/******************************************************************** * qofmath128.h -- an 128-bit integer library * * Copyright (C) 2004 Linas Vepstas * * Copyright (C) 2014 John Ralls * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * *******************************************************************/ #ifndef GNCINT128_H #define GNCINT128_H extern "C" { #ifndef __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1 #endif #ifndef __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS 1 #endif #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1 #endif #include } #include #include #include #include //using std::string; /** @addtogroup GncInt128 * @ingroup QOF * @{ * @brief provides a 125-bit int as a base class for GncNumeric. * * In order to make space for the status flags the upper leg is limited to * 0x1fffffffffffffff. Attempting to construct a GncInt128 with a larger upper * leg will throw a std::overflow_error. * * All the usual operators are provided. Only the constructors and explicit * integer conversions throw; all other errors are indicated by the overflow and * NaN ("Not a Number") flags. Note that performing any operation on an * overflowed or NaN Gncint128 will yield an overflowed or NaN result, so * calling routines need not check until the end of a chained calculation. * GncInt128 uses implicit copy and move constructors and implicit destructor. */ class GncInt128 { uint64_t m_hi; uint64_t m_lo; public: static const unsigned int flagbits = 3; static const unsigned int numlegs = 2; static const unsigned int legbits = 64; static const unsigned int maxbits = legbits * numlegs - flagbits; enum // Values for m_flags { pos = 0, neg = 1, overflow = 2, NaN = 4 }; /** @addtogroup Constructors Constructors * Constructors are templated so that a GncInt128 can be constructed from any * arbitrary integer type or pair of integer types. * @note If the two parameters are of differing sign, it's taken to * mean that the lower magnitude is *reducing* the magnitude of the * upper, so the lower magnitude will be subracted from UINT64_MAX to * obtain the lower limb value. * @{ */ /** Default constructor. Makes 0. */ GncInt128(); template GncInt128(T lower) : GncInt128(INT64_C(0), static_cast(lower)) { static_assert (std::is_integral(), "GncInt128 can be constructed only with " "integral arguments."); } GncInt128(uint64_t lower) : GncInt128 {UINT64_C(0), lower} {} /** Double-integer constructor template. */ template GncInt128(T upper, U lower, unsigned char flags = '\0') : GncInt128 {static_cast(upper), static_cast(lower), flags} { static_assert (std::is_integral(), "GncInt128 can be constructed only with " "integral arguments."); static_assert (std::is_integral(), "GncInt128 can be constructed only with " "integral arguments."); } GncInt128 (int64_t upper, int64_t lower, unsigned char flags = '\0'); template GncInt128(T upper, uint64_t lower) : GncInt128 {static_cast(upper), lower} { static_assert (std::is_integral(), "GncInt128 can be constructed only with " "integral arguments."); } GncInt128 (int64_t upper, uint64_t lower, unsigned char flags = '\0'); GncInt128 (uint64_t upper, uint64_t lower, unsigned char flags = '\0'); /** @} */ /** * Clear the object. * * Sets all member variables to zero. * @return A reference to the object for chaining. */ GncInt128& zero() noexcept; /** * Compare function. * * @return -1 if the object is less than the parameter, 0 if they're * equal, and 1 if the object is greater. */ int cmp (const GncInt128& b) const noexcept; /** * Computes the Greatest Common Divisor between the object and parameter * * @return A GncInt128 having the GCD. */ GncInt128 gcd (GncInt128 b) const noexcept; /** * Computes the Least Common Multiple between the object and parameter * * @return A GncInt128 having the LCM. */ GncInt128 lcm (const GncInt128& b) const noexcept; /** * Computes the object raised to the parameter's power * * @param b The power to raise this to. No point in taking a GncInt128, any * value greater than 128 would overflow on any value other than 1. * @return A GncInt128 */ GncInt128 pow (unsigned int n) const noexcept; /** * Computes a quotient and a remainder, passed as reference parameters. * * 'this' is the dividend. The quotient and remainder args must be initialized * to zero. * @param d The divisor * @param q The quotient; will be NaN if divisor = 0 * @param r The remainder; will be 0 if divisor = 0 */ void div (const GncInt128& d, GncInt128& q, GncInt128& r) const noexcept; /** * Explicit conversion to int64_t. * * @return A int64_t * @throws std::overflow_error if the object's value is > INT64_MAX or NaN. * @throws std::underflow_error if the object's value is < INT64_MIN */ explicit operator int64_t() const; /** * Explicit conversion to uint64_t. * * @return A uint64_t * @throws std::overflow_error if the object's value is > UINT64_MAX or NaN. * @throws std::underflow_error if the object's value is < 0. */ explicit operator uint64_t() const; /** * @return true if the object value is < 0 */ bool isNeg () const noexcept; /** * @return true if the object value is > INT64_MAX or < INT64_MIN */ bool isBig () const noexcept; /** * @return true if a calculation has produced a result of larger * magnitude than can be contained in the 128 bits available. */ bool isOverflow () const noexcept; /** * @return true if an illegal calculation has occurred. */ bool isNan () const noexcept; /** * @return true if the object represents 0. */ bool isZero() const noexcept; /** * @return true if neither the overflow nor nan flags are set. */ bool valid() const noexcept; /** * @return the number of bits used to represent the value */ unsigned int bits() const noexcept; /** * Fills a supplied buffer with a representation of the number in base 10. If * the GncInt128 is overflowed or NaN it will contain the words "Overflow" or * "NaN" respectively. * * @param buf char[41], 39 digits plus sign and trailing 0. * @return pointer to the buffer for convenience */ char* asCharBufR(char* buf) const noexcept; GncInt128 abs() const noexcept; GncInt128 operator-() const noexcept; explicit operator bool() const noexcept; GncInt128& operator++ () noexcept; GncInt128& operator++ (int) noexcept; GncInt128& operator-- () noexcept; GncInt128& operator-- (int) noexcept; GncInt128& operator<<= (unsigned int i) noexcept; GncInt128& operator>>= (unsigned int i) noexcept; GncInt128& operator+= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator-= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator*= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator/= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator%= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator&= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator|= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128& operator^= (const GncInt128& b) noexcept; }; static const GncInt128 k_gncint128_Max {UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX, GncInt128::pos}; static const GncInt128 k_gncint128_Min {UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX, GncInt128::neg}; GncInt128 operator+ (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator- (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator* (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator/ (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator% (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator& (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator| (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator^ (GncInt128 a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator<< (GncInt128 a, unsigned int b) noexcept; GncInt128 operator>> (GncInt128 a, unsigned int b) noexcept; bool operator== (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; bool operator!= (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; bool operator<= (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; bool operator>= (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; bool operator< (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; bool operator> (const GncInt128& a, const GncInt128& b) noexcept; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const GncInt128&) noexcept; /** Compute the greatest common denominator of two integers */ GncInt128 gcd (int64_t a, int64_t b); /** Compute the least common multiple of two integers */ GncInt128 lcm (int64_t a, int64_t b); #endif //GNCINT128_H /** @} */