frame; } void kvp_frame_add_gint64(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, gint64 ival) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_gint64 (ival); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_double(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, double dval) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_double (dval); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_numeric(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, gnc_numeric nval) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_gnc_numeric (nval); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_string(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, const char* str) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_string (str); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_guid(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, const GUID *guid) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_guid (guid); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_timespec(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, Timespec ts) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_timespec (ts); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_frame(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpFrame *fr) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_frame (fr); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } void kvp_frame_add_frame_nc(KvpFrame * frame, const char * path, KvpFrame *fr) { KvpValue *value; value = kvp_value_new_frame_nc (fr); frame = kvp_frame_add_value_nc (frame, path, value); if (!frame) kvp_value_delete (value); } /* ============================================================ */ void kvp_frame_set_slot(KvpFrame * frame, const char * slot, const KvpValue * value) { KvpValue *new_value = NULL; if (!frame) return; g_return_if_fail (slot && *slot != '\0'); if(value) new_value = kvp_value_copy(value); kvp_frame_set_slot_destructively(frame, slot, new_value); } void kvp_frame_set_slot_nc(KvpFrame * frame, const char * slot, KvpValue * value) { if (!frame) return; g_return_if_fail (slot && *slot != '\0'); kvp_frame_set_slot_destructively(frame, slot, value); } KvpValue * kvp_frame_get_slot(const KvpFrame * frame, const char * slot) { KvpValue *v; if (!frame) return NULL; if (!frame->hash) return NULL; /* Error ... */ v = g_hash_table_lookup(frame->hash, slot); return v; } /* ============================================================ */ void kvp_frame_set_slot_path (KvpFrame *frame, const KvpValue *new_value, const char *first_key, ...) { va_list ap; const char *key; if (!frame) return; g_return_if_fail (first_key && *first_key != '\0'); va_start (ap, first_key); key = first_key; while (TRUE) { KvpValue *value; const char *next_key; next_key = va_arg (ap, const char *); if (!next_key) { kvp_frame_set_slot (frame, key, new_value); break; } g_return_if_fail (*next_key != '\0'); value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) { KvpFrame *new_frame = kvp_frame_new (); KvpValue *frame_value = kvp_value_new_frame (new_frame); kvp_frame_set_slot_nc (frame, key, frame_value); value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) break; } frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); if (!frame) break; key = next_key; } va_end (ap); } void kvp_frame_set_slot_path_gslist (KvpFrame *frame, const KvpValue *new_value, GSList *key_path) { if (!frame || !key_path) return; while (TRUE) { const char *key = key_path->data; KvpValue *value; if (!key) return; g_return_if_fail (*key != '\0'); key_path = key_path->next; if (!key_path) { kvp_frame_set_slot (frame, key, new_value); return; } value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) { KvpFrame *new_frame = kvp_frame_new (); KvpValue *frame_value = kvp_value_new_frame (new_frame); kvp_frame_set_slot_nc (frame, key, frame_value); value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) return; } frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); if (!frame) return; } } /* ============================================================ */ /* decode url-encoded string, do it in place * + == space * %xx == asci char where xx is hexadecimal ascii value */ static void decode (char *enc) { char * p, *w; /* Loop, convert +'s to blanks */ p = strchr (enc, '+'); while (p) { *p = ' '; p = strchr (p, '+'); } p = strchr (enc, '%'); w = p; while (p) { int ch,cl; p++; ch = *p - 0x30; /* ascii 0 = 0x30 */ if (9 < ch) ch -= 0x11 - 10; /* uppercase A = 0x41 */ if (16 < ch) ch -= 0x20; /* lowercase a = 0x61 */ p++; cl = *p - 0x30; /* ascii 0 = 0x30 */ if (9 < cl) cl -= 0x11 - 10; /* uppercase A = 0x41 */ if (16 < cl) cl -= 0x20; /* lowercase a = 0x61 */ *w = (char) (ch<<4 | cl); do { ++w; ++p; *w = *p; if (0x0 == *p) { p = 0; break; } if ('%' == *p) { break; } } while (*p); } } void kvp_frame_add_url_encoding (KvpFrame *frame, const char *enc) { char *buff, *p; if (!frame || !enc) return; /* Loop over all key-value pairs in the encoded string */ buff = g_strdup (enc); p = buff; while (*p) { char *n, *v; n = strchr (p, '&'); /* n = next key-value */ if (n) *n = 0x0; v = strchr (p, '='); /* v = pointer to value */ if (!v) break; *v = 0x0; v ++; decode (p); decode (v); kvp_frame_set_slot_nc (frame, p, kvp_value_new_string(v)); if (!n) break; /* no next key, we are done */ p = ++n; } g_free(buff); } /* ============================================================ */ gint64 kvp_frame_get_gint64(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_gint64(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } double kvp_frame_get_double(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_double(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } gnc_numeric kvp_frame_get_numeric(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_numeric(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } const char * kvp_frame_get_string(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_string(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } GUID * kvp_frame_get_guid(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_guid(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } void * kvp_frame_get_binary(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path, guint64 * size_return) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_binary(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key), size_return); } Timespec kvp_frame_get_timespec(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_timespec(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_value_get_frame(kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key)); } KvpValue * kvp_frame_get_value(const KvpFrame *frame, const char *path) { char *key = NULL; frame = get_trailer_or_null (frame, path, &key); return kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); } /* ============================================================ */ KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame_gslist (KvpFrame *frame, const GSList *key_path) { if (!frame) return frame; while (key_path) { const char *key = key_path->data; if (!key) return frame; /* an unusual but valid exit for this routine. */ frame = get_or_make (frame, key); if (!frame) return frame; /* this should never happen */ key_path = key_path->next; } return frame; /* this is the normal exit for this func */ } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame_path (KvpFrame *frame, const char *key, ...) { va_list ap; if (!frame || !key) return frame; va_start (ap, key); while (key) { frame = get_or_make (frame, key); if (!frame) break; /* error, should never occur */ key = va_arg (ap, const char *); } va_end (ap); return frame; } KvpFrame * kvp_frame_get_frame_slash (KvpFrame *frame, const char *key_path) { char *root; if (!frame || !key_path) return frame; root = g_strdup (key_path); frame = kvp_frame_get_frame_slash_trash (frame, root); g_free(root); return frame; } /* ============================================================ */ KvpValue * kvp_frame_get_slot_path (KvpFrame *frame, const char *first_key, ...) { va_list ap; KvpValue *value; const char *key; if (!frame || !first_key) return NULL; va_start (ap, first_key); key = first_key; value = NULL; while (TRUE) { value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) break; key = va_arg (ap, const char *); if (!key) break; frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); if (!frame) { value = NULL; break; } } va_end (ap); return value; } KvpValue * kvp_frame_get_slot_path_gslist (KvpFrame *frame, const GSList *key_path) { if (!frame || !key_path) return NULL; while (TRUE) { const char *key = key_path->data; KvpValue *value; if (!key) return NULL; value = kvp_frame_get_slot (frame, key); if (!value) return NULL; key_path = key_path->next; if (!key_path) return value; frame = kvp_value_get_frame (value); if (!frame) return NULL; } } /* ******************************************************************* * kvp glist functions ********************************************************************/ void kvp_glist_delete(GList * list) { GList *node; if(!list) return; /* Delete the data in the list */ for (node=list; node; node=node->next) { KvpValue *val = node->data; kvp_value_delete(val); } /* Free the backbone */ g_list_free(list); } GList * kvp_glist_copy(const GList * list) { GList * retval = NULL; GList * lptr; if (!list) return retval; /* Duplicate the backbone of the list (this duplicates the POINTERS * to the values; we need to deep-copy the values separately) */ retval = g_list_copy((GList *) list); /* This step deep-copies the values */ for(lptr = retval; lptr; lptr = lptr->next) { lptr->data = kvp_value_copy(lptr->data); } return retval; } gint kvp_glist_compare(const GList * list1, const GList * list2) { const GList *lp1; const GList *lp2; if(list1 == list2) return 0; /* Nothing is always less than something */ if(!list1 && list2) return -1; if(list1 && !list2) return 1; lp1 = list1; lp2 = list2; while(lp1 && lp2) { KvpValue *v1 = (KvpValue *) lp1->data; KvpValue *v2 = (KvpValue *) lp2->data; gint vcmp = kvp_value_compare(v1, v2); if(vcmp != 0) return vcmp; lp1 = lp1->next; lp2 = lp2->next; } if(!lp1 && lp2) return -1; if(!lp2 && lp1) return 1; return 0; } /* ******************************************************************* * KvpValue functions ********************************************************************/ KvpValue * kvp_value_new_gint64(gint64 value) { KvpValue * retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_GINT64; retval->value.int64 = value; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_double(double value) { KvpValue * retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE; retval->value.dbl = value; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_numeric(gnc_numeric value) { KvpValue * retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC; retval->value.numeric = value; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_string(const char * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_STRING; retval->value.str = g_strdup(value); return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_guid(const GUID * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_GUID; retval->value.guid = g_new0(GUID, 1); memcpy(retval->value.guid, value, sizeof(GUID)); return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_timespec(Timespec value) { KvpValue * retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC; retval->value.timespec = value; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_binary(const void * value, guint64 datasize) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_BINARY; retval->value.binary.data = g_new0(char, datasize); retval->value.binary.datasize = datasize; memcpy(retval->value.binary.data, value, datasize); return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_binary_nc(void * value, guint64 datasize) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_BINARY; retval->value.binary.data = value; retval->value.binary.datasize = datasize; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_glist(const GList * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_GLIST; retval->value.list = kvp_glist_copy(value); return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_glist_nc(GList * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_GLIST; retval->value.list = value; return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_frame(const KvpFrame * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_FRAME; retval->value.frame = kvp_frame_copy(value); return retval; } KvpValue * kvp_value_new_frame_nc(KvpFrame * value) { KvpValue * retval; if (!value) return NULL; retval = g_new0(KvpValue, 1); retval->type = KVP_TYPE_FRAME; retval->value.frame = value; return retval; } void kvp_value_delete(KvpValue * value) { if(!value) return; switch(value->type) { case KVP_TYPE_STRING: g_free(value->value.str); break; case KVP_TYPE_GUID: g_free(value->value.guid); break; case KVP_TYPE_BINARY: g_free(value->value.binary.data); break; case KVP_TYPE_GLIST: kvp_glist_delete(value->value.list); break; case KVP_TYPE_FRAME: kvp_frame_delete(value->value.frame); break; case KVP_TYPE_GINT64: case KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE: case KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC: default: break; } g_free(value); } KvpValueType kvp_value_get_type(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return -1; return value->type; } gint64 kvp_value_get_gint64(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return 0; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_GINT64) { return value->value.int64; } else { return 0; } } double kvp_value_get_double(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return 0.0; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE) { return value->value.dbl; } else { return 0.0; } } gnc_numeric kvp_value_get_numeric(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return gnc_numeric_zero (); if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC) { return value->value.numeric; } else { return gnc_numeric_zero (); } } char * kvp_value_get_string(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return NULL; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_STRING) { return value->value.str; } else { return NULL; } } GUID * kvp_value_get_guid(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return NULL; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_GUID) { return value->value.guid; } else { return NULL; } } Timespec kvp_value_get_timespec(const KvpValue * value) { Timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0; if (!value) return ts; if (value->type == KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC) return value->value.timespec; else return ts; } void * kvp_value_get_binary(const KvpValue * value, guint64 * size_return) { if (!value) { if (size_return) *size_return = 0; return NULL; } if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_BINARY) { if (size_return) *size_return = value->value.binary.datasize; return value->value.binary.data; } else { if (size_return) *size_return = 0; return NULL; } } GList * kvp_value_get_glist(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return NULL; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_GLIST) { return value->value.list; } else { return NULL; } } KvpFrame * kvp_value_get_frame(const KvpValue * value) { if (!value) return NULL; if(value->type == KVP_TYPE_FRAME) { return value->value.frame; } else { return NULL; } } KvpFrame * kvp_value_replace_frame_nc(KvpValue *value, KvpFrame * newframe) { KvpFrame *oldframe; if (!value) return NULL; if (KVP_TYPE_FRAME != value->type) return NULL; oldframe = value->value.frame; value->value.frame = newframe; return oldframe; } GList * kvp_value_replace_glist_nc(KvpValue * value, GList *newlist) { GList *oldlist; if (!value) return NULL; if (KVP_TYPE_GLIST != value->type) return NULL; oldlist = value->value.list; value->value.list = newlist; return oldlist; } /* manipulators */ KvpValue * kvp_value_copy(const KvpValue * value) { if(!value) return NULL; switch(value->type) { case KVP_TYPE_GINT64: return kvp_value_new_gint64(value->value.int64); break; case KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE: return kvp_value_new_double(value->value.dbl); break; case KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC: return kvp_value_new_gnc_numeric(value->value.numeric); break; case KVP_TYPE_STRING: return kvp_value_new_string(value->value.str); break; case KVP_TYPE_GUID: return kvp_value_new_guid(value->value.guid); break; case KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC: return kvp_value_new_timespec(value->value.timespec); break; case KVP_TYPE_BINARY: return kvp_value_new_binary(value->value.binary.data, value->value.binary.datasize); break; case KVP_TYPE_GLIST: return kvp_value_new_glist(value->value.list); break; case KVP_TYPE_FRAME: return kvp_value_new_frame(value->value.frame); break; } return NULL; } void kvp_frame_for_each_slot(KvpFrame *f, void (*proc)(const char *key, KvpValue *value, gpointer data), gpointer data) { if(!f) return; if(!proc) return; if(!(f->hash)) return; g_hash_table_foreach(f->hash, (GHFunc) proc, data); } gint double_compare(double d1, double d2) { if(isnan(d1) && isnan(d2)) return 0; if(d1 < d2) return -1; if(d1 > d2) return 1; return 0; } gint kvp_value_compare(const KvpValue * kva, const KvpValue * kvb) { if(kva == kvb) return 0; /* nothing is always less than something */ if(!kva && kvb) return -1; if(kva && !kvb) return 1; if(kva->type < kvb->type) return -1; if(kva->type > kvb->type) return 1; switch(kva->type) { case KVP_TYPE_GINT64: if(kva->value.int64 < kvb->value.int64) return -1; if(kva->value.int64 > kvb->value.int64) return 1; return 0; break; case KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE: return double_compare(kva->value.dbl, kvb->value.dbl); break; case KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC: return gnc_numeric_compare (kva->value.numeric, kvb->value.numeric); break; case KVP_TYPE_STRING: return strcmp(kva->value.str, kvb->value.str); break; case KVP_TYPE_GUID: return guid_compare(kva->value.guid, kvb->value.guid); break; case KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC: return timespec_cmp(&(kva->value.timespec), &(kvb->value.timespec)); break; case KVP_TYPE_BINARY: /* I don't know that this is a good compare. Ab is bigger than Acef. But I'm not sure that actually matters here. */ if(kva->value.binary.datasize < kvb->value.binary.datasize) return -1; if(kva->value.binary.datasize > kvb->value.binary.datasize) return 1; return memcmp(kva->value.binary.data, kvb->value.binary.data, kva->value.binary.datasize); break; case KVP_TYPE_GLIST: return kvp_glist_compare(kva->value.list, kvb->value.list); break; case KVP_TYPE_FRAME: return kvp_frame_compare(kva->value.frame, kvb->value.frame); break; } PERR ("reached unreachable code."); return FALSE; } typedef struct { gint compare; KvpFrame *other_frame; } kvp_frame_cmp_status; static void kvp_frame_compare_helper(const char *key, KvpValue * val, gpointer data) { kvp_frame_cmp_status *status = (kvp_frame_cmp_status *) data; if(status->compare == 0) { KvpFrame *other_frame = status->other_frame; KvpValue *other_val = kvp_frame_get_slot(other_frame, key); if(other_val) { status->compare = kvp_value_compare(val, other_val); } else { status->compare = 1; } } } gint kvp_frame_compare(const KvpFrame *fa, const KvpFrame *fb) { kvp_frame_cmp_status status; if(fa == fb) return 0; /* nothing is always less than something */ if(!fa && fb) return -1; if(fa && !fb) return 1; /* nothing is always less than something */ if(!fa->hash && fb->hash) return -1; if(fa->hash && !fb->hash) return 1; status.compare = 0; status.other_frame = (KvpFrame *) fb; kvp_frame_for_each_slot((KvpFrame *) fa, kvp_frame_compare_helper, &status); if (status.compare != 0) return status.compare; status.other_frame = (KvpFrame *) fa; kvp_frame_for_each_slot((KvpFrame *) fb, kvp_frame_compare_helper, &status); return(-status.compare); } gchar* binary_to_string(const void *data, guint32 size) { GString *output; guint32 i; guchar *data_str = (guchar*)data; output = g_string_sized_new(size * sizeof(char)); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { g_string_append_printf(output, "%02x", (unsigned int) (data_str[i])); } return output->str; } gchar* kvp_value_glist_to_string(const GList *list) { gchar *tmp1; gchar *tmp2; const GList *cursor; tmp1 = g_strdup_printf("[ "); for(cursor = list; cursor; cursor = cursor->next) { gchar *tmp3; tmp3 = kvp_value_to_string((KvpValue *)cursor->data); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s %s,", tmp1, tmp3 ? tmp3 : ""); g_free(tmp1); g_free(tmp3); tmp1 = tmp2; } tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s ]", tmp1); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; } static void kvp_frame_to_bare_string_helper(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar **str = (gchar**)data; *str = g_strdup_printf("%s", kvp_value_to_bare_string((KvpValue *)value)); } gchar* kvp_value_to_bare_string(const KvpValue *val) { gchar *tmp1; gchar *tmp2; const gchar *ctmp; g_return_val_if_fail(val, NULL); tmp1 = g_strdup(""); switch(kvp_value_get_type(val)) { case KVP_TYPE_GINT64: return g_strdup_printf("%" G_GINT64_FORMAT, kvp_value_get_gint64(val)); break; case KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE: return g_strdup_printf("(%g)", kvp_value_get_double(val)); break; case KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC: tmp1 = gnc_numeric_to_string(kvp_value_get_numeric(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_STRING: tmp1 = kvp_value_get_string (val); return g_strdup_printf("%s", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); break; case KVP_TYPE_GUID: ctmp = guid_to_string(kvp_value_get_guid(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s", ctmp ? ctmp : ""); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC: { time_t t; t = timespecToTime_t(kvp_value_get_timespec(val)); qof_date_format_set(QOF_DATE_FORMAT_UTC); return qof_print_date(t); break; } case KVP_TYPE_BINARY: { guint64 len; void *data; data = kvp_value_get_binary(val, &len); tmp1 = binary_to_string(data, len); return g_strdup_printf("%s", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); } break; case KVP_TYPE_GLIST: /* borked. kvp_value_glist_to_string is a debug fcn */ { tmp1 = kvp_value_glist_to_string(kvp_value_get_glist(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; } case KVP_TYPE_FRAME: { KvpFrame *frame; frame = kvp_value_get_frame(val); if (frame->hash) { tmp1 = g_strdup(""); g_hash_table_foreach(frame->hash, kvp_frame_to_bare_string_helper, &tmp1); } return tmp1; break; } default: return g_strdup_printf(" "); break; } } gchar* kvp_value_to_string(const KvpValue *val) { gchar *tmp1; gchar *tmp2; const gchar *ctmp; g_return_val_if_fail(val, NULL); switch(kvp_value_get_type(val)) { case KVP_TYPE_GINT64: return g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_GINT64(%" G_GINT64_FORMAT ")", kvp_value_get_gint64(val)); break; case KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE: return g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_DOUBLE(%g)", kvp_value_get_double(val)); break; case KVP_TYPE_NUMERIC: tmp1 = gnc_numeric_to_string(kvp_value_get_numeric(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_NUMERIC(%s)", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_STRING: tmp1 = kvp_value_get_string (val); return g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_STRING(%s)", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); break; case KVP_TYPE_GUID: /* THREAD-UNSAFE */ ctmp = guid_to_string(kvp_value_get_guid(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_GUID(%s)", ctmp ? ctmp : ""); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC: tmp1 = g_new0 (char, 40); gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff (kvp_value_get_timespec (val), tmp1); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_TIMESPEC(%s)", tmp1); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_BINARY: { guint64 len; void *data; data = kvp_value_get_binary(val, &len); tmp1 = binary_to_string(data, len); return g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_BINARY(%s)", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); } break; case KVP_TYPE_GLIST: tmp1 = kvp_value_glist_to_string(kvp_value_get_glist(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_GLIST(%s)", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; case KVP_TYPE_FRAME: tmp1 = kvp_frame_to_string(kvp_value_get_frame(val)); tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("KVP_VALUE_FRAME(%s)", tmp1 ? tmp1 : ""); g_free(tmp1); return tmp2; break; default: return g_strdup_printf(" "); break; } } static void kvp_frame_to_string_helper(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar *tmp_val; gchar **str = (gchar**)data; gchar *old_data = *str; tmp_val = kvp_value_to_string((KvpValue *)value); *str = g_strdup_printf("%s %s => %s,\n", *str ? *str : "", key ? (char *) key : "", tmp_val ? tmp_val : ""); g_free(old_data); g_free(tmp_val); } gchar* kvp_frame_to_string(const KvpFrame *frame) { gchar *tmp1; g_return_val_if_fail (frame != NULL, NULL); tmp1 = g_strdup_printf("{\n"); if (frame->hash) g_hash_table_foreach(frame->hash, kvp_frame_to_string_helper, &tmp1); { gchar *tmp2; tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s}\n", tmp1); g_free(tmp1); tmp1 = tmp2; } return tmp1; } GHashTable* kvp_frame_get_hash(const KvpFrame *frame) { g_return_val_if_fail (frame != NULL, NULL); return frame->hash; } /* ========================== END OF FILE ======================= */