/********************************************************************\ * Scrub2.h -- Low-level Lot Management Routines. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * \********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup Engine @{ */ /** @addtogroup Scrub Data Validation @{ */ /** @file Scrub2.h * @brief Utilities to Convert Stock Accounts to use Lots * @author Created by Linas Vepstas March 2003 * @author Copyright (c) 2003 Linas Vepstas */ #ifndef XACC_SCRUB2_H #define XACC_SCRUB2_H #include "gnc-engine.h" /** @name Lot Management Routines * Provides the low-level API for checking and repairing ('scrubbing * clean') the usage of Lots and lot balances in stock and commodity * accounts. Broken lots are repaired using a first-in, first-out * (FIFO) accounting schedule. * * This is a 'low-level' API in the sense that each routine accomplishes * only one particular task needed to clean up a Lot. To clean up a * Lot as a whole, you almost certainly want to use one of the * high-level API routines from the Scrub3.h file. @{ */ /** The xaccAccountAssignLots() routine will walk over all of * the splits in an account, and make sure that each belongs * to a lot. Currently, the default (and only implemented) * assignment policy is a FIFO policy: Any splits that are * not in a lot will be used to close the oldest open lot(s). * If there are no open lots, a new lot will be started. * By trying to close the oldest lots, this effectively * implements a FIFO accounting policy. */ void xaccAccountAssignLots (Account *acc); /** The xaccLotFill() routine attempts to assign splits to the * indicated lot until the lot balance goes to zero, or until * there are no suitable (i.e. unassigned) splits left in the * account. It uses the default accounting policy to choose * the splits to fill out the lot. */ void xaccLotFill (GNCLot *lot); /** The xaccLotScrubDoubleBalance() routine examines the indicated * lot. If it is open, it does nothing. If it is closed, * it then verifies that the lot is 'double balanced'. * By 'double balance', we mean that both the sum of the * split amounts is zero, and that the sum of the split * values is zero. If the lot is closed and the sum of the * values is not zero, the lot is considered to have a * 'realized gain or loss' that hadn't been correctly handled. * This routine then creates a balancing transaction to so * as to record the realized gain/loss, adds it to the lot, * and adds it to a gain/loss account. If there is no default * gain/loss account, it creates one. */ void xaccLotScrubDoubleBalance (GNCLot *lot); /** The xaccScrubMergeSubSplits() routine will merge together * all of the splits that were at one time split off from this * split, but are no longer needed to be kept separate. Splits * might be split up if they need to be divided over multiple * lots; they can be merged back together if the lots change. * In particular, two sub-splits may be merged if they are in * the same lot, or in no lot. Note that, by definition, all * subsplits belong to the same transaction. * * There are two ways to find matching subsplits. The first * way will consider splits to be subsplits only if they * are explicitly marked as such while splitting the original * split. Set strict to TRUE for this matching algorithm. * * The second way is more relaxed. It will consider any two * splits that happen to be part of the same lot and the * same transaction to be subsplits. Set strict to FALSE for * this matching algorithm. * * The routine returns TRUE if a merger was performed, else * it returns FALSE. */ gboolean xaccScrubMergeSubSplits (Split *split, gboolean strict); /** The xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits() routine does the same as * the xaccScrubMergSubSplits, except that it does it * for all of the splits in the lot. */ gboolean xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (GNCLot *lot, gboolean strict); #endif /* XACC_SCRUB2_H */ /** @} */ /** @} */ /** @} */