#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Git; use Cwd qq(getcwd); use Text::Wrap; sub print_notes { my $notes = shift; print ("\nNOTES:\n"); print fill ('', '', $notes); print "\n\n"; } sub text_format { my ($string, $indent, $tab) = @_; my ($sum, $desc, $notes) = split('\<\|\>', $string); $sum = wrap($indent, $tab, $sum); print "$sum\n"; if ($desc) { $desc = fill($tab, $tab, $desc); print "$desc\n"; } print_notes($notes) if ($notes); } # escape_html lifted from https://metacpan.org/source/TOKUHIROM/HTML-Escape-1.10/lib/HTML/Escape/PurePerl.pm. our %_escape_table = ( '&' => '&', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', q{"} => '"', q{'} => ''', q{`} => '`', '{' => '{', '}' => '}' ); sub escape_html { my $str = shift; return '' unless defined $str; $str =~ s/([&><"'`{}])/$_escape_table{$1}/ge; #' for poor editors return $str; } sub html_format_bug { my $string = shift; my $href='"https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=XXXXXX"'; my ($sum, $desc, $notes) = split('\<\|\>', $string); $sum =~ m/Bug ([0-9]+) - /; my $num = $1; die "No bug number in $sum" if ! $num; $href =~ s/XXXXXX/$num/; $sum = escape_html($sum); $desc = escape_html($desc); $notes = escape_html($notes); print "
  • $sum"; print "


    " if ($desc); print_notes($notes) if ($notes); print "
  • \n"; } sub html_format_other { my $string = shift; my ($sum, $desc, $notes) = split('\<\|\>', $string); die "No summary in $string" if not $sum; $sum = escape_html($sum); $desc = escape_html($desc); $notes = escape_html($notes); print "
  • $sum"; print "


    " if ($desc); print_notes($notes) if ($notes); print"
  • \n"; } my $repo = Git->repository(Directory => getcwd); $repo->command('describe') =~ m/(^[.\d]+)/; my $tag = $1 or die "Unable to determine tag"; my (@bugs, @improves); my ($revs, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe('log', '--topo-order', '--format=%s<|>%b<|>%N<{}>', "$tag..HEAD"); my $item = ""; while(<$revs>) { my $rev = $_; chomp($rev); $item .= ' ' if $item; $item .= $rev; if ($rev =~ /<\{\}>$/) { $item =~ s/<\{\}>//; if ($item =~ m/^[\s\[]*[Bb]ug[\]\s:\-\#]*[0-9]+/) { $item =~ s/^[\s\[]*[Bb]ug[\]\s:\-\#]*([0-9]+)[ -]*/Bug $1 - /; push @bugs, $item; } else { push @improves, $item; } $item = ''; } } $repo->command_close_pipe($revs, $c); print "\nThe following bugs have been fixed:\n"; foreach my $bug (sort @bugs) { text_format($bug, ' ', ' '); } print "\nOther repairs or enhancements not marked as bugs:\n\n"; foreach my $other (@improves) { text_format($other, ' ', ' '); } print "*****HTML OUTPUT*****\n\n"; print "
    Between $tag and XXX, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
    The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports: