!Type:Class Nanother class Danother descr ^^ Nsome class Dsome description ^^ !Type:Cat Nasdf incomr Dasdfasdfasdf T I ^^ NDiv Income DDividend Income T R4576 I ^^ NGift Received DGift Received T I ^^ NInt Inc DInterest Income T R4592 I ^^ NInvest Inc DInvestment Income T I ^^ NOther Inc DOther Income T I ^^ NSalary DSalary Income T R7360 I ^^ N_DivInc DDividend T R4576 I ^^ N_IntInc DInvestment Interest Inc T R4592 I ^^ N_LT CapGnDst DLong Term Cap Gain Dist T R7808 I ^^ N_RlzdGain DRealized Gain/Loss T I ^^ N_ST CapGnDst DShort Term Cap Gain Dist T R4576 I ^^ N_UnrlzdGain DUnrealized Gain/Loss I ^^ NCharity DCharitable Donations T R4480 E ^^ NCharity:Cash DCash Contributions T R4480 E ^^ NCharity:Non-Cash DNon-Cash Contributions T R7760 E ^^ NChildcare DChildcare Expense E ^^ NChristmas DChristmas Expenses E ^^ NClothing DClothing E ^^ NCommission DCommissions T R4912 E ^^ NDining DDining Out E ^^ NDues DDues E ^^ NEducation DEducation E ^^ NEntertain DEntertainment E ^^ NFreight DFreight T R4832 E ^^ NGifts DGift Expenses T R4480 E ^^ NGroceries DGroceries E ^^ NGST DGoods and Services Tax T E ^^ NHome Rpair DHome Repair & Maint. E ^^ NHousehold DHousehold Misc. Exp E ^^ NHousing DHousing E ^^ NInsurance DInsurance E ^^ NInt Exp DInterest Expense T E ^^ NInt Paid DInterest Paid T R4992 E ^^ NInvest Exp DInvestment Expense T R4512 E ^^ NL&P Fees DLegal & Prof. Fees T R4768 E ^^ NMeals & Entertn DMeals & Entertainment T R4704 E ^^ NMedical DMedical Expense T R4368 E ^^ NMedical:Doctor DDoctor & Dental Visits T R7744 E ^^ NMedical:Medicine DMedicine & Drugs T R4368 E ^^ NMisc DMiscellaneous E ^^ NMort Int DMortgage Interest Exp T R4528 E ^^ NOffice DOffice Expenses T R5008 E ^^ NOther Exp DOther Expenses T E ^^ NPST DProvincial Sales Tax T E ^^ NRecreation DRecreation Expense E ^^ NRent on Equip DRent-Vehicle,mach,equip T R4784 E ^^ NRent Paid DRent Paid T R4800 E ^^ NRepairs DRepairs T R5040 E ^^ NReturns DReturns & Allowances T R4736 E ^^ NRRSP DReg Retirement Sav Plan E ^^ NSubscriptions DSubscriptions E ^^ NSupplies DSupplies E ^^ NSupplies, bus. DSupplies T R4816 E ^^ NTax DTaxes T E ^^ NTax:Fed DFederal Tax T R7376 E ^^ NTax:Medicare DMedicare Tax T R7680 E ^^ NTax:Other DMisc. Taxes T E ^^ NTax:Prop DProperty Tax T R4416 E ^^ NTax:Soc Sec DSoc Sec Tax T R7392 E ^^ NTax:State DState Tax T R7424 E ^^ NTax Spouse DSpouse's Taxes T E ^^ NTax Spouse:Fed DFederal Tax T R8112 E ^^ NTax Spouse:Medicare DMedicare Tax T R8160 E ^^ NTax Spouse:Soc Sec DSoc Sec Tax T R8128 E ^^ NTax Spouse:State DState Tax T R8176 E ^^ NTelephone DTelephone Expense E ^^ NTravel DTravel Expenses T R5072 E ^^ NUIC DUnemploy. Ins. Commission T E ^^ NUtilities DWater, Gas, Electric E ^^ NUtilities:Gas & Electric DGas and Electricity E ^^ NUtilities:Water DWater E ^^ NWages DWages & Job Credits T R4752 E ^^ N_Accrued Int DAccrued Interest T E ^^ N_IntExp DInvestment Interest Exp T R6816 E ^^ !Option:AutoSwitch !Account NABC Bank TBank DSome Old Bank Acct ^^ NSwipe Brokers TInvst DMy Investment Account ^^ NSlaveCardt TCCard Dmy credit card L0.00 ^^ Npocket cash TCash ^^ Nmy assets TOth A Dassets yeah ^^ Nlibilities yeah TOth L ^^ !Clear:AutoSwitch !Account NABC Bank DSome Old Bank Acct TBank ^^ !Type:Bank D6/17/97 T2,345.00 NDEP Pfrom my pillow case Mmy memo LOther Inc ^^ D7/16/97 T2,333.00 Pmore from my pillow LGift Received ^^ D8/ 1/97 T3,300.00 NDEP Pput in more money Mthis came out of my pillowcas LGift Received SGift Received Esome as gift $1,100.00 SInvest Inc Esoem as invst $1,900.00 SOther Inc Esome other inc $300.00 ^^ D8/ 1/97 T543.00 N101 Ppaycheck Mthe boss paid me today! LGift Received ^^ D9/12/97 T-5,000.00 NTXFR Pmove a pile of money to trading acct Manother memo L[Swipe Brokers] ^^ D11/11/97 T12.00 NTXFR Phal stock Mincome L[Swipe Brokers] ^^ D11/11/97 T11.00 NTXFR Phal stock Mincome L[Swipe Brokers] ^^ D11/12/97 T500.00 NTXFR Phal stock Msold some stock! L[Swipe Brokers] ^^ D11/28/97 T-445.00 Ppay the balance on the credit c Manother memo L[SlaveCardt] ^^ D11/28/97 T-45.00 Pcash in my pocket L[pocket cash] ^^ !Type:Memorized T-117.92 Ploneeee Ma memo L[libilities yeah] S[libilities yeah] E $-117.92 SInt Exp E $0.00 11/ 1/97 25.0 39 412 58.00 65,400.00 75,000.00 KP ^^ T-45.00 Psome payee Msoem kinda memo LRent Paid KC ^^