/* Authors: Eric M. Ludlam * Russ McManus * Dave Peticolas * * gfec stands for 'guile fancy error catching'. * This code is in the public domain. */ #include #include #include #include "gfec.h" #include "gnc-guile-utils.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #if COMPILER(MSVC) # define strdup _strdup #endif static const QofLogModule log_module = G_LOG_DOMAIN; static SCM gfec_string_from_utf8(void *data) { char *str = (char*)data; return scm_from_utf8_string(str); } static SCM gfec_string_from_locale(void *data) { char *str = (char*)data; return scm_from_locale_string(str); } static SCM gfec_string_inner_handler(void *data, SCM key, SCM args) { char *str = (char*)data; SCM scm_string = scm_internal_catch(SCM_BOOL_T, gfec_string_from_locale, (void*)str, gfec_string_inner_handler, (void*)str); return scm_string; } SCM gfec_eval_string(const char *str, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:eval-string-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error = SCM_UNDEFINED; /* Deal with the possibility that scm_from_utf8_string will * throw, falling back to scm_from_locale_string. If that fails, log a * warning and punt. */ SCM scm_string = scm_internal_catch(SCM_BOOL_T, gfec_string_from_utf8, (void*)str, gfec_string_inner_handler, (void*)str); if (!scm_string) { error_handler("Contents could not be interpreted as UTF-8 or the current locale/codepage."); return result; } call_result = scm_call_1 (func, scm_string); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; } SCM gfec_eval_file(const char *file, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { gchar *contents = NULL; GError *save_error = NULL; SCM result; if (!g_file_get_contents (file, &contents, NULL, &save_error)) { gchar *full_msg = g_strdup_printf ("Couldn't read contents of %s.\nReason: %s", file, save_error->message); error_handler(full_msg); g_error_free (save_error); g_free(full_msg); return SCM_UNDEFINED; } result = gfec_eval_string (contents, error_handler); g_free (contents); if (!result) { gchar *full_msg = g_strdup_printf ("Couldn't read contents of %s", file); error_handler(full_msg); g_free(full_msg); } return result; } SCM gfec_apply(SCM proc, SCM arglist, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:apply-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error; call_result = scm_call_2 (func, proc, arglist); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; } static int error_in_scm_eval = FALSE; static void error_handler(const char *msg) { g_warning("%s", msg); error_in_scm_eval = TRUE; } gboolean gfec_try_load(const gchar *fn) { DEBUG("looking for %s", fn); if (g_file_test(fn, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { DEBUG("trying to load %s", fn); error_in_scm_eval = FALSE; gfec_eval_file(fn, error_handler); return !error_in_scm_eval; } return FALSE; }