function(set_local_dist output) set(dist_files "") foreach(file ${ARGN}) file(RELATIVE_PATH relative ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}) list(APPEND dist_files ${relative}) endforeach() set (${output} ${dist_files} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(set_dist_list output) set_local_dist(${output}_TMP ${ARGN}) set(${output} ${${output}_TMP} PARENT_SCOPE) endmacro() function(execute_process_and_check_result) cmake_parse_arguments(VARS "" "WORKING_DIRECTORY;ERROR_MSG" "COMMAND" ${ARGN}) execute_process( COMMAND ${VARS_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VARS_WORKING_DIRECTORY} RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT ) if (NOT "${RESULT}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR ${VARS_ERROR_MSG}) endif() endfunction() # These functions can be called to add generated files (as opposed to source files) # to the distribution tarball # - dist_add_configured will only add the files to the tarball. This function # should be used for files that are generated during a cmake run (for example with configure_file) # - dist_add_generated will add the files to the tarball and generate a dependency # for each file to the dist target. This function should be used for all files that # will be generated during a "make" or "ninja-build" run (for example those that are # the result of an add_custom_command) # # Note that the files passed in these functions can still be in the source directory # This depends on whether or not the source is a git worktree or not and which # options were passed to cmake. # To determine this, the first parameter passed to this function should # be an indicator whether or not the files in the list are actually built # in this configuration. At the time of this writing there is one # cmake variable that controls this, and hence can be used here: # BUILDING_FROM_VCS: is YES when building from a git source tree function (dist_add_generated_internal _needs_target _is_built) if (_is_built) set (DIST_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set (DIST_CURRENT_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) else() set (DIST_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) set (DIST_CURRENT_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() set (local_generated ${dist_generated}) foreach (conf_file ${ARGN}) file (RELATIVE_PATH rel_conf ${DIST_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR} ${DIST_CURRENT_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR}/${conf_file}) list (APPEND local_generated ${rel_conf}) endforeach() set (dist_generated ${local_generated} CACHE INTERNAL "generated files that will be included in the distribution tarball") if (_needs_target) set (local_generated_depends ${dist_generated_depends}) foreach (gen_file ${ARGN}) file (RELATIVE_PATH rel_file ${DIST_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR} ${DIST_CURRENT_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR}/${gen_file}) string (REPLACE "/" "-" target_tmp ${rel_file}) string (REPLACE "_" "-" target_tmp2 ${target_tmp}) string (REPLACE "." "-" dist_target dist-${target_tmp2}) add_custom_target (${dist_target} DEPENDS ${DIST_CURRENT_BUILD_SOURCE_DIR}/${gen_file}) list (APPEND local_generated_depends ${dist_target}) endforeach() set (dist_generated_depends ${local_generated_depends} CACHE INTERNAL "global targets for generated files that will be included in the distribution tarball") endif() endfunction() function (dist_add_configured _is_built) dist_add_generated_internal (NO ${_is_built} ${ARGN}) endfunction() function (dist_add_generated _is_built) dist_add_generated_internal (YES ${_is_built} ${ARGN}) endfunction()